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试论网络监督在反腐倡廉建设中的双重作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵银月 《学理论》2010,(29):148-150
作为信息化时代反腐倡廉重要途径的网络监督,其作用具有双重性。一方面,网络监督对反腐倡廉建设具有积极的推动和促进作用;另一方面,网络监督也具有局限性,甚至对反腐倡廉建设产生消极作用。必须正确认识并辩证对待网络监督的这种双重作用,通过有效措施抑制和消除网络监督的局限性和消极作用,充分发挥网络监督的积极作用,推进反腐倡廉建设。  相似文献   

网络监督是公民借助网络平台和技术实现政治参与和反腐倡廉的生动体现。近年来网络监督的力量和作用日益凸显,成为体制内反腐败的重要补充。但是,网络监督中也出现了诸多问题,包括对网络监督的认识误区、网民非理性引发的网络暴力、网络监督的机制制度不健全以及快速处理网络信息的技术瓶颈等,成为影响网络监督进一步发展的主要因素。对此,要从理性认识网络监督,积极培育网民公共理性,完善机制制度和加快技术创新等方面采取合力性措施推动网络监督持续健康发展。  相似文献   

网络反腐的动因、争议与治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着网络监督的兴起,反腐倡廉成为网民从事政治参与的重要内容,并取得了显著成效。网络反腐的盛行,无论从客观方面还是从主观方面看,都有其必然性。与此同时,网络反腐过程中也出现了不同程度的问题,其最终解决需要回归到实体监督,进而形成自上而下和自下而上并行不悖又统一于法治的治理模式。  相似文献   

由于网络监督对反腐倡廉建设具有双重效应,所以要完善网络监督机制,从而使网络舆论监督对反腐倡廉建设的正向作用发挥到最大.可以从政府、网络、人三个方面来完善网络监督机制:从政府方面来说,要打造出网络监督与制度反腐的无缝对接.为此要建立和完善政府信息公开制度,建立政府官员财产收入公开制度,搭建网络反腐的制度化平台.从网络方面来说,主流网络媒体要发挥表率作用,引导网络舆论监督,还要加强与传统媒体的协作,取长补短,形成监督合力,网络媒体也要加强行业自律建设来逐步提升网络监督的正向功能.从人的方面来说,领导干部要学会正确对待和使用网络监督,网络媒体从业人员要提高自身素质,通过提高网民的责任意识和自律能力,来造就高素质的网民.  相似文献   

<正>随着网络舆论监督与反腐倡廉的形势发展,相关部门对网络监督的态度实现了从消极到积极的转变,国内网络监督格局也逐渐实现了从民间主导到官方主导的转变。网络舆论监督具有主体多元、全天候与全方位、快捷高效、安全廉价等  相似文献   

勤政廉政建设:问题、原因与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
勤政建设与廉政建设相结合,是胡锦涛总书记对反腐倡廉建设提出的新要求.当前反腐倡谦建设存在的突出问题是:勤而不廉,廉而不勤,不勤不廉,不符合科学发展观的勤和廉.这些问题产生的主要原因是:一些干部的理想信念动摇,社会环境的负面影响,干部考核机制不完善,制度建设不完善,监督不到住等.解决这些问题的具体对策是:一要坚持以科学发展观为指导,努力做到勤勤政建设与廉政建设相结合;二要建立健全体现科学发展观要求的领导干部综合考评机制;三要坚持群众路线,拓展纪委联系群众的平台;四要坚持勤政文化建设与廉政文化建设并重,努力营造反腐倡廉的软环境.  相似文献   

何旗 《理论探索》2016,(4):31-37
作为一种以权力制约和监督为指向的监督形式,民主党派监督是反腐倡廉建设的题中应有之义,也是提升反腐倡廉整体效能的重要途径和方式。它在遏制权力腐败蔓延势头、规引公民和社会组织反腐、推动法治反腐进程及构建廉洁政治生态等方面具有独特价值。但当前反腐倡廉中民主党派监督也有一些薄弱之处:民主党派监督意识淡化与监督能力不够、执政党领导干部认知偏差与接受监督自觉性不足、监督制度不完善与执行不到位等。为此,要加强教育引导和场域拓展,增强民主党派监督意识和提升监督能力,为实现民主党派反腐倡廉价值提供强大的内在基础;加强民主建设和信息公开,强化执政党接受监督的自觉性,为实现民主党派监督反腐倡廉价值提供良好的政治环境;改革和创新监督制度和监督运行机制,为充分实现民主党派监督反腐倡廉价值提供坚实的制度保障。  相似文献   

