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在2001年"9·11事件"之后,美国将菲律宾视为一个坚定的盟友,再次发现了菲律宾在反恐战争中的战略价值,菲美以反恐为契机开展了密切的安全合作。2004年7月菲律宾因人质事件提前从伊拉克战场撤军之后,菲美安全合作遭受重创,但随后又有所恢复。这一时期菲律宾在中美之间奉行"大国平衡"外交,重视与中国的关系,并发展与中国的安全和防务合作,但是中菲之间的外交与安全合作关系未能动摇美国在菲律宾安全合作中的地位。与菲律宾的反恐合作只是菲美安全合作的一个方面,美国更重视发挥菲律宾在其全球军力部署中前沿阵地和安全合作站点的作用,美国的这一意图也反映在2014年菲美《加强防御合作框架协定》之中。  相似文献   

(一) 美国统治时期,菲律宾华侨经济发展,有其有利因素,也有不利因素。 有利因素之一,是在美国统治时期,菲律宾的生产有了发展,经济也趋向活跃。美国在菲律宾推行美菲自由贸易政策,使美国工业品得以向菲律宾倾销,而菲律宾的农业初级产品和加工产品——麻、烟草、椰干、糖等也可以运销美国。为了促进这种对美国  相似文献   

2010年的菲律宾,经济复苏形势喜人,总体表现好于预期;在国内政治方面,冲突与犯罪不断,和解稳定之路任重道远;外交方面,虽然在发展菲中经贸关系、配合美国东南亚政策以及在南海问题维护本国利益等方面有所斩获,但也因香港游客人质事件与中国关系紧张。  相似文献   

20世纪初,随着美国的对外扩张,其亚洲殖民地菲律宾成为美国"城市美化运动"最大的海外实践基地.在美国,城市美化运动旨在通过综合性规划解决城市化带来的一系列发展问题.而在菲律宾,城市规划的首要目标是重构政治空间,在此基础上建构一个以殖民宗主国美国为模板的菲律宾现代国家.丹尼尔·H.伯纳姆和威廉·帕森斯等美国规划师不但重塑了菲律宾首都马尼拉的公共空间,还将美国的城市美化模式推广到群岛各地.他们将现代性和美式民主制度的特性提炼成直观的空间表达方式,试图向菲律宾民众展示美国民主改革和菲律宾现代国家建构的方向,构建殖民者认可的菲律宾现代国家、将国家统治扩展到整个菲律宾群岛并整合菲律宾经济,从而引导菲律宾走上美国设计的"现代化"道路.这在一定程度上影响了菲律宾的政治经济发展和民族国家建构.  相似文献   

在菲律宾对外政策中,对美国和对东盟的政策是其中最重要的两大组成部分.这其中,美国对菲律宾东盟政策的影响是巨大的.本文考察了菲律宾建国以来,在其制定和实施对东南亚(东盟成立前)/东盟政策时,美国所起的巨大作用以及同时期的菲美关系.  相似文献   

1945年,因日本占领和美菲政局的影响,菲律宾掀起一场不同于以往的经济民族化运动。这一运动既影响到菲律宾的华侨零售业者,也波及到除美国外的其他外国商人。此时,美国正准备应对菲律宾的独立,菲律宾的极端民族化趋势令美国政府担心将来自身在菲利益受损。在菲律宾即将独立的敏感时刻,中国外交官员和侨领积极与美国政府交涉,终于通过美国的干预暂时缓解局面。这场未果的经济民族化运动,折射出1945年的亚太局势、美菲关系和菲律宾的政坛纷争。  相似文献   

美菲关系史研究具有三个比较明显的、值得讨论的特点:首先,其范围甚为广泛,因为菲律宾成为美国一块正式的殖民地将近五十年之久,故此研究美菲关系不仅要特别探讨外交、传教、贸易、军事、文化交流等类似的活动,而且还要考虑美国殖民政策的制定、实施及影响和菲律宾人对这些政策的反应以及菲律宾人同美国殖民主义的许多代理人的相互交往。换言之,美菲关系实际上不只是一个研究领域,而是两个研究领域。一个领域类似于研究美国同其他大多数主权国家的关系史,而另一个领域则是类似于研究英国、法国、德国或西班牙的帝国殖民史,后者已引致了学术…  相似文献   

