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本从认知的角度出发,对“都……了”句式进行了重新阐释,认为“都……了”中的副词“都”并不表已经义,仍作为范围副词表总括,当总括对象只出现一部分时,就突显为述义“都”基底的侧面;时间副词“已经”在句中的缺省同“都”与“了”的合用有关,“都……了”句式表达的是认知事件。  相似文献   

汉语处置式探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
处置式的来源是汉语史研究领域一直争论不休的问题,从句式和语义两个方面讨论汉语处置式产生的理据,似可得出这样的观点:“将/把”成为表处置的介词是它们自身语法化的结果,而不是对旧有句式的替代;“将”字比“把”字早成为处置介词,处置式产生的语义基础是“将”字兼具移位和握持义素,句式基础是“将”字连运句的广泛运用,而“P O1 V O2”(O1=O2)则是最直接的句式源头。  相似文献   

近年来,我们看到了针对舆论的两种态势:完全打压的态势和充分表述体现主流声音的态势。这两种态势的社会效果完全不一样。 记得去年发生的瓮安事件在开始的时候采取了完全打压舆论的事态,由于信息不畅,导致大规模的骚乱,最终的处理结果还是让群众对政府充满了不信任。这一事件当中的舆论主要是关心事实的真相。  相似文献   

我国内幕交易罪主体界定问题的核心是规范用语表述繁多,易引发文义混乱和逻辑冲突.这种表述的多样性源于对欧、美不同认定标准和理论基础的借鉴.解决这一问题的合理路径应是以法国的“二元基础理论”为参照,将我国《证券法》《刑法》等法律法规及相关司法解释对内幕人员的表述修改为“证券交易内幕信息的知情人”,并将其划分为“直接知情人”和“间接知情人”.如此,既可以保证立法用语的一致性,也能够体现证券内幕交易体系解释的统一性.  相似文献   

如果盘点2015年度“两会”热词,排在首位的非“不可任性”莫属. 自李克强总理在政府工作报告中说了“大道至简,有权不可任性”这句话后,“任性”这个网络热词进入“高热”状态. 自2014年开始流行的“任性”一词,多数时候出现在“有钱就是任性”这种句式里——从描述有钱人随意花钱的行为发展为泛指一切随意行为.此次现身政府工作报告后,“任性”这个热词和“公权力”发生了联系.  相似文献   

齐静 《法制与经济》2008,(24):114-115
副词“比较(较)”和“稍微(稍稍、稍)”都可用于比较,都表程度浅,但二者的用法并不完全相同。在很多情况下,二者出现的句式都有所限制,不能互换。本文将从词类、句类两个方面来谈“比较(较)”和“稍微(稍稍、稍)”的用法差异。  相似文献   

李中客 《政府法制》2014,(21):20-21
不久前,湖南衡阳市纪委通报,两名女子打电话勾引衡阳市卫生局原局长、党委副书记赵安民等6名官员并发生性关系,然后用针孔摄像头录像进行敲诈勒索.于是乎“被勾引发生性关系”这个新的名词横空出世了.事实上,之前的昆明官员艳照门事件和雷政富案中,官方都采用了“被勾引”和“色诱”这样的表述,那么“被勾引”到底意味着什么?  相似文献   

乔志峰 《政府法制》2014,(25):23-23
警察陪领导喝酒身亡,官方按“因公牺牲”标准赔偿.一次看似平常的工作接待却导致一名民警意外身亡、当地公安局提出的赔偿标准为参照“因公牺牲”、不签承诺书就不予赔偿……在死者家属的强烈质疑之下,今年年初发生在安徽祁门县的一起民警“喝酒死”事件浮出水面.7月28日,祁门县公安局与意外身亡的民警朱璘亲属就补偿事宜达成协议并签字.但随后,由于朱璘父母没有明确放弃对县公安局其他民警的民事追偿权利,目前县公安局已经中止付款。  相似文献   

