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机械制图是机械工程界的技术语言,<机械制图>课作为我院军械修理工枪械专业和军械技工培训--步兵武器专业学员的重要基础课,担当着培养军械学员机械制图基本素质的重要任务,它是理论和实践相结合的一门课程,其教学目的是培养学员绘图和看图的能力.此外,还要培养学员严肃认真、一丝不苟工作作风,对培养武警都队应用型人才具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

领导力是军校学员的核心能力,是现代化高技术战争中无形的战斗力。美国海军军官学校作为美国海军唯一一所承担海军军官任命前基础教育的初级军官学校,十分重视培养学员领导力。在其领导力培养模式中,培养目标的定位、构建及实现尤具特色,这对提高我军院校领导力培养质量具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

程青 《瞭望》1987,(29)
中国唯一的一所培养作家的专门学校——鲁迅文学院,培养了一批批有作为的中青年作家。如近年来在文坛上崭露头角的古华、蒋子龙、王安忆、孔捷生、乌热尔图、邓刚等作家都是鲁迅文学院的学员。 鲁迅文学院的前身要追溯到1950年成立的中央文学研究所。这是新中国第一所培养作家的学府。它既是教学单位,又是文艺创作与研究活动的中心。1950年秋天,招收了第一期第一班(研究员班)学员共52人。这批学员都经历过抗日战争的考验,迫切地要求学习提高。当时在京的文学界知名人物几乎都担任过授课教师,如郭沫若主讲屈原、裴文中主讲史前文  相似文献   

军队院校"4+1"合训学员是军队初级指挥干部的中坚骨干力量,其领导力的高低直接决定基于信息系统的体系作战能力的高低,直接影响军队战斗力生成模式的转变。在综合国内外军队学者有关领导力概念界定的基础上,提出了"4+1"合训学员领导力培养的对策:明确"4+1"合训学员领导力培养总体思路;转变"4+1"合训学员领导力培养管理体制;制定"4+1"合训学员领导力培养具体计划;更新"4+1"合训学员领导力培养教学内容。  相似文献   

领导能力培养越来越受到各国海军院校的重视,从深化理论研究、注重目标牵引和科学选择教学方式三个方面,对国外海军院校学员领导能力培养的主要做法进行了初步的探讨,为我军院校开展培养工作提供有益借鉴如下:深化理论研究,指导学员领导能力培养的教学实践;注重目标牵引,建立学员领导能力培养的目标体系;科学选择教学方式,增强学员领导能力培养的效果。  相似文献   

杨红 《学理论》2011,(23):251-252
每个人都有不同的潜质,每个人都有自己的长处,怎样才能充分挖掘和培养每个学员身上的闪光点,让他们在边检实际工作中发挥优势和特长,为祖国经济繁荣和社会发展保驾护航。关键是要因材施教,结合学员实际情况开展教学工作,在教学中加大实践操作部分,处理好个体发展与群体教育等关系,科学有序推进边防检查专业教育工作。  相似文献   

王庭芳  刘文 《学理论》2014,(2):226-227
党的重要文献的学习在高等院校政治理论课《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》的教学中具有重要地位和作用。在教学实践中,结合课程特点和基于课堂实践化的大专题教学模式的教学改革实际,设置了重要文献导读环节,根据大专题教学内容选择重要文献导读篇目,以培养学员能力为导向开展重要文献导读教学活动,不仅充分调动了学员研读原著的学习兴趣和积极性,而且有利于学员各种能力的培养和提高。总结教学经验,要更好地达到教学目的,必须坚持把对重要文献的学习贯穿教学的全过程,同时实现学员的学习主体地位和教员的教学主导作用的有机结合。  相似文献   

王楠 《学理论》2011,(13):224-225
培养创新型军事人才是目前武警部队院校教育工作的重要任务,而培养创新能力的关键在于培养创新思维。从创新思维入手,论述了什么是创新思维,它具有哪些特点,分析了影响创新思维的障碍,提出了在教学中培养学员创新思维的方法。  相似文献   

郭萍 《学理论》2010,(14):209-210,258
创新素质是一种高品质的素质,对青年学员综合素质的提高起着重要作用。军队综合性大学担负着培养高素质新型军事人才的主要任务,加强青年学员综合素质养成,特别突出青年学员的创新素质养成,实现军事人才的全面综合发展,是军队综合性大学培养高素质新型军事人才的最终目的。  相似文献   

叶卫  吴志刚 《学理论》2011,(30):66-69
现代社会要求警察不仅应具备公正、程序和规范等执法意识,而且最好也要具有人情味。为此,警察院校必须要根据社会需求,通过关注其学员的个体差异、重视尊重理念和增强服务意识来突出警务化教育管理模式的人情味,以培养学员的人情味。同时通过提升警校教师的学识和修养、加大严执警务化教育管理规范的力度和持久管理的恒心,以促使学员将模范守法和奉公执法内化成一种习惯。  相似文献   

