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高校学生行为能力和高校与学生之间的法律关系是认定大学生伤害事故的法理基础,大学生人身伤害事故以过错责任为归责原则,以公平责任为补充。伤害事故的类型及成因不同,决定高校是否承担以及承担何种程度的民事责任。  相似文献   

作为从事住宿、餐饮、娱乐等经营活动的经营者,酒店对消费者人身及财产安全负有法定的安全保障义务。酒店安全保障义务的归责原则适用于过错责任原则;酒店安全保障义务的范围仅局限于"合理限度范围内";酒店安全保障义务的责任类型为直接责任和补充责任。酒店未尽合理限度范围内的安全保障义务而致使消费者遭受人身及财产损害的,消费者有权请求其承担相应赔偿责任。  相似文献   

姜辉 《法制与社会》2010,(4):116-117
高校学生人身伤害事故赔偿的解决主要取决于如何认定高校与大学生的法律关系及高校责任的归结问题。高校与大学生的法律关系不是单一的,包括教育行政法律关系、民事法律关系等,决定民事责任其归责原则是过错责任原则。本文指出加强对学生伤害事故中高校民事责任认定的研究,有助于积极预防和妥善处理高等学校学生伤害事故,依法维护大学生和学校的合法权益,促进和谐校园的建设。  相似文献   

从高校学生伤害事故归责原则看大学生安全教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,高校学生伤害事故呈现出不断上升的趋势,随之而来的责任纠纷也不断增多,这不但不利于事故的有效解决,也影响了高校的社会形象。按照《学生伤害事故处理办法》有关归责原则的规定,校方在事故中的责任承担采取以过错责任为主,公平原则为辅的归责原则,因此,要避免学生伤害事故的频繁发生,应着重加强大学生安全教育、心理健康教育以及法制教育,强化大学生的责任意识。  相似文献   

学生伤害事故指在学校教育教学活动期间发生的学生人身伤亡事故。本文指出学校对学生伤害事故应承担过错责任;未尽职责范围内的相关义务致使未成年人遭受人身损害,或者未成年人致他人人身损害的,应当承担与其过错相应的赔偿责任;第三人侵权致未成年人遭受人身损害的,学校有过错的,应当承担相应的补充赔偿责任。  相似文献   

张新宝 《法学论坛》2006,21(2):117-121
20世纪以来尤其是二战以后,汽车成为大众的普通代步工具,交通事故逐渐成为最常见的一种人身伤害事故。各国立法者开始高度注意道路交通事故的民事赔偿问题,逐步建立起过错推定、无过错责任或严格责任的归责原则。《道路交通安全法》第76条确立了一个归责原则体系,对于不同情况下的责任承担适用不同的归责原则。这样的规定最有利于保护受害人,同时也不至于让加害人承担过重的赔偿责任;同时,设立机动车第三者责任险意义重大。  相似文献   

马慧娟  杨忠 《中国律师》2011,(11):53-54
近年来,高校体育训练(赛前)过程中伤害事故时有发生,且相对呈现频繁之势。但目前国内对高等学校体育伤害事故的归责原则、责任主体等研究很少.教育部颁布的《学生意外伤害事故处理办法》的规定对于处理体育伤害事故来说,显得力不从心。笔者通过分析我国高等学校的体育训练伤害事故的逻辑框架及归责原则.力图为实践中高校体育训练伤害事故的解决寻求更好的思路及其方法。  相似文献   

学校体育伤害事故民事责任归责原则的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在学校体育伤害事故中的归责原则应适用过错责任原则为主导,兼顾无过错和公平责任原则的归责体系,学校承担全部或部分的民事责任。但学校作为一个公益性的教育机构,不宜过多地进行赔偿。实行学校体育伤害事故保险制度势在必行。  相似文献   

近年来,随着高校办学规模的不断扩大,高校学生伤害事故频发,因高校伤害事故而引起的学生与高校之间的人身损害赔偿纠纷日益增多,并且越来越受到社会各界的广泛关注。应该如何妥善地解决高校学生伤害事故,已成为摆在高校面前的一个重要课题。而其关键是明确高校与学生之间关系的性质,并在此基础上界定高校学生伤害事故的内涵、归责原则和相关当事人,以便更好地解决高校学生伤害事故。  相似文献   