“更”字歧义句及其相关句式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陆俭明先生联系句式深入地考察了“还”、“更”、“越发”的语法功能、意义的异同。其所得结论和所用方法都给我们以有益的启示。本文试图在陆文的基础上,探讨陆先生尚未论及的这三者之间的异同关系,并由此进一步探讨与“更”字有关的一种歧义句式。在: 一、“还”、“越发”的异同。“还”、“越发”虽然都是表程度用的副词,但二者的语法功能、意义不尽相同,这主要表现  相似文献   

学界相关研究中常常将近代英、美两国的治税思想都笼而统之于“no taxation without representation”这一英文句式表述之下,由于缺乏对其具体语境的进一步分辨,从而造成了对两国近代治税思想“同意同源”的混淆性认识.“no taxation without representation”在近代英国与美国的治税思想中并不具有统一一致的意涵而是各自代表着不同的思想表达,其分别体现为“无代表不得征税”与“无代表,不纳税”.在此基础上进一步阐明了两者虽在历史上就征税权的控制方面都曾起到过积极、进步作用,但是又都具有着各自深刻的历史局限性,而这种局限性恰是我们当下欲引鉴西方治税经验来构建自己的税制安排时所不应却也最易被忽略的.  相似文献   

在现行刑法概括性、抽象性的条款较多和法律解释不够系统完善、且滞后的状况下,以"参照"方式适用法律显得十分必要;其目的符合刑法基本原则和量刑一般原则,其本质是法官自由裁量权的具体运用;但需要加以合理规范。  相似文献   

句型系统包括显性句型和潜性句型。“得”字句的九种潜性句型既可能显性化也可能永远呈现为潜态,这取决于“得”前谓词与其补语之间的语义选择性和语用制约性。对“得”字句句型的演绎描写,有助于计算机处理自然语言句型模式的构建。  相似文献   

中古汉语介宾短语的句法位置较之上古有所不同,呈现前移的趋势.本文选取此期的六部作品对"於/在 处所宾语"的句法位置进行了穷尽式考察.研究表明:随着句子表义的日益精密,谓语动词所带宾语、补语及状语的复杂化是造成介宾短语"於/在 处所"前移的最主要原因,其次是语义的影响,语言内部的自身调节也会对介宾短语的位置产生一定的作用.  相似文献   



The development and application of methods to assess consistency in sentencing before and after the 2011 England and Wales assault guideline came into force.


We use the Crown Court Sentencing Survey to compare the goodness of fit of two regression analyses of sentence length on a set of legal factors before and after the assault guideline came into force. We then monitor the dispersion of residuals from these regressions models across time. Finally, we compare the variance in sentence length of equivalent types of offences using exact matching.


We find that legal factors can explain a greater portion of variability in sentencing after the guideline was implemented. Furthermore, we detect that the unexplained variability in sentencing decreases steadily during 2011, while results from exact matching point to a statistically significant average reduction in the variance of sentence length amongst same types of offences.


We demonstrate the relevance of two new methods that can be used to produce more robust assessments regarding the evolution of consistency in sentencing, even in situations when only observational non-hierarchical data is available. The application of these methods showed an improvement in consistency during 2011 in England and Wales, although this positive effect cannot be conclusively ascribed to the implementation of the new assault guideline.  相似文献   

The sentence issued by the Court of Justice in the Fantask Case defined what sort of policies can be adopted by the Member States in connection with the fees for company registration without contravening the stipulations of Community legislation on raising capital. This article analyses how to set prices that comply with the sentence and at the same time generate efficient incentives. It first reviews to what extent the sentence meets the aims on which it is based. Second, it provides a guide for subsequent development of related jurisprudence. Third, it throws some light on how public authorities can set pricing policies.  相似文献   