网络实名举报:困境与出路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络实名举报作为新形势下公民广泛参与的反腐倡廉活动,应是一项具有完善工作机制和法律规范保障的制度设计,是民主政治的重要体现。但就目前来看,我国网络实名举报还面临监督范围狭窄,举报可信度不高,缺乏持续性,举报人合法权益得不到保障和官方处理回应性低等困境。究其原因在于举报主体界定不明,网络载体"各自为政",举报程序过简和实名举报环境不够成熟等原因。为进一步推进网络实名举报的发展,必须加强举报人权利立法保护,健全网络反腐立法和舆情监测机制,完善举报程序,建立资源整合型举报受理机构,鼓励公民参与到网络反腐之中,形成良好的反腐倡廉文化。  相似文献   

网络反腐:兴起缘由、价值解读与风险防范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络反腐是新媒体兴起背景下开展反腐败斗争需要深入探讨的一个重大理论和实践命题.网络反腐起因于传统反腐方武的局限.网络反腐的核心价值在于提升了社会监督的整体效能,为反腐倡廉注入了科学化元素.目前,网络反腐本身还面临着道德和法律的双重困境,其功能作用也是有限的.网络反腐的发展方向是融入到中国特色反腐倡廉体系之中,而不是游离其外.只有以科学理性的态度引导和规范网络反腐,才能使其健康发展.  相似文献   

作为一种新的反腐倡廉工作机制,"互联网+党内监督"通过网络信息化技术手段与党内监督的有机融合,有效提升了监督效能,得到党组织和人民群众的肯定与重视。在新的历史时期,根据"全面从严治党"的任务和要求,从理论和实践相结合层面进一步探讨互联网技术和党内监督的有机整合,不断提高党内监督的实效性,对于推进"净化政治生态、营造廉洁从政良好环境"具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

What participation mechanisms connect citizens and city officials? Do they produce valued outcomes? Surveys of elected officials suggest that microlevel mechanisms such as direct citizen contact are more valuable in meeting participation goals than are mechanisms focusing on macrolevel concerns. However, there is a disconnect between perceptions about value and the use of mechanisms. State‐level participation requirements and a city manager have little effect on the value of a mechanism. These findings raise some questions: why are microlevel participation mechanisms favored, why do some mechanisms have value even though respondents have little experience with them, and why is there a misalignment between participatory goals and the mechanisms used?  相似文献   

Audits of government entities offer a potential tool to hold public officials to account and to improve the functioning of public administration; however, empirical studies of audit impacts show mixed results. This is largely due to the diversity of audit regimes with different goals and accountability mechanisms, which yield different causal chains. In this study, I compare three distinct audit regimes with distinct casual mechanisms in Honduras. I find that backward-looking audits, which aim to hold officials accountable for past behavior or performance, require effective horizontal accountability mechanisms to investigate and prosecute cases. Forward-looking audits, which aim to hold officials accountable for future behavior or performance, require independent accountability mechanisms, a systematic follow-up methodology, public dissemination, and pressure from the media and civil society. Complementary initiatives that build on audit recommended reforms are found to strengthen these weaknesses in the causal mechanism linking audits to outcomes.  相似文献   

本文从分工和企业内部经济的角度,结合相关理论,对产业结构的质变和量变机制进行了探讨,提出了一个分析产业结构变动机制的理论框架.  相似文献   


Transitional justice and peacebuilding mechanisms have a tendency to reflect the extraordinary nature of conflict. These recognizable mechanisms—official bodies and institutions with preconceived goals and processes—are often inaccessible and undesired. In fact, what is often desired in post-conflict societies is the ordinary: a transition to a ‘new normal’. This article explores the various ways in which Sierra Leoneans practice normality in the post-conflict era. This is done through economic restoration, agricultural activities and religious engagement. Ultimately, these mechanisms are often seen as a more legitimate and meaningful way for many ordinary Sierra Leoneans to move past their war-related experiences and find some sense of peace and justice.  相似文献   

