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全球金融风暴自2008年第四季度起波及印尼,总体而言,印尼银行业在本次金融危机中表现稳健,资本充足率(CAR)和不良资产率(NPL)等指标甚至处于历史最佳水平.究其原因:首先,本次金融危机的内在机理有其特殊性;其次,经过亚洲金融危机的洗礼,印尼在宏观经济、银行业实力和政府应变能力等方面均有显著提高.当前,印尼银行业存在的主要问题和风险有:经营水平不高,银行间市场资金严重不均,外资流入过多和实体经济制约等.  相似文献   

二次大战以前,印尼是荷兰的殖民地。在荷兰统治的300多年期间,荷兰垄断资本控制了印尼主要经济命脉,每年从印尼掠夺的利润高达1.5亿美元;而印尼却成为荷兰等帝国主义的原料供应地、资本投资场所、商品倾销市场和廉价劳动动力源泉。荷兰的长期殖民统治给印尼带来了严重的恶果:(一)印尼私人资本极为脆弱。据统计,战前,在印度的各种资本比重中,印尼私人资本只占5%,而外国资本占95%;(二)封建生  相似文献   

印尼经济:2009年回顾与2010年展望   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2009年,受世界经济衰退的影响,印尼进出口额和利用外资额双双下降,但印尼政府采取一系列措施,拉动内需,刺激消费,扩大农业生产,稳定资本金融市场,使印尼经济平稳增长4.5%.2010年,在世界经济复苏的带动下,印尼经济前景看好.  相似文献   

印尼华人资本的崛起及其前景黄阿玲近十年来,印尼华人整体资本发展迅速,其中有的形成了经济实力雄厚的财团。于是,在印尼国内出现种种议论,有的认为这是印尼经济发展的必然结果,有的持否定的态度,认为它是“非民族经济”,不应任其发展下去。本文拟从历史的角度与现...  相似文献   

20世纪七八十年代,有不下20万的印度尼西亚华侨自中国内地迁居香港;而近30多年来,印尼家务工人亦接踵而至,其在香港的人数现已超过13万人。这两群看似毫不相干的移民,在21世纪全球化以及区域移民的大语境下相遇,共同构建了香港经济活动中奇特的族裔景观,具体包括印尼食品店、服装店、手机店、家具店等等。基于文化背景、语言条件以及香港公民身份等因素,第一代印尼归侨以及千禧年前后开始定居香港的印尼华人或自己充当雇主,或在族裔经济中担任雇员,自然而然成为在港印尼族裔经济的先驱者与主要获利者。本文根据2013年到2016年初的田野调查和深度访谈,梳理在港印尼华侨华人的移民背景以及类别,探讨印尼华侨华人如何在印尼家务工人移民潮的推动之下,启动他们的族裔资源,使之成为具有商业用途的资本,从而促进了过去十多年来香港印尼族裔经济的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

本文认为:在苏哈托时期,印尼与东盟一同成长,印尼对东盟的发展和壮大起着十分重要的作用.在后苏哈托时期,印尼与东盟的关系呈现出一种互动的态势.未来印尼与东盟关系将向积极方面发展,其主要理由是:加强与东盟的关系,是印尼各届政府外交的重要目标之一,而搞好与印尼的关系也符合东盟的长远发展战略.  相似文献   

"构建多元和谐的印尼社会"是印尼新政府在民主化转型进程中提出的重要执政理念,其具体实践端赖于当地社会与华人社会的互动与建构.1998年后,多元和谐理念在印尼新时期国家政治生活中的实践促进了印尼华人社团的解禁与蓬勃发展,华人社团也由此得以在社会、文教、政治和经济领域主动融入当地社会,全面参与印尼多元和谐社会的构建.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代初以来,东盟次区域经济合作非常活跃,先后出现了新加坡、马来西亚柔佛和印尼的廖内群岛等组成的"新柔廖增长三角",又被称为"东盟南增长三角";印尼、马来西亚、泰国相邻部分组成的"东盟北增长三角";文莱、印尼、马来西亚和菲律宾相邻部分组成的"东盟东部经济增长区(简称东盟东增长区)"等.这些由东盟各国自愿组成的各种增长三角已成为东盟进行合作的重要形式,促进了东盟各国间经济联系和相互合作,带动了贸易和投资的发展.本文选取东盟区域内最大的、最年轻的东盟东增长区,分析其带动资本流动的效果,探讨其发展成效.  相似文献   

