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文件鉴定标准体系的研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
本文介绍了我国文件鉴定标准化建设的现状及其意义,并根据文件检验学学科和鉴定质量活动的特点,结合我们在文件鉴定实验室标准化建设实践中的经验,详细阐述了文件鉴定标准体系的结构,及文件鉴定系列标准(及部分)应包含的主要内容,希望能对我国文件鉴定标准化建设起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

1利用载玻片提取指印对汗液指印,传统的作法是将指印经粉末刷显后,用指纹胶带纸将载体上的指印粘下贴在反差较大的衬纸上(比如黑色的相纸)。这种方法有两方面的缺点。第一,存档时间长了,相纸受潮起泡,或干燥爆皮,破坏指纹特征,从而影响检验鉴定的准确性。第二,鉴定前还要将衬纸上的指印进行二次翻拍,从照相冲卷洗片到最后制成指印照片相当繁琐,既费时又浪费胶卷,而且经翻拍后制作的指印照片在质量上达不到原件的标准,为检验鉴定增加了难度。使用载玻片提取指印,就将这些问题都解决了,其操作过程同传统的作法完全一致,只是…  相似文献   

为了充分地发掘模糊指印形态特征在司法实践中的可用性和实用性,我们利用文件上有色指印的阶段性痕迹--墨迹边缘状态、积墨形态分布“、空白”形态分布及其相互位置关系等非纹线特征,分析研究了不同捺印人以油墨为介质连续捺印的样本指印50组共200枚,结果发现使用非纹线特征能够准确地分辨出同一手指连续捺印的同组指印。本文还对应用指印非纹线特征的各项技术要点进行了讨论,并且列举了该方法用于鉴定实践的三个成功案例。指印非纹线特征的应用不仅改变了对模糊指印只能出“具不具备鉴定条件”的结论模式,而且使适合使用该方法的被检指印形成相对时间的难题得到解决。  相似文献   

指纹鉴定意见是指纹鉴定人员结合自身从业经验并通过一系列的检验获得的,整个指纹鉴定过程是由感性上升至理性的认知过程。在指纹鉴定过程中,指纹鉴定人员辨别现场指印中细节特征点的能力是影响指纹鉴定意见的重要因素,在获得样本指印后,对照样本指印确认现场指印中的细节特征点则直接决定着鉴定意见。考察指纹鉴定人员在检验现场指印时点取细节特征点的结果,以及获得样本指印后对现场指印细节特征的变动情况,可以分析指纹鉴定人员在不同条件下判断现场指印细节特征点的认知变化,有助于判断指纹鉴定人员在分析阶段理解现场指印特征的程度,有助于考察样本指印对指纹鉴定人员点取特征产生的影响,进而分析点取特征稳定性与指纹鉴定能力之间的关系,为指纹管理人员评估指纹鉴定人员鉴定能力提供一定帮助。本文重点针对指纹鉴定人员点取特征的稳定性进行研究,邀请106家鉴定机构对4组指印进行特征点取,使用统计学工具对点取特征的结果进行统计与分析。实验结果表明:不同机构指纹鉴定人员点取特征的稳定性存在一定的差异性;指纹鉴定人员点取特征的稳定性与现场指印质量之间存在显著关系,高质量指印鉴定过程中,指纹鉴定人员选取特征的稳定较高,且样本指印未对鉴定人员的认知能力产生影响,低质量指印鉴定过程中,指纹鉴定人员在分析阶段和比对阶段点取特征的稳定性较差,尤其在高低质量区交界处点取特征的离散程度较高;点取特征变化指数I可有效衡量指纹鉴定人员点取特征的稳定性,指纹管理人员可依据I值变化程度,评估机构或者鉴定人员的鉴定水平,进而采取相应培训措施,提高指纹鉴定过程中点取特征的稳定性,确保指纹鉴定质量。  相似文献   

韩柯  刘寰 《刑事技术》2011,(1):47-48
在许多指纹检验案件中,往往涉及到红色印油(泥)捺印指印的检验鉴定,而这类红色捺印指印常常同时伴有黑色签字,在视觉效果上黑色签字会对红色捺印的指印造成干扰,甚至有时会严重影响指印的检验鉴定。在遇到这类指纹检验的案件时,可以采用数字图像处理的方法对指纹进行增强处理,以改善图像的视觉效果。  相似文献   

文件鉴定技术标准刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文件鉴定技术标准不是新课题,上世纪50年代就开始规范程序和方法。进入21世纪以来,一批刑事技术和司法鉴定机构,通过了中国合格评定国家认可委员会的国家实验室认可,大大推动了文件鉴定技术标准化的进程。制定文件鉴定技术标准化的意义、条件、标准的内容及相关问题,是对标准制定者有启发和指导作用的。  相似文献   

