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养老金并轨为公务员的工资调整提供了契机,也对其工资调整提出了要求,公务员的工资调整是养老金并轨制度顺利推行的重要保障。当前我国公务员工资制度尚存在结构不合理、正常调整机制不健全、调控机制不完善、基层公务员工资待遇偏低等突出矛盾和问题,只有在调整优化工资结构的基础上,实现公务员工资的稳步增长,公务员工资改革才能取得成效,养老金并轨制度也才能得到顺利贯彻实施。  相似文献   

试析我国公务员工资制度改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国公务员工资制度从1956年起到2006年经历了几次大的变革,已高于社会平均工资水平.但还存在一些缺陷和问题.我们需要采取明晰合理的公务员工资结构;规范公务员的工资水平、项目构成和标准;逐步引入绩效工资制度,尽快形成激励体系;加大基层公务员适用的工资等级和数量;合理调控公务员地区收入差距等措施,不断完善公务员工资制度.  相似文献   

王振艳 《行政论坛》2008,8(2):81-83
执行顺畅是党的十七大提出的新的行政管理体制改革要求的重要方面,执行顺畅须以执行能力为基础.因执行能力不足造成的我国行政执行中的种种问题,需依靠制度创新来解决.明确行政执行能力内涵及其内部结构体系,有利于从实践和理论层面分析制度创新对提升行政执行能力的重要意义.从宏观性上探讨基于提升我国行政执行能力的制度创新的主要内容包括四个方面:基于提升认知能力的公务员培训制度创新;基于提升规划能力的计划、调研与咨询制度;基于提升具体实施能力的组织机制、指挥机制、沟通协调机制、激励机制和监控机制创新;基于提升学习、应变、创新能力的评估制度、执行试验制度、环境监测与回应机制和创新机制.  相似文献   

公务员收入分配是整个社会收入分配的重要组成部分.始自2006年7月开始的我国第四次公务员工资改革,最明显的效果就是规范了补贴方式,但是,由于一些地方政府背离了中央关于公务人员工资改革的初衰,使得公务人员"规范补贴"不规范,对此必须予以重视并采取相应措施进行治理.  相似文献   

街头官僚的行动逻辑与责任控制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
政府机关中的街头官僚是指处于基层或一线,直接与公民打交道的政府公务员.他们处于政策执行的末梢环节,掌握一定的自由裁量权,能够对公民实施赏罚决断.街头官僚特殊的身份、地位和工作性质,决定了他们与众不同的行动逻辑.街头官僚一般的行动逻辑可以归纳为四个典型的方面:激励不足,职务晋升机会的缺乏导致激励不足;规则依赖,安全和自我保护的需要促使他们在照章办事的逻辑中寻求免责;选择执行,即在约束条件下选择理性的资源配置方式和最有利可图的政策执行;一线弃权,即刻意规避某些麻烦的、危险的、需要更多付出但难以见成效的工作,并日益远离一线或现场.对街头官僚的责任控制,必须从管理的、法律的、政治的和道德的四个方面入手,并运用相应的控制工具.  相似文献   

我国公务员激励机制的优化路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘闽  顾光海 《行政论坛》2009,16(5):64-67
公务员激励机制可理解为通过比较收益确定保健基准,在保健基准上设定多重旨在动员公务员积极性的逐利目标,使公务员个人的预期行为符合组合组织职能的实现.目前公务员激励机制运行中存在的问题主要是集体行动的困境、激励手段与激励形式单一、多委托人激励导致效力的降低和激励评价机制难以确定等.公务员激励机制优化的路径主要包括:动员公务员的个体潜力实现组织目标;激励手段的灵活性与形式的多样性;激励设计与组织职能和制度目标结合起来;激励的设计与执行要满足稀缺性;内在制度与外在制度相结合;建立科学的绩效评价体系;运用负激励提高行政效率.  相似文献   

我国公共政策执行逻辑研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国公共政策执行的研究领域,学者已经采用“政策变通”、“选择性执行”、“基层共谋”、“政策梗阻”等本土特色明显的概念描述政策执行失败的现象.公共政策执行的结果为何与既定的政策目标相违背,政策执行为何频频失败,执行行为背后的逻辑是什么,该问题一直贯穿于我国公共政策执行研究的文献.沿用自上而下、自下而上、综合路径,总结出现有学者主要从央地关系、街头官僚、行政体制、行政生态、政策性质、制度视角以及组织视角提出我国公共政策执行的七种逻辑诠释.这些研究成果多着眼于个案,缺少理论对话,未能辨别影响政策执行的关键变量,距离提供一个实现共识性和普遍意义的逻辑图象仍有一定差距.利用正反交叉的定性比较分析方法(QCA)揭示我国公共政策执行的关键变量将是下一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