本文运用文化学原理,剖析了当今的印尼华人依然分离分治的现实,并指出这决不仅仅是少数人的行为所致,而是印尼华人"两集团四群体"一体多元状态的深刻反映,是印尼华人文化一体性与多元化矛盾运动的必然结果,是不以人们的主观意志和美好愿望为转移的一种文化运作机制所致.因此,大可不必为世纪之交印尼华人大联合大团结之昙花一现而悲观失望、横加指责.不过,鉴于凡印尼华人大联合大团结之际,便是其合法权益得以保障、社会地位得以改善之时,因此,又不可对当今印尼华人的分离分治无动于衷、顺其自然.文章依据印尼华人及其文化的本体性征和运动态势认为,印尼华人应该充分利用当前印尼民族民主运动所给予的最好机遇,在坚持投身于印尼政治改革、经济重振、文化重构、民族重组、国家重建的过程中,努力求同存异,殊途同归,以真正实现华人的大联合大团结,而自觉理性地践履、建构、完善印尼华人文化则是其千头万绪之纲、百废待兴之领,因为印尼华人文化是印尼华人消除派性的"基本建设工程",又是印尼华人整合为一的"求同存异之本",还是印尼华人得以顺时应变、与时俱进、绝处逢生、千秋万代的"安身立命之道",归根结底,是面临挑战与机遇、分化与重组的21世纪印尼华人进行"部族"建设,最终实现以"华族"整体在印尼民族中与各原住民"部族"殊途同归、和谐共济并谋取更好生存、更大发展之出路所在.  相似文献   

2007年10月26日,中国社科院亚洲太平洋研究所与印尼驻华大使馆联合举办了"深化中国-印尼战略伙伴关系:机遇与挑战"国际学术研讨会.来自印尼大学、印尼国际战略研究中心、北京大学、暨南大学、厦门大学、现代国际关系研究院、中国社科院亚太所、印尼驻华使馆、外交部、商务部、国际广播电台等近30名专家、学者参加了本次研讨会.  相似文献   

马来西亚伊斯兰金融系统发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,马来西亚已建立起完整的伊斯兰金融体系,它与传统的金融系统一起被称为"双系统".马来西亚广义的伊斯兰金融系统包括伊斯兰银行市场、伊斯兰保险市场和伊斯兰资本市场,系统性和完整性是其重要特点.马来西亚持续发展伊斯兰金融体系的努力,使得其成为伊斯兰金融发展的领跑者.  相似文献   

In parallel to the growing weight of finance in the global economy, the transparency of financial flows and asset ownership has attracted increasing attention, a process further accelerated by the 2007/8 global financial crisis. Tax‐starved governments want to know the assets their residents own but financial intransparency can make tax collection difficult by obscuring both the ownership of assets as well as their real size. This article reviews three interrelated strands of literature on financial intransparency with a special emphasis given to one of its most prominent examples: Swiss‐style banking secrecy. First, I discuss the challenge of financial intransparency in a globalized economy and document the central role Switzerland plays as an offshore financial centre. I show that while Swiss‐style banking secrecy is an important example of financial intransparency, possible tax evaders also have other instruments at their disposal. Second, a review of the literature on the origins of Swiss banking secrecy shows how struggles for interpretive dominance shape the politics of financial intransparency. Third, I discuss the literature on the first OECD campaign against tax havens and demonstrate that representatives of the Swiss political‐economic system could have anticipated the shift of attention from small island states to OECD member states like Switzerland. Given the writing on the wall, it is surprising that recent developments have caught Swiss banks flat‐footed.  相似文献   

