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本文将双波长法用于二阶导数光谱中,提出一种新的COHb饱和度测定方法。用本法测定了已知COHb饱和度的标准血样和未知COHb饱和度的检血,都得到了比较满意的结果。  相似文献   

目的研究CO中毒腐败血、肝组织检材中CO的HS/GC/MS检测。方法用HS/GC/MS法分析碳氧血红蛋白(COHb)血的线性范围。配制10%、30%、50%、70%浓度COHb血样,分别在室温、冷藏、冷冻条件下保存,分别在当日、第4、14、45d进行测定,比较实验结果。腐败肝组织由雄性健康家兔通CO气体致死,当天解剖,家兔肝常温隔绝空气保存并放35d至腐败,期间进行不定期顶空测定分析。结果制备的COHb血在0-100%之间有良好的线性关系Y=2.4X+2.2(r=0.9995)。以此方法测定家兔CO中毒致死的COHb新鲜血的浓度和4℃下放置45dCOHb腐败血,结果表明温度对血样中COHb%的测定影响最大。采用HS/GC/MS法检测,每次只需0.25ml血样或1g肝脏,分析一次时间只需3min,均可检测出新鲜检材和常温放置45d的腐败肝组织检材CO的含量。结论HS/GC/MS法能检出CO中毒的腐败生物检材中CO。  相似文献   

通过分析近年来有关血液样品中碳氧血红蛋白稳定性方面的研究资料,发现血液中碳氧血红蛋白的稳定性受到盛放容器、保存温度、容器顶部空气体积、初始HbCO饱和度及防腐剂的添加与否的影响,其中保存温度、容器顶部空气体积及初始HbCO饱和度则是其主要影响因素。  相似文献   

卜俊  刘伟  严慧 《法医学杂志》2009,25(5):359-361
目的探讨不同保存温度下血样中毒鼠强的稳定性。方法配制毒鼠强质量浓度为0.5μg/mL的血液样品,分别置于45℃、25℃和4℃环境中保存,在配制当天及存放3、12、18和39d用气相色谱-质谱联用法测定其质量浓度,运用SPSS统计软件对结果进行统计分析。结果45℃、25℃下血样存放3d毒鼠强质量浓度基本不变,存放4~12d毒鼠强质量浓度有明显下降,存放12d后毒鼠强质量浓度缓慢下降;4℃下血样存放12d毒鼠强质量浓度基本不变,存放13~18d毒鼠强质量浓度有明显下降,存放18d后毒鼠强样品质量浓度缓慢下降。结论血样中毒鼠强质量浓度在最初的3d内稳定,此后浓度下降。保存温度对血样中毒鼠强质量浓度有影响。  相似文献   

Ma D  Zhuo XY  Bu J  Xiang P  Shen BH 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):117-119
目的确定血液中乙醇最佳保存条件,探讨影响血液中乙醇含量稳定性的主要因素。方法对血液保存的温度(-20、4、20℃)、防腐剂(NaF、无防腐剂、Na2O2)、储存容器中空气所占比例(0%、25%、50%)和血醇质量浓度(0.2、0.8、2.0mg/mL)四个因素采用正交试验L9(34)方法分组,样本采用顶空气相色谱法进行测定,测定结果采用方差分析进行讨论。结果在20℃保存且不加入防腐剂的两组样本中血醇浓度变化明显,其余变化不明显。结论血液样本在4℃、储存容器中空气比例为50%和加防腐剂(NaF)的条件下保存,稳定性最佳;四个影响因素中温度为影响血液中乙醇含量稳定性的主要因素。  相似文献   

目的为筛选最佳的保存温度,准确检测酒驾血液酒精含量,为交管部门客观判断酒驾行为提供技术支撑。方法本研究选取EDTA-2真空抗凝采血管,采取酒后人体静脉鲜血后,分别在-20℃、4℃~8℃、25℃常温、35℃~42℃高温等4个温度条件下保存,GC法按0、3d、7d、14d、21d及28d后检测血液酒精含量,并对测试结果进行比较统计分析。结果在35℃~42℃和25℃温度下存储的血液酒精含量在0~3d内基本稳定,3d后显著下降(P0.05);4℃~8℃温度下存储的血液酒精含量在0~14 d内基本稳定,14d后显著下降(P0.05);-20℃温度保存条件下血液酒精含量测试28d统计结果间无显著差异。结论建议血样采集后低温保存,-20℃温度为血样的最佳保存温度。  相似文献   

