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为了扩大痕迹检验范围,笔者通过实验,对猪、羊、牛3种常见皮革及其制品的样本痕迹进行了观察研究,揭示了皮革痕迹的固有特征和皮革制品痕迹的特征。结果表明,利用上述特征,可对皮革制品痕迹进行同一认定检验。  相似文献   

整体分离痕迹是指被破坏客体分离成若干部分,依据各部分对整体的分离特征,认定其是否是同一整体的痕迹。这种痕迹反映了被分离客体的分离线及各部分固有的和附加的特征。充分利用这种痕迹可以达到缩小侦查范围、揭露和证实犯罪的作用。整体分离痕迹的应用在我国有着悠久的历史。本文主要谈谈整体分离痕迹的历史与现状。  相似文献   

本文阐述了非同一整体分离痕迹的概念、特点、检验方法以及非同一整体分离痕迹与同一整体分离痕迹的区别,拓宽了分离痕迹检验的范围,为非同一整体分离痕迹的鉴定提供了科学的依据.  相似文献   

在办案实践中,经常会遇到一些比较特殊的整体分离痕迹,如被拉断电线中的一束细铜丝,其分离端特征是以细铜丝的长短差别来反映的。由于每根细铜丝的位置不能确定,因此无法用常规的检验方法进行比对检验。笔者经反复试验,认为可将其分离端的细铜丝展开,再进行接合比对,取得了满意的结果。 1 检验方法 (1)观察拉断电线中一束细铜丝的一般特征,确定其种类是否相同。可根据其颜色、股数、粗细等进行判断。  相似文献   

树茬的脱落实属整体分离,是在树干上断裂掉落下来的,与其它整体分离痕迹检验相同,但又有它的特点:(1)被分离后脱离原体,创面出现毛边、撕裂、小块缺损等。(2)被分离原体创面光滑、凹陷,创缘不变、缺损明显,这为我们同一认定提供了依据。  相似文献   

油锯是林业采伐的重要工具,由于其独特的功能属性,已取代木锯、钢锯等被采伐者广泛使用,在农村、山区、林区发生过多起用油锯盗伐林木的案件.本文针对油锯痕迹探讨对其的检验和同一认定.  相似文献   

液压断线钳与普通断线钳剪切痕迹的检验及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过研究不同类型、规格和功能断线钳所形成剪切痕迹的异同,准确的进行工具痕迹的同一认定。方法运用实验观察法,比较法对液压断线钳与普通断线钳形成痕迹特征反映的异同进行分析。结果液压断线钳与普通断线钳从结构特征、剪切痕迹特征反映等方面存在着明显的差异。结论在对剪切痕迹的检验中,需要注意从被剪断头的材质、直径、断端形状等方面着手,区别不同种类的剪切工具,尤其要注重对实验样本的制作,这样才能充分发挥剪切痕迹在侦查破案中的证据作用。  相似文献   

王洋 《证据科学》2013,(4):494-498
整体分离痕迹在交通肇事逃逸案件现场经常会出现,在盗窃、杀人、强奸、爆炸等刑事案件现场也可能会出现。通过相关典型案例的评析,重新认识了整体分离痕迹概念中整体物质和新界面的涵义,从而对概念进行了新的诠释。对于难度较大的采用分解方式分离的整体物质,归纳出鉴定时可选取的分离特征。这对于增强整体分离痕迹在法庭上的可采性,提高这种科学证据的价值,使其在案件侦破过程中发挥更大的作用很有裨益。  相似文献   

目的介绍羊角锤起钉槽撬压形成擦划痕迹的检验方法。方法痕迹整体分析及特征接合。结果具备同一认定条件。结论通过了解羊角锤的结构特点和功能,综合分析撬压时形成痕迹的作用关系,按照现场环境条件制作样本,可以进行同一认定。  相似文献   

李文辉  陈林 《刑事技术》2012,(2):15+43-15,43
1案件简介某年1月29日,某镇发生一起命案,技术人员现场勘查时在中心现场提取两节柳树的断树枝,其中一节树枝上沾有少量血迹。经现场搜索,在距离中心现场东南侧200m处的公路边发现有一棵柳树上有新鲜折断的痕迹,于是痕迹检验技术人员将提取的断树枝与柳树上的断树桩进行整体分离检验,将两者的分离面、分离缘相互进行调整对接,  相似文献   

侦查陷阱作为被越来越多使用的侦查方法 ,也是侦查程序的特定组成。其内在价值的评价标准即为方法与程序的公正性 ,可以从三个方面解读 :一是刑事侦查陷阱的程序规范 ,二是刑事侦查陷阱中侦控对象对政府道德信任感的影响 ,三是刑事侦查陷阱对侦控对象的个人权利的保障。  相似文献   

低压电电击死的法医学鉴定在形态上主要依据皮肤电流斑来确定,但在实际工作中尚有电流斑不明显,甚至缺如的案例,使鉴定工作产生一定难度.本文依据文献资料对电击伤的机制及无明显电流斑的电损伤的各种相关指标进行综述。  相似文献   

