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臧建国 《政法学刊》2006,23(1):119-121
社区警务是当今世界各国广泛流行的一种主流警务思潮和新一轮警务改革的探索模式。公安派出所是市、县级公安机关的派出机构。是集防范、管理、打击、服务多种职能于一体的基层综合性战斗实体。两者之间的关系为:社区警务工作包含了公安派出所工作。社区警务工作是以公安派出所为主要载体展开的。实施社区警务战略决不只是公安派出所一家的事情。  相似文献   

于洪生  闵晓东 《犯罪研究》2001,(1):47-48,,F003,
无固定常住居民的社区是一种特殊社区,其警务工作的特殊性体现在社区成员"复杂化"、地理环境"窗口化"、警民关系"抽象化"、警务效果"社会化".特殊社区的警务工作具有特殊的意义.本文提出了加强特殊社区警务的方略强化社区警务意识,拓展社区警察服务,发掘社区警务资源,完善社区警务机制.  相似文献   

张敖 《政法学刊》2014,(6):113-118
社区警务是20世纪末在国际范围内兴起的一种适应市场经济体制的警务模式,这种模式已经成为国际警务发展的大趋势。作为原英国殖民地,香港的法律制度和警察体制都深受英国警务制度的影响,从而形成了具有香港特色的较为严谨的法律体系和专业警察队伍。20世纪70年代,英国的社区警务制度在香港悄然兴起,并在遏制犯罪和促进警民关系等方面起到积极作用,形成了相对完整、系统的社区警务模式。香港回归以来,内地公安机关逐渐引入香港先进的警务模式和理念,从而对大陆的警务政策的制定和警民关系的维护产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   

作为新型的警务机制,社区警务战略在带给我国社会管理巨大变化的同时,也存在一些制约因素,提升社区警务效能,关键在于整合有效资源,更新观念,盘活社区资源,找准利用社会管理资源的切入点,构建现代警务机制.  相似文献   

社区警务实践对非洲来说陌生也不陌生,因为在欧洲殖民主义出现在非洲之前,传统的非洲政治社会就一直致力于维持社区治安。欧洲殖民主义用疏远人民的殖民警察取代了非洲的社区警务模式。这种疏离在后殖民时代的尼日利亚继续存在,警务工作缺乏人民的参与。这种缺乏人民合作的情况产生了严重后果,即尼日利亚警察部队无法全面应对尼日利亚的各种安全挑战。尼日利亚政局总体平稳,但因社会、部族、宗教和政党矛盾引发的械斗、骚乱等群体性事件时有发生。随着尼日利亚现代社区警务的发展,社区成员与警方的合作对国内安全稳定至关重要。  相似文献   

社区警务信息化是公安信息化建设的重要组成部分,是信息化条件下构建现代社区警务新模式、新机制的重要载体.本文结合社区警务工作职能,分析了社区警务信息化建设的必要性及当前所面临的紧迫问题,并分别从警务理念、人才队伍、工作机制等方面提出了推进社区警务信息化建设的工作建议.  相似文献   

莫德升 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):47-52
社区警务建设是一项系统工程。社区群众工作是社区警务建设的基础和组成部分。实施社区警务战略正是在新形势下如何贯彻群众路线的一种有效形式和重要途径。而社区群众工作涉及到诸多方面的内容,其中宣传教育群众、组织发动群众参与社区治安管理,是社区群众工作的重要环节和核心内容。  相似文献   

社区警务是当前我国警务改革工作的重要内容之一,也是公安工作新的增长点,各级公安机关都将发展社区警务作为贯彻公安部"基层基础建设年"的重要任务。本文针对社区警务建设过程中出现的问题进行了分析,并对社区警务运行机制的完善和未来警务工作的开展做出了探讨,以进一步促进我国社区警务改革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

社区警务是进行社会治安综合治理的一项重要举措,但我国目前社区警务发展仍然面临着不少的问题,对社区警务制度的认识上仍然存在误区,警民关系不够融洽,警力配置也不尽合理.本文将结合西方多年来进行社区警务建设的经验与取得的成果,对我国社区警务制度的改革与创新提出一些具体的意见以及建议.  相似文献   

陈薇 《政法学刊》2003,20(2):53-54
社区警务是新时期警务体制改革的一个重要内容,利用社区资源,凝结社区力量,使警务中心正位,警务重点转移,警务重心下沉,加强社区的防控能力,是保证社区稳定的成功之路。  相似文献   

魏琪 《政法学刊》2008,25(3):111-114
目前,我国的警务工作范围模糊、摊子太大,不仅使科学的警务模式不能正常地落实和运行,反而容易在推进警务改革的过程中造成新的浪费。公共警务工作目标的定向与定质,以及警务监控管理体系的集约化是公共警务发展的必然趋势。为此,提出了关于公共警务风格统一化,公共警务项目模块化.基层派出机构微型化和公共警务工作正规化等思考。  相似文献   

