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新中国成立前夕,中国共产党确定了向苏联"一边倒"的方针.但从深层次上看,这是一种三方面选择的结果,即苏联在国共两党之间的选择、美国在国共两党之间的选择、中共在美苏之间的选择.这三种选择都经历了一个曲折发展的过程并且对后来的中苏关系、中美关系都产生了重大的影响.  相似文献   

南中国海(South China Sea),中国称为"南海",20世纪之前,尽管是海上大通道之一,但一直默默无闻.进入20世纪,南中国海的局势几经演变,愈趋复杂:在周边国家与地区式微的情况下,域外大国不断介入,如法国、日本、美国等.自1974年开始——该年1月,中国与已经消失的南越在西沙群岛发生冲突.  相似文献   

随着中国入世过渡期的结束,美国适时出台了"新阶段"对华贸易政策.该政策在重点强调美国对华贸易政策核心原则的基础上,认为中国应该以一个"成熟"的"贸易强国"的身份积极、全面地参与对发达国家适用的国际协议与国际组织,从而让美国厂商获得更多的中国市场准入机会.该项政策的出台,是美国秉承其"融合战略"主导下的"引导"和"塑造"同步推进的政策,其实质是将经贸问题政治化,是美国对华"遏制"战略的延伸和拓展.  相似文献   

"新帝国论"与美国"整合外交"   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
阮宗泽 《美国研究》2002,16(3):36-49
近来,"新帝国论"频频出现于美国的舆论之中,包括美国一些重量级的美国学者、精英均在谈论新的"美利坚帝国".这种新帝国思想理念和政策取向的主要体现是反恐谋霸,追求绝对霸权、绝对领导、绝对安全和绝对军事优势."新帝国论"的出现与美国历史发展轨迹和现实因素密切相关.美国决策者认为,"9·11"事件的发生与第二次世界大战刚结束时的情况相似,"最重要的是要抓住这一机会重新界定美国的利益和对国际机制的立场",并以"整合主义"替代"遏制政策".对于难以通过"整合"手段达到目的的对象,可采取孤立、遏制和"先发制人"的策略.但是,美国是否会面临历史上帝国最终都曾经历的过度扩张导致失败这一困境,尚待观察.  相似文献   

21世纪之初美国对缅甸政策波折不断,在认识到制裁失败的基础上,凭借务实性接触,美缅关系得以全面回暖,但随即美国对缅甸特定人群和目标采取了针对性制裁,直至当前重拾全面制裁的"大棒".经历了如此的循环往复,美国对缅甸政策大有"回到过去"之势.美国对缅甸政策在"制裁"与"接触"两端摇摆不定,"不完全制裁+不完全接触"混合并存一直存在于其政策调整之中.这种特点源于美国对缅甸政策深层次因素的长期影响,其内在的"两难"在拜登政府期间日益凸显且难以纾解,美国对缅甸政策选择的空间进一步缩窄.面对纷纷攘攘的周边变局,中国应积极寻求拓展周边外交,确保中缅关系健康稳定向前发展.  相似文献   

美国对华经贸摩擦"政治化"问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文探讨了美国对华经贸摩擦"政治化"在贸易平衡、汇率、投资等方面的表现,以及背后深层的国内外政治经济原因.文章认为,美国对华经贸摩擦"政治化"的上升,是美国两党在贸易政策问题上"政治化"的结果,并非由两国国家战略的冲突引起.中美国内政治与社会利益结构的变化正成为巩固双边关系的深层基础.从国内政治经济的角度考察这一问题更有说服力.文章建议,在关键利益问题上与美国"硬碰硬",将有助于调动美国国内支持贸易自由化的利益集团采取更积极的行动,平衡、抵消保护主义势力在对华政策上的消极影响.中美经贸争端解决的"机制化"合作符合双方的共同利益.  相似文献   

近年来,韩印两国构筑"特别战略伙伴关系"的进程,与美国"印太战略"的实施同步推进.韩印两国分别是美国的盟友与伙伴国,在美国的"印太战略"中占据重要地位,其双边关系发展是符合美国"印太战略"需求的.美韩印三国的地区政策内涵既具有较强的共通性,也有明显的差异性,故彼此之间非常注重政策对接.同时,"印太"视域下美国与韩国、印度的关系发展,在相当程度上对韩印双边关系发展起着"范式引领"的作用,助推韩印两国在经济、政治、安全等诸多领域进行广泛合作.此种韩印关系的发展,又在相当程度上有助于美国维持地区主导地位、平衡地区势力结构变动以及塑造多边安全网络.  相似文献   

