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一、混业经营组织模式概述从国外的文献来看,对混业经营金融机构有着各种各样的称呼,如全能银行(universalbank)、金融联合企业集团(financialconglom erates)、一体化银行(integrated banking)、金融集团(financialgroup)等。在美国学者所写的文献中,提及混业经营时较多采用的是银行控股公司(Bank H olding Com pany,BH C)或金融控股公司(FinancialH olding Com pany,FH C)等,这是由于美国在实践中多采用此种模式进行混业经营,一些美国的学者也常使用universalbank一词,而欧洲学者与各国监管当局(如英国与德国)较多采用的是financialc…  相似文献   

马红霞 《法国研究》2004,(2):118-127
近年来,欧盟银行业经营模式与金融体制出现了重大的变革,这是在外部压力与内在动力的双重机制驱动下进行的,它对欧盟乃至全球银行业的竞争格局产生了重大影响。本文旨在分析欧盟银行业经营模式发展的新动向,并对中国银行业的经营模式的转型提供参考性建议。一、变革的背景近年来,欧盟银行业经营模式出现了重大的转型。经济一体化、货币一体化的发展使金融业的竞争加剧,资产市场的发展、“金融脱媒”、放松管制、金融创新和技术革新等因素,使欧盟银行业进行了重大的结构性重组和经营模式的转型。其中,特别是欧盟银行法令的变化、欧元的运行、…  相似文献   

刘作奎 《欧洲研究》2005,23(6):14-31
法国疆界变迁是一个重大的历史问题,并具有深刻的政治学含义。本文试以纵向与横向两种视角来考察法国的疆界变迁及政治学含义。一个是作为确保安全的“天然疆界”政策的扩展和变迁(纵向),另一个是作为坚持协调对称的“六角国”思想的变迁和最终成型(横向)。纵向过程反映了法国在对外关系上寻求霸权和安全,这一点是以时间为线索充分展开评述;横向过程反映了法国对内政策上立足提升国民自豪感和归属感,增强民族凝聚力,这一点从文献学的视角充分展开评述。一外一内政策的相互影响,呈现了法国寻求内外兼修、追求大国地位的梦想。  相似文献   

日本农业保险模式及其在中国的实现条件   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
自2003年以来,农业保险成为被各界普遍关注的热点问题,受到中央政府以及有关部委的空前重视,2004年保监会按照“先起步、后完善,先试点、后推广”的原则,在上海、江苏、黑龙江、新疆等九个省份开始农业保险改革试点。按照政府所处地位和发挥的作用,试点可以采用四种政策性农业保险的制度模式②:政府主办政府组织经营的模式;政府支持下的互助合作经营的模式;政府支持下的相互保险公司经营的模式;政府主导下的商业保险公司经营的模式。其中第二种模式借鉴的便是日本农业保险的模式。作为世界农业保险的五种主要制度模式③之一,日本农业保险的…  相似文献   

程晓勇 《当代亚太》2012,(4):33-49,157
规范是建构主义兴起后国际关系研究的热点问题,其中,规范传播是规范研究的重要内容。现有的规范传播研究多集中于规范在组织内的纵向传播以及由发达地区向不发达地区的横向传播,并在这两个维度上探讨规范的传播机制与传播战略。东盟规范根源于东南亚地区的历史文化传统与本地经验并借鉴了部分外部经验,伴随着东南亚地区合作的形成与发展而逐步生成和不断演化。东盟规范的演进过程同时体现了规范的纵向传播以及横向传播;从"小"东盟到"大"东盟,体现出东盟规范的纵向传播;东盟规范在东亚地区主义中的作用和影响则体现了东盟规范在更大范围内的横向传播。此外,20世纪90年代以来,东盟在借鉴的基础上对部分欧洲安全规范进行了本地化,体现出外部规范对东盟的横向传播。无论是东盟规范的向外传播还是东盟对外部规范的本地化,都体现出东盟不断适应形势变化、解决自身发展问题的需要。  相似文献   

农政发[2020]2号各省、自治区、直辖市农业农村(农牧)厅(局、委):为贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,加快培育新型农业经营主体和服务主体,依据中办、国办印发的《关于加快构建政策体系培育新型农业经营主体的意见》《关于促进小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接的意见》等有关文件,我部编制了《新型农业经营主体和服务主体高质量发展规划(2020—2022年)》,现印发你们,请认真贯彻执行。  相似文献   

申论考试主要侧重于对于考生阅读理解、分析概括、写作等诸能力的考查。申论命题,往往会先通过一个事件或事实开头,然后对此进行纵向的延伸和横向的拓展。纵向的延伸主要包括热点问题产生的原因、条件,所造成的危害和带来的弊端,社会各界的议论、观点,  相似文献   

