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正中共福建省委党校、福建行政学院闽台关系研究基地秉承服务海西建设,培育打造省委、省政府对台决策咨询服务思想库和党政领导干部涉台培训基地的建设目标,整合社会学、经济学、政治学等领域研究力量,聚焦闽台区域族群文化、闽台社会融合、平潭开放开发、闽台产业合作、闽台政法互动等研究领域。研究基地出版刊物《闽台关系研究》(季刊),设有闽台历史文化、闽台经贸合作、闽台民间交流、两岸政治法律等栏目。中共福建省委党校副校长、福建行政学院副院长刘大可教授任研究基地首席专家,其长期从  相似文献   

环海峡经济区的发展目标与战略 1、海峡经济区的发展目标 (1)近期目标:近期要在“试点直航”和“金马直航”的基础上,以闽台直接“三通”为突破口,适当放宽某些政策,包括扩大“小三通”的范围、建立闽台特殊运输航线、建立闽台CEPA、在福建和台湾之间设立自由贸易区试点等,对两岸经济交流与合作做出某种类似CEPA的贸易优惠和投资便利化的安排。  相似文献   

建国初期,在探索中国农村农业合作道路的过程中,由于种种复杂的原因,中国共产党人对于农业合作经济与集体经济,农业合作与社会主义、与农业现代化、与家庭经营等问题存在某种程度的认识遮蔽。为促进新时期农业合作的发展,在理论上厘清农业合作经济与集体经济、农业合作与社会主义、农业合作与农业现代化、农业合作与家庭经营的关系是非常必要的。  相似文献   

深化中俄农业合作 保障我国粮食安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化的大趋势下各国之间的合作越来越多元化,"一带一路"政策的实施使我国与周边国家的合作日益深化。在农业合作方面,中俄两国有扎实的基础,合作也不断向纵深发展。通过研究中国与俄罗斯两国的农业特点,对两国农业进行互补性分析,得出两国在农产品结构、土地资源、劳动力资源以及农业科技等方面存在深厚合作基础的论断。结合两国的政治、经济、粮食安全等背景,对中俄在农业合作中的现状以及存在的问题进行探析,在模式、政策、科技等方面提出发展农业合作的针对性建议,以深化中俄农业合作,保障我国的粮食安全。  相似文献   

<正>一部刻画14年抗战期间闽台两地抵抗日本军国主义侵略行径的历史著作——《闽台抗战史》,历时一年基本编撰完成,近期将与读者见面。《闽台抗战史》是一部图文并茂的插图本读物,书中收入了大量记录闽台两地抗战历程的原始珍贵图片。书中对台湾各地不同规模的抵抗日本殖民统治的活动、台湾义勇队在福建的抗日活动、台湾社会抵抗日本殖民统治的文化意识、福建抗日运动的兴起与  相似文献   

具有共同深厚传统中华文化的海峡两岸,实在没有理由不密切携手合作 4月,春暖花开之际,闽台文化交流活动此起彼伏——"2008妈祖之光"大型电视综艺晚会4日和6日分别在台湾台中县和台南市成功举行,共吸引了15万名台胞现场观看;第三届海沧保生慈济文化节17日在厦门海沧青礁慈济宫拉开序幕,包括2000  相似文献   

推进农业产业化 ,增强农业的市场竞争力 ,必须打破小农经济的束缚 ,克服“小农户”与“大市场”的矛盾 ,重塑和培育农户、农业企业和农业合作经济组织三元并联的农业产业化经营主体 ,大力发展农业龙头企业和农业合作经济组织 ,提高农民的组织化程度  相似文献   

沈忻昕 《侨园》2007,(3):12-13
近几年,两岸在农业方面的合作喜事连连,如2006年10月19日到20日,海峡两岸农业合作展介会在福建厦门举行,近2000台湾业者参展、近6万人观展,签约总额达180多亿元人民币,签订两岸农业合作项目近500个,由此可见两岸农业合作空间十分广阔。  相似文献   

加强农业交流与合作,是两岸应对世界农业贸易体制变化的必然选择由中共中央台湾工作办公室海峡两岸关系研究中心与中国国民党国政研究基金会共同举办的两岸农业合作论坛,10月17日在海南省博鳌举行。中国共产党、中国国民党、亲民党、新党高层领导人及400多位业界学界精英共聚一堂,以“加强两岸农业合作,实现两岸农业互利双赢”为主题,以谋求两岸同胞福祉为宗旨,共  相似文献   

