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袁友军 《学理论》2009,(27):129-130
行业协会、行业商会是指从事相同性质经济活动的经济组织,为维护共同的合法经济利益而自愿组织的非营利性社会团体。广东是最早实行改革开放的地区,各类行业协会、商会也发展得最早、最快。根据民政部门的最新统计,截止2005年底,全省经批准登记的行业性社团(行业协会、商会)2218个,从社会团体登记管理范围看,省级812个,地市级4291个,县(区)级4215个。  相似文献   

加快形成政社分开、权责明确、依法自治的现代社会组织体制,重点培育和优先发展行业协会商会的政策要求明确后,调查显示:行业协会商会发展发生了一些积极的变化.但政社关系调整任务艰巨,政府职能转移、政府购买服务等进展有限,行业协会商会的能力、公信力有待提升,行业协会商会由公益服务的替代机制向优先机制转变任重道远.  相似文献   

我国国家与社会关系的法团主义特征对行业协会提出代表性的要求。但通过对作为民间商会典范的温州行业协会的调查表明,民间商会的代表性并不高,这主要表现为“一业多会”盛行、入会率不高、政治依附性和寡头化等。在影响民间商会代表性的因素中,既有中外行业协会发展中的共性因素(俱乐部组织边界、行业异质性),又有体现我国历史传统和政策环境的特殊因素(管理体制),还有包括二者的混合因素(治理机制)。对比德国、El本等法团主义国家商会的代表性,发现我国行业协会的代表性要求是对法团主义的一种误读,并且在我国不大可能按法团主义的模式构建行业协会的管理体制。因此,必需将民间商会代表性由“行业代表”重新定义为“会员代表”,然后从理顺行业协会的管理体制、优化行业协会的组织结构、完善民主机制、提升服务水平和取消政治激励等方面提升民间商会的代表性。  相似文献   

全面深化改革时代也是行业协会商会发展的大时代,行业协会商会面临大好发展机遇的同时,也面临着严峻的挑战。当前对我国行业协会商会的研究难以满足行业协会商会发展的现实要求,更无法对新时期面临的挑战作出有效应对。在全面深化改革时代,行业协会商会研究特别需要关注以下十大议题:国家与社会关系模式对行业协会商会发展的影响,行业协会商会立法,行业协会商会与政府的关系,政府购买行业协会商会服务,行业协会商会的代表性,行业协会商会的职能定位,行业协会商会的治理结构,行业协会商会的管理运行,行业协会商会的外部合作和行业协会商会的监管。  相似文献   

公与私:中国行业协会的矛盾定位解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,随着市场经济的发展,行业协会作为一种同类企业间的联合互益组织在社会经济生活中起着日益重要的作用。但由于行业协会本身所蕴含的的市场性以及我国对行业协会的特殊定位,其公益性与私益性的冲突已经成为制约我国行业协会发展的首要因素,因此唯有在认真探讨市场化的主流趋势与非营利化的新兴走向之间的异同,才能重新定义我国行业协会的发展路径,以期实现行业的善治。  相似文献   

孙鸿炜 《侨园》2003,(4):30-31
非营利组织(以下简称NPO)属近代社会基础结构中的支柱部门之一,行业协会、基金会、学会、协会、联合会等都是NPO表现出的“前沿性组织”。行业协会作为NPO的重要成员,它属于比企业还要古老的经济制度,是自律、自主、自养的社会中介服务性组织。行业协会具有两个显著特点:一是行业协会是非营利性组织;二是行业协会的宗旨是维护行业利益。由于行业协会不是政府管理机构,不能行使宏观经济调控管理职能,因此行业协会的生  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着市场经济的发展,行业协会作为一种同类企业间的联合互益组织在社会经济生活中起着日益重要的作用。但其本身所蕴含的公益性与私益性的冲突却成为制约我国行业体制发展的首要因素,从奶粉事件中我们可以看到:行业协会的私益趋向越来越明显,公益的属性已逐渐被取代。在许多学者声嘶力竭的改革呼声中,我们只有公正的看待行业协会的市场性,摒弃政治意义上的公益至上的观点,进一步厘清行业协会公私冲突的根源,在非营利话与市场化、民营化的互动基础之上,重新拷问中国的行业体制改革的路径选择,才能实现行业管理的善治。  相似文献   

行业协会作为社会组织中力量最强、影响最大、最具活力的部分,在经济社会发展中发挥着日益重要的作用。作为改革开放的前沿阵地,深圳行业协会发展走在全国前列。但客观来看,深圳行业协会仍存在诸多不足之处和薄弱环节,还有极大的提升和发展空间。笔者通过到有关主管部门、部分协会代表和企业代表、其他有关单位进行专题座谈、个别走访、实地察看,并在查阅大量政策理论和实践经验资料的基础上,对深圳行业协会的存在问题、发展路径进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

非营利组织性质探讨--以行业协会为例的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
行业协会在我国目前行业管理及行业自律中占有相当重要的地位,然而从非营利组织特征出发的研究往往忽视了其作为经济领域内中介组织的特殊方面。从政治学的法团主义思想、制度经济学的交易成本理论、社会学的专业化运动理论和新公共管理学所提出的治理理论中等多个理论视角分析了行业协会的组织性质,得出四个方面的观点,即行业协会是经济团体之利益表达的结合体、市场经济体制中的民间自治组织、以服务为主导方向的专业社会组织及公共事务治理的居间载体。在我国目前应对行政体制、经济体制改革的趋势下,对行业协会的正确认识将有助于如何加强行业协会的建设和发展。  相似文献   

