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互易毒品与贩卖毒品之间是一种交叉关系,将互易毒品行为一律不作为犯罪处理或一律作为犯罪处理,在方法论上存在错误,由此而划定的互易毒品的内涵,也为罪刑法定原则所不容。根据互易毒品的形式与实质,结合现行刑法关于涉毒犯罪的规定,确立"相对说"将成立买卖关系的高纯度与低纯度毒品、硬性毒品与软性毒品以及相同纯度但数量不等毒品间的互易,作为贩卖毒品罪处理,其他情况的互易毒品行为不作为犯罪处理,才是合适的。  相似文献   

在居间介绍买卖毒品犯罪中.应区分居间介绍行为的不同情况,对居间行为人分别定罪处罚,不能一概认定为贩卖毒品罪的共犯。其中,为毒品的出卖方推销、介绍毒品的居间行为人,应认定为贩卖毒品罪;受吸食毒品者委托,帮助吸毒者购买毒品的居间行为人,应认定为非法持有毒品罪。  相似文献   

对贩卖毒品罪中“贩卖”的理解,司法实践中存在着分歧: 第一种观点认为,“贩卖”包括行为人实施非法转手倒卖和销售自制毒品的行为,并说明“转手倒卖”是指行为人以较低价格将其他毒贩的毒品购进,再以较高的价格卖给他人。第二种观点认为,所谓贩卖,是指非法的有偿转让,包括买卖、交换、批发和零  相似文献   

近年来,涉毒犯罪呈逐年增加的趋势,其中贩卖毒品罪在涉毒犯罪中占绝对比重。然而,理论和实践中在对贩卖毒品既未遂的界定、介绍毒品买卖如何定性、以运输方式参与贩卖毒品与运输毒品罪如何区分等问题还存在较大分歧,从而影响了刑法的正确、统一适用,也不利于有效打击贩毒犯罪。本文对上述三个问题予以探讨分析,以期能有利于司法实务。  相似文献   

司法实践中,对于贩卖毒品罪既未遂的区分,司法机关掌握的标准不一,这严重影响了法律的正确、统一适用,也有损法制的权威性。理论和实务上对贩卖毒品罪既未遂标准认识上的分歧,根本在于对贩卖毒品罪中贩卖行为构造认识上的分歧。以贩卖为目的非法收购毒品与有偿转让毒品并非是两种独立的贩卖毒品行为类型,而是一个完整的贩卖毒品行为前后相继的两个密切关联的行为阶段,据此,以贩卖为目的非法收购毒品,因行为人意志以外原因使得毒品未实际售出时,由于贩卖毒品实行行为未完成,宜认定为未遂。  相似文献   

当前,出售麻精药品以贩卖毒品罪论处的定罪路径较为混乱。应厘清毒品与麻精药品的关系,从贩卖毒品罪的立法原意出发,遵循主客观相统一的原则,确定行为人明知是管制的麻精药品而向吸毒、贩毒人员贩卖或者被购买人用于特定犯罪活动的,以贩卖毒品罪论处。具体适用时,应对行为人对麻精药品的认识内容和认识程度、是否有以毒品替代物出售的故意、是否存在非法用途等予以考量。  相似文献   

运输毒品罪虽然与走私、制造、贩卖毒品罪相提并论,但是,相对于走私、制造、贩卖毒品罪来说,运输毒品罪行为类型比较多,针对其不同的六种行为类型应当进行不同的定罪与量刑的分析,这能使运输毒品罪的定罪量刑真正做到合理、合法、合情。  相似文献   

贩卖毒品罪在我国刑事立法和司法实践中,已不是一个新罪,但对于该罪的未遂问题一直未曾引起法学理论界和司法实践的重视。到目前为止未曾见到过对该罪未遂问题的系统论述,司法实践中对该罪的未遂形态也很少认定,那么是不是在贬卖毒品罪中没有或者很少有未遂这种犯罪形态呢?笔者认为:贩卖毒品罪中存在未遂这种犯罪形态,在司法实践中,未遂这种情况也很多。本文就贩卖毒品罪存在不存在未遂问题及贩卖毒品罪未遂的表现形式进行初步探讨,以引起法学理论界及司法实践中对这一问题的重视。一、贩卖毒品罪存在不存在未过问回所谓犯罪未遂,…  相似文献   