正最近,湖南冷水江市财政统发工资信息因密码破解在网上曝光,人们惊讶地发现,公务员工资最高不过4000元,最低只有2000多元,与传说中"高工资"大相径庭。公务员工资一直是舆论关注焦点,媒体一再紧追不放。什么才是真相?公务员工资究竟有多高?下面10个问题帮你来回答:1.过去10年公务员工资没涨过。从2003到2013,公务员工资原地踏步,物  相似文献   

体验式学习就是通过在实践活动的亲身体悟,从而获得新的知识、技能、态度和方法。体验式学习注重亲身实践体验、追求学习效果,关注学习过程、强调积极反思,突出在情境中深化学习、增强知识运用技能等特点。这种学习方式,对我国公务员培训有四点启示:公务员培训要突出问题导向;公务员培训要注重专业化和特色化;公务员培训要进一步强化教学实践示范基地建设;公务员培训要注重引导学员积极反思。  相似文献   

我国公务员培训在逐步走向规范化、制度化的同时,也存在一些亟待解决的问题.从先进国家公务员培训的发展趋势中应反思我国公务员培训现状.针对我国公务员培训制度的目标与内涵,未来发展的可行性要点是:构建公务员培训的核心价值和理念;完善公务员培训法律法规和政策体系;以实际需求为导向创新培训模式;强化以公共服务能力为主题的分类培训;建立灵活、弹性的公务员培训管理机制;加大师资培育和财力投入的力度.  相似文献   

Under the principle of "one country, two systems," Hong Kong's and China's civil services are changing, but they clearly are not converging. The civil service reforms made in Hong Kong and China appear to be heading toward two logical extremes: one toward strengthening political authority over the civil service, and the other instituting greater institutionalization. What appears to be a problem in Hong Kong may be seen as a solution in China. Not only reform problems, but also reform options, are defined in relation to wider political institutions and changing socioeconomic dynamics. The study shows that while some things do need to be uniform, such as loyalty to the state and central government, a great deal of flexibility regarding administrative systems within one country is possible. There can be a modern nation without a truly national civil service.  相似文献   

Despite the outward appearance of depoliticization, the civil service in China today is actually being repoliticized. This paper compares the 1993 Provisional Regulations on State Civil Servants with the Civil Service Law approved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in April 2005 . The 2005 reform formalized what had been a historical pattern—the Communist Party holds tight control over leadership change and management at various levels. The Civil Service Law has turned the Communist Party of China into a political institution that has become the source of both civil service empowerment and control. Although civil service reform in China differs markedly from approaches adopted elsewhere, China is clearly expanding its political control to ensure greater leverage over the bureaucracy. In this regard, China is in line with the global trend. That said, civil service reform in China has focused on structural elements and formal reorganizations, whereas most industrialized democracies have engaged in a dialectic between individualist and corporate responses to managerial questions. An understanding of the Chinese ability to adopt reforms—while strengthening its traditional hold—provides key perspectives not only on the world's largest nation and a rapidly emerging force in global political and economic relationships but also on the Chinese experience with important public sector reforms that have occurred in many other countries over recent decades.  相似文献   

The traditional portrait of civil servants in Italy, as well as in most other countries, has always been one of not particularly efficient employees yet have the benefit of a secure job and can look forward to a comfortable retirement package. In order to change this image, public management reforms have largely focused on civil servants since the 1990s. However, many academics and practitioners claim some inertia in the reform implementation. In this article we aim to identify the determinants of such inertia in Italy's civil service reforms and we analyze data from 885 Italian municipalities expected to adopt the pay system reform for senior officials, as required by national legislature. Our findings stress the importance of accrued legitimacy, external public endorsement, and the influence of key internal stakeholders (like administrative leaders) as major vehicles to promote or slow down the implementation of administrative reforms in the public sector.  相似文献   

This paper seeks cultural explanations of the pervasive norm violations against the principle of meritocracy in Chinese public human resource management especially at local levels. It reveals that a bureaucratic culture of patrimonial individualism, including favouritism, nepotism, localism, and factionalism prevailing within Chinese officialdom as the ethos, value, psychological disposition, and behavioural orientation of civil servants, has undermined the development in China of a modern meritocracy‐based civil service system. With 14 case studies, this research demonstrates that the Chinese civil service institutions, derived from an opposite culture of hierarchical collectivism, failed to address the cultural constraints over the implementation of the meritocracy principle. The conceptual framework, as well as the case findings, points to legislative and policy reforms in China that would address the problems derived from the unique Chinese bureaucratic culture through further institutional design and capacity building.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explain why civil service reform trajectories have differed in post-communist Europe, and why reforms have so far not led to the de-politicisation of personnel policy. It argues that the communist legacy of over-politicised personnel policy, the mode of transition and the constellation of actors after the first free elections shaped the personnel policy and civil service reform dynamics in the period directly after the change of regime. However, in terms of reform outcomes, the road to de-politicisation of post-communist civil services posed too many obstacles to lead rapidly to successful reforms. Neither governments of the left and the right nor new generations of senior bureaucrats have an incentive to engage in efforts to de-politicise post-communist civil services. The context of post-communist transformation has tended to lock in a pattern of civil service governance that is characterised by high levels of political discretion.  相似文献   