党的十八大报告提出"创新开放模式"和"培育开放型经济发展新优势"。中俄农业科技合作有历史渊源与现实需求,要适应经济全球化的新形势,构建新的农业科技合作新模式,推进中俄科技合作的进程,解决存在的问题,加快开放合作的步伐,培育形成新的经济发展方式。  相似文献   

The article discusses the U. S. role in cross-strait relations before and after the political power transition in Taiwan during 2008. It explores the question of whether a new dynamic is shaping the Beijing-Taipei-Washington trilateral relations with the significant relaxation of cross-strait relations, and how that affects Washington’s ability to influence the direction of cross-strait relations in the future. More specifically the paper analyzes the role the United States played in shaping the new reality in the Taiwan Straits, and the evolving thinking on Taiwan in American strategic and political circles. It will also discuss how Washington has managed the cross-strait relations so far as well as how Beijing and Taipei have handled the American factor on some sensitive issues. Finally it will look at the potential benefits and limitations that the United States could contribute to achieving a higher level of reconciliation and integration between the two sides across the Taiwan Straits.  相似文献   

It is often argued that at the root of the Taiwan question are the myriad differences in politics, ideology, identity, and economy between mainland China and Taiwan. Any prospect for its peaceful resolution, it seems, hinges on bridging those differences through economic and/or political integration. Although the Taiwan conundrum has much to do with wide-ranging cross-strait divergence, this article argues that it cannot be disconnected from one important commonality between Beijing and Taipei, namely, a cross-strait normative convergence on the Westphalian notion of state sovereignty. Encompassing an exclusionary understanding of final authority, territory, and identity, Westphalian sovereignty provides both Beijing and Taipei with a common meaning that Taiwan is an issue of sovereignty, central to their respective national identity and political survival and hence not subject to compromise. As a consequence, it argues that this common meaning is paradoxically responsible for much of the mistrust, tension, and deadlock in cross-strait relations. In order to find a long-term solution to the Taiwan impasse, we need to pay attention to this particular normative convergence as well as to the many differences across the Taiwan Strait.  相似文献   

农业农村优先发展是实施乡村振兴战略,加快推进农业农村现代化的根本保障。本文结合当前我国农业农村发展面临的现实矛盾和困境,深入阐述了农业农村优先发展的资源配置逻辑,提出了进一步推进户籍制度改革,加快劳动力非农转移、农民市民化进程;推动农村土地制度改革,促进农地流转及适度规模经营,提高农业劳动生产率;推动农村集体产权制度改革,适应城市资本下乡与农民财产性增收的现实需求;推进农村基本经营制度改革,促进农业社会化服务市场发育,构建小农户与现代农业产业经营的有效衔接机制等优先发展的实践路径和保障机制。  相似文献   

党的十七大报告在阐述和部署社会主义新农村建设任务时明确提出,要建立以工促农、以城带乡长效机制,形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局。目前城乡经济社会一体化还存在一些问题,通过调整对农政策、加强基础设施建设、发展农村公共事业和加快小城镇建设等途径可以缩小城乡差距。  相似文献   

对三农问题的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涂明明 《学理论》2012,(15):91-93
近些年来,三农问题已成为全党及全社会越来越关注的热点问题,三农问题关系国民经济的健康稳定发展和国家的长治久安,关系到我国现代化建设和全面小康的实现,三农问题不仅是一个重大的经济问题,也是一个重大的政治问题。从三农问题的突出表现以及形成的复杂原因进行分析,探讨解决三农问题的途径。  相似文献   


Cambodia is facing the familiar problem of achieving sustained rates of economic growth that could help it alleviate widespread poverty. Against the background of some encouraging developments, and quite a few that are not equally reassuring, we argue that any push for development needs to consider both agriculture and industry. This is so as both labour absorption, primarily in secondary sector activities, and productivity growth in agriculture are necessary to lift large segments of the population out of the poverty associated with subsistence agriculture, landlessness and informal sector activities. Given that the major success story of the past decade – the garment and textile industry – is under threat, we conclude that Cambodia is yet to achieve an economic take-off.  相似文献   