美国利用美西战争从菲律宾到东南亚的扩张是划时代的历史事件。在地缘政治上,它是美国国内外相辅相成与相反相成关系形成合力的体现。美国进攻菲律宾与菲律宾所居地理环境、国内政治、地缘政治关系、地缘政治动机和地缘政治格局等相关。美国从东南亚到亚太的地缘政治布局是从菲律宾到整个东南亚、亚太和中国三重纵横关系入手的,其运行是先布点后连线再占面,终使其地缘战略空间从东亚大陆广延到太平洋、印度洋并穿连大西洋甚或北冰洋。它对世界地缘政治型态、性质、价值和空间关系变化的深远影响至今犹然。现今,在应对美国不论是重返东南亚或亚太还是推行再平衡战略的挑战中,探溯美国利用美西战争从东南亚扩张到亚太的地缘政治和战略历程,不仅可填补国内对此研究之空白,而且可能有着重要的引鉴价值。  相似文献   

崔泓 《新民周刊》2020,(1):76-77
1."媒"心"媒"肺美机构报告揭批CNN、纽约时报等粉饰乱港暴行用心险恶——"全球各地暴乱中,美国的媒体却只对其中一个题材有极大兴趣:就是香港的抗议活动。""香港的示威者几乎都被称为‘支持民主的抗议者’,而震动智利的抗议活动通常被贬低为‘暴乱’或‘抢劫和纵火’。"  相似文献   

进入20世纪60年代以后,菲律宾国内外政治环境的变化开始冲击牢固的菲美特殊关系基石。1962年马卡帕加尔总统上台后,发起了以"亚洲办法解决亚洲问题"的民族主义外交改革运动,企图借助沙巴领土争端和马菲印多提升菲律宾的独立形象和国际地位。但是,此时的菲律宾民族主义政治力量仍然难以撼动根深蒂固的菲美特殊关系。当印马对抗加剧、美国态度转为强硬后,马卡帕加尔政府又急于重回特殊关系的轨道。马卡帕加尔的民族主义外交运动是菲律宾外交"去特殊化"的第一次尝试,对后来的菲美关系产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

万琪 《港澳研究》2021,(1):3-15,94
全国港澳研究会于2021年2月在北京举办"完善‘一国两制’制度体系,落实‘爱国者治港’根本原则"专题研讨会。夏宝龙同志在讲话中表示,习近平总书记关于"爱国者治港"的重要论述,是对香港回归以来"一国两制"实践经验的高度提炼,是对"一国两制"实践规律的深刻揭示,为推动"一国两制"实践行稳致远、保持香港长治久安指明了方向。"爱国者治港"是"一国两制"方针的核心要义,是推进"一国两制"事业的时代呼唤,要坚持"爱国者治港"的客观标准和要求,对相关制度进行完善。与会专家学者表示,"爱国者治港"是在香港特别行政区维护国家主权、安全、发展利益的重要前提。香港现行选举制度还不能为全面落实"爱国者治港"原则提供坚实的制度保障,需要尽快加以完善,修补漏洞。  相似文献   

There is now a large body of work on foreign workers in Hong Kong. Most studies have concentrated on foreign domestic workers (most of whom are female and from the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand), with the result that researchers have paid less attention to working conditions that prevail for other non-Chinese employees, particularly males. As a consequence, Nepalese construction workers — despite their relatively large numbers — are almost invisible outside of the industry that employs them. This article is an initial attempt to broaden understanding of work-related issues confronting a small community and is based on data from a survey conducted in conjunction with the Far East Overseas Nepalese Association. The primary issues examined are hiring practices, occupational health and safety, job related training, the work environment, work place supervision and discipline, wages, and hours and benefits.  相似文献   


The Ryukyus, surrounded on three sides by major powers of East Asia, are the most strategic outpost of freedom in the Far East. Known as the “Keystone of the Pacific,” Okinawa, the most important island is 800 nautical miles southwest of Tokyo, 325 nautical miles northeast of Taipei, 750 nautical miles northeast of Manila and 700 nautical miles northeast of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

By analysing the 2013 Hong Kong dockworkers’ strike, this article explores how workers, precariously situated in the world’s freest economy, fight for decent wages with the support of civil society. It is argued that the trade union movement in Hong Kong, a Special Administration Region of the People’s Republic of China, is a typical example of social movement unionism. It suggests that the rise of social movement unionism in Hong Kong was a practical strategy of social activists to support labour rights under the specific context of vulnerable structural power, weak institutional power, failed political unionism and a vibrant civil society. Social movement unionism has a “double-edged sword” effect on workers’ power: on the one hand, it has the potential to create societal power and strengthen associational power; on the other hand, it may compromise workers’ militancy and the possibility of stronger workplace bargaining power during workers’ struggle.  相似文献   

With China’s naval expansion in the South China Sea, the Philippine government has eased up its counter-insurgency/counter-terrorism campaign and has vigorously pursued instead the modernization of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) particularly in developing the deterrence capability of the Philippine Navy (PN). However, slow-paced and hampered by scant resources, the naval build-up will hardly deter China’s encroachment on the Philippine maritime territory. Faced with this predicament, the Philippines has resorted to forging new security partnerships with the United States and Japan, two major naval powers in East Asia. The paper concludes that maritime security will remain the Philippines’ priority concern way into the third decade of the 21st century.  相似文献   

