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个人书面言语风格反映在字词句、标点、语段、语篇等多个方面,在特定的条件下,可运用统计法对上述诸方面的情况进行归类统计,从而对检材与样本的言语风格进行对比分析,进而对其撰稿人进行同一认定.在统计的过程中,应注意比对的条件、材料的选择、统计的程序等问题.  相似文献   

刑诉法第58条对侦查含义的解释,是不是就是科学的侦查的概念?法学界是有争议的.有一种观点,就是把刑诉法第58条对侦查含义的解释理解为侦查的概念.什么是概念?简单地说,概念就是反映事物本质属性的思维形式.由于事物本质属性的错综复杂与千差万别,作为人们思维形式的概念也就五色缤纷.不同的概念,反映了不同事物的本质属性.然而,有的不同的概念,既反映各个事物的个性,又反映某些事物的共性,它们相互之间既有区别,又有联系.如“刑事诉讼”、“民事诉讼”、“行政诉讼”所反映的本质属性就是异中有同.还有,把那些“异中有同”的同类本质属性加以概括,即可  相似文献   

毛立新 《政法学刊》2006,23(5):28-32
侦查理念法治化是侦查法治化的先导,引导着制度构建和侦查实践。侦查理念由侦查属性观、侦查目的观、侦查构造观等内容构成。侦查理念的法治化包括:侦查属性观由专政活动说、认识活动说走向执法活动说;侦查目的观由打击敌人说、查明真相说走向公平正义说;侦查构造观由敌我斗争模式、实事求是模式走向正当程序模式。  相似文献   

非言语行为作为一种交流方式存在于人们的生活中,包括面部表情、身体行为、声音、说话方式以及其他生理变化.侦查活动中,侦查员可以通过识别案件相关人员的非言语行为来识别他们是否说谎,利用非言语行为来为侦查工作服务.  相似文献   

侦查程序反映出犯罪控制与人权保障价值取向呈反向的动态变化,律师介入的深度和广度随着侦查的推进逐渐增加,享有的权利不断扩大,讯问在场权、查阅侦查案卷材料权、调查取证权由受限逐渐趋以完整,因此,必须确立合理的限度,设置应有的例外。  相似文献   

中美两国的法律文化在中央集权与地方分权、社会本位与个人本位以及权力至上与法律至上等层面的取向上存在明 显的差异。这些差异深刻地反映在两国侦查制度在侦查组织制度、侦查行为、侦查程序结构等诸多方面的差异之中。比较研究表明, 美国为其侦查制度在法律文化中政府权力向个人权利的妥协的价值取向而付出了相当的代价;同时,我国在借鉴与吸收某些西方的 诉讼理念与制度的过程中,不应忽视中西方在法律文化上存在的差异。  相似文献   

言语习惯特征在声纹鉴定中的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
言语习惯特征是人们在学习言语过程中,受环境因素和个体因素影响,逐渐形成的一类语音声学特征,它包括:方言、口音、惯用语、俚语、赘语,有的人说普通话时夹杂的地方方言特征;以及言语的速率、清晰度、流畅度、语音喉化、气嗓音、言语缺欠等[1]。大量实验和研究表明,对个人语音特征的形成起决定作用的,是发声系统的解剖学形状和发音方法的动态个人特点。从生理、心理学机制来看,言语的形成包括言语神经机制、言语的脑机制、言语的感知、思维和反映模式,是一个复杂的心理生理过程。每个人从“咿呀学话”开始,经过千百次“听想说”的学习、校练…  相似文献   

秘密侦查正当程序之理论解说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秘密侦查的正当性,源于犯罪控制与个人自治利益的价值冲突与合理平衡,其平衡点的合理确定可以从哲学、伦理、法律的多重视角展开.应根据秘密侦查措施强制性程度的序位,依次确定大小不等的适案范围;在适用上,通常遵循必要性原则和比例原则,并区分司法令状与行政令状程序.  相似文献   

