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打造一支高素质的辅导员队伍,是新时期学生工作服务于和谐校园建设的一个重要保障。辅导员队伍专业化、职业化已成为高校辅导员队伍建设的重要内容和实践要求。高校辅导员核心价值观的构建,有利于辅导员队伍整体水平的提高,有利于增强思想政治教育工作的时效性,对辅导员职业化发展道路具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

田艳媚  田双喜 《学理论》2012,(14):221-222
校辅导员在现实工作中由于主客观原因,往往集教育、服务、管理多种职责于一身。于是辅导员职业化和专业化逐渐提上日程。各大高校都在积极探索相关途径。在此基础上提出了以公益创业为平台,推动辅导员工作向职业化-专业化-事业化-产业化的趋势发展。  相似文献   

秦明承  陈建华 《学理论》2010,(19):233-234
党中央提出建设一支“职业化、专业化、专家化”高校辅导员队伍,在网络时代背景下,如何面对“90后”大学生开展思想政治教育工作,熟练、巧妙地运用网络载体开展日常教育管理学生工作,这是辅导员工作方式创新的重要内容。结合网络时代对高校的影响,分析了高校学生和辅导员工作中所面临的问题,提出了高校辅导员工作对策。  相似文献   

随着高等教育的普及和大学生思想的日益活跃,对高校辅导员的思想政治教育提出了更高的标准和要求.高校辅导员队伍的专业化、职业化建设成为高等学校教育的重要内容,成为大学生完善自我、提升素质的必然选择.面对新的形势、新的变化,必须重视和加强高校辅导员队伍的专业化、职业化建设,进一步改进大学生思想政治教育工作.  相似文献   

面对转型社会对高素质人才的旺盛需求,高等学校教育模式逐渐"脱产进站",向专业性、专门性的宗旨要求靠拢;在这一过程中,建设职业化、专业化的高校辅导员队伍是重要的配套措施。就目前的情况来看,在高校辅导员职业化、专业化的实施进程中,既有机遇、又有挑战。机遇是《高等学校辅导员职业能力标准(暂行)》的出台为其方案细化提供了概要设计与实践纲要,挑战则在于高校辅导员职业认同与社会支持的缺失。另一方面,高校辅导员队伍的职业化、专业化建设还面临着从业期不稳定和科学化程度低等显著问题。为了抓住机遇、迎接挑战、克服难题,应当做到以下三点:第一,建设辅导员培训互助交流会,增加队伍的专业化素养;第二,辅导员培训标准化,加强队伍的职业化建设;第三,健全辅导员管理机制,搭建辅导员职业发展的平台。  相似文献   

曹月  高朕栋 《学理论》2015,(8):241-242
高校辅导员的职业幸福感直接影响着大学生的政治素养,道德心态和价值取向,更影响着高等教育育人目标的最终实现。从积极心理学视角切入,从积极心理学三大理论基础入手分析影响辅导员职业幸福感的因素,探讨提升高校辅导员职业幸福感的途径如下:培养辅导员群体积极健康的情绪品质;科学选拔辅导员队伍充分发挥辅导员群体的优势;高校组织系统应探索符合自身实际情况的辅导员专业化、职业化发展道路。  相似文献   

林涛 《学理论》2014,(9):256-257
辅导员队伍是高校学生工作的一支主要力量。本文在深入分析了当前辅导员实际工作的基础上,指出了当前辅导员工作存在的若干问题,并结合实际,围绕创新高校教育管理模式和建设一支职业化、专业化的辅导员队伍两方面提出了具体改进措施。  相似文献   

乔博 《学理论》2013,(3):230-231,242
中国高校辅导员制度正处于不断发展与改革中。近年来,学者对于高校辅导员制度改革的研究为我国辅导员群体进一步专业化、职业化提供了新思路,逐步使高校辅导员工作中可见的显性责任更为明确。这些显性责任会随着时代的变化而不断发展,但其中的"隐性"责任(如仁爱之心、有教无类等)却是亘古不变的。主要以个人工作中的切身体会,通过挖掘儒家教育思想,对中国式高校辅导员的"隐性"责任提出自己的浅薄见解,希望对高校辅导员职责的完善有所裨益。  相似文献   

