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《中华人民共和国婚姻法》明确规定:"禁止家庭暴力,禁止家庭成员间的虐待和遗弃",但是家庭暴力问题还是屡禁不止。本文重点阐述了发生家庭暴力的内在原因及预防的具体措施,以期对建立和睦、安宁、团结的家庭关系,促进社会和谐稳定有所助益。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是发生在家庭成员之间的暴力行为。日益严重的家庭暴力已引起全社会的广泛关注。我国新修订后的《婚姻法》规定了家庭暴力,这填补了婚姻立法上的空白,使反对和禁止家庭暴力有了法律上的依据。但《婚姻法》对家庭暴力的规定只是原则性的规定,为了对家庭暴力有一个新的认识,使受害者得到法律的保护,必须构建法律、社会、心理各层面的社会支持体系。  相似文献   

现代文明与法治人权保障敦促各国干预家庭暴力,而家庭暴力依旧屡禁不止.《婚姻法司法解释一》在确定性界定“家庭暴力”内涵及外延时未就家庭暴力之“家庭成员”作出明确的法律界定.《反家庭暴力法(征集意见稿)》以“近亲属”为核心的界定“家庭成员”为范围,同时涵盖了与家庭形成合法寄养关系的人员.通过比较国外立法兼顾本国国情,探讨以“共同生活”为核心,适当将前配偶、同居关系、恋爱关系纳入保护范围的可行性.  相似文献   

最高人民法院《关于适用 <中华人民共和国婚姻法  >若干问题的解释(一)》(以下简称《解释》),已于2001年12月21日起公布施行。为便于大家更好地了解《解释》的内容,笔者将《解释》起草过程中的有关情况及对部分条款的理解与适用问题作一介绍。一、对《婚姻法》“家庭暴力”、“有配偶者与他人同居”问题的理解(一)对《婚姻法》禁止家庭暴力中“家庭暴力”问题的理解《婚姻法》及《解释》中规定的家庭暴力问题与人们正在研究的反对家庭暴力运动中对家庭暴力的界定是不一致的。具体差异主要体现在以下三方面首先,对暴…  相似文献   

目前,家庭暴力已成为一个全球性的社会问题,我国《最高人民法院关于〈中华人民共和国婚姻法〉若干问题的解释(一)》对家庭暴力行为给出了具体的定义:"家庭暴力是指行为人以殴打、捆绑、残害、强行限制人身自由或其他手段,给家庭成员的身体、精神等方面造成一定伤害后果的行为。"家庭暴力主要包括夫妻间的暴力、父母子女间的暴力和其他家庭成员之间的暴力,本文就家庭暴力问题做了简要的分析。  相似文献   

家庭暴力已经成为全世界普遍存在的一个社会问题。中国海峡两岸四地分别制定、出台了相关法律对家庭暴力行为进行遏制。中国大陆《反家庭暴力法》于2016年3月1日正式实施,该法是中国大陆首部关于家庭暴力的法律,其增设了人身保护令制度,为受害人提供了强有力的保护。海峡两岸四地的"家暴法"在"家庭"、"家暴行为"、"家庭成员"、"人身保护令制度"等范畴各有千秋。遏制家暴行为应多思考社会层面的解决办法,增强社会干预机制,以期完善中国大陆《反家庭暴力法》。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国反家庭暴力法》经十二届全国人大常委会第十八次会议通过,自2016年3月1日起施行。《反家庭暴力法》是我国社会领域一部非常重要的法律,为预防和惩处家庭暴力提供了依据,对于促进社会和谐、维护社会稳定具有重要意义。有感于近期备受关注的北京和颐酒店女生遇袭事件,围观人员不愿施以援手,究其原因之一就是长期以来,男女之间的暴力行为人们总是习惯性地认为是家庭内部问题,外人不便介入,介入又于法无据,借此问题  相似文献   

反家庭暴力法立法和反家庭暴力工作,并不能全然画上等号。不管有没有立法,反家庭暴力应该是全社会共同的认识,也是各相关部门的分内之事。反家庭暴力要落到实处,执法恐怕比立法更重要。首先,家庭暴力早已为法律所禁止。《妇女权益保障法》第四十六条明确规定:"禁止对妇女实施家庭暴力。国家采取措施,预防和制止家庭暴力。公安、  相似文献   