在我国经济与社会快速发展以及同违法犯罪作斗争的新形势下,言语识别技术在侦查以至整个诉讼过程中的作用越来越突出。对汉语语音的声调特征作简要介绍,探讨和阐述了其在言语识别技术中的重要价值:一是汉语方言中调类和调值特征具有突出的差异性,二是通过方言区推广普通话以及外族人和外国人的汉语习得,反映出汉语声调特征具有极强的稳固性。  相似文献   

当某一故意杀人犯罪发生时,侦查机关的第一要务是准确判定案件属性。其中确定案件是否属于系列杀人犯罪可谓重中之重,因为这既关涉到案件能否得以及时、准确侦破,又关乎司法公正。为便于侦查机关准确判别某一故意杀人是否属于系列杀人犯罪,兹在明确界定系列杀人犯罪概念基础上,通过聚类分析、方差分析、二元逻辑回归分析等方法创建系列杀人犯罪分类模型和回归模型。依据系列杀人犯罪分类模型,侦查机关可初步基于犯罪地是否偏僻、被害人尸体是否在犯罪现场、凶犯除故意杀人是否还有抢劫、是否有犯罪前科等四个方面直观判定某一故意杀人是否为系列杀人犯罪;依据系列杀人犯罪回归模型,侦查机关可精准计算出某一故意杀人为系列杀人犯罪的概率值。分类模型的直观性和回归模型的精准性为侦查机关判别故意杀人犯罪案件属性提供了一个可具体测量的科学依据。  相似文献   

A comparison of parole officers and parole violators perceptions on factors related to recidivism was conducted to provide information which could contribute to increasing parole effectiveness and the development of correctional treautment strategies. The total population of parole viotators from a medium security correctional institution, and a systmatic random sample of parole officers were selected to form the research sample. The study consisted of 54 parole violators and 50 parole officers. The study necessitated the construction of a questionnaire. The variables under study included police and courts, society, parole supervision, imprisonment selfcontrol, personal attitude, and employment. A oneway analysis was conducted to compare the perceptions of the sample of parole officers and parole violators. Analysis of the data indicated that parole officers and parole violators view factors related to recidivism in markedly different ways. The author expresses special thanks for assistance and support to Dr. Billy Bramlett, Dr. Greg Riede, Dr. George Beto and Dr. Rodney Henderson, all of the College of Criminal Justice Institute, Sam Houston University.  相似文献   

Male and female parolees released in 1970 with a two-year follow-up were compared on three basic factors: personal attributes, time served, and parole outcome. The two sexes were substantially different in five commitment offenses, prior prison sentences, age at admission to confinement from which paroled, and alcohol and drug involvement; they were relatively similar in the proportion of prior non-prison sentences. Women, on the average, serve less time in prison before parole than men. The proportion successfully continued on parole is the same for both sexes.  相似文献   

Parolee deviance has emerged as a central issue in policy debates about crime and punishment in American society as well as in scholarship on “mass incarceration.” Although the prevailing approach to studying parolees conceives of parole violations as outcomes of individual propensities toward criminal behavior (i.e., criminogenic risk), we consider how indicators of individual risk and characteristics of formal social control systems combine to account for reported parole violations. Using data on California parolees, we examine the effects of parolees’ personal characteristics, their criminal histories, and the social organization of supervision on parole violations. We advance the notion of a “supervision regime”—a legal and organizational structure that shapes the detection and reporting of parolee deviance. Three components of a supervision regime are explored: 1) the intensity of supervision, 2) the capacity of the regime to detect parolee deviance, and 3) the tolerance of parole officials for parolee deviance. We find that personal characteristics and offense histories are predictive of parole violations. However, we also find that introducing supervision factors reduces the effects of offense history variables on violation risk, suggesting that the violation risks of serious, violent, and sexual offenders are partially explainable through the heightened supervision to which they are subject. In addition, we find that supervision intensity and tolerance are generally predictive of violation risk. Capacity effects are present but weak. We conclude with a discussion of how the supervision regimes concept illuminates the gap between macro‐ and micro‐analyses of social control.  相似文献   

