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王祥英 《人民检察》2005,(17):52-54
隐性超期羁押是指在刑事诉讼中依法对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人采取刑事拘留、逮捕措施后,在形式上有继续羁押的原因或手续、但实质上却是违法的情况下,继续羁押犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的行为。随着超期羁押纠防力度的加大,一般的超期羁押已经越来越少,但隐性超期羁押却逐渐显现,尤其是审判程序中的隐性超期羁押问题应引起重视。一、审判程序中隐性超期羁押的表现1.因立案审查造成超期羁押。驻所检察有时会发现检察环节的在押人被超期羁押的现象,其实并非如此。真实情况是:公诉部门已经将案件向法院提起公诉,但法院刑庭却未收到案件。此时,案件在立案…  相似文献   

一、隐性超期羁押及其主要表现形式隐性超期羁押是指采用违反法律的手段,规避刑事诉讼法律的办案期限,以形式上的不超期掩盖实质上的超期羁押。  相似文献   

试论隐性超期羁押的危害及其控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵杰 《河北法学》2006,24(11):140-142
超期羁押是当前刑事司法实践一大顽疾,不仅严重侵犯被羁押者的合法权益,给其亲属造成不必要的负担和痛苦,且妨碍了刑事诉讼活动的正常进行.超期羁押既有表面上即明显超出法定期限的显性超期,也有以形式上合法掩饰实质上不合法的隐性超期.针对司法实践中尚不为人们所重视的"隐性超期羁押"问题,从分析其表现、危害及成因入手,试着探求解决的对策,以期对从根本上预防和纠正此类现象有所裨益.  相似文献   

尽管司法机关十分重视看守所存在的超期羁押问题,但一些隐性超期羁押包括一些死刑及重大复杂案件的超期羁押问题仍时有发生,严重侵犯了在押人员的合法权益,应引起注意和反思。  相似文献   

隐性超期羁押在司法实践中客观存在,其表现为"形式合法而实质非法",出现该现象与司法人员执法观念偏差、现行法律制度不完善、机制不健全、司法资源匮乏、分配不合理有一定联系。只有建立科学执法理念、完善法律制度、健全机制、合理配置司法资源,才能从防范机制上遏制隐性超期羁押。  相似文献   

《预防和纠正超期羁押规定》年内出台为完善预防和纠正超期羁押工作机制,最高人民检察院日前已经起草了《关于预防和纠正超期羁押的若干规定》,正在同最高人民法院、公安部进行协商,有望在今年内出台。据最高人民检察院有关负责人介绍,目前基层政法机关的隐性超期羁押问题还比较突出,一些办案机关和办案人员对不符合相关条件的案件随意延长羁押期限,造成犯罪嫌疑人、被告人久押不决。为解决这个问题,政法部门将严禁超时  相似文献   

侦查阶段隐性超期羁押 羁押期限的延长及重新计算均由侦查部门自行决定,无需其他单位批准审核  相似文献   

超期羁押:性质·成因·对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王学成 《政法学刊》2003,20(1):34-37
超期羁押是具有多方面社会危害性的违法行为;造成超期羁押,既有公安司法人员执法观念方面的原因,亦有法律制度及执法工作机制方面的原因;与此相适应,解决超期羁押的对策,也应该是综合性的。  相似文献   

超期羁押严重侵犯了犯罪嫌人、被告人的合法权利,是一种变的非法拘禁,是对人的最基本的尊和自由的极端漠视,也是对公正执的严重破坏。长期以来,超期羁押以解决,究其原因,对责任人的追和查处不力,是一个重要原因。目前对超期羁押责任人如何追究责任,体由哪个部门追究,如果不追究又何后果等具体问题没有明文规定。要坚决制止超期羁押,就必须细化超期羁押责任人的法律责任。1.应明确界定何为超期羁押超期羁押简单地说,就是超过法期限的羁押。那么超期羁押的法期限是多少?根据我国刑事诉讼的规定,羁押不是一种独立的强措施,而是刑事拘留和逮捕的…  相似文献   

蚌埠市检察机关通过建立预防和纠正超期羁押的长效工作机制,包括改革换押程序,使用"展示板",实行"告诉制"与"律师代理申诉制",明确对超期羁押负有责任的机关、人员的惩罚,在一定程度上弥补了立法上的缺陷,使超期羁押现象在该市得到了有效遏制.但要在全国范围内根本消除超期羁押现象,必须在立法上完善我国的羁押制度,比如上将办案期限与羁押期限分开,明确对超期羁押负有责任的机关、人员的惩戒措施,完善对超期羁押的司法救济制度等.  相似文献   

The collection of evidence by the investigator or crime scene technician and its submission to the laboratory is a critical part of law enforcement. Insuring the integrity of that evidence is the responsibility of the same people. Rules governing standards and procedures for insuring the evidence integrity and chain of custody of requirements are the courts, investigative agency, and now non-governmentalorganizationslike ASCLD.This paper shows how laboratory accreditation is affecting the interaction of these groups.  相似文献   

