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自"阳光行动"开展以来,侯马市看守所用现代文明、人文关怀的理念管理监所,用爱心修复在押人员灵魂,用"阳光"荡涤他们心灵的污垢,以建设"阳光监所"为目标,积极推行"人性管理,文明管理,真情施教,阳光监管"的管理理念,取得了监管到位、教育明显的成效,也博得了在押人员的由衷赞扬。  相似文献   

“80后”在押人员呈逐年上升趋势,已成为违反监规和监管事故的主体。针对看守所“80后”在押人员违反监管的问题,研究“80后”在押人员关押情况、违反监管行为产生的原因和违反监规及监管事故发生的规律,并围绕确保监所安全中心工作,提出以落实监所保障机制为基础、规范监管执法为关键、建立科学防控体系为保证、化解在押人员贫富矛盾为根本的治理对策。  相似文献   

杨丹  姜鹏 《法制与社会》2013,(13):212-213
疑似精神异常在押人员是影响监管安全的主要隐患之一。北京六看作为全国首家对疑似精神异常在押人员进行集中监管、治疗的专门看守所,提升了全市看守所的整体安全系数,有利于监所监管秩序的稳定和充分保障弱势在押人员权益,其实践探索中的经验问题值得深入研究。  相似文献   

监管场所尤其是看守所,因其监管对象的特殊性而被称为违法犯罪的"信息源"和"资料库",但这座信息库长期以来都未被真正开启。近年来,"侦审合一"、"监所归口管理"等公安职能的调整,使得各地公安监管部门开始思考、探索深挖犯罪等职能,监所深挖工作在全国监管系统迅速开展。监所深挖是新时期公安监所工作的一个重要组成部分,也是一项长期性、综合性的侦查措施和基础性业务工作,应根据其特点和优势,总结监所深挖的一般方法和机制建设。  相似文献   

金秋时节,硕果累累。为搭建开放平台,接受社会各界的监督,展示公安监管工作成果和公安监所公正文明的执法形象,9月25日上午,山西省临汾市尧都区看守所举办社会开放日活动暨“高墙内的心声”管教成果汇报文艺演出,邀请人大代表、政协委员、执法监督员、新闻媒体记者、执业律师及在押人员家属等社会各界代表共计100余人来所观看文艺表演、参观看守所“五化建设”成果。省厅监管总队长高明、市局副局长石有、监管支队长牛四平、政委段晓鹏、尧都区公安局局长谢庆军等领导出席开放日活动。  相似文献   

扫黑除恶专项斗争开展以来,涉黑涉恶违法犯罪人员被羁押进入公安监所,他们的反监管伎俩有别于一般在押人员。他们对抗监管行为方式多样化、服管服教意识淡漠,硬暴力软暴力交织,拉拢腐蚀民警、反监管行为极端化特征明显,表现出一定的智能性、暴力性和隐蔽性。羁押监管涉黑恶人员,要不断创新监管理念,做到依法应收尽收、服务扫黑除恶大局,严格分级管控、防范安全风险,规范管理执法、广泛获取涉黑恶违法犯罪线索,配合诉讼和扫黑除恶办案工作,切实履行监管职责,确保打赢扫黑除恶攻坚战。  相似文献   

刘敦臣 《中国司法》2012,(11):92-94
近年来,济南市劳教所准确把握劳教工作的职能定位,紧紧围绕落实"教育、感化、挽救"劳教工作方针和监管工作"首要标准",努力提高教育矫治质量,立足工作实际,不断推进教育矫治工作创新,探索实践与"首要标准"相适应的教育矫治新理念、新方式、新方法,极大地提高了教育矫治工作实效。一、拓展视野,以"大教育观"引领教育矫治工作济南市劳教所始终围绕教育人、感化人、挽救人这一劳教工作的根本宗旨,认真履行社会责任。  相似文献   

监所检察是检察机关的一项重要工作。监所检察工作职责不仅包括刑罚执行监督,看守所等监所机关监督管理活动监督、羁押期限监督,还包括查办和预防刑罚执行和监管活动中的职务犯罪、打击在押人员又犯罪、刑事立案监督、受理在押人员的申诉控告等工作,是集刑罚执行、监督管理活动监督以及反贪、渎侦、批捕、起诉、控申于一体的综合业务部门。新的形势对监所检察工作提出了新的要求,检察机关派驻看守所检察室必须紧紧围绕工作重点,在求实效上下功夫。一、健全制度,实施全方位监督具体说有以下几个方面。一是根据《人民检察院看守所检察工作细则…  相似文献   

