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法医人类学应用诸多学科的研究方法和先进技术,对个体骨骼识别进行广泛的研究.年龄推断是法医人类学领域中一项重要的研究课题.随着影像学技术的迅速发展,法医人类学家开展了将计算机断层扫描(CT)技术应用于法医人类学领域的研究.CT具有连续快速扫描的成像能力以及强大的图像后处理功能,能够提供多种模式的高分辨骨骼重组图像,对于活体和遗骸的法医人类学鉴定都具有重要意义.本文将综述近年来CT在骨骼年龄推断研究中应用的进展.  相似文献   

近年来,将计算机断层扫描(CT)等影像学新技术应用于法医人类学个体识别的研究受到国内外法医人类学家的重视。CT具有清晰快速的成像能力以及强大的后处理功能,无需骨骼前处理就能提供高分辨率模型图像,对法医人类学具有重要的研究和应用价值。本文就CT技术在法医人类学研究中应用的进展进行综述,以期为相关研究和实践提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

通过测量人体骨骼进行个体识别是法医人类学领域的一项重要研究。计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)技术能提供高分辨率骨骼图像,后处理工作站中的软件可以对骨骼图像进行重组,测量软件可在骨骼断层图像和重组图像上对径线、角度、面积、体积等不同体制人类学骨骼测量指标进行测量,测量较少受到人为因素干扰。本文分别从性别判定、身高推断、面部软组织厚度测量及年龄推断四个方面,对国内外CT测量骨骼在法医人类学骨骼个体识别的研究中应用的文献进行了综述,并讨论和比较了CT主要技术及CT在法医人类学相关研究中的应用。  相似文献   

目的通过文献计量学方法研究法医学领域中文期刊的发展现状及本领域的科研走向、趋势和研究热点。方法利用Web of Science平台中"中国科学引文数据库SM"和自带的"分析检索结果"功能获取和分析2011—2017年法医学期刊文献发表数据,通过Microsoft Excel 2016进行描述性统计,通过书目共现分析系统V201312和Gephi 0.9.2对数据进行提取、清洗、分析。结果 7年中法医学领域中文文献共3 017篇。每家机构平均发文1.37篇,司法部司法鉴定科学技术研究所(现更名为司法鉴定科学研究院)居首位。高卫民的"急性心功能障碍大鼠心肌中BNP的表达"以8次被引排在第1位。每位作者平均发文0.43篇,夏文涛、范利华、朱广友的发文量名列前三,作者协作网络分析将发文量≥15篇的作者分为12组,司法部司法鉴定科学技术研究所的9位作者构成16-core子网络。前20个关键词中有8个学科分类词,法医病理学居首位,不包括学科分类时,多态现象,遗传、STR、创伤和损伤位居前三,共现分析将频次≥15次的关键词分为法医病理鉴定、法医临床鉴定、法医毒物鉴定、法医物证鉴定和法医人类学5组。结论法医学领域期刊数量少,机构及作者的平均发文量低于国际水平,基金资助文献多于SCI收录文献的资助率,跨单位、跨专业合作相对较少,本领域各专业间的研究呈交叉、融合发展态势。  相似文献   

<正> 美国印地安那大学青年学者詹姆斯·杰克逊在中国科学院访问交流期间,参观了公安部第二研究所容貌复原及法医人类学研究室,并就容貌复原及法医人类学研究方面的一些问题同有关研究人员进行了讨论,他对该所法医人类学方面的研究成果表示了赞赏,临走时向二所有关科技人员赠送了研究资料。  相似文献   

身高属于个体识别的重要指标之一,历来是法医人类学研究的重点和热点。近几年国内外对于身高推断的研究又有新进展。笔者主要对近六年来国内外学术界发表的相关文献进行查阅,并精选具有代表性的文献进行综述,发现主要有以下新的研究进展和趋势:(1)随着人类平均身高的不断增长,原有身高推断方程有不断更新修正的需要;(2)性别、年龄、人种、地域等因素对身高推断影响大,设计实验研究方案时应考虑加入上述因素;(3)医学影像学技术,特别是CT技术成为近年来法医人类学身高推断研究的新方法。  相似文献   

