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国家林业局令第5号现发布《中华人民共和国植物新品种保护名录(林业部分)》(第二批),自发布之日起施行。国家林业局局长王志宝2000年2月2日种或者属名学名1.杨属Populus2.柳属Salix3.按属Eucalyptus4.板栗Castaneamollissima5.核桃属Juglance6.枣Zizyphusjujuba7.柿Diospyroskaki8.杏Prunusarmeniaca9.银杏Ginkgobiloba10.油桐属Vernicia11.红豆杉属Taxus12.杜鹃花属Phodod…  相似文献   

张伟中  庄启元  胡雅丽 《法医学杂志》1994,10(3):127-128,F003
妊娠合并HELLP综合症致母婴死亡1例张伟中,庄启元,胡雅丽(苏州医学院法医学教研室;苏州215007)长期以来,人们注意到先兆子痫和子痫并发溶血、肝功能异常和血小板减少。1982年Weinsfein首先提出了HELLP综合征的概念。近年来国内已有陆...  相似文献   

特发性肉芽肿性心肌炎猝死1例卞士中,庄启元,孙志红,匡志才1.苏州医学院法医学教研室;苏州2150072.吴县公安局法医室;吴县.215100)1案情摘要1994年1月10日晚7时许,马某(男,59岁)因故与人发生争执,于当晚9时突然昏倒在地,即由家...  相似文献   

山人 《江西律师》2001,(6):30-32
1.15.省律协刑事法律专业委员会在江西(省直)华邦律师事务所召开2000年年会暨业务研讨会。会议由该专业委员会主任委员刘明和主持,省律协副会长、江西(省直)金凤凰律师事务所主任汤忠赞,省律协副秘书长吴勃到会。本次会议的主要议题是:1.探讨律师办理大案要案行为和程序等有关问题;  相似文献   

拳击腹部节细胞神经瘤猝死1例卞士中,孙志红,庄启元,冯绍军(回.江苏省苏州医学院法医学教研室;江苏2150072.江苏省吴县公安局法医室;江苏215100)1$情摘要陆某,男,42岁,工人,既往身体健康。某日下午下班骑车路遇王某因琐事而发生口角,王某...  相似文献   

4例冲击性脑挫伤形态学观察姚青松,董文恺,李碧华(l.广州市刑事技术研究所;广东5100302.广州市海珠区公安分局;广东sl0020)l案例例1:男性,刀岁,头部被车撞击,伤后40小时死亡。低温保存尸体24小时解剖(下同)。尸检见左额顶部头皮星芒状...  相似文献   

温州医学院司法鉴定中心建立于2002年9月,是经浙江省司法厅核准登记,面向社会服务的司法鉴定机构(许可证号:330305007),是温州医学院的下属单位。中心依托温州医学院的学术优势.  相似文献   

关于两例医疗事故鉴定委员会鉴定书的思考李金忠案一,韩某,女,15岁,1993年11月20日因肌注庆大霉素次日双耳全聋,经多方医治无效,1994年3月医疗事故鉴定委员会鉴定结论;1.药物性耳聋(庆大霉素中毒所致)。2.此事故属非专业技术人员所致。依据此...  相似文献   

霄峰 《江淮法治》2008,(6):16-16
新年伊始,一场罕见的特大雪灾重创中国南方,按照民政部发布的数据,截至2月12日,本轮雪灾波及21个省,因灾死亡107人,倒塌房屋35.4万间;因灾直接经济损失1111亿元。其中湖南、贵州、江西、安徽、湖北、广西、四川等省受灾较为严重;  相似文献   

上诉人(原审被告):江西江中制药厂。法定代表人:钟虹光,该厂厂长。委托代理人,江西省专利律师事务所律师。上诉人(原审被告):庞式演,女,首都医学院宣武医院副主任医师。委托代理人:魏委,江西省专利律师事务所律师。上诉人(原审被告):谢淑萍,女,首都医学院宣武医院副主任医师。委托代理人:江西省专利律师事务所律师。上诉人(原审被告):邓丽影,女,江西医学院第二附属医院医师。委托代理人:魏委,江西省专利律师事务所律师。上诉人(原市被告):王细福,男,江西省人民医院医师。委托代理人,江西省专利律师事务所律…  相似文献   