未成年学生在学校发生人身伤害事故,应依据什么原则(标准)认定学校的法律责任?学校在没有过错的情况下,是否必然不承担任何法律责任?这是中小学校长及其教师十分关注又倍感困惑的问题。尽管2002年6月25日,教育部发布了《学生伤害事故处理办法》(以下称《办法》),对学校担责及免责的情形做了比较详尽的规定,但《办法》不可能穷尽所有情形,因而探讨"学生伤害事故"中学校侵权责任的归责原则就具有重要的现实意义。一、学生伤害事故中学校民事责任的性质 在处理中小学校学生伤害问题中,学校与学生法律关系性质的认定一直是一个非常棘手的问题,这个  相似文献   

关于航空事故赔偿权利人的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨惠 《河北法学》2008,26(1):90-94
人们通常认为航空事故赔偿权利人仅指旅客。事实上,航空事故发生后,赔偿权利人除旅客外,还有机上其他人员、地面第三人以及受害人的近亲属等。航空事故人身损害赔偿权利人的身份,在航空运输实践中有时很难界定。有些人貌似赔偿权利人,实际上无权向承运人主张赔偿,应注意甄别。对于不同的赔偿权利人,应视其与承运人的法律关系分别适用相应的法律进行理赔。  相似文献   

The part-time employment of full-time law students is a significant aspect of contemporary legal education. Successful socialization and training in law are presumed to require the undivided time, effort, and commitment of students. Part-time employment, therefore, is commonly believed to siphon those scarce personal resources away from the central task of legal education. This multi-school study of a sample of 1,370 law students attempted to determine the significant ways in which employed students were differentiated from nonemployed classmates in finances, attitudes, and uses of time, and whether type of law school and student's year in school had effects on patterns of student employment.
The incidence of part-time employment, while strongly related to personal financial resources, was found to be equally influenced by the type of school attended and year in school. While those settings varied substantially in the degree of permissiveness toward student part-time employment, students employed part time could not be distinguished statistically from their nonemployed classmates in terms of levels of involvement in law school or their levels of morale. Both temporal and attitudinal disengagement from law school were found to be commonplace among upper-class students in all school settings, but part-time employment did not appear to contribute to it uniquely.  相似文献   

Nowadays, in the period of glasnost', any first-year student in a technical college knows that another revolution, this time an information revolution, began 10-15 years ago in the civilized world. For news of this to reach the USSR as well, a "fateful" speech by Academician E. P. Velikhov, in which he proclaimed a need for "universal computerization of education," was required. Touching pictures of first-year students confidently punching the keyboards of personal computers appeared on the pages of the central newspapers and a great deal was written in magazines about the necessity of organizing classes on information processing in "every normal school."  相似文献   

In two cross-sectional questionnaire studies with N = 1792 German and Indian students, aged between 12 and 17 years, we investigated the relation between personal belief in a just world (BJW) and positive as well as negative dimensions of school-specific well-being. Furthermore, we considered students’ personal experience of teacher justice as possible mediator in this relation and controlled for confounding effects of gender, neuroticism, and locus of control. In Study 1, we used multilevel modeling to analyze the German data and to control for class-level effects. In accordance with our hypotheses, Study 1 showed that the more students believed in a personal just world, the better their positive attitudes toward school, their academic self-esteem, and their enjoyment in school were, and the less somatic complaints in school, social problems in school, and worries toward school they experienced. These associations partly differed between classes, but generally persisted when controlled for sex, neuroticism, and locus of control. Finally, the association between personal BJW and well-being was at least partly mediated by students’ personal experience of teacher justice. In Study 2, we focused on the generalizability of the pattern of results across different cultural contexts. However, we did not aim to carry out comparative research. Results from bootstrap mediation analyses were predominantly the same as in Study 1. The adaptive functions of BJW and implications for future school research are discussed.  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional questionnaire study with N?=?2593 German students, aged between 12 and 17 years (M?=?14.1, SD?=?0.5), we investigated the relation between students’ personal belief in a just world (BJW) and their victimization in bullying situations. According to the just-world theory and research, we expected that the more strongly the students endorsed the personal BJW, the less likely they were to report being victimized by other students. We aimed to extend previous findings that failed to confirm this negative relation by considering students’ personal experience of teacher justice as a possible mediator in this relation, while statistically controlling for sex and school type. We further considered the nested data structure with regard to school classes in our analyses. The results of latent mediation analyses at the individual and group levels showed that the more the students endorsed personal BJW, the more they evaluated their teachers’ behavior toward them personally as being just, and the less likely they were to report that they were bullied. However, the students’ personal experience of teacher justice did not mediate the relation between personal BJW and victimization at the individual or group level when controlled for sex and school type. We discussed the adaptive functions of BJW and implications for future school research and practice.  相似文献   