This study examines how individuals make the decision to become police officers in the context of a police legitimacy crisis and how men and women’s decision-making processes may be different. In-depth interviews were conducted with 42 criminal justice college students who want to become police officers. Prospective police officers anticipated facing challenges as a direct result of the current climate surrounding American policing, which is characterized by decreased police legitimacy. On top of this, women anticipated facing more challenges than male officers due to their gender and underrepresentation in police work. However, women were uniquely motivated to enter policing to overcome gender-specific challenges and felt that they offered special skills that would provide solutions to the police legitimacy crisis. The paper draws implications for how agencies can identify more quality candidates and increase their representation of women.  相似文献   

Campus law enforcement agencies (CLEs) are critical components of the criminal justice system; thus, how they organize is of special interest. CLEs are thought ideal for community policing, a strategy requiring organizational change, yet little research exists on CLE organizations or their use of community policing. This study examines community policing within CLEs and how it impacts organizational structures. The data were gathered in a national BJS survey of CLEs. Results indicated that community policing was only significantly related to formalization. Contrary to community policing mandates, community policing was related to more written policies. Implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores the attitudes and behaviors of Taiwanese police officers regarding community oriented policing (COP) by comparing their attitudes and behaviors with those of officers in Washington State. Data used in the study were collected from 375 Taiwanese line officers assigned to the city of Tainan and 167 American line officers from various police and sheriffs’ departments in Washington State. The study finds that (1) Taiwanese and American officers hold similar opinions of COP’s potential to reduce crime; (2) both groups are similarly involved in implementing the various strategies of COP; yet (3) American officers are more involved in formulating (planning/devising) COP strategies; and (4) are more receptive to citizen involvement in COP; while (5) Taiwanese officers are more receptive to civilian oversight, and (6) are more amenable to applying COP outcomes for evaluative purposes than are their American counterparts. Policy implications and areas for future research are discussed.
Doris ChuEmail:

中国现实的粗放型警务实践亟须通过警务工程化制导转型升级。警务工程化的生成逻辑包括理论生成逻辑和实践生成逻辑。当代中国警务应主动地按照两条生成逻辑开展当代警务工程建设,以丰富警务品质,调整警务结构,控制警务运行,改善警务现状,提升警务功效,完成警务使命。  相似文献   

中美警务技能战术教学训练之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李阳  郑晓琴 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):106-107
加强中美警察在警务技能战术教学训练的研究,对中美警察警务技能与战术的课程设置、教学内容及训练方法、教官队伍建设等多方面加以比较,提出学习美国警察在警务技能战术教学训练方面先进的经验和做法,以促进我国警察在技能战术教学训练方面的发展  相似文献   

拉塞尔·M·林登在20世纪90年代提出了无缝隙政府理论。它以满足顾客无缝隙的需要为目标,以顾客、竞争和结果为导向,是一种面向未来的公共机构自我改革的模式,也是一种为顾客提供无缝隙的公共产品和公共服务的方式。Z市Z区S派出所A社区警务室创建的"一警为主,多警联动"的"一站式"模式,其职能的相互交叉、配合与一步到位服务的提供,是无缝隙政府理论的有效实现形式之一。但当前A社区警务室的建设与无缝隙政府理论的改革要求还有一定差距,要不断完善,防止流于形式。  相似文献   


A dominant theme in criminological research is that strained community-police relations are influenced by economic, social, and ecological variables that are further highly correlated with interracial prejudice and discrimination. It is difficult to assess the individual contributions of those other variables without controlling for race and ethnicity. There is an obvious need to examine community-police relations in racially and ethnically homogeneous settings to analyze such effects. In this paper, I use ethnographic data gathered in the racially and ethnically homogeneous Caribbean village of Grand Bay, Dominica, during 7 months in 1996 to explain strained community-police relations. The data highlight key ecological, economic, historical, social, and political factors contributing to strained community-police relations. The evidence also shows that, even in this race/ethnic homogeneous setting, constructed notions of prejudice play major roles in strained communitypolice relations. Based on the data, a macro-micro reputational model is proposed, and implications beyond this Caribbean village are suggested.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):619-650
The use of police in schools has increased dramatically in the past 12 years, largely due to increases in US Department of Justice funding. This study used data from the School Survey on Crime and Safety to assess the extent to which the addition of police in schools is associated with changes in levels of school crime and schools responses to crime. We found that as schools increase their use of police, they record more crimes involving weapon and drugs and report a higher percentage of their non-serious violent crimes to law enforcement. The possibility that placement of police officers in schools increases referrals to law enforcement for crimes of a less serious nature and increases recording of weapon and drug offenses requires that more rigorous research be carried out to assess more carefully the school climate and school safety outcomes related to this popular and costly practice.  相似文献   

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