本研究从高中生身心良好状态的前提条件入手,构建出高中生的身心健康指标体系,并运用2010年中日韩三国高中生调查数据,分析三国高中生身心健康的现状和影响因素。结果表明:三国高中生的总体状况处于中等水平,运动和睡眠难以保障;国别、学校类型、年级和学业成绩都会显著影响高中生的身心健康状况。  相似文献   

‘resilience is in danger of becoming a vacuous buzzword from overuse and ambiguity’ (Rose 2007: 384) ‘Resilience’ is widely used in public policy debate in Australia in contexts as diverse as drought policy, mental fitness in the Australian Defence Force, and in discussion around the Australian economy's performance during the global financial crisis. The following paper provides an overview of the use of the term ‘resilience’ in the academic literature in both the natural and social sciences. The key conclusion from this research is that the term is highly ambiguous, it is used for different purposes in different contexts and in some cases the understandings of the term are diametrically opposed. The malleability of the term suggests that it might be politically risky if employed in policy debate unless clearly defined in each instance.  相似文献   

Daniel Sutter 《Public Choice》2006,129(1-2):25-40
I investigate whether attempts by the media to determine a candidate's fitness for office lowers the average quality of public officials, what I call the media scrutiny paradox. Media scrutiny imperfectly signals heterogeneous candidates' type, but imposes privacy costs and reputational costs on politicians. The quality of office holders falls if the selection effect is adverse and outweighs the screening effect. A low quality information signal, which could result if the media focus on irrelevant aspects of behavior, makes the screening effect small and the media paradox more likely to hold. Individuals of good character might invest more in their reputation and have more at stake from being (falsely) identified as a rapscallion. The actual malice standard established in New York Times v. Sullivan likely increased (relatively) the cost of candidacy for good people and lowered the quality of officials.  相似文献   

Previous research shows women candidates face double-standard with regard to fitness for office: women ought to be kind but leaders ought to be aggressive and agentic. At the same time, there is traditional division of what constitutes “women’s” issues (e.g. health-care) vs “male” (e.g. economy). Do these norms about what women politicians ought to be and talk about hurt or help them during elections? We investigate the case of U.S. 2018 mid-term elections on Twitter. Our findings suggest that engaging with “women’s” issues by female candidates as well as tweeting angrily is associated with higher likelihood of being elected. However, women candidates who use angry speech on Twitter, are more likely to also receive tweets with abusive language, in particular by other women. Thus, we show that social media could help female candidates to break stereotypes, and present themselves as nuanced candidates who can both stand for women’s issues but also be aggressive and leader-like.  相似文献   


While methodological and metatheoretical questions pertaining to feasibility have been intensively discussed in the philosophical literature on justice in recent years, these discussions have not permeated the debate on global democracy. The overall aim of this article is to demonstrate the fruitfulness of importing some of the advancements made in this literature into the debate on global democracy, as well as to develop aspects that are relevant for explaining the role of feasibility in normative political theory. This is done by pursuing two arguments. First, to advance the work on the role of feasibility, we suggest as intuitively plausible two metatheoretical constraints on normative political theorizing – the ‘fitness constraint’ and the ‘functional constraint’ – which elucidate a number of aspects relevant in determining proper feasibility constraints for an account in political theory. Secondly, to illustrate the usefulness of this feasibility framework, we sketch an account of global democracy consisting of normative principles which respond differently to these aspects and thus are tied to different feasibility constraints as well as exemplify how it may be applied in practice.  相似文献   

《New Political Science》2012,34(4):549-563
In the 2010 general elections, a record number of Republican women ran for, and won congressional seats. Many were also endorsed by the Tea Party and/or heralded by Sarah Palin as being “Mama Grizzlies.” This election provides a unique opportunity to examine if ideological and partisan differences among women matter in terms of how they campaign for office. Did they behave any differently than their more liberal counterparts? Did they boast being endorsed by Palin and/or other Tea Party organizations? Did they invoke their gendered or “Mama Grizzly” status to appeal to voters? This study uses data gathered from ninety-two websites of women who ran for Congress in 2010. Overall, it is found that Republican women did not reference the Tea Party, nor embrace being “Mama Grizzlies.” In addition, these candidates shied away from discussing their gendered identities and supporting “women's issues.” Finally, there were few differences between Democratic and Republican women with regard to how they presented themselves via their websites. I conclude by discussing the implications of the claims they make (or not) about gender role norms, motherhood, and their fitness for office.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate a hypothesized structural model that reflects the relationship between unemployment stress, spiritual intelligence and mental health components. The sample of the study consisted of (761) unemployed adults (412 males and 349 females), their ages ranged between 30 to 48 year. They were divided into two samples: the first consisted of (352) unemployed adults to test the validity and reliability of the scales used in this study. And the second sample consisted of (409) unemployed adults to evaluate the hypothesized structural model. Researcher prepared the unemployment stress scale, and used the spiritual intelligence scale‐27, as well as prepared the short version of the mental health components scale based on the mental health scale‐50. In order to find how unemployment stress and spiritual intelligence predict the mental health components, the hypothesized model was examined using structural equation modeling. The results of test the proposed structural model concluded that the independent variable: unemployment stress contributed statistically significant directly to predict of the five dimensions of mental health components: mental mindfulness, flexibility, self‐efficiency, social support and happiness as dependent variables. At the same time, the independent variable: unemployment stress contributed statistically significant indirectly and proportionally to the prediction of the five dimensions of mental health as dependent variables through the dimensions of spiritual intelligence: spiritual mindfulness, spiritual abilities, spiritual presence as median variables. The proposed model of unemployment stress, spiritual intelligence and mental health components has a good fitness with the data were collected, and able to predict mental health among unemployed adults.  相似文献   

