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目的使用多层螺旋CT(multi-slice spiral computed tomography,MSCT)技术对高坠伤的损伤特征进行观察分析,并通过对高坠伤的分析和观察重建高坠过程,从而探讨MSCT在分析高坠伤案例中的应用价值。方法以真实的高坠伤案例为对象,分别运用MSCT平扫、三维重建技术对尸体进行全面检查,联合运用系统尸体解剖分析高坠伤死亡方式等特点,比较尸体解剖和MSCT在获取损伤信息方面的差异。结果MSCT扫描结合三维重建,发现全身多部位骨折以及肝破裂,尸体解剖与影像学检查结果相对应,推断死亡原因为高坠致全身多发伤。结论 MSCT在高坠伤案件致伤方式分析中可作为传统尸体解剖的补充手段。  相似文献   

影像学技术发展迅速.已经成为临床诊断、治疗不可或缺的有效工具。利用MSCT与三维重建技术进行虚拟解剖,因为具有非破坏性、可显示特殊部位损伤形态、分析快速且便捷、便于证据保存和出示等特点在法医学尸体解剖中日益凸显优势.在法医损伤学研究及实践鉴定过程中具有较高的应用价值。文章综述了利用MSCT与三维重建技术在锐器伤、钝器伤、高坠伤、交通伤等实践领域的研究成果,并通过实践检案中遇到的典型案例,探讨多层螺旋CT与三维重建技术在法医学损伤鉴定中的应用价值。  相似文献   

陈忆九 《法医学杂志》2014,30(5):360-366
尸体解剖是法医学传统的、经典的技术手段,但由于需破坏尸体,尸体解剖有时会遭到抵制和排斥。虚拟解剖技术为法医学检验提供了一种非侵入性的检验途径,可客观准确地反映骨折、软组织损伤、创道、器官损伤等,为法医学鉴定实践提供直观有力的证据。本文综合国内外最新文献资料,从虚拟解剖在法医损伤鉴定、机械性窒息、溺死、高低温死亡、疾病诊断及其在法医有限元损伤研究中的应用等方面进行综述,阐述了这一新的法医学研究方向。  相似文献   

目的使用多层螺旋CT(MSCT)对道路交通事故中死者的损伤进行观察分析,探索MSCT在道路交通事故鉴定中的应用价值。方法对10例道路交通事故死亡者进行全身MSCT扫描,随后进行系统尸体解剖,并将两者的结果进行对比,分析两者在获取交通事故损伤信息方面的优点和不足。结果 MSCT可以清晰显示身体各部位骨折三维形态特征,并可检查到全身各部位的积气,相对于尸体解剖优势明显;但对于器官和软组织损伤的检测,MSCT的分辨率有限。结论对于道路交通事故死者,确定死亡方式和死亡原因的最好方法是联合进行MSCT检查和尸体解剖。  相似文献   

目的探讨道路交通事故二次损伤致死的法医学鉴定思路和要点。方法收集17例道路交通事故二次损伤致死的案例,通过事故现场勘验和尸体检验收集交通事故发生的基本信息以及损伤分布、性质等资料。根据收集的信息,重建事故发生过程,明确死者的致伤过程,分析损伤的致伤方式和机制、损伤的严重程度,判断属生前伤抑或死后伤,明确死者的死亡原因。结果道路交通事故二次损伤致死案例存在损伤严重,多发伤与复合伤常见,生前伤、濒死伤与死后伤并存,致伤方式多样,致伤机制复杂,甚至多次损伤相互掩盖等特点。结论道路交通事故二次损伤致死的法医学鉴定需结合事故现场勘验、尸体检验等综合分析和判断。  相似文献   

目的 对不同类型案件中的死者进行死后尸体CT扫描和常规尸体解剖,探索PMCT在法医学鉴定中的应用价值.方法 对7例因不同原因死亡的个体进行全身PMCT扫描,随后进行系统的尸体解剖,通过比较两种方法检测的结果,分析PMCT与传统尸体解剖在不同类型案件中应用的优点和不足.结果 在7个案例中,尸体上总共检出67处阳性发现.其...  相似文献   

颅脑损伤是法医学鉴定的重点和难点,传统的颅脑损伤生物力学分析存在技术手段陈旧、分析数据模糊等问题。基于影像学的虚拟解剖技术和有限元分析技术具有非侵入、细节还原充分和力学数据准确等优点,在颅脑损伤生物力学分析中引入先进的数字化技术可提高鉴定证据客观性,推动学科的发展。  相似文献   

Gu XF 《法医学杂志》2011,27(4):279-81, 285
目的 探讨无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤案例中外伤与损害后果因果关系法医学鉴定的要点.方法 收集25例无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤的法医学鉴定案例资料,总结被鉴定人的年龄、致伤方式、影像学检查结果、自身颈椎退变情况、临床表现、主要诊疗情况、预后情况等,按照损伤与损害后果相关程度分为直接原因、主要原因、同等原因、次要原因、无原因进行伤...  相似文献   

