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李瑞婷 《法制与社会》2011,(15):182-183
流动人口中未成年人的犯罪问题近年来受到社会广泛的关注。因为流动未成年人是一个特殊的社会群体,兼具"流动人员"和"未成年人"的特殊性,因此对其犯罪的处罚和保护需要综合分析,在司法实践中要特殊处理,最终达到法律效果和社会效果的统一。  相似文献   

苏童 《法制与社会》2011,(18):281-282
当今未成年人犯罪问题日益突出,已成为全球性的社会问题。我国出台了许多措施来预防未成年人犯罪,取得了一定的成效。但却忽略了这样一个问题:未成年人作为一个特殊的社会群体,需要在适用刑法时候给予特别对待,需要刑事政策给予特殊的规定,需要社会和家庭给予特殊的关注。本文对未成年人刑事责任年龄的认定问题进行了研究,对如何完善未成年人犯罪刑事政策进行了设想,以使我国刑罚体制更加人性化,在有效预防和减少未成年人犯罪的同时,使公平与正义的理念真正实现。  相似文献   

魏建  金朝 《法制与社会》2012,(18):63-64
在近几年办理涉及未成年人犯罪案件过程中,存在大量城市流动未成年人犯罪与城市中的黑网吧存在关联。在此,本文以北京市丰台区检察院2009年及2010年办理涉及黑网吧的未成年人犯罪案件为例,归纳总结城市流动未成年涉及黑网吧犯罪特点,分析黑网吧在诱发未成年人犯罪方面形式及作用,深入探讨抑制黑网吧诱发城市流动未成年人犯罪的对策。  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪问题一直是全社会关注的热点,在我国经济快速发展及人口大规模流动的背景下,受社会不良风气的影响,未成年人犯罪现象越来越突出,年龄段越来越低。尤其随着城乡一体化建设和农村务工人员大量涌入中小城镇,农村未成年人在所有未成年人犯罪中的比例不断上升。笔者以所在城市农村未成年人犯罪为调研对象,分析犯罪特点、原因,并就如何防控农村未成年人犯罪提出建议。  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于未成年人犯罪的高峰期,未成年人犯罪率居高不下。成为影响我国社会安定团结和社会主义和谐社会建设的重要社会问题之一。未成年人走上犯罪道路是自身因素、家庭因素、社会因素、学校因素等综合因素相互作用的结果,分析未成年人犯罪原因、预防和减少未成年人犯罪,要从家庭、学校、社会、个体等多方面入手,构建四位一体的预防未成年人犯罪的体系。  相似文献   

朱巍 《法制与社会》2013,(15):212-214
未成年人是检察工作的重点人群之一,探索预防未成年人犯罪的新途径、新方法,是检察机关紧密结合检察工作实际,深入推进社会管理创新的重要工作内容之一.本文首先分析了未成年人犯罪的原因,然后针对未成年人的原因,提出了一方面检察机关要建立和加强未成年人犯罪案件“捕、诉、防”一体化工作机制,另一方面检察机关要积极探索适合预防未成年人犯罪的新途径、新方法.  相似文献   

汪陆平 《法制与社会》2011,(18):279-280
未成年人犯罪既有其主观方面的原因,也有家庭、学校、社会方面的原因。预防未成年人犯罪应从加强对未成年人的德育与心理健康教育、办好家长学校、启动中小学校法律教师培训工程、成立未成年人犯罪研究学术团体、净化社区文化环境等做起。  相似文献   

正刑事责任是指犯罪分子应当承担的国家(通过法院)依照刑事法律的规定,根据其符合法定犯罪构成的行为对其提出的相应的谴责、限制和剥夺等刑事法律后果的地位或状态。[1]未成年人作为一个特殊的社会群体,其违法犯罪的现象自古就受到社会各界的广泛关注。我国未成年人犯罪的刑事责任的立法历史悠久,现行《刑法》对未成年人犯罪刑事责任的规定,内容上主要表现为对未成年人刑事责任的规定、刑事责任能力的划分、刑事责任范围的限定、以及犯罪后刑  相似文献   

未成年人是祖国的花朵,是未来的希望。近年来,我国未成年人犯罪呈上升趋势,逐渐成为一个严重的社会问题。面对未成年人犯罪问题,联合国和各国政府制定了相关的对未成年人实行特殊刑罚制度的法律。我国也相继制定了《未成年人保护法》、《预防未成年人犯罪法》等法律,并探索在司法实践中对未成年人实行特殊刑罚制度。为加强对未成年人的保护和教育,完善未成年人刑罚制度,本刊专门组织专题,就构建和谐社会背景下未成年人犯罪的刑罚观念与刑罚制度等方面的内容进行探讨。  相似文献   