卷宗材料中,大部分是办案人员记录的询问材料,也有合同、协议、及附加收条、欠条等,捺有红色指印。部分办案人员、当事人对指印鉴定所具备的条件不很清楚,捺印指印时没有考虑是否显指纹,所捺指印印色过浓,或捺指印时用力过重,纹线大部分模糊不清,给指纹鉴定增加了难度。笔者在几起检察院送检的卷宗材料上类似纹线模糊不清的指纹鉴定中,  相似文献   

指纹鉴定人员对现场指印认知能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指纹鉴定主要是解决检材指印与样本指印是否为同一人所遗留问题,其鉴定意见是法定证据形式之一,关系着被检验对象是否有犯罪嫌疑,责任重大。指纹鉴定人员根据指纹鉴定方法与标准,结合从业经验对指印进行分析与比较,并最终给出鉴定意见,在此过程中,对现场指印的分析是否客观及准确,直接影响后续比对检验、综合评断及得出的意见。本文重点针对指纹鉴定人员在指印分析阶段的细节特征选择、信息判断等问题进行研究,邀请106家指纹鉴定机构参加4组指纹的测试,实验使用一款基于网络的指纹鉴定分析系统,记录每个机构在指纹鉴定中的工作过程,并使用统计学R软件对实验数据进行统计与分析。实验结果显示,不同的指纹鉴定机构之间做出判断与评估的准确性存在一定的差异,指纹鉴定人员点取特征的稳定性、选取特征的数量与现场手印质量之间存在显著关联。  相似文献   

在实际工作中,大量的高仿指纹涌现,给指纹鉴定工作带来巨大挑战。为解决案件中高仿指纹的鉴定需求,作者利用真实指纹和文件上的指印,以硅胶和感光树脂板为原材料制作高仿指模,通过其制作原理、形成的机制、变化因素、规律及表现形式,总结和分析高仿指模与真实指纹的特征差异,为高仿指纹鉴定和检验提供科学依据。  相似文献   

现代生活中玻璃制品随处可见,在案件现场中玻璃也是一种常规的载痕体,如入室盗窃案中的门窗上、汽车盗窃案中的车窗上均容易留下潜在或可见的指印痕迹。现代犯罪分子一般都具备一定的反侦查意识,进入中心现场后往往戴有手套,很少留下指印痕迹;而在攀爬和撬窗中,由于外围性和戴手套的不方便,往往不戴手套,较容易留下指印痕迹。因此如何提取玻璃上的指印痕迹,往往成为勘查和侦破案件的关键。本文主要介绍了用综合提取方法,有效提取一枚玻璃载体上汗液、油脂的混合指印的过程。  相似文献   

An exhibit that is often received for examination in cases of robbery or terrorist activity is adhesive tape. This type of exhibit can often, but not always, be successfully processed for fingerprints. The question arises whether or not it is possible to extract and type DNA after the tape has been sequentially processed for fingerprints. In this work, various donors left fingerprints on the adhesive side of tapes. The tapes were then sequentially processed for fingerprints using an alternate light source, cyanoacrylate fuming, and staining with BY-40 and then crystal violet. DNA was subsequently successfully extracted, amplified and typed for six STR loci.  相似文献   

Counterfeiting of currency and identity documents, death threats, illegitimate business transactions, and terrorist-related activities are some examples of the types of crimes that often involve documents produced from printers and copiers. Although standard protocol typically requires a questioned document (QD) examination prior to latent print (LP) processing, occasionally, items of evidence may be submitted for a QD examination following the application of a series chemicals utilized in the development of latent fingerprints. In such cases, the forensic examiner must take into account any previous treatments prior to initiating an examination on documents produced with a printer or copier. This study was devised to examine the effects of a latent print development technique [ninhydrin, physical developer, and a bleach enhancer] on the physical and chemical examination of documents produced from copiers and printers.  相似文献   

目的比较尸体与活体指纹的微观细节特征差异,以帮助判断指纹的状态属性。方法用VSC-5000文检仪在放大15~30倍的条件下,观察比较尸体与活体指纹的微观细节特征。结果尸体与活体指纹的乳突纹线的边缘形态、宽窄及汗孔印等微观细节特征存在差异。结论指纹的微观细节特征是尸体与活体指纹种属鉴别的重要依据之一。  相似文献   