目的 法医系谱学是近年来法医遗传学研究前沿之一。本文使用文献计量学方法研究法医系谱学的发展现状、研究热点和科研趋势。方法 在Web of Science和CNKI数据库中分别检索法医系谱学、Y染色体遗传标记相关的英文、中文文献,运用VOSviewer、R语言bibliometrix安装包等工具对发文情况、文献来源、国家(地区)分布、科研机构合作关系、关键词、参考文献共被引关系进行数据统计及可视化分析。结果 获得1999~2023年法医系谱学相关英文文献176篇,2007~2023年中文文献65篇,2003~2023年Y-STR、Y-SNP相关英文文献105篇,2007~2023年中文文献11篇。在法医系谱学相关的文献中,英文文献发文量最多的国家(地区)是美国(55篇),中国排名第7(10篇);英文文献出现频次排名前五的关键词分别是Forensic genetic genealogy、DNA、Y chromosome、Identification、Forensic genentics,中文文献中的则是家系排查、Y-STR、法医遗传学、法医物证学、Y染色体。在Y-STR、Y-SNP相关的文...  相似文献   

目的对1998—2018年中国大陆学者发表的SCIE收录法医毒物学论文进行文献计量学分析。方法应用Gephi 0.9.2软件进行文献计量学分析,通过对机构合作、作者协作、基金资助、关键词共现等数据的分析以及文献解读,对我国法医毒物学研究状况进行网络可视化展现。结果近20年我国大陆学者发表法医毒物学SCIE论文共242篇,呈逐年上升趋势,毛发中毒物分析及评价、新精神活性物质的鉴定、苯丙胺类光学对映体分析、有毒动植物成分分析等主题研究处于国际先进水平。结论近年来,我国法医毒物学学科发展迅速,高校法医学科的开设和发展,新研究团队的不断涌现,尤其是国家自然科学基金和国家科技部重大专项的资助,促进了高水平研究成果的产出以及中国法医毒物学在国际舞台上学术地位的提升。  相似文献   

Meng H  Xiao B  Yan JJ  Ma KJ 《法医学杂志》2011,27(5):372-375
传统法医人类学对肋软骨的分析检验仅限于形态学检验.近年来,法医影像学以及分子遗传学的发展丰富了人类肋软骨的分析检验技术,并且已经能够运用于法医学实践中.本文从肋软骨的组织学特性入手,综述了近年来肋软骨在法医人类学性别判定、年龄推断等方面的研究进展,以期为同行提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

根据手籽骨判定青少年年龄   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 年龄推断是法医人类学研究的一项重要的内容。目前,在法医人类学中有关青少年年龄判定的方法不是很多,已有的方法应用较为复杂。本文作者通过对青少年右手的X线片观察,根据手拇指内侧掌指关节处籽骨的出现与形态变化,推导出判定青少年年龄的多元回归方程,期望为法医人类学的年龄判定提供一种新方法。  相似文献   

The medicolegal system relies on the ability of experts and non-experts alike to make judgments about expertise and use those judgments to reach consequential decisions. Given the lack of standard criteria, mandatory certification, or licensure for establishing expertise required to practice forensic anthropology and testify as an expert witness, we sought to understand how individuals assess and identify expertise in forensic anthropology by using a social science tool called the Imitation Game. This tool assesses immersion in a specific area of study via discourse, with the premise that some individuals lacking expertise themselves imitate or attempt to pass as experts. For this project we recruited volunteers with varying expertise in forensic anthropology to participate in interviews which asked questions about the practice and structure of the discipline. Those interviews were transcribed, anonymized, and evaluated by other recruited individuals with varying expertise in forensic anthropology. Results found that judges who were experts in forensic anthropology performed better than non-expert judges in determining who was not an expert in forensic anthropology based on their anonymized responses; however, nearly half of the non-experts were still able to pass as experts in forensic anthropology. The difficulties in assessing expertise based on discourse interactions demonstrates the value and need for well-defined credentials and mandatory certification to practice forensic anthropology. This study demonstrates that accurately identifying expertise in forensic anthropology may be challenging for both experts and non-experts, especially when relying solely on interactional expertise rather than formal assessments of competency which directly elucidate contributory expertise.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(6):814-821
Forensic anthropology has traditionally relied on two-dimensional (2D) images, such as photographs and sketches, to perform analyses, and disseminate findings. However, as 3D imaging technology advances, it has become more widely implemented into forensic anthropology analysis and practice. Teaching and learning in forensic anthropology still often relies on 2D images, but increasingly three-dimensional (3D) models are available to be used by students training in anatomy and osteology. Additionally, 3D models have been found to be beneficial to comprehension in other contexts within forensic anthropology, such as in the courtroom. The use of these models in the teaching of forensic anthropology is not yet widely implemented and more importantly, the impact on learning is not yet understood. The use of 3D imaging and visualisation in other educational contexts has seen positive results, for example in medical training. To explore this further, a study was conducted using an online activity to compare the comprehension scores of students educated using 2D textbook style images or 3D models on Sketchfab. The results showed that the use of 3D images was not detrimental to comprehension. Students using the 3D models were more consistent in their performance and reported an increase in confidence regardless of prior experience. The results of this study are of particular importance when distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic which means that students cannot always learn in a laboratory environment.  相似文献   

