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现在,城镇企业职工基本养老保险实行的是统账结合的制度模式,但绝大多数地区实际运行的大多是现收现付的制度模式。制度改革的可能方向是合理调整制度建设思路,以个人帐户为目标,逐步提高单位缴费进人个人账户的比例,加快做实个人账户的进程,同时逐步缩小统账帐户比例。作为制度的重大转型,考虑到制度转型启动之初财政投入的有限,及现有社保基金保值增值难等问题,  相似文献   

再有两个月,随着新的医疗保险制度在全国范围内的全面启动、实施,以城镇职工为对象、支撑了40多年的公费医疗制度和劳保医疗制度将正式完成历史使命而“寿终正寝”c从1986年推出“疾病住院保险”以来,几经周折,多方探索,终于确立了以“社会统筹和个人账户相结合”为基本模式的新医疗保险制度,从政府的角度看,这将是一个了不起的改革成果,因为它为配套推进企业改革,建立健全社会保障体系,进一步推动社会主义市场经济进程,建起了一个重要基础。而对公费医疗、劳保医疗“保险”有着很深依赖的城镇职工,其感受却显然没有这么好。尽…  相似文献   

浦任 《瞭望》2001,(12)
全国政协常委、卫生部卫生检疫顾问杨大峥在谈到天津大港区医保试点运行半年时说,广大参保人员特别是困难单位职工的基本医疗得到了保障,不合理开支得到遏制,取得了一定的成效。有的同志把这项改革归纳为六句话:个人账户管门诊,社会统筹管住院,慢性疾病有小补,高额费用有救助,特殊人群另照顾,困难企业皆欢喜。但在调查中发现,在天津和其他地方的医保试点过程中仍存在不少问题,主要是:   门诊病人的保障还不够到位。表现在门诊特殊病种范围过少,个人账户记入较少,门诊医疗费个人负担较重;手续不够简便,参保人员感到麻烦;…  相似文献   

(一)顺应大趋势,推进制度的大创新和大转型现在,城镇企业职工基本养老保险实行的是统账结合的制度模式,但绝大多数地区实际运行的大多是现收现付的制度模式。制度改革的可能方向是合理调整制度建设思路,以个人帐户为目标,逐步提高单位缴费进人个人账户的比例,加快做实个人账户  相似文献   

近几年东北老工业基地将扩大基本养老保险面作为缓解资金短缺的重要措施。但由于受到其自身经济的发展和养老保险制度本身缺陷的影响 ,扩面的工作进展不大。我们认为“扩面”的思路正确 ,但必须首先妥善解决历史空账、降低企业保费率、增加个人账户的透明度 ,才能为扩面工作提供必要条件。  相似文献   

农民工养老保险制度试想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国现有的社会保障制度,特别是养老保险制度还未能将包括8亿农民在内的全休国民纳入社保体系。要构建全覆盖的具有弹性的养老保险制度,可以从处于城镇化最前沿的农民工群体开始,进行如下初步设计。建立个人账户。建立按参保人身份证号码编号的基本制度框架,建立全国统一的实名个人账户,实行缴费确定型、缴赞门槛较低、缴费方式灵活、可随人转移的、适合农民工特点的弹性社会养老保险制度。  相似文献   

计发办法是养老保险制度的关键环节,涉及广大参保人员的切身利益。现行养老金个人账户按月计发办法从短期看可获得较高的额外收益,但从长期看,该计发办法下养老金随着年龄的增长逐步下降且存在较大的基金缺口。针对现有问题,本文从寿险精算原理出发,对以年金形式发放养老金进行实例测算分析,探讨个人账户养老金合理的计发方式。  相似文献   

持续推进城镇企业职工基本养老保险改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《城镇企业职工基本养老保险关系转移接续暂行办法》施行后,我国城镇企业职工基本养老保险改革将取得一系列新进展,最大限度地保护城镇企业职工的基本养老保险权益。然而,这一转移接续办法只是弥补了城镇企业职工基本养老保险的部分缺陷,并没有根本消除人才自由流动的养老保险制度壁垒,是一项过渡性的权宜政策。如果我国城镇企业职工基本养老保险坚持部分积累制,就最终要实现全国统筹。而要实现基本养老保险全国统筹,就必须认真贯彻执行新的转移接续办法,改革基础养老金的计发办法,加快金保工程建设步伐,大力推进基本养老保险省级统筹,继续坚持做实个人账户。  相似文献   

中国城镇社会养老保险制度分析:困境与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
车文辉  孔金平 《行政论坛》2003,(6):70-71,87
我国的城镇社会养老保险制度已经从一个以企业为基本养老保险单位的现收现付制,走向了一个初具轮廓、全国统一的社会养老保险模式,然而,社会养老保险制度在运行过程中,存在着隐性债务巨大、个人账户“空壳化”、制度覆盖面缺损、缴费率高等问题。政府必须正确认识养老保险体制转轨问题,切实承担起解决隐性债务的责任,实行社会统筹与个人账户资金分开管理,建立健全退休制度,建立起退休关联型养老金制度。  相似文献   