德国各级政府间的财政关系及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国各级政府间的财政关系,是按照规范化的方式进行协调和运转的。它首先按照适度集中、相对分散的原则确定各级政府的支出范围,并且赋予各级政府一定的税收权限,采用共享税与专享税共存、以共享税为主的模式来划分税收收入。除此之外,还实行纵向和横向转移支付的制度,从而调节联邦和各个州之间财政资金的余缺。德国财政体制中所体现的规范化和法制化特征,以及保证联邦政府宏观调控主导地位等方面的做法,对于我国目前正在进行的以分税制目标的财政管理体制改革,具有积极的借鉴意义  相似文献   

日本农业经营以家庭经营为基本单位。这种经营模式的一大特点就是统一核算所有收入。这种计算方式下无法确定个人对收入的贡献,也没有明确的收入分配制度,由此产生了女性劳动得不到评价的问题。在概观日本家庭农业经营特点的基础上,分析女性对日本农业的贡献,从家庭经济地位的角度阐明日本农业女性实际所处的状况和面临的问题。  相似文献   

本文是以理论为基础的实证研究,目的在于探讨中亚一体化发展的条件以及发展缓慢的原因.传统的地区一体化理论范式存在其合理内核,但不足以涵盖所有地区的一体化进程.中亚地区的一体化需要具备综合性、无霸权和机制化等条件,可以把这种新地区主义模式称为"战略一体化".中亚地区一体化机制建设的过程表明,在不同的历史时期,上述中亚地区一体化的条件并没有完全具备,导致一体化机制建设进展缓慢.中亚地区的重要地区性国际组织——上海合作组织在前期成果、合作领域、合作理念、机制化建设等方面为中亚一体化提供了条件,与中亚新地区主义模式的本质特征相契合,在中亚的地区一体化过程中发挥了重要作用,并将为中亚的一体化机制建设提供新的机会.  相似文献   

This article explores the strength and causal determinants of ideological thinking within Swiss local political parties. The concept of “ideologization” refers to (1): “horizontal couplings”, as they are manifested in intercorrelations between different opinions, and to (2) “vertical couplings” of specific opinions to abstract concepts of “left” and “right”. Results show high ideologization on the left‐center section of the LR‐scale, especially in the vertical dimension. On both sides of the spectrum, ideological constraints are significantly higher in larger communities than in than in smaller ones. Only in rather small communities, does ideologization correlate positively with the educational level, the modern occupational background of party members and the number of other local parties with which they have to compete. In communities of given size, ideological thinking is more pronounced when parties possess a small share of political power. Finally, it is found that ideological constraints have increased somewhat between 1989 and 2002.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the interaction of horizontal and vertical European integration. It asks whether the principle of free movement of labour does not only legally but also de facto prevent discrimination of non-nationals in EU Member States. Theoretically, the analysis is framed by distinguishing three interrelated types of social fields: a supranational political field of free movement of labour, national labour market fields and an intermediary transnational space of mobility. Focusing on the German labour market and drawing on comprehensive administrative data the article shows that wage differences are to a large extend caused by differences in relevant labour market characteristics such as age or education. However, for the vast majority of EU non-nationals in Germany is also observed discrimination in payment. Strikingly, positive discrimination is more pronounced than negative discrimination. These differences are understood as hinting at the increasing importance of comparisons between national labour markets in the EU.  相似文献   

It is argued in this paper that the level of non-compliance is high in the Organisation of African Unity/African Union in part because the organisation failed to institute and enforce strict membership accession conditionalities. Across the life of the organisation, this has resulted in non-compliance, mainly the non-payment of dues and non-implementation of policies. This position adds a historical dimension to arguments that identify weak economic capacity and the lack of political will as the main sources of non-compliance. It also supports the thesis that the enforcement of strict accession rules prepares states to perform their obligations and sets them up to receive benefits from the group. In 2002, Africa's continental body changed its mandate from liberation to integration. Since integration requires the strict enforcement of accession rules, the paper suggests that the organisation proceed by choosing differential membership to align the behaviour of its members to their obligations.  相似文献   

Examining multi-level vertical party linkages in Canada’s largest province, this paper makes two primary contributions to the literature. First, drawing on data from a unique survey of constituency associations, the paper focuses on an often unexplored aspect of parties: their local organisations. Second, the paper offers an exploratory analysis of constituency level factors in order to determine which types of constituency associations are the most likely to be integrated. The results of the logistic regression demonstrate the possibility of non-party-based factors such as electoral strength that may contribute to vertical party integration.  相似文献   