大学生思想政治教育工作任务日益加重,高校辅导员的数量和质量与大学生思想政治教育的需求之间的矛盾越来越突出。在推动高校辅导员队伍专业化、职业化发展的进程中,高校辅导员的师德师风建设对大学生的成长成才具有直接影响。在明确高校辅导员角色定位和师德师风重要性的基础上,探索加强师德师风建设的有效途径如下:加强政治理论学习;树立良好的职业道德;大胆创新思想政治教育。  相似文献   

吴筱琳  陆小峰 《学理论》2009,(31):234-235
独立学院作为高等教育一种以公立高校为依托、社会力量参与的新型办学方式,是我国高等教育加快发展、深化改革的必然产物,面对高等教育大众化和高教深化改革带来的新问题,新时期独立学院的辅导员应创新思路,主动探索解决问题的办法。从理论学习、专业业务学习、常规工作、班主任工作等各方面,扎实推进辅导员队伍职业化、专业化,构建健康向上、充满活力的专家型独立学院辅导员队伍。  相似文献   

There is a range of evidence pointing to the problem of overload on government ministers in both the UK and other Westminster-system countries. This article reviews evidence from the time of Gladstone to the present day, concentrating on evidence relating to the last twenty five years. It surveys the comments and opinions of serving and retired politicians and of academic commentators, assessing the contention that the burden on ministers has increased, is likely to continue to increase, and ought to be diminished. It goes on to look at what have been put forward as potential solutions and explores the extent to which they might offer some respite. Finally, the article concludes that the remedy to the problems involved largely lies in the hands of ministers and their closest advisers, and suggests that it is in all our interests that options to reduce overload should be further explored and implemented.  相似文献   

Why is there so much discontent about the current plans to reform the National Health Service in England? What is the government trying to do, and are the critics right to want to block reform? This paper traces the genesis of the current proposals in the Health and Social Care Bill, currently in the Lords, and why the Government has had to water down significant parts of it to appease the critics. The paper argues that the case for change has not been made to public or the 1.3 million staff in the NHS, the extent and timing of the reform is far from ideal given the need to make unprecedented efficiencies in the NHS, and that the political process to gain support has been weak. Yet many elements of the Bill push the NHS in the right direction, and without effective reform the original settlement—to provide equal access to care on the basis of need—is put at risk.  相似文献   

能否坚持实事求是的思想路线问题,是中国革命和建设的一个根本问题,它关系到中国革命和建设需不需要马克思主义科学理论的指导,关系到我们能否把握到中国革命和建设的真谛,关系到我们能否把中国革命和建设从一个胜利推向另一个胜利.在新时期新阶段,面对复杂多变的客观形势,要坚持好实事求是的思想路线,必须有正确的立场,必须有一种批评与自我批评的精神,必须要以民主作保证,必须要有一种坚持真理的勇气,必须要以不断提高我们的能力作保证.  相似文献   

关注社会公平构建和谐社会   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
效率与公平的关系是构建社会主义和谐社会进程中的一个重大课题。在我国社会主义改革开放进程中,我党提出并坚持了“效率优先,兼顾公平”的原则,但随着社会公平问题的日益突出,重新定位效率与公平的关系,在收入分配政策方面适时地由“效率优先,兼顾公平”向“效率与公平并重”过渡的时机已经成熟。关注社会公平,是构建和谐社会的关键。  相似文献   