The Hong Kong government has been reforming its laws regarding accounting practices in recent years, to pre-empt problems similar to that of Enron. It correctly recognizes an opportunity to enhance and distinguish the financial system in Hong Kong and create a competitive advantage for Hong Kong. The sixty-five billion dollar question is: what is the right approach for accounting practice reform? One obvious approach is to model reform after the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX). The SOX increases personal liabilities of senior management and introduces extremely cumbersome compliance processes (s 3 (b)(ix) of Minutes of Bills Committee of Financial Reporting Council Bill. (19 July 2005)). While this approach may be the right move for the United States, because rescuing investor confidence is paramount, a similar approach may not be optimal for Hong Kong. Hong Kong relies, to a great degree, on foreign investments and a heavy-handed approach may scare investments away (Charles E. Schumer &; Michael R. Bloomberg To Save New York, Learn from London, Wall Street Journal 1 Nov 2006). This paper, argues that failure of independent auditors was mainly caused by bad incentives. In particular, auditors were hired by and responsible to the management of companies. Thus, there is no surprise that auditors were less diligent in finding problems caused by management. Furthermore, proposing of an alternate to the SOA’s approach. Specifically, a new legal approach should be enforced that allows shareholders to sue auditors when failure to uncover accounting issues causes loss of shareholders’ values.  相似文献   

Ming Sing  K. M. Lee 《East Asia》1999,17(2):47-80
This research paper has two major objectives. First, it explains the variations in public support for the British-led democratic reform in late June 1994. Second, it attempts to account for why the reform has only received mild rather than overwhelming backing from the local public. The significance of the research lies in the fact that according to comparative studies, public attitudes do shape democratic prospects. It shows that the low priority attached to democratic reform since the handover of Hong Kong can be better understood by referring to the basis of public support for the non-demoncratic political system before 1997. Models of political culture and rational choice are put to the test in comparing their explanatory power for public support of the British-led democratic reform and the rational choice model has been found to be more powerful. The social base of the political reform, as well as the political implications of the research are also discussed in this essay. Ming Sing is Assistant Professor of Dept. of Public and Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong. He studied Political Science at Yale University and got his D. Phil. from the Oxford University. His major research interests are comparative democratisation and social movements in East Asia. K. M. Lee is the Lecturer at the Division of Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong. His major interests are political economy, social development and comparative politics of East Asia. Both authors would like to express their gratitude to the City University of Hong Kong for its generous financial funding of this research.  相似文献   

香港要提高竞争力,成功实现经济转型,在粤港澳大湾区建设中发挥关键作用,提升在国家经济发展和改革开放中的地位和功能,必须加快建设国际研发之都。香港有条件成为国际研发之都,但要解决好资金、人才、合作等三大挑战。与此同时,中央支持、香港与内地加强合作也至关重要。  相似文献   

The prostitute     
Migrant domestic workers rarely take part in — let alone organize — public protests in the countries where they work. Public protests are virtually unheard of among migrant domestic workers in Singapore, Taiwan, and Malaysia, and especially in the Middle East and the Gulf States. Over the past decade and a half, however, migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong — mostly Filipinas and Indonesian women — have become highly active, organizing and participating in political protests. Hong Kong's migrant domestic workers protest in a place where they are guest workers and temporary migrants, denied the opportunity of becoming legal citizens or permanent residents. Increasingly, these workers, their grassroots activist organizations, and the nongovernmental organizations with which they are affiliated frame their concerns in terms of global, transnational, and human rights, not merely local migrant worker rights. This article takes the “Consulate Hopping Protest and Hall of Shame Awards” event — part of the anti-World Trade Organization protests in Hong Kong in 2005 — as an ethnographic example of domestic worker protest and as an entrée through which to ask what it is about Hong Kong and about the position of women migrant workers — whose mobility and voice is both a product and a symptom of globalization — that literally permits public protests and shapes their form and content. The article illustrates how migrant workers’ protests and activism have been shaped by domestic worker subjectivities, by the dynamics of inter-ethnic worker affiliations, and by the sociohistorical context of Hong Kong as a post-colonial “global city” and a “neoliberal space of exception.”  相似文献   


Nick Cullather has mined archives in the United States and the Philippines, many of them recently opened, to produce these two books. Both volumes provide much new evidence on and many important insights into the U.S.-Philippine relationship, but Cullather aspires to do more than this; he claims to offer an alternative interpretation of that relationship, challenging the view shared by dependency theorists in the United States and nationalist historians in the Philippines.  相似文献   

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