目的探索尸体血样保存过程中乙醇的产生情况及乙基葡萄糖醛酸苷(EtG)和硫酸乙酯(EtS)的产生可能。方法对照组为7例阳性静脉血,而实验组则为7例阴性尸体血。每例血样分成3份并保存在室温(18~22℃),4℃及-20℃等3种不同的条件下,在保存天数为0、2、3、5、7、9、11、13、15、17、19、21等时间点取样。使用顶空气相色谱法(HS-GC)检测乙醇,采用固相萃取提取EtG和EtS,使用高效液相色谱-三重四级杆质谱(LCMS/MS)法检测EtG和EtS。结果保存期间,对照组各血样中的乙醇、EtG和EtS浓度均呈下降趋势;实验组中1、2、4、5、6、7号血样的室温及4℃的样本在保存第2~3天时检出乙醇,而7号-20℃的样本在第6天检出乙醇。其中,6号室温血样的乙醇峰值浓度为64.27mg/100mL。各血样中均未检出EtG,EtS。结论室温及4℃保存的尸体血可产生乙醇且产生速度较快,反复冻融可导致-20℃保存的尸体血产生乙醇,乙醇峰值浓度可超过法定酒驾标准,但实验组血样中均无EtG和EtS产生。因此,尸体血中的EtG,EtS可以作为乙醇生前入体的特异性标志物,区分乙醇生前入体和腐败产生乙醇的依据。实际工作中,乙醇原体检测的酒精认定应注意血样保存和运输条件造成的影响。为了避免假阳性结果,涉及死亡的案件进行酒精认定时有必要辅以EtG和EtS的检测。  相似文献   

目的研究在不同温度条件下家兔死后心血氧化还原电位(oxidation reduction potential,ORP)值变化与死亡时间(postmortem interval,PMI)的关系。方法随机将48只家兔分为6组,以空气栓塞法处死后,取家兔右心室血液分别置于10、15、20、25、30和35℃温度下的水浴中,自取血即刻(0h)至死后132h内,每4 h用PB-21型电化学分析仪测定样本的ORP值。应用SPSS 17.0软件建立曲线回归方程,再应用MATLAB7.10.0软件建立曲面方程和三维曲面图。结果不同温度条件下家兔心血ORP值变化与PMI具有高度相关性,温度高时,ORP值上升明显,温度低时,ORP值上升缓慢,并获得拟合的曲面方程以及三维曲面图。结论拟合的ORP值与PMI的曲面方程及三维曲面图可进行温度变化条件下的PMI推断。  相似文献   

目的比较7种一氧化碳中毒血样分光光度含量测定方法的特点及适用性。方法用空白血添加一氧化碳配制不同浓度的样品,采用双波长法、还原法(3种)、切线法和导数光谱法(2种)进行检测,对各种方法线性范围、重现性和操作中注意事项等内容进行考察,并用实际案件检材验证和比较。结果还原法一在30%~70%、还原法三在20%~100%,其他方法在20%~70%范围内,线性关系良好;样本浓度超过或低于50%,采用切线法有一定误差;导数法及还原法三因需要制备CO饱和样本,操作略微繁琐,但导数光谱法计算结果准确性好。结论几种方法均可用于一氧化碳中毒血的检测,实验结果可为方法的实际应用提供借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

血液样品中防腐剂对碳氧血红蛋白稳定性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究临床上常用8种试剂对血液样品中碳氧血红蛋白(HbCO)稳定性的影响。方法将血液样品分为高、低两个HbCO浓度组,选用临床常用的甲醛、氟化钠、乙二胺四乙酸二钠、亚硝酸钠、草酸钾、肝素钠、柠檬酸钾及氟化钠与草酸钾混合物(1:3)8种试剂,按常用浓度分别添加到血样品中,并于添加后0h、2h、8h、24h、3d、7d用紫外可见光分光光度法检测其中HbCO饱和度,用统计学方法进行结果分析。结果本实验选用的8种试剂只有甲醛和亚硝酸钠对HbCO的稳定性影响较为显著,而其余6种对HbCO稳定性的影响无统计学意义。结论在检验疑似CO中毒并经甲醛或亚硝酸钠防腐的检材时应慎重,以免导致错误的鉴定结论。  相似文献   