Much has been written about European banking union and Germany’s role in shaping it. Missing, however, is a comprehensive explanation for Germany's contradictory positions on banking union: German policymakers gambled on a single supervisory mechanism, and a single resolution mechanism yet drew the line on European-wide deposit insurance. We explain Germany’s mixed positions on banking union by drawing on prospect theory and theories of policy salience.  相似文献   

东南亚金融危机爆发以后,泰国银行体系由于本身所固有的缺陷,其不良债权急剧增加,已经成为银行业正常运行的沉重负担,并且严重阻碍了泰国经济走上复苏道路。为了解决这一问题,泰国政府采取了诸如设立专门机构、筹集专项资金、有条件向商业银行注资的手段,目前已经取得了一定成效,但其中存在的一些问题我们也应该注意  相似文献   

The German grand coalition's track record with regard to managing the financial crisis is mixed. The government has spent enormous amounts of money to prevent a breakdown of the banking system and to cushion the effects of the recession. It was at least partially successful as these programmes indeed prevented collapses of banks as well as bank runs, kept unemployment relatively low and somewhat mitigated the recession. Nonetheless, at least some of the crisis policies lacked coherence, particularly with regard to the bank rescue packages. The reason is that even in the face of a systemic banking crisis and a GDP decline of 5 per cent, programmatic differences between the coalition partners have not disappeared and became manifest in government policies.  相似文献   

Malaysia gained attention for its use of capital controls in 1998, but since the early 2000s it has emphasised its commitment to an open capital account, despite experiencing volatile capital flows. As well as opting for financial openness, Malaysia chose to manage the value of its exchange rate after de-pegging from the US dollar in 2005. In a bid to escape the macroeconomic constraints that arise from capital mobility, Malaysia also chose to sterilise a large portion of capital inflows. It then made a further choice to use market-based sterilisation instruments more than regulatory sterilisation measures. These choices have carried costs and led to a build-up of economic risk. Three interrelated factors explain these choices: Malaysia’s strategy to manage the stigma arising from its imposition of controls in 1998, the increased level of financial integration that followed from this strategy, and the politically privileged position of groups that have benefitted from Malaysia’s commitment to capital openness.  相似文献   

冰岛危机刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年10月,冰岛爆发了严重的金融危机,国家濒临"破产"。冰岛危机的实质是金融业无限膨胀导致的金融泡沫在外部条件发生恶化时终于破裂。金融泡沫的产生与银行私有化后金融业盲目地走向国际市场以及政府放松对金融业的监管等因素有关。金融全球化趋势的快速发展为冰岛金融业的膨胀起到了推波助澜的作用。冰岛危机的教训是:银行在拓展其海外业务时没有量力而行;不能放松对金融业的监管;不能依靠信贷扩张来刺激经济;要正确处理发挥比较优势与提升产业结构的关系。  相似文献   

While financial globalization has created powerful incentives for Latin American governments to privatize old age pension systems, reliance on short-term capital flows has also constrained the ability of cash-strapped governments to enact that reform. Analysis of the technocratic process of pension reform in Argentina and Brazil provides evidence. Instead of simply generating unidirectional pressures for structural pension reform, financial globalization has created a double bind for Latin America's capital-scarce governments, fostering long-term incentives to privatize pension systems while heightening the risk of punishment in the short term.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the process of financial liberalization in South Korea from the perspective of financial globalization through an international political economic approach. Korean financial liberalization has been highly influenced by the outside pressure of the United States, the OECD and the IMF, as well as by the big business conglomerates (chaebols), as a powerful domestic interest group. In a broad perspective, South Korea's entrance into the OECD, the Financial Services Agreement under the WTO and the Structural Adjustment Program of the IMF after the 1997 financial crisis were important moments for Korea's financial reforms. There are two viewpoints on the causes of the Korean financial crisis. From a domestic viewpoint, South Korea had a weak financial market system and its financial liberalization process was too premature to create a stable financial market when Korea met the financial crisis. In a globalization perspective, financial globalization intrinsically encourages uncontrollable short-term financial capital flows across borders, thus financial crisis is inevitable regardless of a strong or weak domestic financial system. This article compares these two viewpoints in the case of South Korea.  相似文献   

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