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“公共利益”这一概念历来困扰着政治学界与公共管理实务界。在一定意义上,我们可以断言,一味地寻求一个能够得到公认的、静态的、普适的“公共利益”概念,将难免陷入“公共利益迷局”之误区。但是,通过描述“公共利益”的内涵和本质特征,从公共行政实践中寻求公共利益之价值追求的题中应有之义,我们可以开辟出一条认识“公共利益”的新路。对于公共行政人员来说,培养起公共精神是做好公共事务的基本要求  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,不少以公共利益名义出台的公共政策成为侵害公共利益的典型案例,社会不和谐问题凸显。在当前利益越来越多元化的社会中,分析公共决策存在的问题,探讨公共决策理念的创新,畅通利益诉求表达的制度化渠道,建立健全科学的利益诉求协调机制,既蕴涵重要的理论意义,又凸显重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

当代公共管理的根本诉求在于实现公共利益的最大化。维护和增进社会的公共利益,不应为了实现效率和生产率价值而过多地或仅仅追寻管理趋向的公共管理模式;可以寻求另外一种公共管理模式,即法律趋向的公共管理模式,以开辟一条新的现实研究法。历史地看,管理趋向的公共管理,由于其行政权有不断扩张的倾向,容易造成公民权利受损和公共利益被政府的自我利益所侵占等不良后果。因而,从法律维度考量当代公共管理现象及其本质规律不但具有必然性而且具有可行性。需要从法律维度考察的公共管理的主要问题是:公共管理的宪法渊源问题、公共管理的程序性正当和法律程序问题、公共管理的司法审查问题以及公共管理的行政法治化问题。  相似文献   

国家公务员的主体意识,主要是指国家公务人员对国家公共事业的基本态度和价值取向。国家公务员是中国行政机关中依法执行公务、实施行政管理活动的工作人员,正确的主体意识,是其正确履行职责、管理社会的根本保证。学习贯彻(国家公务员暂行条例),在重点把握的基础上,应当确立以下诸方面的主体意识。一、公共利益意识。国家是维护社会公共秩序的特殊力量,是社会成员公共利益的总代表。它通过行使社会“公共权力”,管理公民的各项社会事务。国家公务员的身份一旦确立,即与国家产生了一定的权力与义务的关系。国家公务员在执行公务、…  相似文献   

公共利益:现代公共管理的本质问题   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
公共利益与共同利益不是两个等价的概念.共同利益既与共同体利益相关联,也是利益关系的产物.而公共利益的本质属性决定了"公共利益是共同利益,但共同利益却不一定是公共利益".作为一种价值取向,公共利益是一个抽象的概念;当以公共物品和公共服务为主要物质表现形式时,公共利益则是现实的、分层次的和多样化的.这为以公共利益为本质的现代公共管理提供了新的思路和立场.研究立场由管理者向公众的转变客观上也要求建立战略性的公共管理框架.  相似文献   

公共管理是一种新型的社会治理模式,公共管理活动与传统的行政管理有着继承关系,但是,它又与传统的行政管理有着根本性的不同。公共管理职业活动是公共管理社会生命实现的途径。公共管理在他的职业角色扮演中,需要在平等的观念下行使公共权力,需要把职业价值体系内化为自己的社会生命的内容,需要在职业活动中完善自己的社会生命。在传统的观念中,存在着对社会治理的“公仆”定位,这是一种描述,而不是科学规定,其实,公共管理是严格意义上的职业活动。公共管理的职业活动,在根本上就是要消除一切不利于公共利益实现的因素,为公共利益积极地、创造性地实现而提供保障。  相似文献   

权力控制论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国家政权是以国家的力量为内涵的一种权力现象。权力运行中出现非公共运用,损害了公共利益,这就是权力变质,成为一般意义上讲的腐败。社会主义国家权力来自人民群众,权力变质违背权力运作宗旨,损害国家和人民利益,危及国家民族的命运。因此,必须对权力进行控制。  相似文献   

