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通过一起右手食指缺损笔迹的检验,研究执笔机理。对右手食指缺损后对其书写运动形式的影响、笔迹特点及检验时注意事项作了一些有益的探讨。  相似文献   

左手伪装笔迹,一般是指书写人出于歪曲自身笔迹特征的目的,故意采取非利手(一般情况是为右利手书写的人采取左手书写的情况)进行书写的特殊伪装书写方式所形成的笔迹.作为非正常笔迹检验项目,鉴定人有必要严格地依据鉴定技术规范,灵活运用伪装笔迹鉴定的基本理论,结合逻辑经验,对检材字迹中的"假象"予以系统分析、甄别,同时还需要结合科学取样工作,确保检验工作质量.同时,在以往的笔迹检验工作中,左手伪装笔迹多出现在刑事案件里,作为犯罪嫌疑人逃避打击而采取的手段,而在民事案件中被涉诉当事人利用的情形则较为少见.本文通过民事案件中的左手伪装笔迹检验案例,提出检验左手伪装笔迹的几点体会,供同行商榷.  相似文献   

王勇 《天津检察》2007,(1):59-59
在笔迹检验实践中,经常遇到一些嫌疑人为隐藏自己或嫁祸他人而采用伪装手段书写的笔迹。如一般伪装的笔迹、改变笔形的笔迹、套摹的笔迹、左手书写的笔迹、局部再现性的笔迹等。2005年11月,我院反贪局在办理刘某某涉嫌受贿案中,要求对一银行储蓄取款凭条中的取款人签名栏内的“姜山林”签名进行确认鉴定。检材是“姜山林”。通过对检材“姜山林”的检验发现:字行有左高右低的现象,字距不匀称;单字大小不相配,整个文字的书写熟悉程度有所降低;横画或横折起笔多左高右低,收笔有拖、甩迹象;行笔生涩、呆板、弯曲、抖动,时有停顿,笔画粗细不一;布局组字的结构松、散、乱,比例不协调,搭配不匀称,是典型的左手书写的笔迹。(见图一、图二)一般情况下,人们都习惯用右手书写,如换成左手书写笔迹时,由于大脑功能的分工和手臂解剖功能的差异,左手书写笔迹必然与右手书写笔迹不同,与其正常笔记有明显差别。所以嫌疑人便把伪装笔迹的主观愿望完全寄托在左手书写上。左手笔迹的检验着重研究的是左手书写的伪装笔迹。  相似文献   

目的通过对于左手伪装书写方式的判断与反映书写人本质习惯特征的鉴别,为左手伪装笔迹的识别与书写人同一认定提供客观依据。方法在提取右利者左、右手分别所书写笔迹的基础上,对其左手伪装书写的字迹与其右手正常字迹进行比较、分析与检验。结果人类大脑所特有的生理属性以及书写技能互相迁移的特点,令左手伪装笔迹在包含左手字典型特点与易变特征的同时,亦反映了诸多书写人自身书写习惯的笔迹特征。结论左手伪装笔迹特征的鉴别,不仅可以确认左手书写这一伪装方式,更可进一步对前述特殊笔迹的书写人予以同一认定。  相似文献   

左手伪装笔迹鉴定在司法鉴定中是难度较大的鉴定。左手笔迹和右手笔迹因个体大脑言语优势、利手的不同,以及社会规范对书写的制约会形成许多差异。鉴定中应抓住其基本特征,结合个案案情,综合分析与评断。  相似文献   

条件变化笔迹的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究现阶段我国笔迹检验实践情况和吸收己有的笔迹学研究成果,分析书写人受自身生理、心理状态影响和受制于特殊的书写条件、书写环境等因素导致的条件变化笔迹的形成原因、特点、变化规律,对笔迹鉴定的实践有十分重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

目的 为卧姿笔迹鉴定提供识别和评断的参考依据.方法 比较108个不同书写水平者的仰卧、左侧卧、右侧卧及俯卧笔迹与正常坐姿笔迹特征上的异同点,通过大量实验数据的统计分析,总结出卧姿笔迹特征及其变化规律,探讨可能的变化原因,并分析卧姿笔迹检验的要点.结果 卧姿笔迹在字体、写法、错别字、笔顺、字间组合和单字的基本搭配比例等特征上较稳定.这些特征可作为本质特征使用.4种卧姿中,俯卧笔迹特征最稳定;书写水平高者笔迹特征也较稳定.结论 卧姿笔迹鉴定应结合卧姿笔迹特征变化规律,准确判断笔迹的形成条件,去伪存真,做出科学的评断.  相似文献   