李莹 《法学杂志》2003,24(6):72-73
2001年婚姻法关于救助措施与法律责任的规定在反家庭暴力立法上有重大突破,体现了禁止家庭暴力的决心。形成了对家庭暴力的全方位的救助措施及法律责任体系。  相似文献   

家庭暴力不仅损害受害人的身心健康,而且严重影响家庭的和睦和社会和谐,是诱发违法犯罪的一种原因,已成为各界关注的热点社会问题.近年来,家庭暴力的发生呈明显增长趋势,且造成的后果也日趋严重,手段也更加的多样化.2001年婚姻法修改后首次将家庭暴力问题纳入到法律中,从国家基本法的高度明确“禁止家庭暴力”,体现出家庭暴力问题不再只局限于“家务事”,也表明了我国对家暴现象频繁发生的高度重视.但是对家庭暴力没有一套完整的处遇配置措施,也没有一部专门针对家庭暴力的法律,实践中可操作性欠缺.2014年8月17日,深圳举行了深圳反家庭暴力立法研讨会,将深圳经济特区针对家暴的专门立法推向高潮.  相似文献   

Domestic violence is a problem which historically has not received adequate attention in Macau. At the outset, it explains why the right to be free from domestic violence matters in Macau. I contend that the treatment of domestic violence is a human rights issue under international human rights law, focusing on the shift in the conceptualization of domestic violence from a private matter into a human rights issue. I denounce domestic violence as human rights violation. The second part depicts the draft law on Combating of Domestic Violence Act and analyzes the possible effects of Combating of Domestic Violence Act that can occur. Then, I intend to highlight the absence of attention to the positive duties of states—not negative duties to restrain from acting (such as a duty not to infringe upon the right to be free from domestic violence), but positive, affirmative duties to protect women.  相似文献   

英国防治家庭暴力与保护受害人立法述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋月 《政法论丛》2011,(2):106-116
家庭暴力是一个普遍存在于英国社会各阶层的家庭中的社会问题,尽早发现、尽早处理才能将伤害减少至最低。为此,英国自从20世纪70年代开始制定了一系列法律案防治家庭暴力,从家庭成员身份界定到司法保护、从家庭暴力的认定到骚扰防治进行较全面的法律干预。英国法既注重对加害人予以法律制裁,更注重预防,及时帮助受害人和加害人,防止家庭暴力延伸到下一代,防止家庭暴力从家庭内部延伸到家庭之外。英国法防治家庭暴力的理念、路径和对策能够为我国制定防治家庭暴力法提供诸多借鉴与启发。  相似文献   

西方人权话语拓展的主要方式是软渗透和硬介入。软渗透表现为通过西方人权"区域理念--区域规则--国际规则--国内规则"的规范扩散,推动非西方国家接受由西方主导建构起来的国际人权规范体系,形成对西方人权话语的法律确信,最终实现"西方人权国际化"和"国际人权国内化"。硬介入表现为通过政治、军事、经济、外交等方式强行推动非西方国家接受西方人权话语并将之纳入国内法律秩序,加速了西方人权国际化。西方人权话语拓展引起"它变"和"自变"效果。一方面,面对软渗透和硬介入,非西方国家或者被动接受,或者借助条约批准、保留等国际法手段予以选择性认同或变通,甚至提出竞争性替代话语加以对冲。另一方面,西方人权话语也在内外因素下不断自我调适,逐步提升可接受性。中国对外拓展人权话语,应充分利用"百年未有之大变局"带来的战略机遇期,借助政治、经济、文化等多种途径,加速国际人权话语格局的变革;尽快形成以发展主义权利观为核心的人权话语体系,并通过对话来增进中国人权话语的价值共识;坚持发挥规范性力量的作用,学会利用国际法律机制,着力提升在国际人权体系内将中国理念和话语转化为国际规则以及保障国际规则被遵守的制度能力。  相似文献   

This paper investigates one example of a process with global implications that I describe as the "regendering" of the state. Regendering refers to the process of bringing to public and legal attention categories and activities that were formerly without name but that constituted harm to women, denied them rights, silenced them, or limited their capacity to engage in actions available to men. I examine the regendering of the Trinidadian state by focusing on one of its most salient examples, the Domestic Violence Act. I identify first the coalition of forces and events that brought the subject of violence against women to lawmakers' attention and made possible the first Domestic Violence Act in the English-speaking Caribbean. I then investigate the interplay between the global discourse about domestic violence law-the passage of which has become an important symbol of the "modern" state-and local concerns about justice, gender, and family. Finally, I consider problems in the implementation of domestic violence law.  相似文献   