从利益的起源出发,分析了公共政策三种不同的利益取向,提出公共政策必须坚持公共利益的价值取向.同时对公共利益的内涵进行了简单的阐述,强调制定公共政策必须追求公共精神,促进公共利益.  相似文献   

国家能力:涵义、特征与结构分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
国家能力是综合国力的重要组成部分。本文阐述了国家能力的概念、内涵,并对国家能力的特征、结构进行了概括分析。本文认为,国家能力是统治阶级通过国家机关运用公共权力、履行国家职能,有效统治国家、治理社会,实现统治阶级意志、利益以及社会公共目标的能量和力量。研究国家能力、探究国家能力结构的内在机理有利于为国家能力建设提供理论支持。  相似文献   

公共政策价值目标经历了效率至上的传统公共行政决策时期、公平为主的新公共行政决策时期和市场导向的新公共管理政策时期。上述各时期的公共政策价值目标囿于特定的时空条件,不能科学地反映公共政策的理论与实践,因此有必要透过复杂的政策现象,超越具体的决策过程,于其中提炼旨在主导一切公共政策的价值目标。基于公共政策的本质和特征,其价值目标只能是社会属性与利益属性交融统合的公共利益。公共利益的实现有赖公共政策制定与运行机制的变革。  相似文献   

论公共利益及其本质属性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
学术界关于公共利益是否存在的分歧,其关键在于对公共利益界定的方式不同。从亚里士多德到卢梭再到当代的社会科学家,从他们的理论中都可以找到有关公共利益理念的影子。对公共利益的理解,经历了一个从抽象的道德原则向具体个体的共同福利转变的过程。公共利益与共同利益是两个容易混淆的概念,弄清它们之间的联系有助于理解公共利益的本质。公共利益的本质属性不仅仅体现在其抽象的客观性和社会共享性方面,而且还要具体体现在具有物质形态的公共产品的非排它性上。不论从管理者的立场看还是从公众的立场看,公共利益都是公共管理的核心。  相似文献   

Bureaucratic discretion continues to be one of a public administrator's primary powers while at the same time being one of their most controversial. Used in a positive way, bureaucratic discretion can enhance social equity; however, this practice can create administrative legitimacy dilemmas. As such, this paper conceptually discusses the theoretical position of public administrators that contributes to their engagement in legitimacy dilemmas, which is further complicated by the tenets of New Public Service. We argue that if public administrators are engaged in authentic interactions with the public and use their discretion to reflect the interests of the public, then they are engaged in truly democratic governance. We place this argument in the context of achieving social equity and highlight an avoided question in public administration. Finally, recommendations for future research are offered as a means progressing the social equity agenda in public administration.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the growing literature on differences in attitudes between public and private sector employees, particularly with respect to their receptivity or resistance to public management reforms. We begin by asking the question: to what degree does perceived self-interest play a role in accounting for attitudes toward public management reforms such as downsizing, privatization, and public spending? Using attitudinal data from Sweden, a social welfare state with a large public bureaucracy, a tension is observed both among public employees in different levels of government and between public and private sector employees. In the context of public management reforms, national government employees emerge as more right-leaning politically and more supportive of public management reforms than those working in local government. The analysis finds, particularly among national government employees, that while interest as measured here is strongly related to attitudes toward reform, status as a public employee and status as a public bureaucrat are not as significant as other components of interest in accounting for attitudes toward public management reform.  相似文献   

当前“政府权力部门化,部门权力利益化”的现象,以部门利益冲突加大了政府机构运行的经济成本,同时加大了我国的社会和政治风险,公权力和经济利益挂钩与政府职能划分不清及其行政监督不力是其重要原因。只有建立公共财政制度和加快大部制改革同时转变政府职能,实现政、企、事相分离,开才能切断利益与权力的关系,只有加强公共行政立法和行政监督来消除本门利益冲突,才能防止政府的公共权力被具有私利的主体所分解,所以,“发展和谐服务型政府”,为社会公正提供有效保障,是以实现政府从“部门行政”向“公共行政”转变的必由之路。  相似文献   