李爽 《法制与社会》2011,(27):297-297
未成年人是一个比较特殊的社会群体,其作为生物学意义上的人毋庸置疑,而在法律层面上来说,未成年人并非完全意义上的刑事责任能力人。近年的未成年人犯罪案件逐年呈上升趋势,不仅体现在数量上单纯的增加,更呈现出年龄低龄化、犯罪暴力化的发展趋势,这也给社会敲响了警钟,本文就如何在办理未成年人犯罪案件中,加强对未成年人的法律保护做了简要论述。  相似文献   

The paper deals with comparative issues in the definition, nature, and extent of juvenile delinquency, juvenile law, juvenile justice with special reference to India and the United States. Through an analysis of comparative data on patterns of delinquency differentials on the variables of sex, age, social class, and type of offense, the paper identifies the similarities between the two countries. The paper notes one exception regarding patterns of delinquency that indicate a relatively negligible involvement of the Indian juveniles in the crime of rape due to the cultural and socialization differences. The paper discusses the provisions under the Children Act of 1960 in India and points that both in philosophy and practice, the parens patriae doctrine in juvenile justice fares better in the Indian context. Unlike in the U.S., juveniles in India do not have certain Constitutional due process rights, such as the right to an attorney, yet the children courts in India serve as criminal courts and the Indian act provides for greater procedural safeguards. The paper also suggests that the disposition of juvenile cases in India results in lesser hard-core institutional commitment than in the U.S. and that the maximum period of punishment does not exceed the limits provided for the offense as stipulated by the Indian act.  相似文献   

This article examines the applicability of the theory of multidimensional value space by Lynn A. Curtis and the theory of social cultural resistance—Afrocentrism by Daniel E. Georges-Abeyie for explaining so-called Black crime and Black juvenile delinquency in general and Black female crime and Black female juvenile delinquency in particular. It notes that the increase in so-called Black crime and Black juvenile delinquency in general and Black female crime and Black female juvenile delinquency in particular may be illusion, not fact. This article notes that perception, at times illusion, may have, and frequently does have, real outcomes, including criminal justice outcomes and delinquency outcomes. It notes that the so-called Black racial monolith is a fiction that race and ethnicity are distinct entities, as are sex and gender that the so-called Black racial monolith consists of distinct Black ethnic identities. The article notes that Black crime, female and male, and adult and juvenile delinquency may be manifestations of primary psychopathy, secondary psychopathy, and dyssocial psychopathy, as noted in the theory of social cultural resistance—Afrocentrism.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):623-646
In recent years, afterschool programs have received support for their potential to reduce juvenile delinquency and victimization. This support stems largely from reports based on police incident data indicating that juvenile crime and victimization peak during the afterschool hours. However, prior studies of victimization surveys and self‐reports of crime suggest that delinquency is more elevated during school hours. Utilizing self‐report data from a sample of juveniles participating in an evaluation of afterschool programs in Maryland, this study shows that juvenile victimization and delinquency peak during the school hours, while substance use peaks during the weekend. Disaggregating by offense reveals, however, that the more serious violent offenses are elevated during the afterschool hours, while simple assault offenses are most elevated during school hours. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

王锐 《行政与法》2014,(1):109-114
转型期的中国各种社会矛盾十分突出,刑事犯罪呈动态化和复杂化态势,其中新生代农民犯罪问题备受社会关注.闲散青少年群体、有不良行为或严重不良行为的青少年群体、流浪乞讨青少年群体、服刑在教人员的未成年子女群体、农村留守儿童群体被列为五类重点青少年群体,如何促使其市民化是防控青少年犯罪的关键点.本文拟就青少年犯罪尤其是“新生代农民”违法犯罪问题进行社会归因研究,结合犯罪心理学、社会学、治安管理学等理论,就防控青少年犯罪以及如何促使其顺利完成城市社会化等问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