现行民法以“权利被侵害时”为诉讼时效期间的起算点 ,在适用于未定期限债权时 ,其效果与诉讼时效制度限制权利的功能不甚契合 ,在法技术上亦欠完善和周延。比较而言 ,以“请求权可以行使时”代替“权利被侵害时”可以较好地解决现行法的问题 ,是更好的立法选择 ,但必须同时对未定期限之债的清偿期规则进行修改 ,将债权可以行使的基础定位于客观标准而非债权人意志之上 ,才能从根本上贯彻“行使论” ,避免重蹈现行法的覆辙。在上述分析的基础上 ,本文就未来民法典提出两点建议 :第一 ,诉讼时效期间起算点规则应规定为 :“诉讼时效期间从请求权可以行使时起开始计算” ;第二 ,未定期限之债的清偿期规则应规定为 :“履行期限不明确的 ,债权人可以随时请求债务人履行 ,债务人也可以随时履行。但是 ,根据债的性质或诚实信用原则不宜立即要求债务人履行的 ,债权人应于必要期间经过后请求”。  相似文献   

The question considered is whether a convicted criminal has been treated unjustly if the only reason he receives a much heavier sentence than another criminal convicted of the same crime is that he came before a different judge. The answer offered is that such a criminal would not be treated unjustly. The principle of equality in punishment, properly understood, does not forbid even such gross disparities in sentence (though it also does not require them). The paper discusses the 1978 Model Sentencing and Corrections Act in detail and has important consequences for the current movement to reform punishment to assure just deserts.Work on this paper was supported in part by a Summer Research Grant from Illinois State University, 1981.  相似文献   

目的观察大鼠脑外伤后脑组织MMP-9的表达规律,探讨其在损伤时间推断中的应用价值。方法健康SD大鼠75只,随机分为损伤组、假损伤组和正常对照组。损伤组采用自由落体方法建立脑损伤模型;致脑损伤后分10个时间点,采用HE染色观察损伤区的变化,采用免疫组化方法检测各时间点阳性细胞的种类和比值,并与假损伤组和对照组进行统计分析比较。结果免疫组化染色显示损伤组伤后1h可见中性粒细胞阳性着色,6h后可见神经细胞阳性染色并逐渐增强,伤后5d阳性细胞数达到峰值,而后开始减弱,14d基本消失。假损伤组和正常对照组未见阳性表达。将实验组中2h~7d阳性细胞比值与其它各时间点相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);实验组各时间点与假损伤组和对照组相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。统计分析结果见表1。结论损伤后MMP-9阳性表达的规律性,有望成为脑损伤时间判定的参考指标。  相似文献   

Recent Supreme Court decisions point to an increased reliance on juries to determine a defendant's sentence. Evidence is mixed on whether jurors are more likely to convict when the potential punishment is mild. The current study examined this issue, as well as the impact of legal authoritarianism (LA) (Kravitz, D. A., Cutler, B. L., & Brock, P. 1993. Reliability and validity of the original and revised legal attitudes questionnaire. Law and Human Behavior, 17, 661–677. doi: 10.1007/BF01044688), on jurors’ decisions. An ethnically diverse sample of participants completed the individual difference measure prior to viewing a videotaped, reenacted criminal trial. We manipulated the severity of the punishment the defendant would receive if convicted. Results indicated LA moderated the effect of punishment severity on verdict. Specifically, at higher levels of punishment severity, civil libertarians convicted less, while legal authoritarians convicted more. That is, the severity-leniency effect held for civil libertarians, but not for legal authoritarians. As juries become more responsible for determining a defendant's sentence, attorneys should be aware of the defendant's potential sentence and use voir dire to identify jurors who are higher on LA.  相似文献   


A review of the capital punishment literature shows evidence of differential treatment of defendants at two separate levels: commutations and executions. However, since most prior studies have followed a dichotomous approach, little is known about other death sentence outcomes, that is, sentence declared unconstitutional, sentence overturned, and conviction overturned and Latino/a defendants have either been excluded or treated as a monolithic group. Hence, little is known about death sentence outcomes for Latinos/as, whose experiences differ from those of African Americans and Caucasians. The main objective of this study, then, is to expand on the existing data by analyzing death sentence outcomes data for California, Florida, and Texas between 1975 and 1995. Logistic regression, controlling for time under the sentence of death, prior felony convictions, age at the time of the offense, marital status, and education, shows that disparities in death sentence outcomes is not a phenomenon of the past or restricted to commutations and executions. The findings suggest that race and ethnicity and several legal variables still play a role in the legal decision-making process.  相似文献   

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