Since 1989, the Hong Kong government has implemented a programme of public sector reform that is based on the principles of ‘new public management’. The reforms initially focused mainly on financial management reform, including delegating responsibilities for resource allocation; re-defining the roles of the central resource branches; setting up trading funds in departments that provide services directly to the public; and instilling a new corporate culture of service throughout the government. Some progress has been made in implementing the reforms. In 1993, the government realized that further civil service reform was necessary to support the reforms. The government proposed to delegate more authority to department heads on personnel matters; give managers more freedom to manage personnel; and simplify personnel regulations and procedures. These ‘new public management’-type reforms are usually associated with stable, relatively unchanging environments. In Hong Kong, however, the reforms have been proposed and carried out in an environment of considerable political turbulence which has both facilitated and hindered their implementation. Because of the declining legitimacy of the colonial government, British authorities may not have the political capacity to implement the reforms. Opposition from both department heads and civil service unions to aspects of the reforms has already emerged.  相似文献   

Brazil's successful prosecutorial civil action against polluters could be a regulatory example for the Global South. This paper analyses whether such regulation could also develop without the major political, institutional, and legal reforms that spurred it in Brazil. To do so, it analyzes China, where similar reforms have so far not occurred, but where prosecutors have recently started to initiate civil litigation against polluters. It finds that prosecutorial civil litigation in China has only a limited regulatory effect or potential. Prosecutors in China are influenced by conflicting incentive structures that reward one‐off lower level test cases with an innovation bonus, while structurally stimulating a focus on general crime fighting. Ironically, as a result of such incentives, the recent legal reform, toward providing standing for prosecutors in public interest litigation, will, in contrast to Brazil, decrease rather than increase the regulatory effect of these cases. These findings have implications for understanding how the interaction between regulatory independence, legal reform, and regime type shapes possibilities for regulatory innovation in the Global South.  相似文献   

State sector reform was an integral component of the radical economic and social policy changes enacted by New Zealand governments between 1984 and 1991. This reform replaced the traditional tenured public service with a contractual regime. Through a comparison with Denmark, it is shown that New Zealand's reforms were not unique. Similar reforms were enacted in Denmark. But contrary to what occurred in New Zealand, the Danish reforms had already begun in the 1960s, and have since been gradually expanded. The parallel contractual regimes introduced in the two countries are accounted for by an increasing demand among politicians to secure a civil service that is responsive to political executive demands. However, because of institutional differences and diverging regulatory regimes, the strategic approaches in the two countries have been different. Whereas the New Zealand approach was dominated by an appeal to a coherent and sophisticated body of theoretical knowledge, combined with strict formalization, the Danish strategy has been based on political bargaining with the civil service unions. In both cases the reforms rest on critical assumptions regarding their positive and negative implications.  相似文献   

This article examines the post‐accession durability of EU civil service policy in Central and Eastern Europe (CEECs). Civil service professionalization was a condition for EU membership but the European Commission has no particular sanctions available if CEECs reverse pre‐accession reforms after gaining membership. Comparing eight CEECs that joined the EU in 2004, the article finds that post‐accession civil service developments are characterized by great diversity. The three Baltic States continued civil service reforms, while Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovenia are classified as cases of post‐accession reform reversal. The post‐accession pathway of Hungary is identified as a case of reform reorientation. The diversity in post‐accession pathways was almost exclusively the result of domestic political constellations, in particular, patterns of government alternation after accession. There were hardly any factors that could have locked in the level of professionalization that had been reached at the time of accession.  相似文献   

Trends in states’ civil service reforms since the Winter Commission’s report was published in 1993 are described and evaluated in the context of its recommendations. The authors argue that the commission’s reform agenda relies on a public service bargain that requires public employees, elected officials, and other stakeholders to respect, trust, and support each other’s efforts to serve the public interest. Its recommendations for modernizing state and local personnel systems are discussed and related to the “reinvention” and New Public Management initiatives of the past 20 years. Many of these ideas have been adopted by state governments, but there is no single reform model that has been followed across the states. Some states, such as Georgia and Florida, have engaged in radical reforms that include replacing traditional merit systems with at‐will employment models. The general pattern involves decentralization, deregulation, and limitation of employee protections. While many of the management‐oriented changes advocated by the Winter Commission are staples of states’ civil service reforms, its emphasis on a “trust and lead” strategy based on public service values, partnership, and leadership in the public interest has not received much attention. In general, objective evaluations of states’ reforms are needed to determine whether their purposes are being achieved.  相似文献   

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