Bullying has received increasing research interest, whether bullying among students in schools and universities, or bullying among employees. There is still no accordance regarding to bullying between the couple. This study aimed to investigate the construct validity and psychometric properties of the marital bullying scale with advanced statistical procedure, structural equation modeling, and exploratory factor analysis. The researchers prepared the marriage bullying scale consisting of 25 self‐report items and applied it in a random sample consisting of (760) married individual, and then, the researchers extracted the psychometric characteristics of this scale. The finding indicated that the scale has psychometric properties with a high validity and reliability. In order to ensure the validity of the structure of this scale, the researchers developed a measurement model for marital bullying. The results of the exploratory factor analysis pointed to the saturation of the items of the scale (25) on five factors and accounted for 80.815% of the total variance of the scale. The first factor was verbal bullying that accounted for 37.658%, the second factor was physical bullying that accounted for 16. 249 %, the third factor was psychological bullying that accounted for 12.850 %, the fourth factor was social bullying that accounted for 8.584 %, and the fifth factor was family bullying that accounted for (5.475 %) of the total variance of marital bullying. And then by using confirmatory factor analysis, results showed that the structure of the proposed measurement model of marital bullying has good fitness with the data collected from the sample of the study, which enhances confidence in the ability of the scale to assess marital bullying. The findings shed new light on the underlying theory behind marital bullying and proved the usefulness of structural equation modeling framework in scale development.  相似文献   

The central position of this article is that validation and interoperability are paramount for the effective and ethical use of biometrics. Illuminating the relevance for policymakers of the science underlying the security and privacy aspects of biometrics, this article calls for adequate and enforceable performance metrics that can be independently corroborated. Accordingly, the article considers biometrics and forensics for the dual challenges of addressing security and privacy using smart identity management. The discussion revolves around the concepts of “personally identifiable information” (PII) and interoperability with emphasis on quantitative performance analysis and validation for uncontrolled operational settings, variable demographics, and distributed and federated operations. Validation metrics includes expected rates of identification/misidentification, precision, and recall. The complementary concepts of identity and anonymity are addressed in terms of expected performance, functionality, law and ethics, forensics, and statistical learning. Biometrics encompasses appearance, behavior, and cognitive state or intent. Modes of deployment and performance evaluation for biometrics are detailed, with operational and adversarial challenges for both security and privacy described in terms of trustworthiness, vulnerabilities, functional creep, and feasibility of safeguards. The article underscores how lack of interoperability is mostly due to overfitting and tuning to well‐controlled settings, so that validation merely confirms “teaching to the test” rather than preparation for real‐world deployment. Most important for validation is reproducibility of results including full information on the experimental design used, that forensic exclusion is allowed, and that scientific methods for performance evaluation are followed. The article concludes with expected developments regarding technology use and advancements that bear on security and privacy, including data streams and video, de‐anonymization and reidentification, social media analytics and cyber security, and smart camera networks and surveillance.  相似文献   


Jensen, Weibel and Vitus's article critically discusses contemporary Danish policies aimed at the elimination of ethnoracial discrimination, drawing on policy analyses and qualitative interviews with local and national authorities in Denmark. It illustrates how questions of discrimination and racism are marginalized and de-legitimized within the dominant integration discourse, resulting in the marginalization of anti-racism in policymaking. The side-stepping of racism is being naturalized in public policies through strategies of denial and by addressing discrimination as a product of ignorance and individual prejudice rather than as embedded in social structures. The authors examine how immigration, integration and (anti-)racism as concepts and phenomena are understood and addressed in Danish public policies and discourses. Despite denials of racism in Denmark, Jensen, Weibel and Vitus show that, based on re-definitions of identities and relations, it continues to exist and is evident in public debates and policies on immigration and integration.  相似文献   

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