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实施区域协调发展战略,是实现中国式现代化的必然要求。陆海统筹战略是区域协调发展战略的重要组成部分,区域协调发展目标的实现离不开陆海统筹的高质量发展。在构建新发展格局的时代背景下,陆海统筹促进区域协调发展需要打通的关键环节和实现路径成为需要关注的重点议题。陆海统筹需要通过畅通国内经济大循环、优化国内国际双循环、推动“五位一体”建设、培育区域发展增长极和促进区域帮扶与合作来促进区域协调发展,然而也面临陆海统筹制度体系尚不完善、区域发展不平衡等突出问题和严峻挑战。通过陆海统筹促进区域协调发展的实现路径有:完善陆海统筹领域的顶层制度设计、探索海陆区域间帮扶合作新机制、提升陆海经济的一体化水平以及加强对海岸带陆海系统的生态保护。  相似文献   

在构建全国统一大市场背景下,需要克服各类阻碍要素流动的制度与时空限制,以新发展理念推动形成整体有序、循环畅通、公正透明的市场环境。陆海统筹对全国统一大市场的构建有着政策安排的承接性和政策功能的回应性,中央和地方层面已有了相关的路径尝试。然而,全国统一大市场建设中的陆海统筹路径面临陆海功能定位与发展方向的不协调、陆海属地化管理导致的治理与利益分割、多重壁垒与垄断制约下的陆海要素流动迟滞、陆海空间规划的嵌套与冲突、陆海法律规则的内部冲突与张力等问题。这就需要探索推进新发展理念引领下的陆海统筹项目制运营,建设跨越时空限制的兼容性陆海信息平台,推动涉海自主知识创造与合理适度的知识产权保护,以新发展格局统筹陆海空间规划,建立陆海规则协调、执法协同的长效机制。  相似文献   

肖鹏  宋炳华 《理论视野》2012,(11):74-76
一、陆海统筹的提出陆海统筹是海洋经济学家张海峰于2004年在北京大学召开的"郑和下西洋600周年"报告会上首先提出的,他认为:"在五个统筹的基础上,应加上‘海陆统筹’……我们的和平崛起的强国战略,必须包含‘海陆统筹,兴海强国’战略。和平崛起,必须有海洋崛起作为重要的支撑,‘海陆统筹,兴海强国’的发展  相似文献   

对于关中—天水经济区而言,统筹科技资源意义重大,关乎到经济区能否持久高效发展。目前经济区内科技资源的统筹工作存在着诸多现实困境,通过地方立法规制的途径可以对其予以规范化治理。既有的地方立法在基本属性、具体形式和主要内容三大维度之上都存在不足之处。基于改善地方立法现状、解决立法现存问题的出发点,地方立法机关须从立法的区域协同性、"规范倾向"性以及可操作性三方面对关中—天水经济区统筹科技资源地方立法的基本理念进行科学设计。  相似文献   

进入新世纪,继珠江三角洲、长江三角洲经济区域展现活力后.环渤海区域正在成为中国经济发展的第三个增长极。在世界经济全球化和区域经济一体化的新形势下,加快环渤海区域经济发展,提高区域整体竞争力,需进一步统筹规划,明确思路,实现联合共赢。  相似文献   

蔡继明 《民主》2004,(5):7-7
中共十六届三中全会提出了统筹城乡发展、统筹区域发展、统筹经济社会发展、统筹人与自然和谐发展、统筹国内发展和对外开放的科学发展观, 而实现经济与社会的协调发展,是这一科学发展观的核心。首先,从党和国家工作中心的转变来看。建国  相似文献   

坚持"五个统筹",确立新的社会发展观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
十六届三中全会提出,按照统筹城乡发展、统筹区域发展、统筹经济社会发展、统筹人与自然和谐发展、统筹国内发展和对外开放的要求,来推进新时期、新阶段的发展.这是一种新的发展观,这标志着我国的社会发展从经济优先发展阶段进入了均衡协调发展的阶段,对于全面建设小康社会具有重大而深远的意义.  相似文献   

正凝心聚力,奋楫扬帆。为深入落实京津冀协同发展战略、促进环渤海城市群与香港交流合作,7月20日,由香港新华集团牵头成立的"环渤海企业家联盟"揭牌仪式在天津举行,"环渤海区域经济发展暨服务京津冀协同发展高峰论坛"亦同时举办。来自北京、天津、香港、山东、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江以及内蒙古等省市的企业家们齐聚一堂,擘画未来。"实现京津冀协同发展,是推进区域发展体制创新的需要,是实现京津冀优势互补、促进环渤海经济区发展、带动北方腹地发展的需要,是重大的国家战略,要坚持优势互补、互利共赢、扎实推进,  相似文献   