Forensic anthropology has long been criticized for its lack of a strong theoretical and scientific foundation. This paper addresses this problem by examining the role of theory in forensic anthropology at different hierarchical levels (high-level, middle-range, and low-level) and the relevance of various theoretical concepts (taphonomic, agency, behavioral archaeology, nonlinear systems, and methodological theories) to the interpretation of forensic contexts. Application of these theories to a case study involving the search for the WWII Goettge Patrol illustrates the explanatory power these theories offer to the interpretation of forensic events as the end product of an often complex set of environmental constraints and behavioral interactions and choices. It also emphasizes the importance of case studies in theory building and hypothesis testing. A theoretical foundation does indeed currently exist in forensic anthropology; however, a recognition and broader implementation of anthropological (archaeological) theory is warranted and will further define forensic anthropology as a scientific endeavor.  相似文献   

T. Dale Stewart's contributions had a considerable influence on the development and early evolution of the field of forensic anthropology. This composition provides a perception of Stewart from the viewpoint of an advanced graduate student and then a young colleague. It explains, in part, the quiet leadership and assistance that Stewart provided at various professional and familiar levels to one individual and is indicative of the broad effect that Stewart had on generations of students and professionals in anthropology, osteology and forensic anthropology.  相似文献   

One of the goals of the Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe (FASE) is to map the existing education and practice opportunities in the field of forensic anthropology in order to support the development of the discipline and to optimize the training courses provided by the Society. To address this goal, an online questionnaire was sent to European and South African practitioners of forensic anthropology and related disciplines in 2016. The results of the questionnaire showed that the status and roles of forensic anthropologists vary depending on the national legal systems, education, and employment status of the practitioners. Despite the fact that the expertise of forensic anthropologists has been increasingly requested in a variety of investigations and the spectrum of tasks has become broader, including identification of living persons, specialized education in forensic anthropology is still restricted to a few graduate and postgraduate programs in European countries and to annual FASE courses.  相似文献   

The history of forensic anthropology has been documented by numerous scholars. These contributions have described the work of early pioneers in the field and have described important milestones, such as the founding of the Physical Anthropology Section of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) in 1972 and the American Board of Forensic Anthropology (ABFA) in 1977. This paper contributes to the growing literature on the history of forensic anthropology by documenting the academic training of all individuals who have been granted diplomate status by the ABFA (n = 115). Doctoral dissertation titles were queried to discern broad patterns of research foci. A total of 39 doctoral granting institutions have trained diplomates and 77.3% of board‐certified forensic anthropologists wrote dissertations involving skeletal biology, bioarchaeology, or forensic anthropology. Board‐certified forensic anthropologists are a broadly trained group of professionals with far‐reaching anthropological interests and expertise.  相似文献   

法医骨组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实际检案中 ,当现场发现的骨骼残片体积较小时 ,用解剖学观察无法进行骨骼残片的法医鉴定 ,需使用骨组织学的方法进行骨骼残片的个体识别。目前 ,这是法医人类学中一门较活跃的领域 ,即法医骨组织学。法医骨组织学的内容主要包括两个方面 :(1)骨骼残片是否属于人类骨骼 ,或属于何种动物骨骼。这方面的研究包括人类骨骼的组织学特征研究及不同动物的组织学特征研究。 (2 )人类骨骼个体识别的组织学研究。这方面的研究主要包括 ,人类骨骼的组织学特征的年龄判断 ,例如股骨、胫骨、肱骨、锁骨等 ,以及使用骨组织学方法 ,进行人类骨骼的年龄评价的准确性研究。本文对上述内容进行了综述。  相似文献   

本文综述了髂骨耳状面在人类学个体识别中的应用,髂骨耳状面对年龄、身高和性别的推断,具有简单、准确的特点,在人类学个体识别中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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