This study covers all persons under the age of 20 who were suspected of having committed a crime in the Swedish city of Borlänge (approx. 50,000 inhabitants) during the years of 1975–1977. The juveniles (575 in all) were followed up during a total of 10 years. A sociometric method based on police data was developed for studying co-offending patterns. The method was validated through a smaller number of interviews with the juveniles. This study shows that a large majority of the most delinquency active juveniles was associated with a large network of delinquent relations. The stronger the connection to this network, the more substantial, serious, and long-lasting were the delinquency and other asociality. This network also seemed to be very important with regard to the reproduction of juvenile delinquency in the municipality. At the end of the follow-up period juvenile delinquency in Borlänge had basically the same character as at the beginning, even though the juveniles included in the network were, to a large extent, new. The young offenders who were central figures in the new network had successively learned their roles from the network's old members.This paper is based on results published initially in a report entitledDelinquent Networks (Sarnecki, 1986).  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to seek a better understanding of the social conditions within Japan which may be related to the increasing rates of juvenile delinquency. This trend is in sharp contrast to their overall crime patterns. In fact, as reported by Ames (1981:1), Japan has the lowest crime rate in the industrialized world, and its crime totals have declined since 1955. Within this article, we discuss youth crime trends, explain the applicability of a role relationship model, discuss the breakdown in informal social control/social relationship areas, and suggest implications for Western societies.  相似文献   

Seemingly harmless pranks by computer hackers have evolved into major economic crimes and acts of terrorism that appear far different than traditional forms of juvenile delinquency. Nonetheless, because they do not occupy the high status positions that facilitate white-collar crimes, serious computer crimes by juveniles have fallen between the theoretical cracks. A new hybrid category of crime that we label “white-collar delinquency” demonstrates that class does matter in the way illegal activity is conceptualized, and re-ignites debates regarding both white-collar crime and juvenile delinquency. We review conceptual issues that relate to this emergent form of computer-based deviance, and identify questions to be addressed in future theorizing and research. The authors wish to thank Gilbert Geis for his helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

Violent juvenile crime is disproportionately concentrated in urban neighborhoods, and accordingly an understanding of the sources of serious delinquency is con founded by components of urbanism. These milieus usually have high rates of absolute poverty and relative economic deprivation, as well as weak social institutions. The persistent findings of delinquent peer contributions to delinquency have yet to be tested under conditions where social class and milieu effects are controlled. There is little empirical evidence to determine how adolescents in high-crime neighborhoods avoid delinquency despite frequent contact with delinquent peers. The differences between violent delinquents and other youths from comparable neighborhoods are little understood. This study contrasts a sample of chronically violent male juvenile offenders with the general male adolescent population (students and school dropouts) from inner-city neighborhoods in four cities. Violent delinquents differ from other male adolescents in inner cities in their attachments to school, their perceptions of school safety, their associations with officially delinquent peers, their perceptions of weak maternal authority, and the extent to which they have been victims of crime. Peer delinquency and drug“problems” predict the prevalence of three delinquency offense types for both violent offenders and neighborhood youths. Among violent delinquents, there appear to be different explanatory patterns, with one type better described by internal controls (locus of control), a developmental measure. Overall, there is strong support for integrated theory including control and learning components, and similar associations exist among inner-city youths as in the general adolescent male population. Despite the generally elevated rates of delinquency in inner cities, the explanations of serious and violent delinquency appear the same when subjects are sampled at the extremes of the distribution of behavior.  相似文献   

时代高速发展的今日,伴随着人们生活水平的提高的同时,城市犯罪率也节节攀升,而其中犯罪更有向年轻化发展的趋势。犯罪年轻化问题,特别是青少年犯罪,严重威胁了我国的正常运行,具有不可预计的潜在危害性,急需政府采取失当行为应对。究其原因,除了与社会环境、思想观念的变化密切相关外,更涉及社会制度、家庭管理和个人素质等各个层面的原因。政府在面对犯罪年轻化问题时,可通过完善社会制度、改善社会风气、强化各方监督体系等方面加强管理,以减少青少年犯罪为突破口,达到从源头上控制犯罪的目的。  相似文献   

The post-Mao de-politicization put an end to the continuous class struggle in China. After the post-Mao government had removed the radical elements from the party and united the society by its appealing modernization program, it directed its attention to street crime and juvenile and young offenders. Crime committed by juvenile and young offenders has become a serious social problem. It is estimated that among the total offenders apprehended by the police, 70% are under the age of 25, and 30% under the age of 18. Despite the party's tough policy, juvenile crime is increasing and becoming more organized and violent. The paralysis of the Maoist social control system is stressed in explaining the increase in crime. The disruption in the family structure, in school and work patterns, and in neighbourhood organizations, in conjunction with a sweeping crisis of belief among the populace in general, has created a vacuum of social control in post-Mao Chinese society. The seriousness of juvenile delinquency and the lack of community undertakings have forced the government to institutionalize and legalize its control over juvenile and young offenders.  相似文献   

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