日本商业服务外包的发展模式研究及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从中间投入品商业服务外包和公司内部职能部门业务外包两方面探讨了日本商业服务外包发展模式的特点;分析了日本模式的商业服务外包对承接国的经济影响;并指出可以借鉴日本的成功模式,大力培育国内商业服务外包市场、规范国内关于商业服务外包产业发展的法律、法规,制定和实行支持国内商业服务外包产业发展的各项优惠政策,提升中国商业服务外包产业国际竞争力。  相似文献   

This analysis of Germany's management of the Agenda 2000 negotiations in the first half of 1999 has two aims. First, it seeks to highlight the critical role of the presidency in the management of large package deal negotiations in the Union. Second, it seeks to explore the contention of Council insiders that the ‘presidency costs’. This arises from the tension between national preferences and the need for the presidency, as an office of the Union, to foster agreement by producing compromises and by mediating between divergent interests. The paper highlights the complex relationship between the two questions and concludes that the presidency is the lynchpin or central node in any package deal negotiations because of the need for vertical and horizontal co‐ordination of dossiers that are handled in a number of different fora. The presidency is centrally placed to act as an architect of compromise. The ‘presidency costs’ also in that Germany had to abandon its preference for a significant cut in its net contribution in return for an agreement in Berlin.  相似文献   

This study addresses the question of how Korean economic governance has been shaped over time. Primarily, it analyzes the four inter-related dimensions of economic governance: organizational vitality, size dispersion, managerial hierarchy, and market integrity. Although economic governance is quite viable in that the young members dominate the population of organization in numbers, the analysis of size dispersion illustrates the pattern of dominance of large-scale production units across a wide range of industries. Korean economic governance is distinctively characterized by large-scale business groups whose managerial hierarchies are highly concentrated and vertically integrated. Finally, the governance of the national economy also shows aggressive strategies of vertical integration and horizontal predation without the establishment of extensive networks of subcontracting relationships. The current economic crisis raises the question of whether Korean economic governance is viable enough to survive through or vulnerable enough to be replaced by an alternative form under the pressures of financial liberalization and domestic restructuring. An analysis of economic governance will illuminate the unique nature of Korean capitalism and further assist us in understanding the historical roots of the current economic turmoil.  相似文献   

This article addresses farm workers and farm dwellers' tenure insecurity and its relationship with farm conversions in the agricultural district of Cradock, located in the Eastern Cape Karoo. It argues that consequences of farm conversions for farm workers/dwellers' tenure security must be understood within the context of regional land and labour histories. Its main contention with existing positions that ‘blame’ farm conversions for increased evictions and an efflux of workers/dwellers from farms is that there is a correlative rather than causative relationship between farm conversions and farm worker/dweller displacements in the semi-arid areas. It argues that the extreme nature of the historical land question and the continued dominance of a historically white land-owning class in the semi-arid areas render farm workers/dwellers structurally vulnerable to having their residential arrangements on farms terminated at any given moment. Drawing on fieldwork conducted in Cradock between 2009 and 2011, the article shows that game farm conversions tend to perpetuate existing land and power relations on farms as they have prevailed over time. However, it also argues that the distinctiveness of game farm conversions lies in their near ‘irreversibility’ as a land use form which creates more permanently securitised and sealed-off pockets of consolidated land in the countryside. These transformations increase the erosion of farm workers/dwellers' embedded social histories and cultural imprint as a labouring class on the landscape.  相似文献   

This paper addresses issues related to the structure of social movements, the presence of diversity within movements and the management of the conflicts that diversity generates. It outlines and analyses the main dimensions of an unusually intense and bitter conflict that erupted between environmental activists in Sydney in the lead-up to the 1990 federal election. The paper's central argument is that the conflict analysed was a product of the incompatibility between one particular activist network's attempt to impose its political assessment on a cross-section of movement elites and the underlying segmentation, polycephaly and loose integration that characterises the movement's structure. While the paper uses the Sydney case study as an illustrative vehicle, the themes and issues discussed have a broader applicability in the analysis of environment movement dynamics.  相似文献   

This article traces the evolution of heightened Chinese expectations and the resultant spike in national identity in 2010, using a six-dimensional framework: 1) ideological, 2) temporal, 3) sectoral, 4) vertical, 5) horizontal, and 6) intensity. A hybrid ideology rose to the forefront. Forceful historical arguments covered three distinct periods. The triad of economic, cultural, and political identity raised sectoral identity to an unprecedented level. The leadership kept pressing the case for vertical identity in contrast to the West. Above all, it put the spotlight on horizontal identity to draw a sharper contrast with the United States and neighboring states as well. If at the time of the Hu-Obama summit the tone softened somewhat, China continued its risky wager on widening the identity gap. Regardless of whether China's foreign policy is currently assertive, its national identity narrative remains a driving force for divisiveness in the regional and international order.  相似文献   

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