高雄市港当前发展课题之比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高雄市是台湾南部第一大都市,高雄港也是台湾第一大港。地方发展潜力原本雄厚,但在全球化的地区竞争趋势下,高雄地区由于面临台湾的其他地区以及中国大陆、亚太国家乃至于全球其他区域的资源竞逐,因此,高雄市与高雄港的竞争优势已大不如前。当此之际,如何培植其发展实力,为高雄市港进行产业发展进行分析,培养地区发展的相对竞争优势,成为今日高雄地方发展的核心议题。基此,研究除将藉由台北、高雄两地产业的区位商数分析与相关产业区位因素评选分析,阐明高雄产业“重工业轻服务业”的失衡现象外,并针对两岸三港(高雄港、上海港与深圳港)的营运情势进行探究,期望能有效厘清高雄市港今日面临的发展盲点,进而提供高雄未来地方发展建议。  相似文献   

An armed conflict between Taiwan and China is not unthinkable in the future. For historical, geographical, economic, and diplomatic reasons, Japan would not be able to stand on the sidelines. Relying on three major concepts—national interests, path dependence and balance of power, this paper explores Japan’s three possible roles in the event of a cross-Strait conflict. First, Japan could pass the buck, staying out of the conflict as much as possible and providing at most logistical and intelligence support for an American military operation. Second, it could balance power, throwing its weight behind Washington against Beijing. Finally, it could play peacemaker. At the end of the article, the author discusses several key factors that would shape Tokyo’s decision-making in the event of a cross-Strait conflict and assesses the relative probability of each option. He is the author ofExplaining Chinese Democratization (Praeger, 2000). His recent research interests include Chinese pacifism and China’s historical place in the world. For their comments, the author would like to thank anonymous reviewers, Natalie Edwards, Mei Guan, Sujian Guo, James Hsiung, Wade Hudson, Erica Johnson, Chien Liu, Andrew Needle, Anne Schotter, Steve Snow, Liang Tang, Wallace Thies, Yong Wang, and Kim Worthy.  相似文献   

中国台湾的女孩生存问题及其公共政策治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过网络、国际会议、期刊等媒介搜集相关资料,首先对中国台湾省的女孩生存问题的态势和原因进行了梳理,发现台湾的女孩生存问题主要由出生性别比反映出来,呈现出总体上升趋势,但主要在略高于正常值的范围内波动;导致台湾女孩生存问题的原因包括根源性原因、条件性原因和直接原因。其次对台湾在女孩生存问题方面的公共政策治理措施及其效果进行了分析,发现台湾不仅采取了针对女孩生存问题的直接措施,也采取了促进妇女发展的间接措施,涉及到法律、政治、经济、人口、文化等各个领域,并建立了确保治理措施付诸于实施的运行机制。这些公共政策治理措施虽然在短期内并没有改变台湾女孩生存问题的现状,但对于提高妇女地位、促进妇女发展产生了一定的积极影响。最后借鉴台湾针对女孩生存问题治理的经验和教训,立足于大陆女孩生存问题及其治理的特点,分别从战略和操作化两个层次为大陆地区女孩生存问题的治理提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive review of various reports, articles documents and papers literature related to the assessment of climate change impacts on crop productivity, and will focus on how climate change and affects agriculture productivity. Agricultural practice is affected by climate changes because of its direct dependence on climatic changes. There are two methods of relationships between agriculture and climate change and has huge significance especially for developing and underdeveloped or low‐income countries, who are largely dependent on agriculture for subsistence and their lack of infrastructure for adaptation as compared with developed countries. Geographically high‐latitude areas with already existence of low temperature, by virtue of increasing temperature due to climate changes, could allow for the longer growing season. Agricultural fields are affected by the emission of GHG such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane. Gasses have an effect on climate through the discharge of greenhouse gasses. Emissions mostly come from the tillage practices, fossil fuels, fertilized agricultural soils, and farm animal's manure in a huge amount and affected the agriculture sector. On the contrary, agriculture could be a solution for climate change by reducing emission and implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions widely. It will happen with the assistance of best management practices such as agroforestry practice, organic farming, rainwater harvesting, irrigation planning, and manure management.  相似文献   

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