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“现实的个人”是马克思个人理论的出发点,也是唯物史观的出发点。三大社会形态是不可逾越的历史阶段,与之相适应,只有到共产主义社会才能实现人的自由而全面的发展。学习马克思的个人理论,对其进行正确理解和阐释,对于如何正确理解市场经济条件下和经济全球化趋势下人的全面发展问题,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

论金融诈骗的非法占有目的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非法占有目的是所有金融诈骗犯罪所必须具有的主观要件,认定行为人这一主观心态必须建立在正确理解“非法占有目的”的基础上,再针对刑法条文的不同规定区别对待。  相似文献   

同一认定理论自传入我国至今,在理论的探讨与实践的操作中得到了丰富和发展,但学界对于同一认定理论的理论归属争议不断。将同一认定分为广义与狭义是二分法在同一认定理论区分机制中的体现,能够合理避开导致观点争端的矛盾机制。“大同一认定”理论与“小同一认定”理论的矛盾本质上是将同一认定视为一般认识活动还是科学特定认识活动的矛盾。广义同一认定在一定程度上包含了狭义同一认定,只是它不仅承受了同一认定作为一般认识活动的合理性,也承受了狭义同一认定活动对于科学性、系统性的要求。狭义同一认定则在广义同一认定理论研究之下不断汲取营养,在良好继承同一认定的科学、特定认识方法的同时,也能够为广义同一认定的发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

以公司为主体实施的集资类犯罪的客观行为一般比较复杂,存在多人共同实施、多环节分担实施的现象,司法实践中存在两个方面的问题:一是主观方面从证据上难以证明部分员工对公司的集资犯罪存在直接故意,其犯罪主观故意难以认定;二是公司员工之间的分工比较明确,个别员工实施的行为从外观来看,几乎与公司所从事的集资犯罪没有明显的关联,其共同犯罪行为也难以认定.但他们的行为却对公司的集资犯罪具有促成和加工作用,具有严重的社会危害性.解决这两个问题的理论出路在于,主观上可以引进间接故意理论来解决部分行为人的主观故意的认定,客观上采取“同心一体说”来解决其共同犯罪行为的认定.  相似文献   

文喆 《民主》2008,(2):21-23
中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会全面阐述了中国特色社会主义理论,再次重申“以人为本”是科学发展观的核心,这就为我们正确理解“以人为本”的科学内涵,积极推动中国基础教育改革指明了方向。正确理解和把握“以人为本”理念的科学内容,是当前基础教育理论与实践工作者的共同责任。  相似文献   

做好痕迹特征的评断工作,不仅有助于加深对"同一认定"理论实质性理解,更有助于提高鉴定结论的合理性、正确性.本文立足于理论与实际相结合的原则,对痕迹"同一认定"的特征进行了量化分析讨论.  相似文献   

思想政治工作是“人对人”的工作,它所面对的客体是具有主观意识的人,而不是没有思想的自然物。作为思想政治工作客体的人,因为其思想表现出一定的认识、情感、意志,借助于一定的概念、判断和推理,运用分析和综合、归纳和演绎、抽象和具体等特有的方法进行活动,决定了他对主体所传播的信息具有“选择性”的特点——他不会无条件地接受主体的、灌输,主体所传导的观念。信息必须通过客体的思考、甄别、判断、分析,其中的一部分才能进入客体的思想领域,才有可能对其行为发生作用。卜)客体选择性对主体的要求。就思想政治工作过程而言…  相似文献   

《中共中央关于国有企业改革和发展若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》)中强调 :“坚持党的领导 ,发挥国有企业党组织的政治核心作用 ,是一个重大原则 ,任何时候都不能动摇”要“进一步探索发挥政治核心作用的途径和方法。”正确理解《决定》精神是当前指导企业党建工作的紧要课题。本文认为 ,党组织发挥其政治核心作用的具体表现应为在企业的多项工作中形成一系列的“中心效应”。一、“信念中心”是发挥政治核心作用的“灵魂”“信念中心”是指党组织要大力加强企业思想政治工作 ,统一全体职工的信念 ,从思想上保证企业的社会主义性质…  相似文献   