熊敏瑞 《行政与法》2008,(1):120-123
当前,我国司法实践中医疗侵权纠纷案件适用法律很混乱。主要原因是我国医疗侵权损害赔偿制度由多层次立法文件交叉规定,且各条款不一致。笔者认为,由国务院颁布的《医疗事故处理条例》中的医疗事故损害赔偿条款属于违宪违法的条款,应当尽快废止。而医疗侵权损害赔偿应统一适用民事基本法中的一般人身损害赔偿条款。此外,建立医疗责任保险制度是在市场经济体制中医疗机构化解责任风险的较优选择。  相似文献   

刘君 《政法学刊》2014,(3):36-39
教学实习是高校大学生学习知识和实践教学的一项重要内容。无论实习单位是由学校安排还是学生自己联系,实习目的不是获取报酬而在于获得专业知识和实践经验,高校大学生与实习单位之间并未成立事实劳动关系。与所在学校和实习单位的关系中高校大学生处于弱者地位,其实习权益容易受到侵害,应当完善大学生实习劳动法律规范,加强高校教育管理,扩大强制性社会保险范围,构建大学生实习权益保护机制。  相似文献   

The present study investigated male perceptions and personal experiences of ‘unwanted attention’ (UA), as well as possible associations between perceptions and personal experiences of UA. Ninety-one male college students, from five Portuguese universities, were asked to indicate which of a continuum of 47 behaviours represented UA. Although UA, stalking and harassment are rarely addressed in Portugal, male college students shared a clear understanding of what behaviours constituted UA, with the identification of four main categories of UA behaviours: ‘aggressive’, ‘threatening’, ‘classic’ and ‘dysfunctional attachment’. Almost all participants (96%) reported personal experiences of at least one UA behaviour. There was a minimal relationship between perceptions and personal experiences of the individual behaviours. The findings highlight the widespread risk of male victimisation and the need to legitimise male complaints.  相似文献   

风险社会与侵权损害救济途径多元化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代风险社会给人们带来更多的不确定性和不安全感,传统侵权法律制度在面对不断涌现的新型侵权行为以及灾难性、大规模的人身损害事故时存在局限性。对此,我国《侵权责任法》在功能定位、保障范围、加害事由、归责原则等方面的制度设计,对风险社会的现实状况和生活形态作出了回应,尤其强化了侵权法的救济功能。侵权法的这种制度变化改变了我国责任风险的原有形态;同时,在侵权法律体系内也不可能完全解决对受害人的赔偿和救济问题,由此给责任保险和社会保障制度提供了更大的发展空间。在以侵权法、责任保险和社会保障为主体的多元救济体系中,各项制度之间应注意协调,避免赔偿不足或赔偿过度。  相似文献   

Public education is a sphere of society in which distributive justice with respect to the allocation of opportunities to learn can have profound and lasting effects on students’ educational outcomes. We frame our study in the distributive justice literature, and define just outcomes specifically from a meritocratic and strict egalitarian perspectives in order to investigate how assignment to academic tracks and the availability of opportunities to learn during high school are associated with students’ academic achievement during college. We examine the role of “just” placement into high school academic tracks, “just” access to high-quality teachers, and “just” assignment of secondary schools’ resources in high school, in relation to college freshmen’s grade point averages (GPA). We utilize longitudinal data from a unique dataset with over 15,000 students who spent their academic careers in North Carolina public secondary schools and then attended North Carolina public universities. Our results suggest that “unjust” assignment of students to certain high schools, access to high-quality teachers, and assignment to learn in specific academic tracks result in long-lasting consequences that are reflected in freshman college GPA. Importantly, findings also show that the direction and magnitude of the relationship between distributional injustice at schools and college performance is moderated by students’ own gender and race. Race and gender interact with the high schools’ institutional contexts operationalized by tracking practices, teacher quality, and by school racial and socioeconomic composition. Results show that similar settings do not affect all students in the same ways.  相似文献   

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