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侦查决策关系突发重大劫持人质事件处置的成败。"8·23"菲律宾突发重大劫持人质事件的处置过程,存在诸如决策目标不明确、决策时机把握不当、情报信息掌控不力、研判不足和决策执行不力等失误,最终导致这次劫持人质事件解救行动的失败。突发重大劫持人质事件处置决策具有不同于一般决策的特点,决策者在紧急情况下作出的侦查决策可能会存在一定的风险,只有科学决策才能避免、减少风险。  相似文献   

妥协是处置劫持人质犯罪事件的策略手段之一。与其它处置刑事案件手段不同,适度妥协促进劫持人质犯罪事件的和平解决是它有别于其它侦查手段的本质所在。随着现代反劫持人质犯罪的发展,反劫持人质犯罪处置中妥协获得了价值合理性和正当性。但妥协正当必须遵循人权原则、法治原则和诚信原则。当然,在反劫持人质犯罪处置的妥协中还存在着不可妥协的原则。  相似文献   

公共交通是我国最重要的大众化交通载体.近年来,公共交通劫持人质等突发事件呈多发、频发态势,严重危害公共安全,尤其是地铁、铁路、民航、公交汽车等交通工具客流持续增大,运营环境封闭,客舱、车厢内结构复杂,运行存在一定的相对薄弱性和较高的风险性,使公共交通安全面临着严峻的挑战.由于国内外关于公共交通劫持人质案件武力处置的研究...  相似文献   

大城市群体性事件事态升级中呈现"卷入"规律,即从当事群众、相关人群、围观人群到舆论关注群众逐步卷入事件,成为事件主体。这对公安机关现场处置的快速反应能力、控制迅速膨胀人群的能力以及舆论引导能力都提出了挑战。从现场处置措施而言,警方需要针对不同人群卷入的不同心理来防止卷入发生,或者针对已经卷入的人群采取"剥离"措施,使其退回到中立的姿态上。  相似文献   

从制服恐怖事件看俄罗斯整顿秩序谢荣俄罗斯警方和反恐怖部门联手,去年12月在莫斯科漂亮地解决了劫持飞机和劫持人质事件。这两起恐怖事件从案发到恐怖分子被逮捕都仅用了数小时,俄反恐怖机构行动之快、效率之高、损失之小都为近年来所少见,这反映出经过近一年来的整...  相似文献   

高丹 《党政论坛》2012,(3):20-22,1
近几年,我们常常会听到一些地方政府在公开通报某事件时会用到一个词儿:不明真相的群众.如湖北石首群众围堵道路一事,石首市政府门户网站通报中说:"众多不明真相的群众……阻碍交通,围观起哄."2009年黑龙江省铁力市呼兰河大桥坍塌,据《京华时报》报道,铁力市政府部门在专家未到场的情况下,已经对大桥坍塌原因作出了结论——"一辆载重车严重超载",而针对公众反映的问题,相关官员表示"百姓根本就不懂".  相似文献   

目前,全国各地都在为构建和谐社会、建设亲民型政府,十分重视群众信访案件的接待和解决,多数地区推行了"市长接待日"、"局长接待日"、"信  相似文献   

作为一种基于互联网技术平台的新型政治参与方式,网络围观在技术手段上提高了网络民意在政府政策执行运作中的分量,然而网络广场对现实社会的揭示和质问总是呈现出一种"黑幕倾向"。从某种程度上讲揭露社会"黑幕"更能彰显网络围观的警示功能和监督功能,但另一方面网民热衷围观"黑幕"也容易放大负面的社会影响,分析网络围观"黑幕倾向"现象的成因并采取科学的应对措施将有助于消解中国的互联网治理困局。  相似文献   

尚虎平  惠春华 《公共管理学报》2013,10(1):117-127,143,144
近年来"网络围观"大大影响了政府行政,也造成了巨大的社会反响。为弄清特定网络事件发生后如何进入网络渠道并引起围观,继而进入政府的公共政策系统并产出公共政策,论文力图在尽可能宽广的范围内收集已经发生且政府对其做出了反应的网络围观事件进行多案例分析。在此基础上,努力探寻网络围观到底促进了政府效率提升,还是促进了群氓暴政,或者促进了其他类问题。研究发现:网络围观将处在隐匿状态的公共权力放到了众目睽睽之下,以"凝视"权力制约了行政权力不作为;被代表的"民意"与志趣相投者的极化,使得"无组织的组织"产生了超组织力量;天生的"政治动物"一旦获得参与机会,其政治原生正义与原生野蛮、黄色同时显现;行政权力万能与"睡狗行政"———不打不动,打了乱动;初现的浮躁与理性并存的公民社会监督政府与要挟政府。受一定的条件限制,对于网络围观的内部机制、机理、大数规律的探究还不够深入,信度、效度也值得商榷。  相似文献   

近年来,我国反恐维稳形势异常严峻复杂。爆炸类恐怖案件是当前危害国家和人民生命财产安全最为严重的暴力恐怖案件之一,这类犯罪行为也是各级公安机关重点打击的对象。此类案件的现场勘查对刑事技术人员的快速处置能力和应对复杂现场的能力提出了更高的要求。为此,必须全面加强刑事技术工作,提高对此类案件的现场处置和勘验能力。  相似文献   

The objectives of public consultation can clash with other policy objectives, partly because the norms underpinning public consultation clash with other institutional norms within the policy process. This phenomenon is evident in the case of selecting a site for a low-level nuclear waste disposal facility in Australia. This case shows how the results of consultation processes are moulded by the process design, which in turn is constrained by a range of policy process norms to which governments adhere. The case confirms some recent critiques of participatory practices. It also suggests that reconciling potentially competing policy process norms will be an important exercise in institutional design if elected representatives wish to mitigate citizens' alienation from their governments.  相似文献   