人体损伤鉴定在法医学领域,占有极为重要的地位。应用损伤形成机制分析损伤形态,依据损伤形态特征推断致伤物及凶器认定,为侦查破案、检察起诉、审判定罪量刑提供必不可少的关键证据。本文作者利用几何学、物理力学原理对薛某死亡案的致伤物及致伤方式进行科学分析,消除了死者亲属的质疑,避免了上访。现报道如下。  相似文献   

致伤方式、致伤工具的法医学复核鉴定分析12例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
致伤物的推断及其所致损伤的致伤方式分析是法医学鉴定的一个难题,它不仅能为侦查提供线索,为审判提供证据,而且当多人作案,一人采用多种致伤物及致伤方式或群体斗殴中使用多种致伤物,致多人受伤或死亡;或者当被害人遭受多种损伤而死亡时,可以从伤者或死者身上的损伤对致伤物、致伤方式进行分析,以确定犯罪嫌疑人,达到直接认定犯罪分子的目的。但由于种种原因,在实际工作中,有时会对致伤物推断及其致伤方式分析产生一定的失误,笔者收集12例对致伤工具及致伤方式进行复核鉴定的案例(由本省市公检法及院校法医所组成的法医技术…  相似文献   

Multislice-computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are increasingly used for forensic purposes. Based on broad experience in clinical neuroimaging, post-mortem MSCT and MRI were performed in 57 forensic cases with the goal to evaluate the radiological methods concerning their usability for forensic head and brain examination. An experienced clinical radiologist evaluated the imaging data. The results were compared to the autopsy findings that served as the gold standard with regard to common forensic neurotrauma findings such as skull fractures, soft tissue lesions of the scalp, various forms of intracranial hemorrhage or signs of increased brain pressure. The sensitivity of the imaging methods ranged from 100% (e.g., heat-induced alterations, intracranial gas) to zero (e.g., mediobasal impression marks as a sign of increased brain pressure, plaques jaunes). The agreement between MRI and CT was 69%. The radiological methods prevalently failed in the detection of lesions smaller than 3mm of size, whereas they were generally satisfactory concerning the evaluation of intracranial hemorrhage. Due to its advanced 2D and 3D post-processing possibilities, CT in particular possessed certain advantages in comparison with autopsy with regard to forensic reconstruction. MRI showed forensically relevant findings not seen during autopsy in several cases. The partly limited sensitivity of imaging that was observed in this retrospective study was based on several factors: besides general technical limitations it became apparent that clinical radiologists require a sound basic forensic background in order to detect specific signs. Focused teaching sessions will be essential to improve the outcome in future examinations. On the other hand, the autopsy protocols should be further standardized to allow an exact comparison of imaging and autopsy data. In consideration of these facts, MRI and CT have the power to play an important role in future forensic neuropathological examination.  相似文献   

This case shows an unexpected midline glioma found at autopsy. Two siblings were riding on a single bicycle on the side of a road. The 13‐year‐old brother was seated and steering the bicycle, while the 14‐year‐old sister held onto the back. The bicycle veered left into traffic and was struck by a vehicle. The siblings were admitted to the local Level 1 trauma center, but both later succumbed to injuries. Autopsies were performed on the children, including brains for neuropathologic evaluation. The brother was found to have an infiltrating astrocytoma located in the left middle cerebellar peduncle, with extension to the pons and medulla. His hospital course included several imaging studies using CT and MRI modalities. However, this lesion was not identified until the postmortem neuropathologic examination. This rare case shows the continued need for postmortem autopsy and the current limitations of medical imaging.  相似文献   

We explored the value of postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) to augment autopsy in evaluating strangulation fatalities. A literature search identified 16 studies describing autopsy findings in 576 deaths and two studies describing autopsy and PMCT findings in six deaths. Similar cases were identified from our institution, yielding 130 deaths with autopsy findings and 14 deaths with both autopsy and PMCT findings. The presence of laryngohyoid fracture and soft tissue hemorrhage was compared from autopsy and autopsy+PMCT cases. The detection rates of fractures in autopsy and autopsy+PMCT cases were not significantly different. PMCT identified all fractures observed at autopsy and five fractures not identified. While PMCT may not detect soft tissue injuries in decomposed remains or subtle internal hemorrhages in neck injury, it is equally able to detect bony injuries as autopsy and might surpass autopsy in detecting subtle fractures. We conclude PMCT is useful to supplement autopsy in strangulation cases.  相似文献   

An algorithm incorporating multidetector computed tomography (MDCT), digital radiographs, and external examination was used to triage cases for noninvasive or complete autopsy after a natural disaster. The algorithm was applied to 27 individuals who died during or soon after the earthquake that struck the Republic of Haiti on January 12, 2010. Of the 27 cases reviewed, 7 (26%) required a complete autopsy to determine cause and manner of death. In the remaining 20 (74%), cause and manner of death were determined with a reasonable degree of medical certainty after review of circumstances, an external examination, and postmortem imaging by MDCT and digital radiography (noninvasive autopsy). MDCT was particularly useful in detecting skeletal fractures caused by blunt force injury which were not evident on digital radiographs. The algorithm incorporating postmortem MDCT can be useful in the triage of human remains for autopsy after a natural disaster.  相似文献   