对于代购毒品行为的司法认定,首先要对代购毒品中的“代购”作出准确界定,即对受托人的地位作出形式判定,受托人自行寻找毒源并完成毒品交付,是独立的毒品犯罪交易主体,成立贩卖毒品罪正犯。其次将牟利与否作为代购毒品行为准确定性的关键要素,代购者收取、私自截留部分购毒款、毒品或在交通、食宿等必要开销之外收取“介绍费”“劳务费”,认定为加价或变相加价牟利情形,以贩卖毒品罪论处;代购者从托购者事先联系的贩毒者处,为托购者购买仅用于吸食的毒品,收取、私自截留少量毒品供自己吸食的或者蹭吸、共吸的,一般不认定为贩卖毒品罪;对于非牟利型代购毒品行为,则从主观方面和代购毒品数量进一步认定。  相似文献   

运输毒品,是指明知是毒品而非法运输的行为。运输毒品行为根据运输目的的不同可以分为为贩卖而运输毒品、为转移而运输毒品以及为吸食而运输毒品。并非所有的运输毒品行为都构成运输毒品罪,认定运输毒品时应结合其目的分别以贩卖毒品罪、运输毒品罪和非法持有毒品罪定罪处罚,但是,如果为吸食而运输的毒品数量较小则不作为犯罪处理。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(3):233-259
For much of the past twenty-five years, the US-led war on drugs has been premised on a fundamental misunderstanding of Colombian drug trade. Instead of being run by a handful of massive, price-fixing ‘cartels’, the Colombian drug trade, then and now, was characterized by a fluid social system where flexible exchange networks expanded and retracted according to market opportunities and regulatory constraints. To support this interpretation, I draw on primary and secondary source data I collected in Colombia and the US, including interviews with several dozen hard-to-reach informants. I analyze these data to analyze the organisational form and functioning of ‘Colombian’ trafficking networks, focusing on how these illicit enterprises communicate, coordinate their activities, and make decisions, with an eye towards deflating some of the more persistent myths that have grown up around these transnational enterprises.  相似文献   

The Gambia, the smallest mainland country in Africa, is increasingly a transit point for illicit drug traffic between Latin America and Europe. As part of President Yayeh Jammeh’s attempts to crack down on this drug trade, in October 2010 the Gambian legislature passed a mandatory sentence of death for drug trafficking for persons possessing more than 250 grams of cocaine or heroin. The law was not constitutionally operable, however, because of Article 18(2) of the Gambian constitution, which forbids the death penalty for crimes other than aggravated or premeditated murder. Consequently, the death penalty for drug trafficking was abolished in April 2011.  相似文献   

This study seeks to provide an overview of drug trafficking in Iran, particularly as it relates to the Iran–Afghan and Iran–Pakistan border regions. Data were obtained from a systematic review of the academic literature and from open sources, including media reports and official documents. The Iranian government is credited with dedicating substantial resources to combating the drug trafficking. Despite these efforts, Iran continues to be the most significant transit country for opium and heroin from Afghanistan. Several factors are identified that help to explain why Iran, despite its efforts, continues to play a central role in the international drug trade.  相似文献   

Some Nigerian women entrepreneurs of the Italian sex market were trafficked women in the past who made a career in the trafficking hierarchy and its organized crime groups. The female mobility towards the organizational side of the trafficking offense represents the most striking characteristic of the Nigerian trade industry: in fact, the trafficking victims are driven by their persecutors to take an active part in the trafficking offenses over time. This criminal modus operandi explains why several difficulties arise in defining sharp dividing lines between trafficking victims and trafficking perpetrators. Facing such a distinctive issue, this paper wants to highlight the multiple roles that women hold in the trafficking industry by focusing on: a) the gray areas in the Nigerian trade industry; b) the intermediate roles that individuals hold within the victim/offender model; c) the female vertical mobility in the trafficking hierarchy. Thanks to such an analysis, the author wants to overcome dominant binary approaches (mostly based on the victim/perpetrator dichotomy) in the analysis of Nigerian trade industry.  相似文献   