The legitimacy and accountability of polycentric regulatory regimes, particularly at the transnational level, has been severely criticized, and the search is on to find ways in which they can be enhanced. This paper argues that before developing even more proposals, we need to pay far greater attention to the dynamics of accountability and legitimacy relationships, and to how those in regulatory regimes respond to them. The article thus first seeks to develop a closer analysis of three key elements of legitimacy and accountability relationships which it suggests are central to these dynamics: The role of the institutional environment in the construction of legitimacy, the dialectical nature of accountability relationships, and the communicative structures through which accountability occurs and legitimacy is constructed. Second, the article explores how organizations in regulatory regimes respond, or are likely to respond, to multiple legitimacy and accountability claims, and how they themselves seek to build legitimacy in complex and dynamic situations. The arguments developed here are not normative: There is no “grand solution” proposed to the normative questions of when regulators should be considered legitimate or how to make them so. Rather, the article seeks to analyse the dynamics of legitimacy and accountability relationships as they occur in an attempt to build a more realistic foundation on which grander “how to” proposals can be built. For until we understand these dynamics, the grander, normative arguments risk being simply pipe dreams – diverting, but in the end making little difference.  相似文献   

中国企业发展战略的文化思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
迎接经济全球化的挑战,适应知识经济发展的社会,加大企业改革的力度,都需要加强企业化建设。企业化作为管理理论、管理思想和管理方式,对网络经济和确定以人为本的现代意识,对形成和谐管理的方式,都具有十分重要的作用。实施企业化管理,建设企业化,应该将企业家化的形成、优良传统的继承、讲求个异化特征放在重要位置加以重视。  相似文献   

Anthony Lester tackles the complex and sensitive issues of multiculturalism and free speech. He explores the various meanings given to multiculturalism, integration and assimilation, as well as the relationship between the right to equality and dignity for ethnic and religious minorities and the right to freedom of expression. Placing our multicultural society in its historical context, he considers the treatment of Commonwealth immigrants in the 1960s and 1970s and discusses more recent confrontations involving racial or religious groups which have raised the right to free speech. He argues that our approach to integration and cultural diversity should promote equality and individuality but resist unreasonable demands to respect customs and practices which, for example, harm the rights of women and children, in the name of misguided multiculturalism. We must guard against political correctness that panders to the thin-skinned but remember that the right to offend does not mean a duty to do so.  相似文献   

This article explores the effectiveness of appeals to ‘active citizenship’ as an answer to the ‘neoliberal’ political vocabulary of consumer choice and market freedom. It does so through a case study on recent reforms to post-compulsory education in Australia. A common response to education and social welfare policy is to expect government to accord with ideals of citizenship such as self-determination, participation and equality. However, the case study suggests that the governmental rationalities of modern mass-education systems are irreducible to these abstractions. Reference to the social rights of citizens is embedded in the rationales of social and education policy. Nevertheless, this should not be construed as the recognition or misrecognition of an absolute ideal or principle. Instead, the negotiation of social rights can be seen as the product of the mass school system's own capacity to apply common norms to a population and to use these norms in maintaining the settlements negotiated within expanding social welfare systems.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to demonstrate to corporations the need to monitor closely and to respond genuinely to public opinion. It predicts a rise in the power of citizens and a government response to that power that will include regulation to protect social and environmental interests. The paper gives an overview of the ways in which the economic sector, embodied in corporations, has risen to and maintained a position of dominance both within nation states and globally. It provides a model that illustrates the power relationship between corporations, governments and the public, noting in particular that the fundamental key to corporate dominance is the positioning of the public as consumers. Using the framework of legitimation, the paper then demonstrates and theorises the rise of opposition to the dominant order and the corporate and government responses to such opposition. It is proposed that these responses may be insufficient to maintain corporate dominance and that a new model is likely to gain ascendance. In this new model the public make a shift from consumers to citizens in order to reassert their role in governance. Internet sites of activist groups are examined in order to determine the ways in which the sites are used as a tool to facilitate a shift towards the second model. Copyright © 2002 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

试论中国政治发展进程中的乡镇长选举制度改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前、四川、山西、广东深圳等地所进行的乡镇长选举制度改革尝试的实质是政治参与水平和层次的提高与扩大,符合中国民主政治发展的长远方向。但在当前这个转型的关键时期,将这种改革尝试向更大的范围和更高的更次推广的时机尚不成熟。对当前的政治发展与政治稳定而言,遏制腐败蔓延比发展政治民主更重要,提高政府能力比扩大政治参与更重要,发展党内民主比发展党外民主更重要。  相似文献   

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