Changes in methemoglobin (Met-Hb) concentrations during storage of whole blood or mixtures of blood and a cryoprotectant at refrigerated or various freezing temperatures were examined using blood samples from nitrite-administered rats and from autopsy cadavers. When whole blood was stored at 3 degrees C, Met-Hb reduction was observed in blood samples from nitrite-administered rats and in the blood from a victim poisoned by a weed killer containing some oxidant. When samples were stored at -30 degrees C, Met-Hb formation by autoxidation was inevitably observed in blood samples stored as whole blood, whereas addition of a cryoprotectant to whole blood could prevent Met-Hb formation in all the blood samples. When whole blood was stored at -80 degrees C or -196 degrees C, Met-Hb concentrations were practically stable until at least 30 days regardless of the initial values except in the control rat blood samples stored at -80 degrees C which showed slight formation of Met-Hb. From the results obtained, both the storage with a cryoprotectant at -30 degrees C and that without any additions at -80 degrees C or -196 degrees C proved to be suitable for long-term storage of blood samples from autopsy cadavers for Met-Hb determination.  相似文献   

The spectrophotometric method for the determination of carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) in blood reported by Fretwurst and Meinecke was modified so as to give the same values of percentage HbCO (HbCO%) as those determined by the oxygen electrode method. Values of HbCO% of nine practical samples determined by both the oxygen electrode method and the present method were nearly identical regardless of the presence of methemoglobin (Met-Hb) in blood. The present method is suitable for forensic practice.  相似文献   

To determine ethanol in human post-mortem blood samples is problematic, largely due to the inappropriate and variable methods of preserving and storing, which can cause decomposition and loss of alcohol concentration. In this study, four crucial parameters of sample conservation were studied: temperature (T), percentage of air chamber in container (%CA), ethanol concentration in blood and post-mortem time. Blood samples from post-mortem cases were stored under different conditions (ethanol levels were known in all cases); factorial design variables: (%CA) 0, 5, 20, 35, 65%; storage temperature: 25, 4 and -10 degrees C; in a total of 15 experiments. No preserving agent was used in samples. Quantification of ethanol in blood was carried out by gas chromatography with head-space FID detector. Initial ethanol concentration ranged from 0.50 to 4.30 g/L. The kinetics of degradation observed was pseudo-first-order. The parameter that characterised the kinetics of ethanol degradation (k(0)) ranged from (4 x 10(-4) and 5.0 x 10(-1) day(-1)), depending on storage conditions. A strong dependence between ethanol degradation and the content of the air chamber was observed and this dependence was found to be stronger than that between degradation and temperature; there was an experimental relation between (k(0)) and (%CA). Activation energy for different conditions, i.e. 0, 5, 20, 35 and 65 (%CA), were calculated and contour plots were made. A mathematical equation relating air chamber, temperature and ethanol concentration at a certain time was determined. This equation allowed estimation of initial concentrations of ethanol with minimal error. A good correlation between experimental data and data calculated with the equation was obtained (r(2) = 0.9998). The best storage conditions were: 0% CA and storage at -10 degrees C, obtaining an ethanol degradation of 0.01% after 15 days. However, 33% of ethanol degradation was obtained with 35% CA at 25 degrees C after 15 days. This equation is useful in forensic cases in which original concentration of ethanol has to be estimated under different sample storage conditions.  相似文献   