Righting Domestic Violence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For too long human rights have been used to support a legalapproach to domestic violence which is non-interventionist.This article discusses the ways in which human rights can beused to compel an approach to cases of domestic violence whichrequires state action to protect those harmed by domestic abuse.It argues that the state has an obligation to protect its citizensfrom torture, inhuman and degrading treatment and this obligationis heightened in respect of vulnerable adults and particularlychildren. Further, correctly understood, rights to respect forprivate and family life, rather than being a barrier to stateintervention can be seen as justifying it.  相似文献   

Violence is an increasing and important community health problem that can be seen in any area of human life. Limited studies were found about domestic violence among pregnant women and its relation with social status of women. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and types of domestic violence during pregnancy, factors affecting it, women's thoughts about violence, and relation between social status of women and domestic violence. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 253 pregnant women, using cluster and simple random sampling methods. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis methods were used to analyze the data. Women who indicated that they have been exposed to violence at some point of their lives were 24.1% and who indicated that violence continued while they were pregnant were 11.1%. Physical violence was the most common type of violence reported (18.2%). It was found that women who had primary school or lower level of education and who made unwanted marriage suffered from more violence during pregnancy. It can be said that violence against pregnant women is still a social problem. In societies where gender roles are dominant, decision makers have to take necessary steps such as supporting education of girls to improve social status of women, increasing awareness among women in regard to personal rights and legal regulations which will contribute to the solution of the issue.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the issue of domestic violence in Muslim societies in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. The analytical framework is comparative, emphasizing four factors and the interplay among them: shari'a (Islamic law), state power, intrafamily violence, and struggles over women's rights. The comparative approach historicizes the problem of domestic violence and impunity to consider the impact of transnational legal discourses (Islamism and human rights) on "local" struggles over rights and law. The use of shari'a creates some commonalities in gender and family relations in Muslim societies, notably the sanctioning and maintenance of male authority over female relatives. However, the most important issue for understanding domestic violence and impunity is the relationship between religion and state power. This relationship takes three forms: communalization, in which religious law is separate from the national legal regime; nationalization, in which the state incorporates religious law into the national legal regime; and theocratization, in which the national legal regime is based on religious law.  相似文献   

联合国经济制裁通常以安理会决议的形式出现,安理会决议具有法律效力,各国有义务全面、严格地执行安理会决议。安理会决议应当遵循《联合国宪章》的宗旨及原则,不得与一般国际法强制规律相抵触。当一国出现严重侵犯人权的罪行并怠于履行人权保护义务时,安理会可以代表国际社会对其采取保障人权的必要措施。联合国制裁经历了从"传统制裁"到"聪明制裁"的转变。由于缺少对公正审判权的保护,各国执行"聪明制裁"面临选择困境。针对"聪明制裁"可能引发的人权危机,有必要从制度设计层面入手,明确安理会决议的授权范围,完善"和平之威胁"的判断标准,加强对各国执行安理会决议的监督与审查,保障制裁对象的公正审判权,建立多元化的人权保护救济渠道。在联合国经济制裁中加强人权保护,有利于积极应对国际安全形势变化,有利于促进和平解决国际争端,有利于推动构建人类命运共同体。  相似文献   

国际法通过公私领域的划分确定其管辖范围,并避免干涉主权国家的内政。女性主义者指出,这种划分包含着对女性的规范性歧视和结构性歧视。国际法的基本术语如国家、主权等,排除了国际法对国内违反人权事项的管辖,维护了男性在国内的特权地位。在国际人权法领域,在确定是否给予女性以人权保护时,也是以维护男性利益为出发点。女性主义方法揭示了国际法中存在的性别歧视,但该方法也存在许多问题,需要加以注意。  相似文献   

乔生 《河北法学》2005,23(5):29-33
作品在网络上传播属于一种什么样的权利,权利所有人如何控制这种传播并由此而获得一定的经济利益?这是国际社会纷争多年并未能在各国实践中得以完全统一与解决的问题。我国加入WTO前夕修改颁布的《著作权法》创设"信息网络传播权"的立法取向,比"网下复制权、发行权向网上延伸"及"向公众传播权"、"向公众提供权"提法准确明朗与更具价值,但我国对信息网络传播的定义及技术措施的规定则尚存犹豫与问题。  相似文献   

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