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谢玲 《法制与社会》2010,(36):285-286
重庆陪都时期警政制度的设置和发展呈现出了政治载体紧随统治思想变迁、动移的过程。本文指出通过对它的考察与把握,有助于我们从形态多样的警政措施中寻找到重庆警政发展的必然规律,揭示出重庆陪都时期警政制度的特点及其现代启示。  相似文献   

政治合法性是对价值正义性的一种承认,同时构成了对公共机构及其权力行为正当性的评价标准。中国共产党在西方话语意义上使用合法性概念审视自身执政行为,彰显了高度的自信。对执政党主体地位和自身条件合法性的考察,是党领导法治建设合法性分析的前置性工作;而通过将"合法性指数"概念和权利-义务分析框架引入并运用于对中国共产党领导法治建设行为的合法性评价,则为系统深入地阐释中共执政行为的政治价值指向提供了科学标准和科学模式,为执政党领导中国法治建设注入了反思性向度,这是助力执政党及其领导的法治建设事业进一步走向更大成功的重要理论拓展。  相似文献   

法律职业话语的解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄文艺 《法律科学》2005,23(4):3-12
职业主义、精英主义和民粹主义构成了现代社会关于法律职业的三种话语系统和意识形态。职业主义是一种描绘和论证法律职业的理想图景的话语,精英主义是一种论证法律职业的正当性和合法性的话语,而民粹主义则是一种批判法律职业之弊害的话语。三种话语系统和意识形态之间的良性互动,是法律职业健康发展的有效保证。  相似文献   

历经半个多世纪沉浮的革命历史题材文学作品,在1990年代以来这个中国社会深刻的历史转折时期,以非纸质媒介一电视剧的文本形式,再次清晰地呈现于文化视野中,成为当代文学艺术领域的重要现象.在政治意识形态话语和市场消费话语的"共谋"、"冲突"和"妥协"之中生存和发展的革命历史题材电视剧,不论是在主题意识及其阐释方式,还是其文本形态和发展策略上,都体现着与以往不同的时代特征,是"革命"话语在时代语境巨变中的重构与重述.  相似文献   

中国共产党新一代领导集体成立后,立即开展了党的群众路线教育实践活动,这对当代中国政治建设有着重大而深远的意义。从政治合法性角度看,中国共产党的群众路线实现了政治合法性的规范主义和绩效主义的有机统一。本文从政治合法性的基本内涵、群众路线的历史源流以及群众路线与当代中国政治建设三方面进行了分析和阐释。  相似文献   

董慧丽 《法制与社会》2010,(20):147-148
合法性问题是政治学领域的核心问题之一,我国在社会转型时期的政治合法性遭遇了诸如政治参与度不够、腐败现象频发等困境。本文通过分析政治文化多元化、现代化的因素对合法性基础形成冲击等原因,提出了加强对社会的意识形态的引导、确保政治过程中的守法和提高政治产品的有效性的建议。  相似文献   

朱振 《人民法治》2015,(1):37-38
中国法治话语体系是由反映中国法治实践及经验的理论和信念组成的思想体系和价值信仰体系,它以民族语言的形式集中表达了中华民族在建设中国特色社会主义中关于法治的自我理解,并担负着探寻法治真理与合法性的使命。中国法治话语体系的形成是以成熟的法治制度实践和理论体系为基础的,是基于中国的法治实践所提出和发展的一套特有的思想价值体系...  相似文献   

李宁 《河北法学》2004,22(1):94-97
促成清政府建立近代警察制度的主要原因有:警学研究的深入和警政思想的传播;社会治安混乱不堪,各地的革命运动日益高涨,旧的保甲制度不足以依靠;帝国主义列强要求清政府进行必要的制度改革,以确保其在华的经济、政治利益和人身安全;从官绅合办的湖南保卫局,到地方警政的奉旨试办,再到巡警部的设立及其被民政部取代的渐次推进和成效渐显。  相似文献   

西方社会自17世纪始就开始了对言论自由和出版自由的的探讨。这些思想主要集中在约翰·弥尔顿的《论出版自由》,约翰·斯图亚特·密尔的《论自由》和亚历山大·米克尔约翰的《表达自由的法律限度》(另译《言论自由与民主》)等经典书目中。三约翰(如果加上约翰·洛克的《论宗教宽容》则是四约翰)及其经典著作,构成了一条“出版自由→言论自由→宪法第一修正案→政治自由”的完整而清晰的发展线索,形成了西方自由主义新闻思想的体系核心。可以说,三约翰的思想在内容和基本理论精神上存在着一脉相承的谱系关系,但又有着学理上和和实践中的巨大差异。  相似文献   

仇和现象是当代中国政治发展逻辑的一般折射,从仇和现象可以看出我国政治合法性的一般构成。当代中国政治合法性包含三个纬度:价值认同,即传统政治文化的内在权力意识;政治共同体认同,即对中央政府权威的认同;政治行为认同,即政治行为所带来的民众认同。这种合法性构成是在中国传统政治文化背景下的对西方政治价值的糅合,具有一定的合理性。  相似文献   

胡新祥 《政法学刊》2013,30(1):25-29
为保障我国经济社会转型构建稳定的社会治安环境,各地根据公安部提出的要求,各地公安机关正大力开展以民意引领警务机制创新的活动,应以就民意引领现代警务在创新理念、公安科学决策、执勤执法、治安行政管理、公共安全危机应急处置、社会公共安全风险评估和网络警务机制的建设中发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