This study examined the in vitro stability of 6-acetylmorphine (6AM) in horse blood, sheep vitreous humour (VH) and homogenised deer muscle stored under different storage conditions. The stability of 6AM in horse blood is of interest because many toxicological laboratories utilise this matrix for the preparation of blood calibration and check standards and the latter are typically stored during routine use. Data on the storage stability of 6AM in human VH is extremely limited and no data has been reported in muscle. In the absence of human samples, 6AM stability was demonstrated in sheep vitreous and deer muscle. Blood and VH were stored with and without NaF at room temperature (RT), 4 and -18°C for 84 days. Muscle tissue homogenates were prepared in water with and without NaF and also in phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) containing NaF. Homogenates were stored for 31 days at RT, 4 and -18°C. Morphine and 6AM were extracted using SPE and quantified by GC-ion trap-MS/MS. In the absence of NaF, 6AM could not be detected after 7 and 14 days in blood stored at RT and 4°C, respectively. Although at -18°C 6AM was stable for 7 days (12% loss), only 54% was detected by day 84. The addition of NaF to horse blood increased 6AM stability substantially at every temperature. Further, the rate of degradation was found to be significantly slower in blood preserved with 2% NaF compared with 1% NaF (p=.05). 6AM was stable for the study period in preserved blood (1 and 2% NaF) stored at -18°C. For laboratories utilising horse blood in the preparation of standards, preservation with 1% NaF (minimum) and storage at -18°C is recommended. The addition of NaF to VH was essential for 6AM stability. Irrespective of temperature substantial losses (≥ 42%) were observed in unpreserved sheep VH by day 7. In preserved VH the concentration declined by only 22% on day 7 following storage at RT and no loss observed in VH stored at 4 and -18°C at the same time. In muscle, 6AM was stable for 7 days in preserved samples stored at RT and in all samples stored at 4°C and below. The addition of NaF increased the stability of 6AM substantially in muscle. The increased stability of 6AM in VH and muscle preserved with fluoride was attributed to inhibition of bacterial action and the subsequent reduction in the rate of putrefaction of these tissues.  相似文献   

Changes in methemoglobin (Met-Hb) concentrations during storage of whole blood and a hemolysate at refrigerated or various freezing temperatures were examined using experimentally prepared blood samples. When whole blood was stored at 3 degrees C, rapid reduction of Met-Hb was observed in the nitrite-treated blood whereas neither reduction nor formation of Met-Hb was observed in the untreated and heated blood within 7 days. When hemolysate was stored at 3 degrees C, Met-Hb concentrations were stable within a few days regardless of the initial values. However, slight autoxidation was observed 7 days after storage in the untreated and heated blood. When whole blood was stored at various freezing temperatures, Met-Hb concentrations were practically stable until at least 30 days at -80 degrees C or -196 degrees C regardless of the initial values, although considerable autoxidation was observed at -30 degrees C especially in the blood containing small amounts of Met-Hb. Based on the results obtained, a new method was devised for long-term storage of whole blood at extremely low temperatures for Met-Hb determinations.  相似文献   

The in vitro stability of cocaine in horse blood, sheep vitreous humour (VH) and homogenised deer muscle is described. The stability of cocaine in horse blood was of interest because many toxicology laboratories utilise horse blood for the preparation of calibration and check standards and the latter are typically stored during routine use. The storage stability of cocaine in human VH and muscle has not been previously reported. In the absence of blank human VH and muscle, cocaine stability under varying conditions was demonstrated in animal tissues. Blood and VH were stored with and without addition of NaF at room temperature (RT), 4°C and -18°C for 84 days. Muscle homogenates were prepared in water, water/2% NaF, and phosphate buffer (pH 6.0)/2% NaF, and stored for 31 days at RT, 4°C and -18°C. Cocaine stability in human muscle obtained from cocaine positive forensic cases was assessed following storage at -18°C for 13 months. Cocaine and benzoylecgonine (BZE) were extracted using SPE and quantified by GC-MS/MS. Cocaine was stable for 7 days in refrigerated (4°C) horse blood fortified with 1 and 2% NaF. In the absence of NaF, cocaine was not detectable by day 7 in blood stored at RT and 4°C and had declined by 81% following storage at -18°C. At 4°C the rate of cocaine degradation in blood preserved with 2% NaF was significantly slower than with 1% NaF. The stability of cocaine in horse blood appeared to be less than that reported for human blood, probably attributable to the presence of carboxylesterase in horse plasma. Cocaine stored in VH at -18°C was essentially stable for the study period whereas at 4°C concentrations decreased by >50% in preserved and unpreserved VH stored for longer than 14 days. Fluoride did not significantly affect cocaine stability in VH. The stability of cocaine in muscle tissue homogenates significantly exceeded that in blood and VH at every temperature. In preserved and unpreserved samples stored at 4°C and below, cocaine loss did not exceed 2%. The increased stability of cocaine in muscle was attributed to the low initial pH of post-mortem muscle. In tissue from one human case stored for 13 months at -18°C the muscle cocaine concentration declined by only 15% (range: 5-22%). These findings promote the use of human muscle as a toxicological specimen in which cocaine may be detected for longer compared with blood or VH.  相似文献   