A 16-day-old female newborn was admitted to the emergency department after cardiopulmonary arrest. Total-body radiographs and non-enhanced CT of the brain showed fracture of the right clavicle, pericerebral hemorrhage and brain damage with reversal sign. The infant died on the day of her hospital admission. Because child abuse was suspected, a medicolegal autopsy was ordered by the legal authorities. Prior to autopsy, total-body MRI and CT were performed. Results of the ante- and postmortem investigations were compared with each other and then with the autopsy findings. Postmortem brain imaging showed persistence of the reversal sign. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case describing hypoxic ischemic damage of the brain parenchyma on antemortem CT and persisting on postmortem imaging in a child abuse case.  相似文献   

Postmortem computed tomography (pmCT) and pmCT angiography (pmCTA) provide a minimally invasive method to determine the cause of death. Postmortem image-guided biopsy allows for precise sampling of histological specimens. This case study describes the findings of lethal systemic fat embolism (FE) on whole-body unenhanced pmCT, pmCTA, and image-guided biopsy, with autopsy and histopathologic correlation. Unenhanced pmCT revealed a distinct fat level on top of sedimented layers of corpuscular blood particles and serum in the arterial system and pulmonary trunk. Subsequent pmCTA showed reproducible results, and image-guided biopsy confirmed fatal FE. pm CT/pmCTA combined with image-guided biopsy established the cause of death as right heart failure as a result of systemic fatal FE prior to autopsy. All imaging findings were consistent with traditional autopsy and histological specimens. This unique case demonstrates new imaging findings in massive, fatal FE and highlights that postmortem imaging, supplemented by image-guided biopsy, may detect the cause of death prior to traditional autopsy.  相似文献   

Commotio cordis secondary to a blunt blow to the chest wall can result in ventricular fibrillation and sudden death in children. While it is commonly reported in adolescents during sporting activities, it may result from non-accidental trauma especially in infants and younger children. We report a case of a 6-month-old baby boy who presented to the emergency department in cardiac arrest. The patient's hospital records, postmortem imaging, and the autopsy results were reviewed. External examination of the infant did not reveal any evidence of trauma. Postmortem imaging revealed multiple healing posterior rib fractures and a metaphyseal corner fracture, both considered fractures highly specific for physical abuse. The autopsy revealed a structurally normal heart with no microscopic abnormalities. The infant's father confessed to hitting the child on the chest after which the child became unresponsive. Given the constellation of postmortem imaging and autopsy findings in addition to the father's confession, the child's death was ruled as a homicide secondary to commotio cordis. Since there are no structural and microscopic abnormalities in the heart autopsy in cases of commotio cordis, timely on-scene investigation and a thorough investigation regarding the mechanism of injury are required to make this diagnosis. Early identification of non-accidental trauma is crucial and can prevent further abuse in other siblings.  相似文献   

The body of a 44-year-old scuba diver was examined using postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and findings were verified by subsequent autopsy. The goal was to find out whether the important pathomorphological findings for the reconstruction of events and the identification of cause and manner of death could be identified using modem digital cross-sectioning techniques. The findings of a massive vital decompression with pulmonary barotrauma and lethal gas embolism were identified in the radiological images. MSCT and MRI were superior to autopsy in the demonstration of the extent and distribution of gas accumulation in intraparenchymal blood vessels of internal organs as well as in areas of the body inaccessible by standard autopsy.  相似文献   

A 17-month-old male infant died at home. The infant's right arm was immobilized because of a humeral fracture 1 month earlier. The circumstances of death appeared unclear to the police investigators and a medicolegal autopsy was carried out. External examination revealed diffuse ecchymoses of varying color. Postmortem imaging was performed prior to autopsy (X-rays, multislice computed tomography [MSCT], and focused brain magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]). These investigations revealed four rib fractures of varying ages, one of which was posterior. Cerebral and pericerebral traumatic lesions were also diagnosed: bilateral subdural hematomas, intraventricular, meningeal, and interpedoncular hemorrhages. In the abdomen, fresh blood was visible within the anterior abdominal wall and the mesenteric root. Autopsy and microscopic study confirmed these lesions. This case report illustrates the valuable assistance rendered by MSCT and MRI to diagnose abuse when a child has died in unclear circumstances.  相似文献   

Postmortem computed tomography (CT) is increasingly being used as a tool in forensic pathology. The exact value of postmortem imaging in detecting specific conditions has not yet been established, but in specific cases, it can be used as a diagnostic tool demonstrating findings that remain undetected during autopsy, as in this case. Pneumomediastinum and soft tissue emphysema were detected with postmortem CT in a 3‐year‐old girl after hanging. It was not found during autopsy. This radiological finding matches 3 adult cases previously described. It is assumed that in this case, the first reported in a child, hanging was the most likely cause as well. In the adult cases, it was interpreted as a vital sign; the person must have been alive to create a pressure gradient causing rupture of the alveoli. This case demonstrates one of the added values of postmortem imaging, the possibility of demonstrating findings that remain undetected during autopsy.  相似文献   

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