论"反美主义"的客观现实根源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前在整个世界蔓延的"反美主义"作为一种客观现象已引起美国甚至整个西方理论界的普遍关注和争论.但美国国内大多数政客和理论家仍然在"反美主义"形成的原因问题上制造种种偏执的理论来误导美国民众和国际舆论.这不仅不利于美国自身的反省,也元助于美国化解由于它自身的错误而导致的遍及世界的反美情绪.笔者在此对"反美主义"形成的历史和客观现实根源作一番分析,以澄清事实的本来面目.  相似文献   

美国历史上的"国家利益"问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王希 《美国研究》2003,17(2):9-30
本文以美国民众对伊拉克战争的支持为出发点,讨论了围绕美国"国家利益"的几个问题,包括"国家利益"的定义、其涵义在美国历史上的演变,以及其与当代美国社会的国家认同之间的关系.作者提出,美国"国家利益"是一个具有历史沉淀的概念,其内涵是由国家建设和民族建设两个过程的相互作用而决定的.作者并指出,现代国家和市场对公民社会的全面渗透对公民利益国家化趋势的产生有重要的影响,这种趋势也导致了公民对国家外交政策的认同.  相似文献   

论美国竞选财政中的"软钱革命"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代以来,美国竞选财政中的最大变化就是越来越多的"软钱"卷入到竟选过程之中,成为候选人谋求当选的重要工具."软钱革命"在客观上已经对美国代议民主制形成了严峻的挑战,特别是"软钱"制造了大量的政治腐败.多年以来,美国国内社会各界对有关"软钱"立法问题争论激烈难以形成共识.美国如要通过立法对"软钱"加以限制,堵塞宪政民主体制中存在的漏洞,尚需要很长一段时间.  相似文献   

孙玉琴 《美国研究》2012,(1):113-123,5,6
20世纪30年代世界经济大萧条时期,开始于美国的贸易保护主义政策,极大地损害了国际贸易的发展,中国的对外贸易尤其是中美贸易也受到了严重冲击。1929~1932年,尽管中国货币被动贬值,但其对出口的积极效应远远小于美国进口税提高及进口需求下降的效应。1933年以后美国关税壁垒降低,美国货币贬值及白银购买导致中国货币相对升值,但有限的贸易自由化及国民收入的增加,引致进口需求扩大,并由此带动了中国对美出口贸易的增长。  相似文献   

Cheng-yi Lin 《East Asia》1992,11(4):40-57
If there had not been a Korean War, the Chinese Communists would probably have invaded Taiwan in 1950. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the United States began to reverse its hands-off policy toward the Chinese Nationalists on Taiwan. The Korean War first compelled the United States to grant military aid to Taiwan and then put the island under U.S. protection. The war forestalled the deterioration of the ROC’s international status, but the legal status of Taiwan became undetermined in the eyes of U.S. policymakers. U.S. economic aid prevented Taiwan from sliding into an economic depression in the 1950s, and greatly contributed to the island’s later economic takeoff. He is the author ofThe Taiwan Security Triangle (Taipei: Laureate Publishing Company, 1989).  相似文献   

李潜虞 《美国研究》2020,34(2):70-85
20世纪50年代中期东亚地区冷战的特点是美国着力组建旨在遏制中国的军事同盟体系,而中国通过落实国际和平统一战线政策力图突破美国的封锁。亚非会议成为中美两国冷战角力的焦点。美国对亚非会议的政策有两个基本点:第一,美国不公开反对召开亚非会议,但鼓励所谓“温和国家”与会,以间接发挥美国对会议的影响力;第二,全力阻止会议发起国做出邀请中国与会的决定。在行动没有奏效的情况下,转而要求自己的盟国代表“自由世界”发言,尽可能限制中国代表团在会上的影响。会议开幕后,美国没有对周恩来提出的缓和台湾地区紧张局势的声明给予积极回应。会议结束后,美国逐渐认识到周恩来的外交活动在会议上取得了成功,但仍然未能促使它改变遏制、敌视新中国的政策。  相似文献   

Enze Han 《Asian Security》2017,13(1):59-73
Ever since Myanmar reoriented its foreign policy as a result of its transition to democratic rule in 2010, it has significantly improved its relations with the West, particularly the United States. Amid heightened geostrategic competition between the U.S. and China, how can we understand the Chinese government’s changing approaches to Myanmar, where China’s strategic and economic interests face unprecedented pressure? This article examines those changes in the context of the Chinese government’s response to three militarized ethnic conflicts along its border with Myanmar before and after Myanmar’s foreign policy reorientation. Drawing evidence from Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs statements and Chinese media coverage of the 2009 and 2015 Kokang conflicts and the 2011-2013 Kachin conflict, the article argues that combined geopolitical changes and domestic nationalist signaling explain the variations of China’s foreign policy approaches to Myanmar. The article thus contributes to ongoing interest in China’s foreign policy approaches to Southeast Asia in the wake of geostrategic competition between China and the United States.  相似文献   