目的 研究液化石油气与煤气中毒鉴定的异同。方法 将实验小白鼠、SD大鼠及家兔分别经液化石油气和煤气染毒,测定中毒后血中碳氧血红蛋白饱和度(HbCO%)及丙烷。结果 煤气中毒家兔体内碳氧血红蛋白饱和度达及49.95%;煤气中毒死亡小白鼠及大鼠体内HbCO%大于60%;液化石油气中毒死亡的家兔、小白鼠及大鼠血中检出丙烷,而体内HbCO%与正常的家兔、小白鼠及大鼠体内HbCO%无明显差异。结论 煤气中毒可通过测定其体内HbCO%进行鉴定;液化石油气中毒后体内HbCO%未见明显升高,可通过测定血中丙烷进行鉴定。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(5):579-585
One of the main tasks in forensic entomology is the determination of the minimum post-mortem interval (PMImin) based on the age of the juvenile insects feeding and developing on the dead body. An important task is to store the evidence appropriately so that the evaluation and expert report can be used in court. However, existing recommendations can be contradictory or lacking scientific validation, e.g. by proposing various preservation liquids without knowing whether and to what extent the period of storage in such a liquid has an effect on the length of the preserved larvae. Storage time can be an issue since, due to technical and procedural circumstances, killed larvae may be stored for hours, days, weeks or even longer prior length measurement. A changed body length would have consequences for the entomological report, as the age of the larvae is usually derived from their length.This study investigates the effect of four differently concentrated ethanol solutions (70%, 80%, 90% and 96%) during a storage period of up to 196 days on the body length of stored larvae of the forensically important blow fly species L. sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Larvae of different ages (24 h, 48 h and 72 h after hatching) were killed by immersion in hot, non-boiling water (≥80 °C) for at least 30 s. Their lengths were measured immediately. Subsequently samples were stored in ethanol of appropriate concentration at room temperature (approx. 22 °C). Further length measurements were made at 16 different storage intervals between 1 and 196 days.Many specimens showed a length decrease for most storage conditions and all larval ages. However, there was a tendency for 48 h- and 72 h-old larvae to increase in length after the first days of storage of up to 1.1 mm which may lead to an erroneous overestimation of the PMImin using this kind of specimens. All changes in length within each cohort over total time were in the range of +7% to −9.1%. Significant differences in length changes within the first days of storage were found mainly in larvae stored in 70%- and 80%-ethanol, but larvae stored in 90%- and 96%-ethanol showed first significant differences on day 56 at the earliest.Our results lead to the recommendation that the measurements of fly larvae samples should be taken immediately after killing and before storage to avoid any effects. Ethanol ≥90% should be used for storage.  相似文献   

The work described in this report was focused on generating increased knowledge of fingerprint chemistry, particularly the composition of a latent fingerprint at the time it is deposited, and the chemical changes in lipid components that occur over time. Fingerprints from five male donors (aged 25-34 years) were collected and aged under controlled conditions. The prints were then sampled at set intervals, solvent extracted with dichloromethane, co-derivatized with MSTFA and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It was shown that there was loss of squalene from prints stored in the light or in the dark. Loss was more rapid in the light, with squalene in prints from some donors not detected after 9 days storage. For these same donors, squalene was still detected after 33 days storage in the dark, but at much lower levels than in fresh prints. For saturated fatty acids (tetradecanoic, palmitic and stearic acid) there was a trend towards an increase in levels of these substances during storage (up to about 20 days) followed by a decrease back to original levels or below. This was the case for samples stored in the light or in the dark. For palmitoleic acid, a similar trend was seen. For oleic acid, this trend was seen for samples stored in the dark. For samples stored in the light the general trend was a decrease in level over the storage period (up to 33 days).  相似文献   

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