从多层次到多支柱:养老保障体系改革再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对多层次养老保险体系反思的基础上,从多支柱理论和我国现实国情出发,构建了以多支柱为核心特征的养老保障体系。零支柱:以低收入者和农民为对象的普惠制国民养老金,旨在防止老年贫困。第一支柱:以正式就业者为对象,由基本养老保险社会统筹部分改造而来的基本养老金,目标在于保障就业者退休后的基本生活,突出社会再分配。第二支柱:以正式就业者为对象,由基本养老保险个人账户部分和企业年金计划合并而来的职业年金计划,使退休职工生活水平比单一的第一支柱有所改善,同时有助于应对老龄化危机。第三支柱:自愿性的个人养老储蓄计划,为有较高需求的高收入者提供的更高层次的保护。  相似文献   

State governments are frequently said to manipulate the discount rate assumption to make pension funding look better, reduce employers' and employees' pension contributions, or relieve fiscal stress. Building a model from the political embeddedness perspective and applying an event history analysis to the 81 largest state‐administered pension plans in the United States, the authors found that more politically embedded pension boards were actually more likely to reduce their plan's discount rate. Public union coverage and government political ideology, however, had no significant impact on discount rate changes. These findings reveal the effect of political embeddedness on pension planning decisions and provide useful insights into the intricate process of setting pension discount rates in a new era of more muted investment return expectations. This article points to both political and financial pressures facing pension boards and state governments for many years to come.  相似文献   

The new, partially privatized social security system adopted by Chile in 1981 has attracted attention in many parts of the world. Since then, a number of Latin American countries have implemented the Chilean model, with some variations: either with a single- or multi-tier system, or with a period of transition to take care of those in the labor force at the time of the change. The single-tier version consists of a privatized program with individual accounts in pension fund management companies. Multi-tier systems have a privatized component and retain some form of public program. This article describes each of the new programs in Latin America, their background, and similarities and differences among them. Much more information is available for Chile than for the other countries (in part because Chile has the oldest system), enough to be able to evaluate what, in most cases, is the most accurate information. That is often not the case for the other countries, especially when dealing with subjects such as transition costs and net rates of return (rates of return minus administrative fees). No country has copied the Chilean system exactly. Bolivia, El Salvador, and Mexico have closed their public systems and set up mandatory individual accounts. Argentina has a mixed public/private system with three tiers. In Colombia and Peru, workers have a choice between the public and private programs. Uruguay created a two-tier mixed system. Costa Rica has a voluntary program for individual accounts as a supplement to the pay-as-you-go program and has just passed a law setting up mandatory accounts containing employer contributions for severance pay. All of the countries continue to face unresolved issues, including: High rates of noncompliance--the percentage of enrollees who do not actively and regularly contribute to their accounts--which could lead to low benefits and greater costs to the governments that offer a guaranteed minimum benefit; Proportionately lower benefits for women and lower earners than for men and higher earners; A minimum required rate of return among the pension fund management companies (in most of these countries) that has resulted in similarity among the companies and the consequent lack of meaningful choice; and High administrative fees in most of these countries, which reduce the individual's effective rate of return. To what extent these issues can be mitigated or resolved in the future is not yet clear. In general, a definitive assessment of the Chilean model and its Latin American variations will not be possible until a cohort of retirees has spent most of its career under the new system.  相似文献   

From 1981 to 2004, a paradigm shift occurred in pension systems worldwide as more than 30 countries fully or partially replaced their state‐administered pay‐as‐you‐go pension systems with ones based on individual, private savings accounts. Yet in 2005, pension privatization abruptly stopped. After the 2008 crisis, several countries that had privatized their pension systems scaled back or even canceled individual accounts. Is the new pension paradigm dead? And if so, why? This article shows that fiscal and ideational factors caused a temporary halt to pension privatization worldwide and induced transnational pension policy networks to find new ways to respond to perceived failures. Adjustments to the new pension paradigm such as emphasizing minimum pensions and recommending that governments “nudge” rather than mandate pension savings will enable pension privatization to continue in years ahead, albeit in a revised form.  相似文献   


While the governance of pension schemes, and the risk this poses for pension savers, is a prominent issue in current pension debate in the UK, this paper places that debate in, arguably, the more important context of the governance of individual behaviour. Using the concept of governmentality as a means of interpreting the course of recent UK pension policy and its attempts to influence individual saving behaviour, it critiques that policy. The paper then goes on to consider the effect of the introduction of personal accounts upon the pensions landscape, and in particular its potential to push forward the government's recent approach to pension provision. It argues that these reforms, rather than furthering individual saving for retirement, may alternatively create the very real possibility of undermining it.  相似文献   

This article examines the U.K. retirement income security system from the American perspective. It addresses issues that most concern U.S. analysts: how the United Kingdom has kept its future public pension costs at a manageable level, the extent to which privatization of public pensions has contributed to low pension costs, the popular appeal of individual pension accounts, and the impact of privatization on retirement income. These issues are best understood in the context of the U.K. pension program's particular institutional structure and policies, two of which--"contracting out" of public pensions, and strong reliance on means-tested benefits--have been largely rejected in the evolution of U.S. policy to date. Particular use is made of recently available data on coverage rates for public and private pension programs over the total working population and administrative records on inactive personal pension accounts.  相似文献   