The authors use the Institutional Collective Action Framework to analyze the barriers, opposition, and opportunities for residential pharmaceutical disposal programs in the United States via a case study on a series of take‐back programs pioneered in the state of Washington by local and state governments, as well as the corresponding backlash from federal agencies. While successful in some ways, these innovative solutions directly challenged the competing federal policy regimes controlled by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and, to a lesser extent, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Findings from case studies suggest that functional dilemmas created by existing institutions with entrenched regulatory regimes are a key challenge to finding efficient solutions to vertical ICA dilemmas. Conclusions, then, connect to the broader ICA research agenda, and implications for multi‐level governance issues.  相似文献   


Despite the persistence of authoritarian forms of rule, studies of state domination have seen little need to analyse the use of force against citizens. This essay argues that, while state violence is elemental, it is not straightforward. States have a range of repressive tools at their disposal, which they need to deploy rationally and with finesse if they are to consolidate their authoritarian systems. As a step towards problematizing state violence, this essay suggests the concept of calibrated coercion, which represses challengers with minimum political cost. Calibrated coercion is illustrated through an in-depth case study of press controls in Singapore, where one of the world's most successful hegemonic parties has governed continuously for four decades. Behind the stability of the press system, the Singapore government has made fundamental changes to its modes of control, with less frequent recourse to blunter instruments such as newspaper closures or arbitrary arrest. Instead, less visible instruments are increasingly used, with the media's commercial foundations turned against themselves.  相似文献   

Elected officials and policy analysts alike often treat equity and efficiency as distinct concerns. In this case study, focusing on U.S. policy for disposing of low-level radioactive waste, we consider an instance where the distinction between equity and efficiency is difficult to sustain. The “equity, then efficiency” approach embodied in the compact system of regional agreements is largely to blame for the current crisis facing generators, regulatory officials, and citizens. We find that nearly three times more waste disposal facilities are being contemplated than are financially viable. More generally, it is claimed that the approach for achieving an equitable solution must be very carefully designed, and that the concept of economic efficiency must be considered (at least in this case study) as part of the definition of equity. This case study is unusual, because we are able to make a recommendation that improves both efficiency and equity.  相似文献   

在侦查实践中,仍有一些侦查人员证据意识不强,具体表现有重言词证据轻现场取证,重破案结果轻处理结果,证据本身的收集、保管存在缺陷,证据之间缺乏关联性等。针对这种状况,侦查人员进一步提高证据意识势在必行,要转变传统的办案观念,树立正确的证据意识,要注重证据的合法性,要规范证据的收集与保管,要加强检察监督职能,进一步提高证据意识。  相似文献   

构建铁路客站治安防控体系刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对当前铁路客站治安防控现状进行分析的基础上,提出了加强"五大能力、六大机制"建设这一构建科学、高效的客站治安防控体系的架构支撑,实现由事后处置为主向超前防范为主、由重治标向重治本的转变,是从更深层次和领域研究解决火车站地区治安问题的一次探索。  相似文献   

百年来,为惩治战犯、实现和平,国际社会成立了五大国际刑事法院,构建了新的法律体系。作为完整的诉讼机构,国际刑事法院设置了国际检察官与案件调查制度,产生了新型的国际侦查程序。国际侦查程序主要包括调查的启动、调查的实施、结果的处分、程序的监督等方面内容。探析国际刑事法院侦查程序对于完善国际刑事法理论与实践具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Environmental policy encouraging hazardous waste reduction began in 1976 with an Environmental Protection Agency statement promoting source reduction as the preferred method of hazardous waste management. In 1984, Congress included a policy statement supporting waste reduction in the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA). However, the cornerstone of HSWA was the land disposal restrictions (LDRs)—a command and control policy prohibiting land disposal of untreated hazardous waste. Consideration of the hazardous waste generation decision in the aggregate would suggest that the price effect resulting from the LDR program and increased hazardous waste management prices in general would lead to source reduction. Although at the firm level there may be interdicting factors, statistical analysis of generation data for Tennessee support this hypothesis. Both the institution of the LDRs and waste management prices have significant negative effects on the level of generation. The analysis, however, reveals the existence of large industry and firm effects, indicating that the response to public policy may exhibit significant variance, especially at the individual generator level.  相似文献   

This article examines the strategic behaviour of the Scottish National Party (SNP) in regional elections from 1999 to 2016. It builds on recent work that has theorized the kind of strategic tools regionalist parties have at their disposal in electoral competition, and the factors expected to determine the strategic choices these parties make. An in-depth case study of the SNP describes when and explores why the party makes strategic choices in an effort to bolster its electoral support in post-devolution Scotland. The analysis finds (i) that the SNP has consistently sought to ‘frame’ the issue of independence in economic terms, by advancing an economic case for separating Scotland from the UK and (ii) that this strategic approach is the result of competing constraints internal and external to the party. These findings suggest that the strategic behaviour of regionalist parties in electoral competition is more sophisticated than expected by extant theoretical accounts.  相似文献   

Although it controls disposal of hazardous wastes, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 leaves the details of site selection and control to the states.
Twelve states have passed site selection laws, but their implementation shows that there are problems still to be worked out. Georgia's law, which goes beyond those of many other states by providing for eminent domain, still has not fully resolved difficulties of state-local relations, liability, and representation of the public.  相似文献   

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