Chemical imaging technology is a rapid examination technique that combines molecular spectroscopy and digital imaging, providing information on morphology, composition, structure, and concentration of a material. Among many other applications, chemical imaging offers an array of novel analytical testing methods, which limits sample preparation and provides high-quality imaging data essential in the detection of latent fingerprints. Luminescence chemical imaging and visible absorbance chemical imaging have been successfully applied to ninhydrin, DFO, cyanoacrylate, and luminescent dye-treated latent fingerprints, demonstrating the potential of this technology to aid forensic investigations. In addition, visible absorption chemical imaging has been applied successfully to visualize untreated latent fingerprints.  相似文献   

在手印检验工作中,通过对乳突纹线局部形态特征的种类、特点及检验方法进行研究,并运用实际案例进行分析阐述,论证该类特征在手印检验中具有可操作性,能够提高残缺、少特征等疑难手印的利用率。乳突纹线局部形态特征的应用是对常规特征的重要补充,对手印检验工作具有实际意义。  相似文献   

A solution of iodine and 7,8 benzoflavone1 is an extremely sensitive reagent for developing old latent fingerprints on porous surfaces. The new reagent solution was compared with conventional ones, e.g. iodine, iodine fixed with 7,8-benzoflavone and iodine fixed with tetrabase, and was found to be superior with regard to sensitivity, clarity and reduced background intensity. The developed blue fingerprint stains are cleared in a fairly short time by air oxidation at room temperature without altering the chemical composition of the fingerprints. This leaves open the possibility of further examination of the latent fingerprints by alternative techniques should a double check be desired or in the event of failure.  相似文献   

Material recovered from 374 fingerprints left by eleven laboratory workers on three different substrates (glass, wood, metal) at a standard pressure time of 30 s, with and without preliminary handwashing, was submitted to morphological, quantitative, and type analysis. Morphological and agarose-gel electrophoresis analysis showed that a non-negligible amount of epidermal corneal cells presented apoptotic alterations. The quantity of DNA recovered from fingerprints ranged between 0.04 to 0.2 ng, and in a significant number of experiments no DNA was detected. Handwashing reduced the amount of DNA recovered from fingerprints. The "shedder status" of the donor was a very important factor, causing inter-individual variations in the amount of DNA left by fingerprints. Spurious alleles from laboratory-based and secondary transfer contamination, stutters, and other artifacts described when analyzing low-copy-number DNA and capable of affecting correct profiles were observed.  相似文献   

Homicide perpetrators can use concrete as a means to conceal their victims. When concrete encasement is encountered in the forensic field, albeit rarely, it is often coupled with postmortem dismemberment. This method of obscuring the evidence presents unique investigative obstacles, specifically related to identification. Various approaches to obtaining fingerprints from decedents encased in concrete have been suggested and implemented over the years. The presented case is that of an initially unidentified 44-year-old male, who was subject to postmortem dismemberment and concrete encasement. Meticulous excavation techniques facilitated preservation of evidence and an anatomical reconstruction of the body. These techniques enabled inspection of the incision sites of the dismembered remains during the postmortem examination. Identifiable jewelry and tattoos were noted at autopsy. Further, the resulting concrete molds could be utilized to obtain fingerprints. These prints were used to ultimately identify the decedent.  相似文献   

High dynamic range (HDR) imaging is a function that combines five images with different exposures into a single image. This technique may provide fine ridge details of fingerprint images for forensic latent fingerprint examination. Therefore, viewing fingerprints under optimal conditions is of paramount importance. This paper analyzes HDR and non‐HDR photos by using the Michelson contrast formula. The Michelson formula will provide a measurement to determine whether better contrast between the background and print can be achieved using the HDR function and if the background color affects the quality of the images. Two hypothesis were tested: (i) the HDR image provides more details of fingerprints with a better tone, greater clarity, and contrast than a normally exposed image regardless of the background color; (ii) the background color does not affect the quality of HDR fingerprint images overall, but the multi‐color background may increase the contrast of HDR fingerprint images in some cases.  相似文献   

The utilization of the lanthanide shift reagent tris (6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluoro-2,2-dimethyl-3,5-octanedionato) europium (III) [Eu(fod)3] as a simple one-step reagent for the luminescent visualization of latent fingerprints has been investigated. UV excitation of Eu(fod)3-treated prints, achieved by using a hand-held UV lamp or a Polilight, results in an orange emission at 614 nm. Time-resolved imaging is not required for visualization. Visualization of latent fingerprints on paper under the conditions used, although good, was found to be inferior to that obtained by standard DFO (1,8-diazafluoren-9-one) treatment, whereas visualization of prints obtained on aluminum drink cans and galvanized iron proved superior to that obtained by Superglue/panacryl treatment. Eu(fod)3 treatment can also be used first without compromising subsequent ninhydrin or DFO treatment, making it a 'nothing-to-lose" reagent.  相似文献   

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