毛瑞鹏 《美国研究》2012,(1):98-112,5
《上海公报》发表后,美国政府着手推动中美双边贸易关系的发展,资产要求问题遂成为其优先寻求解决的议题。中美两国围绕资产要求问题的谈判经历了明显的起伏。在尼克松第二任期的后期和福特任期内,由于美国政府始终未能做出实质性努力以实现中美关系正常化,它试图依靠双边经贸关系的进展来显示两国间紧密联系的做法无法获得中方的认同,所以导致中美双方关于资产要求问题的谈判未获成功。  相似文献   

网络和太空是信息时代关键的战略空间。近几年美国国家安全文件拓展了美国战略利益的范围,将网络和太空作为其战略利益的新纬度。美国在信息空间推行先发制人的进攻性政策,以追求全方位优势地位。在网络与太空领域,中美之间存在着巨大的科技鸿沟。未来中美双方合作可以从不敏感的非军事领域起步,采取多边合作的形式,运用创造性思维开拓新的合作议程,共同构建更稳定的信息空间秩序。  相似文献   

This article starts from Peter Gowan's notion of a Dollar-Wall Street Regime (DWSR) characterized by financial deregulation, the dollar as the world's currency, large international capital flows, and frequent financial crises. The author argues that the DWSR has relied on a special economic relationship between the United States and East Asia, characterized by large East Asian trade and current account surpluses with the United States and the investment of East Asian dollar holdings in U.S. capital markets. For some time both parties benefited from this relationship, but eventually it gave rise to financial crises in East Asia. Thus, Japan's financial crisis around 1990 and the 1997/98 East Asian financial crisis are both related to economic over-accumulation caused by the buildup of currency reserves through trade with the United States. Attempts at East Asian monetary integration since 1997 are viewed as a potential challenge to the DWSR. These attempts have however been blocked or rendered harmless by regional divisions as well as by U.S. resistance. While an East Asian political challenge to theDWSRis unlikely for the time being, the special U.S.-East Asian economic relationship may become substantially weakened by the growing problems of the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

This article traces the “securitization” of U.S. foreign economic policy in the administration of George W. Bush. It does so with reference to U.S. economic policy in East and Southeast Asia. It argues that in the context of U.S. economic and military preponderance in the world order, the United States has been unable to resist the temptation to link foreign economic and security policy. While there was evidence of the securitization of economic globalization in U.S. policy from day one of the Bush administration, it was 9/11 that firmed up this trend. For the key members of the Bush foreign policy team, globalization is now seen not simply in neoliberal economic terms, but also through the lenses of the national security agenda of the United States. Economic globalization is now not only a benefit but also a “security problem.” The attacks on 9/11 offered the opportunity for what we might call the “unilateralist-idealists” in the Bush administration, to set in train their project for a post-sovereign approach to U.S. foreign policy.  相似文献   

Ki Moon Ban 《East Asia》1992,11(2):49-56
As a way of conclusion, let me get back to where I started, which is my observation on the U.S. presidential election. Despite the scant attention paid to foreign policy issues, certain common threads seem to emerge in the foreign policy platforms of the major presidential candidates. One is the intention to stay engaged in world affairs in closer cooperation with allies and other friendly countries. Another is the importance given to promoting the values of liberal democracy and market economy in U.S. foreign policy. As a major ally of the United States, Korea cherishes its security and economic ties with the United States and intends to develop these ties even in the post-cold war era. Most importantly, Korea takes pride in the common political and economic values it shares with the United States. Whatever challenges might arise in the days to come, the shared values between Korea and the United states will serve us so that the two countries can continue to develop their relationships in the twenty-first century and beyond.  相似文献   

Rosemary Foot 《East Asia》1991,10(3):16-29
With the partial opening of the documentary record in the United States and a willingness on the part of Chinese officials and researchers to give a more considered assessment of their country’s relationship with the Soviet Union in the 1950s, the value of the Sino-Soviet alliance to Beijing can now be better determined. Recent Chinese analysis demonstrates that the Beijing leadership believed that it derived security, technological, and economic benefit from the alliance until 1958–59. American records show that U.S. administrations always perceived the alliance as conditional and circumscribed but nevertheless operative if, as a result of warfare, the overthrow of the Chinese Communist government appeared possible.  相似文献   

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