行政法上的过错有自己的特征,单单坚持主观过错一元化或客观过错一元化标准,均是不妥当的;行政法律责任体系的复杂性,也决定了对过错认定原则的不同一性;行政相对人行政法律责任的追究应坚持主客观相一致的过错认定原则;行政主体及其公务员对国家承担的行政法律责任其过错的认定应坚持主观过错认定原则,行政主体对相对人法律责任担负的认定原则应坚持客观过错原则。  相似文献   

王祥 《理论导刊》2023,(11):92-98
马克思“跨越”思想是马克思晚年将科学社会主义基本原理同东方国家特殊国情相结合的重大理论创新。历史转变为“世界历史”为马克思“跨越”思想提供了时代境遇。在“跨越”思想中,马克思以历史转变为“世界历史”作为基础转换理论视角,在“世界历史”语境下对东方社会问题进行整体性研究,将“世界历史”的方法运用于分析东方落后国家的发展问题,从“世界历史”高度把握“跨越”式发展的价值意义。“世界历史”维度是把握马克思“跨越”思想创新本质的重要逻辑线索。深入研究与正确理解马克思“跨越”思想的“世界历史”维度具有重要当代启示,包括立足马克思关于时代性质判断来认清我们所处历史方位,坚持以科学态度对待科学社会主义原则和社会主义历史发展,奉行人民至上的价值理念引领社会发展进步,在把握历史主动中充分利用全球化加快发展步伐。  相似文献   

This article discusses recent trends to incorporate the results of systematic research (or ‘evidence’) into policy development, program evaluation and program improvement. This process is consistent with the New Public Management (NPM) emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness. Analysis of evidence helps to answer the questions ‘what works? and ‘what happens if we change these settings?’ Secondly, some of the well known challenges and limitations for ‘evidence‐based’ policy are outlined. Policy decisions emerge from politics, judgement and debate, rather than being deduced from empirical analysis. Policy debate and analysis involves an interplay between facts, norms and desired actions, in which ‘evidence’ is diverse and contestable. Thirdly, the article outlines a distinction between technical and negotiated approaches to problem‐solving. The latter is a prominent feature of policy domains rich in ‘network’ approaches, partnering and community engagement. Networks and partnerships bring to the negotiation table a diversity of stakeholder ‘evidence’, ie, relevant information, interpretations and priorities. Finally, it is suggested that three types of evidence/perspective are especially relevant in the modern era – systematic (‘scientific’) research, program management experience (‘practice’), and political judgement. What works for program clients is intrinsically connected to what works for managers and for political leaders. Thus, the practical craft of policy development and adjustment involves ‘weaving’ strands of information and values as seen through the lens of these three key stakeholder groups. There is not one evidence‐base but several bases. These disparate bodies of knowledge become multiple sets of evidence that inform and influence policy rather than determine it.  相似文献   

关颖雄 《学理论》2009,(19):107-110,124
技术性侦查的认识起点和活动中心是物证信息,探求物证与信息之间的关系有必要性。物证信息从观念层面过渡到操作层面必须依赖物证特征及物证结构作为中介。通过物证信息的解读,技术性侦查系统具备客观的运作依据。  相似文献   

我国非法证据排除规则确立了刑讯逼供证据坚决排除的基本原则,意味着我国刑事司法向人权保障的积极迈进。在实务操作中,可行性是能否贯彻立法精神的关键指标。我国非法证据排除规则还存在若干可行性疑问,在非法证据界定、非法物证考量、毒树之果效力、警察出庭保障、被告人举证、讯问全程录音录像等方面尚待进一步细化完善,以增强可操作性,防止规则被虚置。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of a new feature in Public Administration Review called Evidence in Public Administration. This feature was created to provide a space in which scholars and practitioners of public administration can meet to engage in a dialogue about evidence in public decision making. In this feature, we will shine a light on the evidence needed to make effective decisions and examinations of the evidence that currently exists for contemporary public sector efforts. We explicitly want to create a resource for both practitioners and scholars to consult when trying to find evidence on a particular topic and to know the limitations and parameters of that evidence. This article lays out the purpose, scope, and rationale for the feature, as well as a call to engage in this endeavor.  相似文献   