Nonprofits seek to enhance their reputation for responsible management by joining voluntary regulation mechanisms such as accountability clubs. Because external stakeholders cannot fully observe nonprofits’ compliance with club obligations, clubs incorporate mechanisms to monitor compliance and impose sanctions. Yet including monitoring and sanctioning mechanisms increases the cost of club membership for nonprofits. What factors account for the variation in the strength of monitoring and sanctioning mechanisms in voluntary accountability clubs? An analysis of 224 clubs suggests that stringent monitoring and sanctioning mechanisms are more likely in fund‐raising‐focused clubs, clubs that offer certification (as opposed to only outlining a code of conduct), and clubs with greater longevity. The macro context in which clubs function also shapes their institutional design: clubs in OECD countries and clubs with global membership are less likely to incorporate monitoring and sanctioning mechanisms than clubs in non‐OECD countries and single‐country clubs, respectively.  相似文献   

Given the poor track record of traditional anti‐corruption initiatives, donors and governments are increasingly looking at how civil society can fight corruption in public administration. Social accountability mechanisms intend to perform this role by holding officials directly accountable through citizen engagement. However, this article argues that social accountability mechanisms are only capable of reducing corruption systemically if they activate horizontal accountability and sustain it through the sanctioning mechanisms of electoral accountability. A comparative case study analysis using the cases of the Ugandan Public Expenditure Tracking Survey and the Bangalore Citizen Report Card is applied to test this hypothesis. The Tanzanian Public Expenditure Tracking Survey and an example of citizen engagement in Mumbai are employed as shadow cases to provide additional evidence for the hypothesis. The results indicate that social accountability mechanisms must be inclusive, broad, with public effect and embedded in other accountability relationships to fight corruption effectively. Electoral accountability is key, and support to social accountability mechanisms should therefore always be well placed within a broader agenda aimed at strengthening democratic governance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although various actors participate in modern environmental and social governance, the types and mechanisms of the participation and collaboration of these actors have received little scholarly attention, especially in a society influenced by strict government policies. Based on a case study of 12 field sites and a systematic review of an additional 16 sites reported in the literature on desertification control in northern China, this study identified four types of collaboration and determined Type I (Strong Government with Strong Nongovernmental Participants) to be the best for desertification control performance, Type IV (Weak Government with Weak Nongovernmental Participants) to be the worst, and Type II (Strong Government with Weak Nongovernmental Participants) and Type III (Weak Government with Strong Nongovernmental Participants) to be tied for second place. This study also proposed eight principles for effective collaboration that addressed (1) the effective participation of multiple actors with enough support resources; (2) open and democratic forums for multiple-actor collaboration; (3) targeted, organized, systematic, and persistent collaborative activities; (4) effective mechanisms for discussion, communication, and shared learning; (5) effective trust-building mechanisms; (6) effective mechanisms of realization and increase of potential gains and fair distribution of benefits; (7) effective conflict resolution mechanisms; and (8) experiment-extension governance methods.  相似文献   

Attiyeh  Greg  Franciosi  Robert  Isaac  R. Mark 《Public Choice》2000,102(1-2):93-112
Interest in demand revealing mechanisms for providing public goods has both waned and then renewed over the past two decades. The possibility of using such mechanisms in different venues than originally anticipated sparked the research reported here. The specific motivation for this paper is to conduct a series of simple direct tests of one version of the class of mechanisms. Failure of demand revelation was much more expensive than we had expected, even when compared to previous research with related mechanisms. The reason for this remains an open question.  相似文献   

Recent national and international debates on truth and reconciliation in Uganda have emphasized the importance of incorporating local-level mechanisms into a national transitional justice strategy. The Juba Peace Talks represented an opportunity to develop and articulate sufficient and just alternatives and complementary mechanisms to the international criminal model. The most commonly debated mechanism is the Acholi process known as mato oput (drinking the bitter root), a restorative justice approach to murder. Drawing on 2 months of research in nine internally displaced persons’ camps in 2007, we examine local justice practices in the region of northern Uganda to consider their potential, promise and pitfalls to realizing a successful truth-telling process. We find that although local mechanisms could help facilitate reconciliation in the region, truth-telling is but one part of a conciliatory process complicated by a national context of fear and the complexity of the victim–perpetrator identity at the community level. These locally informed insights help move forward the debate on such mechanisms in Uganda and add useful insights into community processes in the field of transitional justice more generally.  相似文献   

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