“牢头狱霸”是危害监所安全、扰乱监管秩序的一股恶势力,历来都是看守所打击、整顿的重点对象。本文以社会学理论为基础,分析了看守所“牢头狱霸”产生的原因:在押人员的不良主观因素;不良监室环境;看守所失调的控制机制。在以上三种因素中,在押人员的不良主观因素是内因,不良环境刺激与控制失调是外部条件,“牢头狱霸”是诸种因素互相影响,综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

1997年,江苏省金湖县检察且院监所科认真对在押人员进行教育挽救,同时,坚持面向社会的汗放式教育,动员社会力量,共同对在押人员进行思想教育和改造工作,使迷途的青少年重返校园、音日的浪子改邪归正。在他们的艰辛工作下,死刑犯流下了真诚付悔的泪水,刑满出所人员成了遵纪守法、勤劳致富的个体户,成为勤奋工作、敬业奉献的先进工作者,有的还走上了企业管理岗位。据统计,自去年以来,80%以上的在押人员受教育效果显著,81名在押人员检举揭发犯罪线索170余条,从中破获各类案件对起,捕获犯罪嫌疑人万名,追赃10万余元,有32名犯…  相似文献   

Jails are important, yet understudied, components of the American criminal justice system. While most research on correctional personnel has focused on prisons, a growing body of work is beginning to emerge on jails. This is encouraging given the unique circumstances that occur within jail environments (e.g., diversity and mobility of offenders, health issues among detainees, overcrowding, lack of training among staff, etc.). Given these conditions, the staff members who run jails become the glue that holds them together. The following study contributes to this burgeoning area of empirical inquiry by examining a variety of antecedents of job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment among jail personnel. Using survey data collected from a large county correctional system in Orlando, Florida, the findings indicate that staff perceptions of professionalism, detainee control, and administrative support all significantly impact degrees of job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.  相似文献   

In the context of US urban jails, incarceration is often seen as an opportune intervention point for prevention interventions in public health. For the detained individual, it is an opportunity to reflect on individual choices and the potential for changes in one's life course. For population focused public health professionals, jail detention facilities represent a concentration of health risks, and an opportunity to have an impact on a significant portion of those at risk for HIV and other health concerns. This paper presents an innovative education and empowerment model that bridges across jail walls, beginning on the inside, and continuing on the outside of jail where individuals continue to be challenged and supported toward positive health and social choices. The intervention also seeks to foment community activism in the communities to which jail detainees return, thus aiming to have a structural impact. This paper examines both the intervention model and the challenges of examining the effectiveness claims for the intervention at multiple levels.  相似文献   

Despite increased representation in correctional work settings, women still encounter obstacles in this male-dominated occupation—obstacles that have the potential to affect their levels of job stress and job satisfaction. Although gender-based differences in job stress and job satisfaction have been analyzed in several prison settings, much less work has been conducted in the often neglected correctional arena of jails. The current study fills this empirical void by examining jail staff at a large county correctional system in Orlando, Florida. Ordinary least squares regression analysis indicated that different facets of the work environment differentially affected the job stress and job satisfaction of 419 women and 493 men working in a large urban jail system. Specifically, role ambiguity, perceived dangerousness, coworker relations, input into decision making, and administrative support had larger effects on job stress for women compared to men. For job satisfaction, the only workplace variable to have a gendered effect was administrative support, which also had a greater effect for women than men. The findings reveal gender-related differences, especially in terms of job stress.  相似文献   

Given their multiple functions, inadequate funding, and generally low visibility, America??s jails have sustained an ongoing struggle to recruit a sufficient quantity and quality of applicants to effectively fulfill their mission. Although the current economic downturn has temporarily curtailed turnover, postponed retirements, and intensified job competition, the cyclical nature of economic developments assures that jails will once again be forced into aggressive recruitment rivalry. To proactively address such upcoming challenges, it is essential to determine how jails can most productively target and select the best candidates. Providing information to assist jail administrators in that regard, a national survey was conducted to identify what attracted various age groups to jail employment, in order to ascertain whether a differential recruitment focus is needed to attract the new generation of workers. Jail size was also considered in terms of whether the ease or difficulty of progression through the selection screening process made a difference. Most revealing, however, was the lack of statistically-significant differences between various generational cohorts. Virtually all age groups were in substantial agreement that the extrinsic attractions of jail employment??such as salary, benefits, pension plan, and job stability--were their most important job consideration factors. Overall, findings point toward the recruitment benefit that jails may potentially derive from capitalizing on the advantages of being a steady rock of dependable employment, especially in times that are characterized by job insecurity and economic hardships.  相似文献   