警察体育目标的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董如军 《政法学刊》2003,20(6):75-76
警察体育是公安教育的组成部分,是公安工作与体育运动有机结合的新学科,它具有公安、体育的双重性。警察体育产生于公安实践,随着社会的发展而发展,我国的警察体育为社会主义的政治和经济服务。警察体育目标是根据国家经济、社会发展和公安工作的总目标来确定的。  相似文献   

Policing in China has undergone tremendous change during the economic transformation of the past three decades. This paper describes the plural policing bodies that have existed during pre- and post-reform periods in China. In the pre-reform period the policing bodies were generally public in nature with the public security police playing an important role in providing professional guidance to the other policing bodies. In the post-reform period, there has been a transition from a monopoly of public policing to an integration of public/private policing, with the public security police still playing a leading role in the policing network. Apart from the emergence of private policing (the security service industry), there is also a trend towards privatizing some previously public policing bodies in line with the movement toward strengthening the rule of law and towards privatization in general.  相似文献   

王智军 《河北法学》2004,22(12):103-108
治理理论对国家与市民社会关系的认识思路是国家和市民社会相互"型塑"达致社会公共事务管理的"善治"。在国内外警务战略模式变革中成为潮流的"国家警事社会化"战略,是指在警察机关专业警务活动的同时,动员社会组织和社区公众共同参与防控违法犯罪、维护社会治安秩序活动的过程。显然,"国家警事社会化"寻求警察与社会组织及社区公众的互动合作基础上公共安全管理的改善。因为警察与国家的对应、社会组织及公众正是市民社会的具象,所以可以用治理理论作为分析"国家警事社会化"的框架,并将其定义为"警事治理"。  相似文献   

In October 2016, the Home Secretary ruled out a public inquiry into the ‘Battle of Orgreave', arguing that ‘very few lessons’ could be learned from a review of practices of three decades ago. It was suggested that policing has undergone a progressive transformation since the 1984–5 miners’ strike, at political, legal, and operational levels. This article, in contrast, charts a significant expansion of state control over public protest since the strike, including a proliferation of public order offences and an extension of pre‐emptive policing powers. Whilst concerns have been raised about the impact of these developments on protest rights, there is an absence of socio‐legal research into the operation of public order powers in practice. In this article, I begin to fill this lacuna. Drawing on three empirical case‐studies of protesters’ experiences of arrest and the criminal justice process, I highlight the relevance of Orgreave for contemporary policing practice.  相似文献   

警察体育是警察警务工作且特殊育警实战训练方式。中国警察体育其目标定在警察体育与警务实战强警的塑造,以促进国家安全、社会稳定为依托,建设我国特色警察体育学科教育训练体系,警察训练理论与公安实践相结合,以提高警察战斗力,增强实战体能、掌握警察技能和警察战术应用,才是我国警察体育发展的主要内涵和价值观。  相似文献   


In this study, we contributed on research of policing cyberspace by analysing how different stakeholder groups (nodal clusters) participate in the formal security network during detecting and handling of data system break-ins in practice. The goal of this article was to study whether citizens have roles within the security network. The analysis was based on data system break-ins (n = 220) reported to the Finnish national computer emergency response team, CERT-FI, in 2012. We detected five types of nodal clusters: computer emergency response teams (CERTs), companies, public organisations, private persons and associations. The roles of nodal clusters were described by using cultural, social, political, economic and symbolic capital. However, the results show that there are differences not only between the nodal clusters but also inside them regarding their positioning within the network. We argue that instead of a type of nodal cluster, division based on the roles and individual needs could be more relevant. Recognition of roles could encourage netizens to co-produce cybersecurity from their respective premises.  相似文献   

Policing does not exist in a social, political or economic vacuum. As the task of policing becomes ever more complex, policing in the UK should explore innovative ways to remain effective. The notion that the public are the ‘customer’ is relatively new within the policing world and there is an increasing emphasis to ensure that the police maintain and preferably increase the public’s perception of the organisation. In the main, the public contact the police for some form of service and in times of austerity; police services across the country are attempting to align their service and organisational structures to customers’ needs in order to provide an economic and efficient service. In order to do this, the needs of those who receive the service need to be considered as the first step in this process. This article, based on recent research explores how customers engage with and contact the police and by better understanding the dynamics and intricacies of such contacts, may allow the police service in England and Wales to better understand customer preferences.  相似文献   

Social Work and the Security Issue in the Netherlands and Belgium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past years security has become a central issue in political discussions both in the Netherlands and Belgium. This has led to the setting of new governmental schemes in urban areas that rely upon the commitment of social workers to a large extent. Besides that, a number of new professions linked to social intervention have appeared. The purpose of this article is to analyse the emergence of security as an issue and the effects of the new governmental schemes in the field of social work, and to compare the political and social backgrounds, how security is dealt with and the effects on social work in Belgium and the Netherlands. The general assumption is that the practice of social professions tends to a new balance between change and control, the two usual poles of social work, at the expense of emancipatory practices towards marginalised people. In other words, it is wondered whether the action of social workers is to put in place a system of control and risk prevention as a mix of social work and people policing. The article shows that the development in this direction in the two countries is similar, in spite of significant background differences.  相似文献   

刘衡  张成 《政法学刊》2008,25(5):126-128
警察提供公共安全服务似乎是一个不需证明的论题,然而随着社区警务、治安承包等多元主体提供公共安全服务的实践产生以后,关于公共安全服务主体的探讨就不能回避.从公共经济学的角度看来,治安秩序不是纯粹的公益物品,维护社会治安和公共安全的力量也不能够单一由政府加以提供.  相似文献   

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