Many academics misunderstand public life and the conditions under which policy is made. This article examines misconceptions in three major academic traditions—policy as science (e.g., ‘evidence‐based policy’), normative political theory, and the mini‐public school of deliberative democracy—and argues that the practical implications of each of these traditions are limited by their partial, shallow and etiolated vision of politics. Three constitutive features of public life, competition, publicity and uncertainty, compromise the potential of these traditions to affect in any fundamental way the practice of politics. Dissatisfaction with real existing democracy is not the consequence of some intellectual or moral failure uniquely characteristic of the persona publica, and attempts to reform it are misdirected to the extent that they imagine a better public life modeled on academic ideals.  相似文献   

Using memoirs can be a vital way of supplementing archival evidence or indeed of overcoming a shortage of contemporaneous sources, and they offer insights into the attitudes and motivations of participants as well as how they recorded and remembered events. Memoirs retain an inherent value that must not be ignored, particularly in the study of intelligence liaison which addresses the kinds of personal and cultural aspects which are often especially well illuminated through autobiographical writing. This paper explores some of the theoretical and practical issues associated with the use of memoir material and examines them through the prism of selected autobiographical writings related to Anglo-French intelligence liaison from the Great War up to the Second World War.  相似文献   

物证监控信息化管理系统发展大趋势是智能化,综合利用物联网RFID技术可对物证进行智能化识别、登记、使用、监控以及生命周期管理等;应用RFID与ZigBee相结合的室内无线定位技术,可实现自动获取、管理物证实时可控的状态信息,防止物证被盗或丢失,提高管理和维护效率。  相似文献   

社会主义新农村建设是一个系统工程,仅靠市场机制的自发调节是无法完成的。政府必须承担起相应的责任,然而,政府责任不在于直接参与市场竞争,而在于提供公共服务。政府公共服务能力直接影响一个国家公共服务的总体水平。因此,政府必须强化农村公共服务职能,提升公共服务能力,提高公共服务水平。  相似文献   

This paper takes a critical, synoptic view of the current upsurge of populism. Populism, it is argued, has long been a feature of liberal democracies in so far as claims are made for democracy to be as directly expressive as possible of the will of its subjects. Yet populisms are hybrid in form and parasitic on existing political arrangements. What unites them is more to do with what they oppose than what they espouse. Above all, it is the norms of liberalism that are brought into question by populist proponents of direct democracy with their characteristic hostility towards elites, experts and the so-called establishment. In so far as all populisms can be dangerous this lies in the degree to which they oppose the existing norms of liberalism and seek to undermine its moderating institutions. Rather than relying on generic theories of populism to explain contemporary developments, what needs investigation is the degree to which particular populisms prioritize fear over judgement, unqualified assertion over reasoned deliberation and resentment over the moderation of power.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(3):333-339

This paper examines the use of "pleasure" as the distinguishing mark of aesthetic experience in post-Kantian philosophy. It shows how the distinctive features of aesthetic experience, such as pleasure, qualify this experience as a platform for social criticism. The key argument is that the autonomy of the aesthetic experience is not "false", rather it is paradoxical in the strong sense that the fact of its communicative efficacy, which follows from distinctive, "autonomous" aesthetic features, necessarily loads it with functions and expectations that are external to the aesthetic moment. Kant takes a complicated path to qualify aesthetic judgement as disinterested in order that it may eloquently testify for morality. He thereby sets up the cogency of the modern pattern of looking to aesthetic experience as a locus of meaningful communication for ideas that are experientially poor or remote.  相似文献   

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