Next generation of individual account pension reforms in Latin America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Latin America led the world in introducing individual retirement accounts intended to complement or replace defined benefit state-sponsored, pay-as-you-go systems. After Chile implemented the first system in 1981, a number of other Latin American countries incorporated privately managed individual accounts as part of their retirement income systems beginning in the 1990s. This article examines the subsequent "reform of the reform" of these pension systems, with a focus on the recent overhaul of the Chilean system and major reforms in Mexico, Peru, and Colombia. The authors analyze key elements of pension reform in the region relating to individual accounts: system coverage, fees, competition, investment, the impact of gender on benefits, financial education, voluntary savings, and payouts.  相似文献   

在老龄化不断加深、居民消费率增长缓慢、消费需求日益多元化的背景下,研究不同类别养老保险对居民家庭消费水平和消费结构的影响日益重要。采用CGSS(2015)调查数据,使用倾向值匹配(PSM)回归模型,分析不同类别养老保险对居民家庭消费水平和消费结构的影响及内在机制,研究发现:参加基本养老保险和商业性养老保险均会显著增加居民家庭总消费、生存性消费和发展性消费,基本养老保险和商业性养老保险对发展性消费的增加效应均大于生存性消费;参加商业性养老保险对居民家庭总消费、生存性消费和发展性消费的增加效应大于基本养老保险;养老保险影响居民家庭消费的核心机制是居民的总收入以及再分配偏好。为拉动居民消费,应把第三支柱的个人养老金缴费纳入个人所得税专项或专项附加扣除;提高基础养老金的水平,进一步落实养老金水平的动态调整机制。  相似文献   

Based on data for private wage and salary workers in May 1988, this article examined pension coverage under two types of employer-sponsored pension plans. Some of the factors associated with employer-financed pension coverage were also examined, and comparisons were made to findings on pension coverage of full-time workers in 1972, 1979, and 1983. "Covered" workers were defined as those actually participating in a pension plan. Among all private sector employees studied, 34 percent were covered by a "basic" pension plan (most of which, presumably, were defined benefit plans), and 14 percent were covered by a pretax retirement savings plan--a subtype of defined contribution plan. With 7 percent of the respondents covered by both types of plans, the total coverage rate under employer-sponsored plans was 41 percent. Twelve percent of the respondents reported that they had contributed to an IRA in 1987. The reported IRA usage was somewhat higher among those already covered by a pension plan than among noncovered workers. Six percent of the respondents were not covered by an employer-sponsored plan but were contributing to an IRA, yielding a total of 47 percent who were participating in either an employer-sponsored or an individual retirement plan. While it was assumed--as in previous studies--that all "basic" coverage was being funded by employers, only four-fifths of those in pretax retirement savings plans reported that employers were also contributing to these plans. The remainder of the analysis was restricted to coverage under employer-financed plans, and it was further restricted to full-time workers. A total of 46 percent of these workers were covered under employer-financed pension plans--33 percent covered only by a basic plan, 7 percent covered only by a pretax plan, and 6 percent dually covered. Among men, the coverage rate was 49 percent, compared with 43 percent among women. Several individual and job-related characteristics were found to be associated with employer-financed pension coverage among full-time employees. Coverage rates were quite low among workers under age 25, but were substantially higher among those aged 35-59. Pension coverage was also low among those with less than 5 years of employment on the job, but relatively high among those with 5 years or more of job tenure. Coverage rate differences by race were not substantial. Whites reported a coverage rate of 47 percent, compared with 42 percent among blacks and 45 percent among other races.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Since the global financial crisis, those East European countries that had partly privatized their pension systems in the 1990s or early 2000s increasingly scaled back their mandatory private retirement accounts and restored the role of public provision. What explains this wave of reversals in pension privatization and variation in its outcomes? Proponents of pension privatization had argued that it would boost domestic capital markets and economic growth. By revealing how pension privatization helped increase sovereign debt and how large a part of pension funds' assets was invested in government bonds, the crisis strengthened the position of domestic opponents of mandatory private accounts. But these actors' capacity and determination to reverse pension privatization depended on the level of their country's public debt and on pension funds' portfolio structure. Empirically, the argument is supported with case studies of Hungarian, Polish, and Slovak pension reform.  相似文献   

由于越来越多的养老基金发起人相信基金管理人不可能取得优于证券市场的表现,再加上他们对指数化策略在解决委托-代理等问题上的企盼,运用指数化策略进行管理的养老基金越来越多。在我国当前养老社会保险基金正准备入市的情况下,对养老基金运用指数化策略的基本原理、运作机制等进行了比较系统的阐述,得出了指数化策略可以作为中国养老社会保险基金的一种投资策略的结论,也许可以为有关决策者提供一点借鉴。  相似文献   

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