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黄牛性情温和,一般不会主动攻击人。黄牛攻击致人死亡的案例较为少见,本文报道1例。 1案例资料  相似文献   

正正确判断一氧化碳(CO)中毒死亡,对案件性质的判断有重要的意义。为探讨涉及死亡案件的CO中毒案例的特点,本文通过对53例尸检资料进行回顾性研究,旨在为这类案例的特点及其死因鉴定提供参考借鉴。1案例资料1.1案例来源本文53例CO中毒死亡的案例,均为本法医室1998年至2013年间受理鉴定的尸检案例。所有案例均已经检验确定系CO中毒死亡,或死者原有疾病  相似文献   

<正> 高坠致人死亡的法医学检验案例常见。但人在从起飞刚离地的飞机上坠下死亡的法医学检验案例未见报道。本文作者检验一例,现报道如下。1案例资料 某日,一男青年从一架起飞刚离地的波音757飞机上坠下,落在跑道末段的1/3处,呈俯卧位,以右侧头面部贴地,双上肢分别位于身体两侧,右下肢伸直,左下肢折曲(照片1)。在尸体后方30m处跑道地面上有人体组织及一块2×1cm的骨碎片;飞机右起落架仓的内侧壁上发现与死者所穿鞋鞋印相同的多枚脚印。  相似文献   

正1案例1.1简要案情案例1:某市发生一起入室盗窃案件,现场勘验确定为1人作案,案犯攀爬跳窗进入室内,其跳落的地面存在明显脚印,脚印附近散落了少量白色粉尘状颗粒,提取该检材进行DNA检验。案例2:某机关办公室发生一起保险箱被撬案件,结合视频确定为1人作案。提取保险箱所在地附近的粉尘状检材进行DNA检验。  相似文献   

汽车内 CO中毒死亡的法医学鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在法医学实践中, CO中毒颇为常见,且多见于自杀或意外。在大多数情况下尸体检验时可以发现 CO中毒的迹象,尸检后毒物分析确证为 CO中毒。还有一些情况下现场不提示 CO中毒,而尸检时毒物分析发现为 CO中毒。我们报道 4例因汽车废气中的 CO中毒而死亡的案例 ,并结合文献加以分析。  相似文献   

清风 《法律与生活》2012,(16):34-36
2012年7月18日,曾经5次抢劫、背负着8条人命、2011年8月又在诸暨制造震惊浙江全省“两枪案”的许德勇被押上绍兴市中级人民法院的刑事审判席,和其他4名同伙一起接受法院的宣判。罪恶累累的许德勇被判处死刑,与许德勇共同作案致3人死亡的许攻卫也被判处死刑,另一名同案犯马振宏被判处死刑缓期两年执行……  相似文献   

在他人加害的机械性窒息死亡案例中,采用多种加害手段作案的不多,笔者遇到一宗受害人被案犯采用扼颈、捂口鼻、勒颈的手段致死的案件,其损伤特点与单一加害手段致死有所不同,报道如下.  相似文献   

1案例资料 1.1简要案情 2011年10月21日晚,本市发生一起抢劫杀人案,受害人邵某被单刃锐器刺穿心脏和右侧肺脏致失血死亡。10月25日抓获嫌疑人,经现场指认在案发地附近池塘中提取作案刀具遂送检(图1)。1.2 DNA检验1.2.1 DNA提取用棉签分别从刀刃、刀柄和刀柄刃结合部(将刀柄刃结合处剪断)三个部位进行擦拭。  相似文献   

《刑事技术》是由公安部物证鉴定中心主办 ,国内外公开发行的综合性学术期刊 ,主要报道刑事科学技术方面的研究成果和与其相关的新技术、新观点、实践经验及典型案例等。涉及的专业有法医学鉴定、毒物分析、痕迹检验、指纹识别、文字检验、微量物证检验、刑事照相技术和计算机在刑事技术中的应用等。本刊宗旨是为从事物证鉴定的工作者提供学术讨论、经验交流和业务学习为目的 ,为发展和振兴中国的刑事科学技术事业推波助澜。1 栏目及稿件要求本刊栏目主要设有国内外刑技动态、论著、技术交流、综述、经验交流、读者论坛、案例分析报道、讲…  相似文献   

