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分析印度反恐情报部门的失误以及情报工作的不足,由此得出的教训可以不断完善我国的反恐情报工作,建立反恐数据库,拓展反恐情报搜集的渠道,改变反恐情报分析的思路,加强反恐情报的共享和传输,及时发布反恐预警,提高反恐情报系统的战斗力和警惕性,防止类似的恐怖袭击在我国发生.  相似文献   

情报分析环节是情报工作流程的精髓,坚持情报分析的客观性意义重大,在实际操作中,诸如情报政治化、心理认知偏差、国际环境及敌方导致的情报障碍等现象,严重影响了情报分析的客观性,急需采取措施应对。本文阐述了情报分析的概念及重要性,分析了影响情报分析的因素,并提出了做好情报分析的具体方法。  相似文献   

通过探析戴维斯对预警情报的理论成果,对美国战略预警及如何改善预警与情报关系进行深入论述,总结出戴维斯对战略预警的建议如下:明确预警目标;扩大战略预警资源;可靠的评估性分析;给常规分析团队分配战略预警的任务;增加情报分析技巧培训与研究。为我国情报理论建设提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

情报理论可分为关于情报的理论(theoryofintelligence)和为情报工作服务的理论(theoryforintelligence)。美国"关于情报的理论"主要有两种架构:一是"形而上"的,即从历史、数学和心理学的角度来研究情报工作本身;二是"形而下"的,即对"情报循环"(intelligencecycle)的整体和各个环节开展的研究。二者研究方向存在差异且各自特点明显,其对我国开展情报研究具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

影像技术是指摄影、摄像、电影等技术手段记录对象信息的科技。随着科技的不断发展,影像技术在社会各个领域的应用越来越普及,也使警务情报工作运用影像技术手段进行情报的采集、存储、分析和判研有了可以依赖的技术(物质)基础。在警务情报影像技术中,警务是应用领域,情报是内容,影像是载体和技术手段。当前在警务情报的理论研究和实战应用中,应该使影像技术手段和方式成为重要的组成部分,形成特色的专业理论体系,以期更好地促进公安情报学的发展,更好地培训、指导警务情报实战。  相似文献   

社区警务和情报主导警务两种模式在我国警务实践中得到广泛推广。情报主导警务的基础在社区,要做到情报信息来自社区,服务社区,以情报主导警务的理念促进社区情报的开展,服务基层公安工作;同时,构建合理的社区情报工作模式可以使情报信息更加有效主导社区警务的开展,夯实情报主导警务战略的基石。两者的有效结合能促进社区治安稳定进而带动整个社会治安稳定的目的。  相似文献   

反恐是当今媒体流行的热词,也是世界各国高度关注的安全问题。公安机关是中国反恐的职能部门,在打击恐怖主义、防范恐怖活动中发挥着重要的作用。情报工作是反恐斗争的核心环节和重要前提,情报工作的成效直接关系到反恐斗争的全局和成败,因此,反恐情报专业化水平的提高更显重要。《中华人民共和国国家情报法》的颁布实施为公安反恐情报工作专业化提供了良好的机遇和保障,抓住机遇,强化公安反恐情报工作是公安机关反恐斗争的重要选择。  相似文献   

情报是警务人员侦破案件的重要手段之一,是办案人员确定追踪方向的重要依据,而在收集的情报中,如何确定情报的种类、确定目前以及今后的工作任务也是警务人员应掌握的技能,对其工作有着指导作用。分析了犯罪情报定义、所包含的内容;犯罪情报分析对于警务人员的作用。  相似文献   

薄春兰 《学理论》2014,(9):148-149
学科建设是高校建设的重要内容。通过文献统计分析,可以了解到高校档案与图书情报工作在服务学科建设的多项指标上存在差距。高校档案工作者应当向高校图书情报工作者学习,更多地关注学科建设,更主动地服务于学科建设,创造性地开展工作。  相似文献   

铁路特定领域的安全保卫工作是指铁路公安国内安全保卫部门为保卫国家安全、维护社会政治稳定,在铁路口岸、国际联运列车、赴港直通车等领域开展的情报、侦察和保卫工作。铁路公安国内安全保卫部门保卫铁路特定领域的措施主要有:做好铁路特定领域的情报工作、开展铁路特定领域的反间谍侦察工作、加强阵地控制、加强与有关部门的联系、建立健全群众性防范组织。  相似文献   

Today, the idea of risk is ubiquitous, a presence in debates across a range of fields, from investment banking to politics, from anthropology and sociology to health, environmental and cultural studies. While this ubiquity attests to the importance of the concept it is at the same time a potential weakness in that it injects the term into a wide range of debates in each of which its meaning can be subject to different emphases and meanings. The notion of risk is of obvious importance to security intelligence, but here too its ubiquity has had an impact on specificity of meaning. While the term is widely used in both the profession and study of intelligence, its usage can carry different meanings and it can be used interchangeably with linked terms. Given the importance of the idea of risk to intelligence, clarity of meaning is essential. This article sets out to consider the meaning of, and relationship between, uncertainty and risk in a security intelligence context, propose a framework on which a common understanding can be built, and illustrate how this can help in thinking about the nature and role of security intelligence.  相似文献   

CompStat模式自从在美国第一大警察局——纽约市警察局诞生以来,便以其在情报引导与绩效管理方面的显著作用而引人注目。拟就这两个层面,对这一模式产生之初的情况与现在的发展状况进行梳理,并对该模式将来的发展方向进行探讨。  相似文献   

Neyroud  Peter 《Policing》2007,1(2):127-129
I have been involved in trying to deliver effective neighbourhoodpolicing for over 25 years and it has, at times, been a frustratingprofessional challenge. I joined Hampshire Constabulary in 1980as a young history graduate from Oxford University. The ConstabularyI joined was coming to terms with a huge influx of young officersas a result of the Edmund Davies pay awards that had significantlyimproved the pay and conditions of police officers. I founda police force that was in transformation. There were stillmany, particularly in senior management, who had been broughtup in  相似文献   

Waddington  P.A.J. 《Policing》2007,1(1):1-4

Stenson  Kevin 《Policing》2009,3(1):5-6
The theme of this issue is governance, a term with multipleand often contested meanings. By governance, in its broadestsense, I mean those more or less systematic attempts to shapehuman conduct. In civil society, these can range from self-governancethrough prayer and exercise, family and commercial management,the organization of residential and religious communities, strugglesover turf by street gangs and organized crime networks, to paramilitaryand ‘terrorist’ networks. As radical feminists andevolutionary theorists argue, the core of collective governanceor state government is patriarchal. This is so whether or notthere is an effective sovereign  相似文献   

Waddington  P. A. J. 《Policing》2007,1(4):375-377
Most of this issue focuses upon the policing of public order,a police function performed universally, and yet strangely setapart from ‘normal’ policing. In some jurisdictions,it is the special role of dedicated anti-riot squads, but whetheror not it is performed by specialists or generalist officers,public order feels like a different type of policing. The obvious reasons for this is that most policing is a moreor less solitary activity, in which officers encounter membersof the public as individuals, whereas public order policinginvolves the  相似文献   

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