Although the number of females in law enforcement has increased in recent years, research suggests that the uniquely gendered contributions of females are minimized in favor of traditional modes of law enforcement, emphasizing physical presence, authoritative commands, and demonstrative control. This research examines women in parole, using in-depth interviews with a small convenience sample of female parole agents in California. Participants discussed their experiences as parole agents from the perspective of women in a predominantly male occupation. Overwhelmingly, they emphasized traditionally associated female traits of intuition, verbal communication, and relationships, over physical tactics. Participants emphasized the importance of building respect and rapport with parolees in multiple contexts, including in the parolees' homes, with the families of parolees, and at parolees' places of employment. Participants suggested that this approach ensures their personal safety and enhances parolee compliance, especially when considering their subjective account of experiences by male parole agents.  相似文献   

行政调查是行政机关实施的关乎相对人人身、财产和个人隐私等宪法权利的活动。从结构上看,它包括调查主体、调查客体和内容三个方面。因此,规范行政调查,将行政调查主体与行政相对人置于平等法律关系的调控与整合之中,使行政调查法律关系在实质上形成一种程序性法律关系至关重要。  相似文献   

The aims of retributive or nonutilitarian sentencing are said to conflict with parole as part of a determinate sentencing framework. In this article, we claim that a nonutilitarian approach to punishment does not necessarily conflict with parole. In particular, by adopting core elements of Duff's framework of communicative sentencing, we argue that parole inherently holds a communicative meaning in the form of retributive whisper and can thus be reconciled with a nonutilitarian approach to punishment. In addition, we explore a way to enhance the communicative potential in the parole process and suggest that by recognizing and further incorporating the inherent communicative message in parole we can increase or maximize the board's communicative potential. Finally, we discuss some benefits that can emerge from adapting a communicative sentencing framework to the parole process.  相似文献   

JOHN J. BERMAN 《犯罪学》1976,13(4):507-520
The parolees in this sample viewed the police rather negatively, were reluctant to label contacts with the police as harassment, and experienced a great deal of pluralistic ignorance about the extent of the police harassment of ex-offenders. They also had a very negative opinion of the courts and lawyers. When asked general questions about the courts and police harassment, blacks responded more negatively than whites; but when asked about their personal experiences with these organizations, no racial differences were found. Those interviewed were somewhat positive toward the parole system and very positive toward their parole agents. Possibly this is because the agents employ a strategy of ingratiation in that they do not enforce all of the existing rules, or possibly it is because the Illinois parole agents are doing a good job of being counsellors rather than policemen. This study also found: (1) on opinions of the police and the courts, the black-white differences which have been found in the community were also found here; namely, blacks were more negative than were whites. (2) On opinions of lawyers and the parole system, no black-white differences existed among respondents. (3) There was no evidence of a disconfirmed expectancy effect; that is, in no case was there more negativity among white parolees than among black due to whites' higher expectations of the justice system.  相似文献   

The authors use the institutional theory of organizations to argue that historical changes in parole and probation are ceremonial in the sense that they are aimed at an institutional audience and have had little effect on the day-to-day work of line-level officers. A review of the history of community corrections in the US suggests that parole and probation can be described in four eras, each era marked by a particular pattern of institutional authority and by corresponding changes in the structure, goals, and policies of parole and probation. By loosely coupling the work of street-level parole and probation agents to organizational goals and policies and minimizing caseload problems via surveillance and information-gathering techniques, the day-to-day activity of parole and probation officers has been largely unaffected.  相似文献   

假释的基本趋向:从国家恩惠到罪犯权利   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
假释的性质历来众说纷纭。从应然的角度,对假释的认识应从“国家对罪犯施舍的恩惠”逐渐演变成“罪犯的权利”。假释可以分为任意假释和强制假释两种,其适用比率在行刑中可以提升,适用对象也应扩大到被判死缓、无期徒刑和有期徒刑的犯罪分子。但是,对于被判死缓和无期徒刑的犯罪分子,应明确只有被减刑为有期徒刑时,才取得假释请求权,这应作为任意假释的前置条件。罪犯符合法定条件时,应当被强制假释。假释的考验期应重新规制,以适应行刑实践。  相似文献   

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