头颈外伤致椎动脉破裂伴颅底蛛网膜下腔出血1例尸检分析易旭夫,刘敏,吴家Subarachnoidhaemorrhageduetoruptureofthevertebralarteryassociatedwithheadtrauma:reportofon...  相似文献   

This article represents the work of the National Association of Medical Examiners Ad Hoc Committee on shaken baby syndrome. Abusive head injuries include injuries caused by shaking as well as impact to the head, either by directly striking the head or by causing the head to strike another object or surface. Because of anatomic and developmental differences in the brain and skull of the young child, the mechanisms and types of injuries that affect the head differ from those that affect the older child or adult. The mechanism of injury produced by inflicted head injuries in these children is most often rotational movement of the brain within the cranial cavity. Rotational movement of the brain damages the nervous system by creating shearing forces, which cause diffuse axonal injury with disruption of axons and tearing of bridging veins, which causes subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages, and is very commonly associated with retinal schisis and hemorrhages. Recognition of this mechanism of injury may be helpful in severe acute rotational brain injuries because it facilitates understanding of such clinical features as the decrease in the level of consciousness and respiratory distress seen in these injured children. The pathologic findings of subdural hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and retinal hemorrhages are offered as "markers" to assist in the recognition of the presence of shearing brain injury in young children.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe ten cases of pseudo-subarachnoid hemorrhage on computer axial tomography (CT) scan of the head. A pseudo-subarachnoid hemorrhage is a false positive finding by CT of the head in which the scan is interpreted as being positive for a subarachnoid hemorrhage not substantiated by subsequent neuropathologic findings. This study is a retrospective review of postmortem cases brought into the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for the State of Maryland over a three-year period (from 1997 to 2000). We compared the clinician's impression of the CT scan with the postmortem neuropathology. The clinical diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage was based on misinterpretation of non-contrast CT scans of the head. In six of the ten cases, the reading was performed by a radiologist and in four cases by nonradiologist physicians (emergency room physician, neurologist, or neurosurgeon). All the patients survived between a few hours to a few days after being admitted to the hospital. For most of the cases (80%), the neuropathology showed hypoxic/ischemic encephalopathy. The most common cause of death (four out of ten cases) was narcotic intoxication. This report is submitted so that clinicians and pathologist become more familiar with this entity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: It is essential that clinical physicians, medical personnel, medical examiners, and law enforcement agencies understand the types of injuries seen and demographics of children affected by intentional blunt force as this understanding can be crucial to the death and/or criminal investigations. An understanding of the injuries can also assist in drawing conclusions regarding how those injuries could have been sustained. This study discusses the types and patterns of injuries seen in blunt force homicides in children younger than 6 years. The study found that male infants are more often intentionally injured than are female infants and that fatal head injuries most frequently occur in the first year of life, whereas most fatal thoracoabdominal injuries occur in the first 3 years of life. In children with head injuries, subdural hemorrhage was the most common finding, followed by subarachnoid hemorrhage. In 2.5% of deaths due to head injury, concurrent neck injury was seen, a percentage far lower than previous literature would suggest if shaking was the primary mechanism of injury. Twelve legal confessions were also reviewed, none of which disclosed a pure mechanism of shaking the infant.  相似文献   

Hyperextension of the head can cause injury to the vessels at the base of the brain. These lacerations are believed to be caused by stretching of the vessels due to the abrupt movement of the head and rotational acceleration of the brain within the cranium, and they usually occur in the intracranial portions of the vessels, producing a subarachnoid hemorrhage. This is the case of a 35-year-old man who received a blow to the face that forcefully hyperextended and rotated his head to the left. Autopsy revealed an intracranial right internal carotid laceration extending from a calcified atherosclerotic plaque. This unusual injury may be due to a combination of blunt force applied to the head and the alteration of the vessel's structural and functional capacities secondary to atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

We analyzed four children with increased density of the tentorium on postmortem computed tomographic (CT) scans that suggested traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage; but in which followup autopsy demonstrated an absence of subarachnoid hemorrhage. All cases had neither head injuries nor distinct intracranial abnormalities. Histological examinations showed extensive hemorrhage within the tentorium. These findings indicate that increased density of the tentorium on postmortem CT scan reflects 'dural hemorrhage' that may occur in children without intracranial abnormalities. Pediatricians and forensic pathologists should be aware of this phenomenon when using postmortem preautopsy CT scanning for diagnosis of child abuse.  相似文献   