目的为卧姿笔迹鉴定提供识别和评断的参考依据。方法比较108个不同书写水平者的仰卧、左侧卧、右侧卧及俯卧笔迹与正常坐姿笔迹特征上的异同点,通过大量实验数据的统计分析,总结出卧姿笔迹特征及其变化规律,探讨可能的变化原因,并分析卧姿笔迹检验的要点。结果卧姿笔迹在字体、写法、错别字、笔顺、字间组合和单字的基本搭配比例等特征上较稳定。这些特征可作为本质特征使用。4种卧姿中,俯卧笔迹特征最稳定;书写水平高者笔迹特征也较稳定。结论卧姿笔迹鉴定应结合卧姿笔迹特征变化规律,准确判断笔迹的形成条件,去伪存真,做出科学的评断。  相似文献   

1991年6月,我们受理了一起匿名信案件,初检时,由于对检材物证笔迹变化原因分析不透彻,作出了否定意见,后经进一步分析检材笔迹认为系左手伪装书写,同时,在不能取得犯罪嫌疑人左手笔迹样本的情况下,补充了其慢写的右手笔迹样本,经细致比对,综合评断,做出了认定结论.破案后定实,认定结论正确.为吸取教训,现将此案鉴定中的失误之处剖析如下:  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,在各类经济、刑事及民事纠纷案件中涉及对阿拉伯数字笔迹进行鉴定的案件呈逐年上升趋势。阿拉伯数字作为一种常见的书写符号,具有其自身的独特特点。通过分析阿拉伯数字笔迹的特证,并对其检验难点及检验方法要点等问题进行分析阐述,进一步充实与完善对此类数字符号笔迹的检验方法。  相似文献   

光谱成像检验同种同色涂抹掩盖字迹研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立一种无损、灵敏、直观的同种同色涂抹掩盖字迹的显现方法。方法依据涂抹掩盖字迹油墨物质的同色异谱特征,利用可见光滤波型多光谱成像检验系统进行检验。结果黑色圆珠笔、蓝色圆珠笔、黑色签字笔和蓝色签字笔相互涂抹掩盖形成的同种同色涂抹掩盖样本,利用可见光滤波型多光谱成像检验系统进行检验,显效率分别为90.5%、69.1%、49.5%、78.6%,显现效果良好。结论多光谱成像技术可以显现同种同色涂抹掩盖字迹,且具有良好的显现效果。  相似文献   

It has been widely assumed since the 1970s that right-handed writers, on average, do not write or simulate handwriting any better than left-handed writers. This study has dug deeper into that question, to find narrow language environments which left-handed and right-handed writers simulate with different degrees of success or making different types of errors. These might provide useful markers of handedness in writers or forgers. The sample of 823 native Arabic-writing adults, 763 right handed and 60 left handed, first attempted to simulate two Arabic signatures. As expected, the accuracy of the simulations of the two groups was not significantly different. Simulation accuracy of a variety of narrower elements was then measured to search for small environments in which the two groups performed differently. Two elements – slant and alignment – were significantly more poorly simulated by left-handed subjects than right-handed subjects, although the differences were not great enough to be useful in suggesting the handedness of a forger. These differences in simulation accuracy were not totally explored or explained. Instead, the differences in types of errors to slant and to alignment were investigated. Left-handed simulators, but not right-handed simulators, showed a strong tendency that had been predicted for both groups: to slant strokes and letters toward the side of the writing hand, when the target strokes and letters slanted in the opposite direction. The difference between the handedness groups was great enough that a strong preference for leftward slant in an Arabic writer or forger might suggest left handedness, but not, of course, rule out right handedness. Right-handed simulators, but not left-handed simulators, showed a strong tendency that had also been predicted for both groups: for the line of writing to be higher on the side where the writing hand was located. Again, the difference between handedness groups was great enough that a strong tendency for the writing line to fall to the left in Arabic writing and simulation might suggest right handedness, but would certainly not rule out left handedness. Thus, suggestive, but not absolute, markers of handedness have been found. In an effort to explain these almost mirror-image patterns, it was noticed that the operation of two more tendencies, in addition to the operation in both groups of the two predicted tendencies, might explain the patterns of the data. If we assume that both handedness groups tended to slant toward the writing hand and tended to make the writing line higher on the side of the writing hand, the two other tendencies operating in both groups would have been a tendency to slant strokes and letters toward the end of the writing line, and a tendency for writing to fall toward the end of the writing line. The operation of these four tendencies would account quite well for the right-handed and left-handed patterns in the two groups.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the differences between the handwritings of schizophrenia patients and healthy subjects in addition to the changes that occurred in schizophrenia patients' handwriting in response to the treatment. The test subjects were 29 schizophrenia patients and 29 healthy individuals with the same age, gender, and dominant hand. The changes in the handwritings were examined according to 14 different parameters. On the day of admittance, the percentage of extra letters was 16.7%, and after 7–10 days of hospitalization, it rose to 33.3%. The percentage of skipped words decreased from 29.2% to 16.7% after 7–10 days of hospitalization, and to 10% after 3 weeks. The letters written by schizophrenia patients are significantly larger in height and width compared to the control group. The schizophrenia patients showed a higher incidence of crossed-out letters, adding extra words, missing punctuation as well as missing words.  相似文献   