The presence of gunshot residues (GSRs) on arrested suspects can help the Court to form an opinion regarding the possibility of utilization of firearms by these suspects. Since the presence of a few particles can in some cases already have a strong indicative value, the GSR experts have to evaluate in their daily work the risk of a potential contamination of these suspects during their arrest. A few studies conducted on police officers and police facilities concluded that the risk of secondary transfer on arrested suspects is quite negligible. However, the case of special force units of the police should be taken into account, since these units can be assumed to be highly contaminated by GSR due to their intensive training. The aim of this study is to evaluate this possibility of particle transfer by performing simulations of arrests by special force police units, according to both low and high contamination scenarios. The results show that secondary transfers of GSR during these simulations are in most cases not negligible, even for the low contamination scenario. This is especially apparent on the vests of the target persons, with an average of 7 GSR particles (2 PbBaSb and 5 TiZn) found on the stubs used on these materials. Of course, the major contamination levels were observed in the case of the high contamination scenario, due to the use of highly contaminated gloves by the police officers during the arrests. Some recommendations are proposed to take into account this risk of contamination and to try to minimize it, or at least to better identify it.  相似文献   

动车运行过程中发生车窗玻璃破碎的情况具有突然性,对铁路运输安全有一定影响,并极易受到公众高度关注。动车玻璃破碎有的是人为因素引起,有的是非人为因素引起,判明玻璃破碎的原因,确定案事件性质,是采取有效措施,消除安全隐患的前提。笔者结合海南环岛高铁2010年以来发生的89起动车玻璃破碎案事件现场勘查实践以及广深线48起动车玻璃破碎案事件资料,对玻璃自爆、飞砟、弹弓弹射钢珠、抛石击打造成玻璃破碎的形成机制和痕迹特征进行了分析总结;针对抛石击打与飞砟形成玻璃破碎痕迹的区分难点,对两者因击打角度和方式不同、击打物的体积和质量的不同而形成痕迹的差异进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The comparison and identification of bullets from the striations that appear on their surfaces, after they have been fired from a gun, have been practiced since the 1920s. Although the significance of the correspondences of these impression marks has been empirically justified, there is a conspicuous absence of any theoretical foundation for the likelihood. What is presented here is the derivation of the formulae for calculating the probability for the correspondence of the impression marks on a subject bullet to a random distribution of a similar number of impression marks on a suspect bullet of the same type. The approach to the calculation entails subdividing the impression marks into a series of individual lines having widths equal to the separation distance at which a misalignment of striations between the two bullets cannot be distinguished. This distance depends upon the resolution limit imposed by the microscope as well as by the visual acuity of the examiner. A calculation of the probabilities for finding pairs and triplets of consecutively matching lines on nonmatching bullets, by an examiner with normal perception using a microscope at 40× magnification, produces values that agree well with the empirical probabilities determined by Biasotti in the 1950s and when determined for larger consecutive sequences suggest that they are extremely unlikely to occur. The formulae can be used to determine the probabilities for the random occurrence of any sequence of striae and provide a straightforward way to quantitatively justify the significance of a specific match between any two bullets.  相似文献   

杨宇波  崔军 《刑事技术》2020,(2):215-217
动车高速通过隧道时,运行车体推动的空气由于受到隧道壁的约束能形成能量很强的冲击气流,有时会造成一些设备设施损坏、脱落,进而危及高铁行车安全。这类事件发生后,铁路部门往往误以为是人为破坏,并以破坏案件进行上报。本文通过对特定动车行车事故的现场勘验、调查访问,分析了高铁隧道内气动效应对特殊位置设施造成损坏的过程及形成痕迹特点,准确认定了事件性质和事故发生原因,并对气动效应形成损坏痕迹和常见工具形成痕迹的区别进行了探讨。  相似文献   

于成江 《政法学刊》2008,25(5):55-58
侦查认识是一种特殊的历史认识,查明案件事实真相是侦查认识的目的,因此,案件事实是侦查认识的客体,案件事实可以解构为“案件的客观事实”、“案件材料反映的事实”和“查明的案件事实”三种形态。案件的客观事实是侦查认识的本原客体,案件材料反映的事实是侦查认识的中介客体。查明的案件事实是侦查认识的结果客体。  相似文献   

High chairs are commonly used to feed children after 6 months. Related injuries are oftentime minor and rarely leading to death. We describe a case of a 2-year-old female child who used to jump alone on her high chair and also had the habit to fasten the straps by herself. Her mother found her hanging by the waist straps. A thorough investigation showed that she climbed her high chair and fastened the waist straps but not the crotch one. The girl slid down into the seat, trapping her neck in the waist straps and thus resulting in hanging. In here, we concluded that the victim's death was caused by asphyxia, itself, caused by accidental hanging. The present case is of a special interest because of the rare similar cases reported. This case suggests that a correct restraint use and a close supervision would have prevented such a fatal issue.  相似文献   

This article is, on one hand, a survey of the core theoretical literature on the economics of public regulation; and, on the other hand, a cohesive discussion about how the literature has matured and how recent contributions on political and regulatory institutions—US and European—are related to, and affect the results of, former lines of research. We conclude that the traditional distinction between public interest theories and special interest theories has lost validity due to the entry of game theory and institutional research. The evolving institutional analysis provides a sophisticated interpretation of possible corrective rationales inherent in regulatory restrictions, and is as such an important complement to the still vigorous special interest literature focusing on the redistributive rationales and their effects.  相似文献   

目的研究79式微型冲锋枪发射子弹的排序。方法对已知顺序实弹射击取样,扩大观察弹头、弹壳上发射过程中形成的痕迹,通过统计、归纳,从中发现与排序有关的痕迹特征。结果壳体肩部圆点痕,弹底边缘压擦痕、拉壳钩痕与发射顺序有关。结论壳体肩部圆点痕、弹底边缘压擦痕等痕迹的有无、位置及轻重程度,对判断79式微型冲锋枪弹壳发射顺序有较可靠的参考价值。  相似文献   

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