Basal subarachnoid hemorrhage due to rupture of normal extra- and intracranial arteries, in association with minor trauma to the face and neck and alcohol intoxication, has been well described but often goes unrecognized at autopsy. This results in the incorrect classification of the manner of death as natural. Six cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage due to mild-to-moderate blows to the head or neck are presented. All were men in the age range 28-61 years (mean, 38.8 years). Four had blood alcohol levels of 0.09-0.28 g % at autopsy, and five of six were comatose or dead within 30 min of the initiating trauma. Traumatic ruptures of otherwise normal extra- and intracranial arteries were identified in four cases. The site of rupture was not found in one case, and the final case had rupture of a fibrotic intracranial vertebral artery. Multiple sites of incomplete and complete rupture were found in four cases. Postmortem angiography was used in one case to demonstrate the site of rupture prior to removal of the brain. Postmortem angiography and careful gross and histologic examination of extra- and intracranial cerebral arteries is recommended in all cases of basal subarachnoid hemorrhage where minor trauma to the head or neck has occurred prior to collapse or death, especially if the decedent was intoxicated at the time of the trauma.  相似文献   

Postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) is a relatively recent advancement in forensic pathology practice that has been increasingly used as an ancillary investigation and screening tool. One area of clinical CT imaging that has garnered a lot of research interest recently is the area of “artificial intelligence” (AI), such as in screening and computer-assisted diagnostics. This feasibility study investigated the application of convolutional neural network, a form of deep learning AI, to PMCT head imaging in differentiating fatal head injury from controls. PMCT images of a transverse section of the head at the level of the frontal sinus from 25 cases of fatal head injury were combined with 25 nonhead-injury controls and divided into training and testing datasets. A convolutional neural network was constructed using Keras and was trained against the training data before being assessed against the testing dataset. The results of this study demonstrated an accuracy of between 70% and 92.5%, with difficulties in recognizing subarachnoid hemorrhage and in distinguishing congested vessels and prominent falx from head injury. These results are promising for potential applications as a screening tool or in computer-assisted diagnostics in the future.  相似文献   

Delayed deaths following injury are not rare. Various mechanisms may be responsible for such deaths, including pulmonary thromboembolism, fat embolism, infection, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and delayed hemorrhage. In the present case, we describe a death due to delayed subarachnoid hemorrhage following a motor vehicle collision, wherein the hemorrhage occurred ten days after the incident, while the patient remained hospitalized for skeletal trauma. At no time prior to the hemorrhage did the victim show any symptoms of brain injury. Autopsy revealed basilar subarachnoid hemorrhage arising from a cerebral cortical contusion. There was no evidence of aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation. A significant underlying contributing factor in the delayed hemorrhage was the victim's chronic anticoagulant therapy, which was required because of a mechanical heart valve.  相似文献   

目的探讨不同受力部位颅脑摔跌伤后损伤程度和特征差异。方法收集摔跌所致颅脑损伤68例,根据案情、受伤过程、临床体征、CT影像资料将受伤部位分为颅前部、颅侧部、颅后部;损伤类型分为颅骨骨折、硬脑膜外血肿、硬脑膜下血肿和脑挫裂伤;损伤数量分为单一和多发伤;颅骨骨折分为受力点骨折和非受力点骨折;脑挫裂伤分为冲击伤、对冲伤等。运用非参数统计χ2检验比较其频数分布。结果不同摔跌部位颅骨骨折和颅脑损伤程度存在明显差异(P0.05),颅后部摔跌颅骨骨折远离受力点多见,多发伤为主,而颅前部、颅侧部受力点骨折多见,单处损伤多见;颅后部、颅侧部摔跌后脑挫裂伤发生率高,以对冲部位多见,颅前部摔跌后脑挫裂伤发生率低,冲击伤亦多见。结论摔跌部位不同颅脑损伤程度和特征存在差异,CT检查资料有助于损伤机制推断。  相似文献   

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