一氧化碳(CO)中毒死亡多见于意外或灾害事故,中毒死者心血中的HbCO浓度一般都显著升高,但随着死亡时间的延长,HbCO逐渐分离,直至无法检出.一般认为应在死后及时采取心血进行检验,并避免与空气接触.本文对2例CO中毒死者埋葬15日后心血中仍检出致死量HbCO的案例进行报道.  相似文献   

In a case of alleged sexual assault, the pollen content of samples of grass clippings and soil from the suspect's clothing and shoes was compared to that of a sample of grass clippings from the alleged crime scene (a grassy area) to determine whether or not the suspect had been at the scene. The clothing and shoe samples showed a very strong correlation with each other and with the sample from the alleged crime scene in the combination of the different types of pollen present, very strongly supporting the contention that the suspect had been at the scene.  相似文献   

The authors have published elsewhere a quantitative method for assessing weight of evidence in the case where a finger mark from a crime scene is compared with a control print taken from a single finger of a suspect. The approach is based on the notion of calculating a likelihood ratio (LR) that addresses a pair of propositions relating to the single finger that was the origin of the crime mark. In practice, things are rather different because the crime mark will not just be compared with a single finger from a suspect but with a set of prints from all of his/her fingers; likewise, when the mark is compared with a database, this will consist of ten print records from random individuals. It is clear that "finger propositions" are not realistic in this situation and we show how our approach may be generalised to address a pair of propositions that relate to the person that made the crime mark. It often is the case that information is present at the crime scene that enables some inference to be drawn relating to which of the offender's ten fingers left a particular mark of interest. This kind of inference may profitably be drawn into the formal analysis. We illustrate our approach with an example.  相似文献   

Images and videos are common types of evidence in crime scene investigations and laboratory analysis. Images may be taken by the suspect and/or by crime scene investigators and may serve as crucial elements in forensic laboratory analysis. Forensic photographic image comparison is the process of comparing one or more objects or persons in photographs/images when at least one image is known to be related to a crime. The forensic examiner usually compares the images in order to determine whether or not an association between the exhibits in the images can be made. This paper proposes an extension to the currently prevalent photographic image examination method. The extension introduces comparison of landscape and vegetation over time. It is revealed that similarities between images may still be found between the period of time the suspect photograph was taken and the period the crime scene investigator took the photograph from the same area. In this case report, two suspects to be involved in growing a marijuana field were arrested by the police. The forensic experts were asked to examine images taken by the crime scene investigators and to compare them to the images found in the suspects’ phones. They then tried to determine whether the suspects could be linked to the specific locations. While applying techniques derived from morphological comparison methodologies, the plants at the scene provided significant additional information. A tree trunk, branches, and twigs on a hedge in the photographs revealed specific individual characteristics that led the examiner to reach a conclusive decision.  相似文献   

植物DNA检验技术是利用植物遗传性状的稳态性对关联植物物证进行检验鉴定的手段。将该技术应用于现场重建,应基于植物物证与犯罪嫌疑人、被害人及其活动环境具有"重大关联性"。从命案现场重建的需求上看,应围绕犯罪嫌疑人及其可控物品中附着植物与现场植物的种属同一性判断、被害人尸体(尸块或尸骸)及其随附物品中附着植物与中心现场植物的种属同一性判断、疑似侵害物及其附着植物与嫌疑人行为关联植物的种属同一性判断等三个角度或层次进行检验和综合分析。植物DNA检验技术可阐明物证的时空运行停顿规律,为命案现场重建工作提供一种参考性解决方案。  相似文献   

A case of homicide and attempted homicide is described. The comparison of tire-marks linked the suspect's vehicle to the scene of crime only with low certainty. However, the comparison of the pressure mark on the hubcap found at the scene, with the balance weight on one of the wheels of the suspect's car, connected the suspect to the scene of crime with high certainty.  相似文献   