一、海峡经济区位居全国八大经济区中游 国家发改委关于中国区域规划的研究中,综合考虑区域的基础设施建设、生态环境的保护、城市体系的建设等因素,把全国划分为八大经济区:珠三角经济区、海峡经济区、大长三角经济区、环渤海经济区、东北经济区、中部经济区、西南经济区、西北经济区,其中地处沿海的有五个。海峡经济区的范围包括福建全省、台湾地区、浙江的温州、丽水,广东的梅州、潮州、汕头、揭阳市,江西省的抚州、鹰潭、上饶、景德镇市。除了台湾之外,其他基本上与海峡西岸的范围一致。  相似文献   

对于关中—天水经济区而言,统筹科技资源意义重大,关乎到经济区能否持久高效发展。目前经济区内科技资源的统筹工作存在着诸多现实困境,通过地方立法规制的途径可以对其予以规范化治理。既有的地方立法在基本属性、具体形式和主要内容三大维度之上都存在不足之处。基于改善地方立法现状、解决立法现存问题的出发点,地方立法机关须从立法的区域协同性、"规范倾向"性以及可操作性三方面对关中—天水经济区统筹科技资源地方立法的基本理念进行科学设计。  相似文献   

按照国家要求,首钢应在2008年之前将北京石景山的钢铁业搬迁到唐山曹妃甸地区。从现在起,首钢肩负的重大使命之一是用一流的管理和技术在曹妃甸建设国际一流水平的钢铁联合企业,另一重大使命是重建石景山。因此,从企业的角度讲,首钢必须坚持以人为本的科学发展观,走现代高水平管理与高科技相结合、人本与资本相适应的循环经济发展道路;统筹安排十一五期间的各项工作。在首钢搬迁战略研究中,我们可提炼出企业管理一般性的“多元统筹并行中心法”。  相似文献   

In response to the recent Productivity Commission report into mental health, the previous Federal Government announced its intention to produce a new national agreement that lays the platform for Australia's sixth national mental health plan. It has been recommended mental health move to a more regional model of governance and planning, away from a centralised, top-down approach, partly in response to broader reforms affecting health care, and partly in direct response to consistent inquiry evidence that the mental health system remains in crisis. The past 30 years of mental health planning have been centralised. Successive national plans set a broad framework, with real decisions about mental health funding and service allocation made in the health departments of our capital cities. Will the next plan sponsor or inhibit regionality in mental health planning? This paper assesses Australia's historical approach to health planning particularly as it affected mental health and the costs arising. In learning these lessons, we propose the necessary ingredients to facilitate a regional, innovative, and effective approach to decentralised planning, for better mental health outcomes. We cannot afford to replicate the failed planning approaches of the past.  相似文献   

The focus on networks in public administration has grown rapidly in recent years and prompts modifications of traditional planning and control systems of public entities. Public networks have been defined as a response to the criticalities of New Public Management and they represent a recurring approach for policy implementation and service provision in the theoretical framework known as New Public Governance. This article addresses the question whether public entities are aware of being part of a network and whether they have actually changed, as such, their planning and control system. Focus is made on the case of Italian regional governments which are particularly significant for different reasons. First of all, the recent process of administrative devolution and federalism in Italy has reinforced regional governments' powers and responsibilities as well as their importance as actors in the political and economic scenario, where they can influence the behaviours of many public and private organizations. Furthermore, Italian regional governments have extensive autonomy and so they can actually modify and integrate traditional documents of their planning and control system. The article proposes a framework for mapping different approaches toward being part of a public network. This framework can support the interpretation of the behaviour of public entities involved in networks and take the initiatives to develop them.  相似文献   

The contested planning of European macro-regions and Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) exemplifies the complexities of spatial politics, territorial and relational. What stratagems – discursive and cartographic – may regional actors employ in the process, and what can we learn from them? In context of European Union integration policies, we explore Spanish regional politics – discursive and cartographic – surrounding planning of cross-border regions and a TEN-T “Mediterranean Corridor” (and its alternatives). The contested remapping of macro-regions and transport networks reveals the role of spatial planning in the vertebració (structuration in Catalan) of European territory in distinct ways, as Mediterranean regionalism shifts from territoriality to trains.  相似文献   