This chapter will familiarize judges in the U.S. with the state and federal law applicable to international child custody, visitation and abduction disputes. These laws are UCCJA s? 23, the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (Hague Convention), and the International Child Abduction Remedies Act (ICARA). When a custody order from a foreign country is presented for recognition and enforcement, UCCJA § 23 controls. If notice and opportunity to be heard were given to all affected persons, state courts are to enforce foreign custody decrees. When a petition is filed seeking the prompt return of a child to another country based on allegations that the child's removal or retention was wrongful, the Hague Convention and ICARA govern. If the child's removal or retention is wrongful within the meaning of the Convention, and no exceptions to return are proved, a court in the U.S. must order the child's return forthwith. A return order is not a decision on the merits of custody.  相似文献   

姚莉  邵劭 《法律科学》2013,(5):151-158
新《刑事诉讼法》增加的捕后羁押必要性审查制度,是人权保障理念在刑事诉讼领域的落实和展开,是对权力制衡理论和比例原则的顺应,将有助于防止超期羁押和随意羁押。但新《刑事诉讼法》对捕后羁押必要性审查机制的规定过于原则,需要从审查主体、程序的启动、运行以及救济等方面进行细化。为了使捕后羁押必要性审查机制有效运作,需要采取一些配套措施,如加强侦查取证能力以切断对羁押的依赖,加强部门合作拓展必要性判断的信息来源,探索羁押必要性判断方法的客观量化和判断主体的专业化等。  相似文献   

Cybercrime investigation can be argued as still in its infancy. The technical investigation practices and procedures of global law enforcement are also still evolving in response to the growing threat of the cybercriminal. This has led to considerable debate surrounding the adequacy of current technical investigation models, examination tools and the subsequent capability of law enforcement to tackle cybercrime. To bridge the gap between low-level technology recovery and digital forensic examination, and to overcome the many technical challenges now faced by law enforcement; this paper presents an extended cybercrime investigation model capable of guiding the investigative practices of the broader law enforcement community. The Stages of Cybercrime Investigations discussed throughout this paper, demonstrate the logical steps and primary considerations vital to investigating cyber related crime and criminality. The model is intended to provide both technical and non-technical investigative resources, covering mainstream law enforcement, partner agencies and specialist technical services, with a formal and common structure when investigating the complex technical nature of cybercrime. Finally, the model is further aimed at providing cybercrime investigators with a means to consolidate understanding, share knowledge and communicate the resulting outcomes as an investigation moves through each relevant stage.  相似文献   

This chapter outlines provisions that should be included in custody orders to aid interstate enforcement. When there is risk of child abduction, the court should include preventive measures in the custody order. This chapter also helps judges identify families at risk for child abduction, and suggests appropriate safeguards to put in the order.  相似文献   

Recent innovations in American child custody law have affected both the substantive law and the procedures by which custody decisions are reached. Professor Bruch describes these developments, analyses their underpinnings in psychology and ideology, and identifies both intended and unrecognized effects of the dispute resolution process on the custody decision. She concludes that many new doctrines and procedures that have been widely assumed to benefit children, including joint custody and mediation, often disserve children's interests.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the influencing components producing corruption among narcotic law enforcement officers, and it is the second article of a three part series among 255 officers. It was postulated that income and stress among of narcotic officers gives rise to corruption. Although, corruption was defined as police brutality, personal use of contraband, and abuse of due process rights, the data was insufficient to support the hypothesis. It was revealed, however, that corruption did exist among narcotic officers, but its causal factors were related to an officer’s lack of experience, innocence, and integrity. Recommendations are that narcotic officers be selected based on their experiences especially military service. Further research should be conducted examining the link between military training and quality narcotic law enforcement service. Author Note: Dennis J. Stevens, Ph.D. is an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Massachusetts at Boston. In addition to teaching traditional and nontraditional students, he teaches and counsels law enforcement officers in police academies such as at the North Carolina Justice Academy and felons at maximum custody penitentiaries such as Attica in New York, Eastern and Women’s Institute in North Carolina, Stateville and Joliet near Chicago, and CCI in Columbia, South Carolina. He is a former group facilitator for an organization that specializes in court ordered abuse counseling. He can be reached at dennis.stevens@umb.edu  相似文献   

“Operation Buccaneer” was the name given to a law enforcement operation against “DrinkOrDie,” a highly organised but globally dispersed Internet-based software piracy group. The concerted enforcement action, led by the US Customs Service and Department of Justice, extended to several European countries and Australia. This paper contrasts the legal consequences that flowed, with numerous suspects pleading guilty in the United States, some contested prosecutions in the United Kingdom, and a sole Australian suspect facing extradition to the United States to face charges. Operation Buccaneer illustrates the cross-national reach of both Internet-based intellectual property crime and the law enforcement response, as well as some of the complexities that arise in applying jurisdictional concepts such as the “double criminality” requirement for extradition in this evolving prosecutorial landscape.  相似文献   

Through participatory observation and in-depth interviews with thirty-four practitioners, this article pierces the veil of the dynamics of China’s pretrial detention system by looking into various socio-legal factors which may affect law enforcement in China. When the prosecutors make their decisions on detention in practice, a variety of factors such as state compensation, performance-based evaluation as well as judicial ecology such as public opinion, power struggle, and judicial coordination all play a role. The dynamics of China’s detention system, through governing the prosecutors’ daily operations and the procuratorate’s routine policy-making, often distort the pretrial detention system that is mainly regulated by the Criminal Procedure Law and in practice, result in a high rate of custody. The dynamics also suggest a non-autonomous criminal justice system in China, meaning that extra-legal factors usually influence, complicate, and sometimes even re-direct China’s development of the rule of law.  相似文献   

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