Despite the demonstrated prevalence of severe mental disorder among jail detainees and the legal mandate to provide mental health services, most jails do not have the resources to incorporate traditional, time-consuming psychological assessment techniques into their routine intake process. As a result, a number of mentally ill jail detainees remain undetected and untreated. This study outlines the development of the Referral Decision Scale (RDS), which detects persons who have a high probability of having a severe mental disorder so that they can be given a complete diagnostic evaluation. The 14-item RDS was statistically derived using discriminant analysis from data collected via the NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule on 728 randomly selected male jail detainees and then validated on 1,149 prison inmates. The final validated version of the RDS had an overall sensitivity of 0.791, specificity of 0.987, and positive and negative predictive value of 0.791 and 0.013, respectively. Since these statistics far exceed current detection rates, the RDS is likely to facilitate the diversion of mentally ill detainees in situations where it is impractical to administer psychological examinations to all incoming inmates. Training requirements for the RDS and directions for future research are discussed.This research was supported in part by National Institute of Mental Health under grant No. R01MH37988. We would like to thank Karl Kilgore, Stuart Michaels, John Lyons, Karen Abram, Richard White, and Christine Davidson for their statistical insights and helpful comments. James Collins is due special thanks for making his North Carolina prison data available. We are also grateful to Philip Hardiman, Thomas Monahan, and Ronald Simmons for their cooperation with the data-collection process.  相似文献   

New Generation jails have emerged as an important innovation in local incarceration. The results of existing research suggest that new generation jail design and operation can positively impact inmates and staff, but the literature is far from unequivocal. The current study utilized data collected from a single jail complex to provide a unique test of how the type of facility influences jail staff perceptions of the work environment along several dimensions. Our results revealed few differences between correctional officers working in traditional units and those posted in new generation units. We discuss the implications of these findings, including the use of direct supervision inmate management in traditional as well as new generation jails.  相似文献   

Reducing turnover in America’s jails is a significant fiscal concern and a serious organizational challenge. When determining how to improve retention, the private sector has been influenced by the literature on generational relevance. To explore whether similar cohort-driven motivators might be productively directed toward reducing jail turnover, the application of generational relevance theory to jails was empirically tested. To assess the impact of retention-related variables on various age cohorts working in America’s jails, a national survey was administered to jail staff throughout the country. Results indicate that less than half of the variables included in the analysis reached levels of statistical significance when analyzed by generational cohorts, and even among significant variables, over one-third were age-driven by nature. Although the findings do little to advance the cause of generational relevance theory, they are not without merit for jail administrators seeking to reduce turnover, pointing toward the universal appeal such intrinsic factors as treating people fairly, creating a positive work climate, and assuring that employees are listened to, have input, and are recognized, respected, and appreciated. Essentially, results indicate that reducing jail turnover is more likely to be a product of initiatives that are generically requisite than generationally relevant.  相似文献   

Studies have failed to show a positive effect of unemployment on incarceration despite reasons to expect such a relationship. We note that prior estimates have been muddied by the absence of substate data, a focus on prisons rather than on jails, limited measures of unemployment, and the fact that the health of the labor market is endogenous to incarceration. We instrument for local exposure to the rise of Chinese exports (“the China Shock”) to estimate the effect of job loss on American incarceration. Marshaling a new data set of prisoners and jail inmates by race at the commuting zone level, we show that negative shocks to local labor markets led to significant increases in total incarceration rates for both Blacks and Whites. The effect seems to be driven by increased prison rather than jail populations. This estimate is invisible to ordinary least squares, which may help explain null results reported by past work. Counterfactual exercises suggest that the effect of job loss was punitively consequential. Had employment gains from the 1990s been preserved into the 2000s, the U.S. incarceration rate would have grown significantly less than it did.  相似文献   

Discussions of America’s local jails inevitably center around their plethora of problems. Not only are these problems pervasive, but they are also enduring. Numerous proposals have been advanced to improve jail conditions and operations. Most have failed to such an extent that some scholars have speculated that jails are simply immune to reform. It is the contention of this article that most of the problems facing contemporary jails are rooted in the uniquepolitical nature of the jail as an organization. Consequently, serious efforts to affect change in jail conditions must recognize the limited options placed upon jail reforms by the political environment, or they must originate from outside the local political setting.  相似文献   

The current study examines protective factors for women who transition from county jails to rural Appalachian communities, areas with limited health and behavioral health services. The study included drug-using women recruited from three jails in rural Appalachia and followed-up at 12-months post-release. Analyses focused on differences between women who remained in the community and those who returned to custody, as well as a multivariate model to determine protective factors for reentry success. At the bivariate level, staying out of jail was associated with being older, having a job, not using drugs, stable housing, receiving health treatment, and having prosocial peers. In the multivariate model, the most robust predictors of staying out of jail were drug use abstinence, health care utilization, and prosocial peers. Most research on criminogenic needs associated with reentry success have focused on men, and most focused on reentry to urban communities where services and resources are more accessible. These findings have important implications for criminal justice systems to implement reentry programs for women offenders during the transition to the community.  相似文献   

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