城市群是区域经济和人口的主要空间载体,深入研究其人口集聚、发展状况,有利于促进城市群形成合理的区域发展格局。从构成城市群的主要人口要素出发,选取反映城市群人口特征的若干主要指标,运用聚类分析方法,对我国主要城市群人口特征进行空间分类研究,发现中国19个主要城市群按照其主要人口特征可明显分为五个人口类别,各类别之间存在显著差异:第一类城市群包括珠三角、长三角和京津冀3个城市群,特征是人口规模大、密度高、城市化水平高;第二类城市群包括成渝、长江中游、海峡西岸、山东半岛、北部湾、关中平原6个城市群,特征是人口增长率高、人口空间分布比较合理;第三类城市群包括中原、哈长、山西中部、滇中、辽中南5个城市群,特征是人口增长率低、城市化水平不高;第四类城市群包括兰西、黔中2个城市群,其特征是人口规模小、城市化水平低;第五类城市群包括天山北坡、呼包鄂榆、宁夏沿黄3个城市群,其特征是人口规模小、密度低、空间分布欠合理。在促进城市群发展的政策方面应进行差异化人口政策引导,在优化人口发展的侧重点和具体策略方面应有针对性区别施策。  相似文献   


Portland, OR, is often cited as an example of successful regional governance and planning. The metropolitan area appears to match many of the precepts of the popular “compact city” model of urban growth and to demonstrate the capacity of local and state government to shape growing metropolitan regions. Given this reputation, it is important to evaluate the relevance of the Portland experience for other communities, distinguishing unique local circumstances from generalizable characteristics.

This analysis explores the spatial character of metropolitan Portland in the 1990s, summarizes the politics of regional planning, examines weaknesses in the Portland approach, and offers suggestions for other metropolitan areas. The study finds that many of Portland's accomplishments center on urban design, but that the region's most distinguishing characteristic is its attention to political process. The discussion concludes with suggestions about the value of extensive civic discourse, incremental policy making, and institution building.  相似文献   

Effective planning makes a vital contribution to developmental success. It is generally perceived as being either centralized (top‐down) or decentralized (bottom‐up). Centralized planning dominated the early development decades, but disappointing results greatly lessened its appeal and paved the way for participatory and decentralized planning. Both types of planning are evident today, but the question has arisen as to whether top‐down and bottom‐up planning can be successfully combined into one effective, efficient, and popular system. This question is examined through the case of Bhutan where central planning was introduced at the outset of the country's push for modernization and today leads the way in the country's pursuit of Gross National Happiness (GNH). However, central planning has been complemented with decentralized participatory planning at the subnational levels. Success in aligning the two planning modes has been achieved by incremental development of the planning system, orientation to the unifying national vision of GNH, a powerful central planning agency, actors at all levels who are able and knowledgeable in their planning roles, and processes that are well organized and proven to work to the satisfaction of all participants.  相似文献   

This commentary explores the roles of planning and urban design in contemporary US urbanization following the global financial crisis in Fall 2008. We focus on the tendency to discuss the planning profession in recovery metaphors – a perspective that has been emphasized in establishing how the profession's past and future relevance may be asserted. In the recent past the planning profession has sought to recover its standing and policy relevance through its contributions to real estate development. In doing so, the profession has gravitated toward design and determinism in order to satisfy pluralist demands within the loosely regulated political economy of neoliberal urban growth. But while design determinism offered numerous practical advantages to the planning profession for the short term, it also served to preclude the profession from engaging with social justice, the social construction of place, and civil society.  相似文献   

The paper examines the structure of political decision-making which forms the context of regional plan generation and implementation in inchoate states. The established ideas of political science are built upon to suggest a three-tiered structure of power brokerage in which the planner as bureaucrat and technocrat functions in the middle tier. The constraints and opportunities which affect the functions of planning are related to the priorities of government and political elites. The regional planning paradigm is highlighted as an example of the problems of the conflicting interests of professional planners and the state. Whereas regional planning is directed at spatial equity and local development, states are preoccupied with political legitimacy and the spaljialisation of power. Further, the regional paradigm does not recognise that the way in which a state derives its ideology and development strategy impinges on the political interpretation of the aims of planning. The paper concludes that planning and implementational mddes need to make explicit recognition of the political conditions in inchoate states and develop more realistic forms of action.  相似文献   

Some realities about sprawl and urban decline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Many urban analysts believe suburban sprawl has become an important issue because it helps generate two types of problems: growth‐related difficulties like rising traffic congestion, and high concentrations of poor minority households in core‐area neighborhoods. However, a careful regression analysis of measures of both sprawl and urban decline shows no statistically significant relation between these two conditions.

The basic nature of the American urban development process would cause core‐area poverty concentrations even if sprawl were replaced by more compact growth forms. But sprawl does aggravate growth‐related problems. Those problems could be attacked through either alternative overall growth strategies—such as high‐density, tightly bounded growth—or specific anti‐sprawl tactics, such as regional tax‐base sharing and regional coordination of land uses. But no feasible policies are likely either to alleviate traffic congestion much or cause most American regions to abandon sprawl.  相似文献   

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