犯罪剖绘(criminal profiling)为分析(连续)犯罪行为型态的技术,藉由统计技术分析潜在犯罪者、被害者与犯罪现场迹证等三者之间相互联结可能性。然犯罪剖绘技术应用至案件连结分析,可根据犯罪现场所遗留迹证(含心理迹证),预测/推论犯罪者之人口背景特征,并将这些案件之犯罪现场迹证系统化处理,建构成数据库,有助警察侦办连续型犯罪。经由案件连结分析所得证据,能否成为法庭上论罪之依据,在英美国家必须通过Frye法则与Daubert测试法则检验,即是否已经通过科学性检验,或同一学术领域同侪认可验证过程。因此,后续研究可朝更精确统计分析方法迈进,以提升案件连结分析数据库对于预测未发现犯罪者之准确率及其法庭证据力。  相似文献   

The combined analysis of both ant and blow fly evidence recovered from a corpse, and from the boot of a suspect, suggested that an assumed scenario in a high profile murder case was likely to be true. The ants (Lasius fuliginous) were used as classical crime scene stains that linked the suspect to the scene. Blow fly maggots (Calliphora spec.) helped to determine the post mortem interval (PMI) with the calculated PMI overlapping with the assumed time of the killing. In the trial, the results of the medico-legal analysis of the insects was understood to be crucial scientific evidence, and the suspect was sentenced to 8 years in prison.  相似文献   

Criminal cases are studied from several disciplines to link a suspect with a criminal act. In this case, a man was reported missing in a coastal area in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The victim's relatives pointed to a possible suspect, and the local police carried out the investigation. We contributed to this research by applying palynological and mycological techniques. Palynomorphs and fungal spores offer valuable trace evidence, as they can be easily transferred between objects and crime scenes due to their minute size and persist on them for a long time. The victim was found 25 days later, lying on sandy soil, which partially covered the body, 35 km from where the suspect was arrested. Comparative samples were collected from the crime scene and the suspect's home and belongings (clothes, footwear, and seized vehicle). The palynological associations obtained from the crime scene and the defendant's belongings were dominated by diatoms and acritarchs (Acantomorphitae), all elements of marine origin, and a high CFU number of Bipolaris cynodontis, which allowed the defendant's clothing to be related to the place of corpse discovery. Soil from the defendant's home had an entirely continental composition, and the fungal biota was characteristic of prairie areas which were different from those of the crime scene.  相似文献   

贾永生 《政法学刊》2010,27(3):48-54
犯罪现场层次是犯罪现场存在表现及其被侦查人员认知的程度。犯罪现场是由犯罪时间、犯罪空间、犯罪嫌疑人条件、犯罪痕迹物证、犯罪活动过程、犯罪心理、犯罪证据等各种层次构成的复合体。研究犯罪现场层次论也是研究犯罪现场构成要素的存在及其在不同层面的联系。犯罪现场层次也是研究和揭示犯罪现场存在的一种认知。研究犯罪现场层次问题,也可以使我们对犯罪现场状况及其勘查工作质量给以程度判定。  相似文献   

Abstract: Aspiration of blood is a phenomenon observed in violent and natural death scenarios. Bloodstain patterns evolving from expectoration of aspired blood may look suspicious of a violent genesis and thus mislead crime scene investigators. In the present case, a woman was found lying in a pool of blood on the kitchen floor. Furthermore, bloodstains covered her face, clothing, and surrounding furniture and walls. Bloodstain pattern analysis and medicolegal inspection of the suspected scene of crime were carried out and revealed dispersed stains with enclosed gas bubbles in the absence of signs of physical violence leading to the assessment of a natural manner of death. The bloodstains were attributed to expiration of blood because of an internal bleeding. Medicolegal autopsy confirmed the on‐site diagnosis as a fatal esophageal varix rupture was found.  相似文献   

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