笔迹特征的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨笔迹鉴定的客观标准。方法采用统计分析的方法对笔迹特征的性质、种类极其鉴定价值进行研究,对笔迹特征进行分类。结果探讨了笔迹特征鉴定价值的规律。结论对笔迹鉴定的标准化研究具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

目的本文通过实验对具有一定笔迹鉴定专门知识与不具备笔迹鉴定专门知识的人的练习摹仿签名笔迹进行实验分析研究。方法对两类人在练习的不同阶段形成的练习摹仿签名笔迹特征的一般状态表现,以及对其笔迹特征的形成、变化原因、鉴定价值分别进行了论述,并总结出其变化规律。结果为不同种类的练习摹仿签名笔迹的鉴定提供一定的识别和特征分析、评断的参考依据。  相似文献   

本文叙述了尺划字检验的理论依据,尺画字的特点,稳定性及检验方法。依据人书写习惯的相对稳定性,尺画字具有以下特点:组字笔画通常无弧度和连笔,某些短小笔画自由画写,组字运笔方向部分改变。尺画字的稳定特征:尺画字具有运笔方向、组字结构、搭配比例、书写水平、笔顺以及基本写法相对不变的稳定性特征。尺画字的检验方法:研究案情,研究检材,研究样本,比较检材和样本,确定稳定特征,进行综合评断。  相似文献   

申泽波  郭海萍 《政法学刊》2010,27(2):105-108
通过实验研究门字框笔顺判断的科学方法,收集155份实验笔迹样本,由书写人报告样本字中门字框的笔顺。分析门字框的笔迹形态与规范笔顺、通用笔顺的关系,发现点笔搭配位置,竖笔和点笔的收笔动向可以作为判断笔顺的可靠依据,根据点笔位置、竖笔和点笔收笔动向的规律,得出了门字框规范笔顺和通用笔顺的判断规则。  相似文献   

Forensic document examiners (FDE) called upon to distinguish a genuine from a forged signature of an elderly person are often required to consider the question of age‐related deterioration and whether the available exemplars reliably capture the natural effects of aging of the original writer. An understanding of the statistical relationship between advanced age and handwriting movements can reduce the uncertainty that may exist in an examiner's approach to questioned signatures formed by elderly writers. The primary purpose of this study was to systematically examine age‐related changes in signature kinematics in healthy writers. Forty‐two healthy subjects between the ages of 60–91 years participated in this study. Signatures were recorded using a digitizing tablet, and commercial software was used to examine the temporal and spatial stroke kinematics and pen pressure. Results indicated that vertical stroke duration and dysfluency increased with age, whereas vertical stroke amplitude and velocity decreased with age. Pen pressure decreased with age. We found that a linear model characterized the best‐fit relationship between advanced age and handwriting movement parameters for signature formation. Male writers exhibited stronger age effects than female writers, especially for pen pressure and stroke dysfluency. The present study contributes to an understanding of how advanced age alters signature formation in otherwise healthy adults.  相似文献   

This paper examines the proposed association of bilateral asymmetry of the jugular foramen as an indicator of handedness observable from cranial morphology. The jugular foramina of 54 subjects were observed for size asymmetry during routine autopsy procedures. Hand preference data were collected on each subject from family members. Of the 54 subjects, 47 were documented as being right-handed and 7 as being left-handed. These values approximate the average percentage of right-handed versus left-handed individuals from larger populations. Jugular foramen asymmetry was qualitatively identified for 36 subjects (66.7%) and was judged equivocal for the other 18 (33.3%). Of the 36 subjects exhibiting asymmetry, 28 (77.7%) showed positive correlation between the asymmetry direction and handedness. This moderate level of congruence, coupled with the result that 4 of the 7 left-handers exhibited dominant right-side foramina, casts doubt on the reliable use of jugular foramen asymmetry for estimating handedness.  相似文献   

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