改革开放后逐步形成的"双重管理"体制在有效稳定社会组织发展秩序的同时,阻碍社会组织的数量增长和质量提升。对"双重管理"体制的调整和变革以放松特定类型社会组织的登记、允许行业协会商会适度竞争、加强事中事后监管、建立综合监管体系等为主要内容,初步呈现从"掌控型监管"向"合规性监管"转型的趋势。当前,社会组织监管体制中仍然存在政策体系不完备、准入管理未从根本上放松、对社会组织的日常管理干预过多、同业监管难发展、社会组织自我监管动力不足等问题。"合规性监管"体制的最终形成有赖于改革的持续推进,需要建构以非营利监管为核心的政策体系,进一步放松准入管理,发挥党建引领社会组织发展的作用,为同业监管的发展创造制度条件,放松竞争限制、促进社会组织自律。  相似文献   

This article explores the changing relationship between the public and voluntary sectors. In 2007, a local government reform reduced the number of Danish municipalities from 271 to 98 and assigned new tasks to these. Consequently, the reform resulted in major local political and administrative changes, thereby giving a unique opportunity to examine how institutional changes affect the voluntary sector. Based on data from qualitative case studies and two questionnaire surveys (2004 and 2010) the article examines how the local government reform affects the relationship between the two sectors. The findings indicate that the political and administrative changes in the local political system have influenced municipality collaboration, contact and interaction with local associations. While some associations experience a decline in personal contact, there is an increase in formalization of the relationship and an increased degree of collaboration between the voluntary and public sectors.  相似文献   

This paper explores a unique Public-Private Partnership (PPP) formed by the government and Taiwanese Farmer Associations. Particularly, it will investigate a pattern of the PPP that has successfully promoted rural development and agricultural modernization in Taiwan since the 1950s. TFA's (Taiwanese Farmer Associations) establishment inherently came from Japanese Cooperatives before World War II. The Performances of those farmer organizations are combinations of economic, social, and educational synergies. The rural development experiences in Taiwan demonstrate that success of rural modernization is carried out by a special PPP. First, this paper discusses the establishment and development of farmer cooperative organizations in East Asian societies. Particularly, it focuses on collaborative mold and process in which both the government and TFA have been extensively involved. A specific cooperative apparatus between the government and TFA functioning and operating as a perfect PPP has been formed under administrative guidance of the state. Thirdly, this paper looks at input and various supports in financial and policy perspectives by the public sector. Fourthly, the paper discusses legal framework, administrative apparatus, and governance pattern for TFA. Fifthly, the significant findings of paper illustrate that a specific PPP successfully involving in rural modernization in Taiwan is derived from the state' guidance that properly regulates a collaboration between the government and TFA. The so-called East Asian model of PPP, as revealing in agricultural modernization and rural community development in Taiwan, may become valuable experiences for most of developing countries.  相似文献   

Despite their growth and functional similarity to census-listedgovernments, residential community associations (RCAs) representa little-researched feature of American federalism. This studyemploys survey data from a national sample of RCAs to examinehow these organizations relate to other parts of local governmentsystems. The findings underscore the similarity of RCAs to localgovernment with regard to service provision, intergovernmentalcontracting, and lobbying with other units. Multivariate analysisshows that where RCAs are overlapped by other local units, includingother RCAs, they engage in more government-like actions. Thearticle also seeks to stimulate further research on RCAs byreflecting on measurement issues and the federalism implicationsof the study's findings.  相似文献   

This article questions one of the crucial issues of the current social capital debate: do voluntary associations necessarily contribute to the creation or maintenance of a civic culture? Based upon empirical and historical evidence this article demonstrates that associations' cultural spirit simply reflects and amplifies dominant cultural traits of a given time and a given society. Changes in public culture prompt changes in associative culture, and not vice versa. In other words, contemporary associations are more democratic and more civil because they exist within societies which are themselves more democratic and civil than societies of past times. Members in associations represent society's active parts; as activists they have a higher susceptibility to cultural trends and fashions. This susceptibility is the major reason for the modest but statistically significant relationship between membership in associations and a range of cultural attitudes. Zaller's concept of political persuasion is applied to explain the Zeitgeist dependence of voluntary associations.  相似文献   

John O'Neill 《政治学》1997,17(3):191-196
Fukuyama's influential book The End of History and the Last Man presents an Hegelian picture of history as the story of the struggle for recognition. Modern liberal society is the end of history since it resolves that struggle. However, unlike Hegel, Fukuyama assumes recognition is pursued for its own sake. The assumption lends plausibility to a market model of recognition which sits uneasily with his own defence of associational spheres of existence. Hegel, in contrast, inherits an Aristotelian position according to which recognition is parasitic on other goods. This account of recognition informs Hegel's defence of an associational account of civil society and his rejection of market exchange as satisfactory site for recognition. Hegel's response to market modes of recognition is contrasted with that of Adam Smith.  相似文献   

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