Surveys of social attitudes are revealing a perhaps unprecedented paradox: a booming economy but persistent community disquiet. The puzzling coincidence is fuelling interest in what is perhaps the ultimate public policy question: is life getting better ‐ or worse? The relationship between economic growth and human development is not as clear‐cut as conventional wisdom and government policy assume. Public opinion surveys suggest that the driving dynamic in Australia and other Western societies in the early decades of the new century will be a growing tension between values and lifestyles. How this tension is resolved will fundamentally determine national and global futures.  相似文献   

人类共同价值是构建人类命运共同体的基本话语,它正在得到越来越多的国家的响应和认同,成为不同国家和民族共同接受和遵循的价值话语。多种宏观要素和社会历史条件有机统一,共同作用,形成了人类共同价值的生成逻辑及其内在维度。人类共同价值是当今人类实践活动深度融合的价值反映,是各个国家共同利益不断增强的价值共识,是当今时代各国应对共同挑战的价值立场,是国际社会反对西方普世价值的价值诉求,是不同国家自觉进行价值互鉴的价值结果,是各个国家构建全球价值格局的价值愿景。只有深刻理解人类共同价值的生成逻辑及其内在关系,才能真正把握人类共同价值的科学内涵和正确取向。  相似文献   

公共利益与政府职能   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
公共利益是一个特定社会群体存在和发展所必需的,该社会群体中不确定的个人都可以享有的社会价值。从公共利益视角考察政府职能,包括两方面内容:一方面,政府应该以实现公共利益为己任,通过公共利益可以界定政府公共职能的基本内容;另一方面,从公共利益的实现机制来看,政府不是公益物品的唯一提供者,它应该在公共利益的实现机制中承担“掌舵”的角色。为了更好地发挥政府在实现公共利益过程中的作用,西方政府正在积极推行新公共管理运动。我国政府也在经历深刻的治理变革,具体内容体现在民主化改革、市场化改革和政府自身改革等三个方面。  相似文献   


In recent years, social movements have taken to the streets to protest various forms of economic and racial injustice. However, these attempts to exploit the political opportunities public spaces afford have been compromised by the increasingly private nature of “public” spaces. What has changed is the rise of privately owned public spaces (POPS), areas that appear to be public, but in fact are owned by corporations that prohibit a range of activities, including political protest. This article argues such restrictions of public space are not limited to POPS. Rather, they are just one expression of a far more pervasive phenomenon, novel variations on centuries-old practices by which common or public land has been enclosed. I suggest that four forms of enclosure -for profit, of behavior, of community, and of the public realm- degrade the status of public institutions and insulate private interests from counter-mobilization by groups pursuing egalitarian ends.  相似文献   

This article takes a comparative look at the development of the public administration discipline in three countries: Australia, Brazil and Canada. The nature of the international public administration academic community is assessed through content analysis of articles in the Australian Journal of Public Administration (AJPA), Revista de Administração Pública (RAP), and Canadian Public Administration (CPA). The method is based on that used by existing United States (US) research, allowing for comparison with that national context. The focus is on the diffusion of theoretical approaches between these national contexts, assessing whether the international public administration discipline better approximates an epistemic community, in which theoretical approaches move seamlessly between the national contexts; or a ‘Tower of Babel’, in which the different national contexts remain largely isolated.  相似文献   

Emotional labor has become an important topic in the study of organizational behavior, but no research has examined how it is affected in individuals’ motivational bases. Public administration scholars have started to study this concept, but empirical studies are still in their infancy. Focusing on a particular type of motivational base—public service motivation (PSM), this article assesses how PSM and its three dimensions (attraction to policy making, commitment to public interest, and compassion) affect two common emotional labor activities (surface acting and deep acting). Using data from a survey of certified public management students, the results show that PSM is negatively associated with surface acting and positively associated with deep acting. Among the PSM dimensions, attraction to policy making is positively associated with surface acting; compassion is negatively associated with surface acting and positively associated with deep acting; and commitment to public interest is not associated with surface acting or deep acting.  相似文献   

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