Trafficking in persons is the fastest growing form of organized crime, because it is less risky than drug or arms trafficking 1 and guarantees astonishing profits ranging between 8.5 and 12 billion Euros per year. 2 The new slave trade is related to extreme poverty, lack of access to resources, unemployment, and poor education, and because of the marginalization of women in society and the feminization of poverty, it obviously affects especially women and children. This article aims at investigating the phenomenon of child trafficking and the most common forms of exploitation and at reviewing the most significant international conventions and special mechanisms that guarantee the protection of child victims’ basic human rights.  相似文献   



Human trafficking has generated growing concern among both policy makers and researchers. However, research has been hampered by a lack of valid data and appropriate methods. Our study attempts to improve understanding of this issue by developing a macro-level social disorganization perspective which suggests that trade openness may be an important vector of human trafficking such that countries in transition between high and low levels are likely to face major challenges in controlling trafficking and will therefore be especially likely to experience high rates. Our analysis is based on United Nations panel data containing 163 time points for 43 countries from 2003 to 2008 where there is full information across the variables of interest.


The study first relies on semi-parametric fixed effects regression estimators to determine the “true” functional form of the relationship between trade openness and human trafficking. Next, we utilize random and fixed effects regression analysis and negative binomial regression analysis to assess the existence of an inverted U-relationship between trade openness and human trafficking.


Consistent with our theoretical prediction, the spline approximation of the relationship between trade openness and human trafficking rates exhibits a clear inverted-U. The random and fixed effects regression results support the same conclusion. The turning point is estimated to be 1.995 and two sensitivity analyses confirm this finding through a parametric and a nonparametric bootstrap method with replications. Finally, using negative binomial and fixed effects negative binomial regressions, we again confirm that there is an inverted-U relationship between trade openness and human trafficking counts.


In line with a macro-level social disorganization perspective we argue that countries with relatively weak social control will have high rates of crime and deviance. We operationalize social control in terms of the openness of a country’s trade to the international community and as expected we find a curvilinear relationship between levels of trade openness and human trafficking.

《Global Crime》2013,14(1):117-128
At least 50 documented incidents in more than 20 countries around the world, many involving arrest or detention of North Korean diplomats, link North Korea to drug trafficking. Such events, in the context of ongoing, credible, but unproven, allegations of large-scale state sponsorship of drug production and trafficking (especially heroin and methamphetamines), raise important issues for the global community in combating international drug trafficking. Rather than simply the activities of mercenary and corrupt individuals within the North Korean elite, the trafficking appears to be the result of a strategy initiated at the highest levels, directed through the shadowy organisation known as Bureau 39. As the DPRK's drug trade becomes increasingly entrenched, and arguably decentralised, analysts question whether the Pyongyang regime (or any subsequent government) would have the ability to restrain such activity, should it so desire.  相似文献   

李姝音  黄莺 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):72-74
我国法律规定吸毒违法,吸毒必戒。我国的禁吸戒毒采取以强制戒毒为主,其他戒毒模式为辅的模式。从20世纪80年代中期至今的20多年,我国的强制戒毒制度在挽救吸毒人员,消除毒品的社会危害等方面发挥了重要作用,但面对毒品形势依然严峻和高复吸率的现状,强制戒毒制度面临诸多难题,如强制戒毒法律滞后,制度本身缺陷等,需要完善,如整合戒毒资源,提高管理水平,采用科学戒毒手段等。  相似文献   

International wildlife trafficking has garnered increased attention in recent years with a focus on the illicit trade in ivory, rhinos, and other animals from Africa and Asia. Less is known about trafficking in the Americas. By conducting a systematic review of academic literature, popular accounts, and government reports, this case study attempts to identify the scope and methods of wildlife trafficking in the Americas and its connections to organised crime. Unlike arms or drug smuggling, individual operators with minimal connections to other criminal activities dominate the trade. Most perpetrators work independently and have expertise and interests in legitimate businesses involving animal products. Methods of concealment are frequently rudimentary and little appears to be known about primary trafficking routes. Overall, wildlife smuggling in the Western Hemisphere appears to be a small-scale activity, small in its aggregate amounts, and strongly linked to legitimate businesses operating in a low risk and technologically narrow environment.  相似文献   

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