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在当前形势下要做好高校安全保卫工作必须弄清安保工作所面临的挑战,克服目前工作中存在的困难和不足。本文从高校保卫工作面临的问题和困难出发,对高校保卫工作的开展提出了对策——要加强保卫干部队伍建设,改革保卫工作机制,加强物防、技防设施建设。  相似文献   

李慎 《政法学刊》2006,23(3):105-108
国内安全保卫学的理论研究成果数量偏少,质量也有待提高,原因主要包括国内安全保卫学的保密性和封闭性、国内安全保卫学各研究主体之间缺乏交流和沟通、国内安全保卫学研究主体的主观认识有偏差等等,因此,必须通过采取建立相互沟通、取长补短的协作机制等措施来促进国内安全保卫学的发展。  相似文献   

和谐校园构建中的高校保卫工作新模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现在高校保卫工作存在体制有缺陷、自我封闭循环、科技含量不高、工作内驱力不强等问题。保卫工作如何与高校飞跃发展的大气候相适应,在和谐校园构建发挥保障服务作用,是一个亟待解决的问题。本文以“三个代表“重要思想和十六届六中全会精神为指导,以法律、法规为依据,以全面提升保卫工作层次为根本目的,运用综合分析、调查研究、比较研究、逻辑等科学研究方法,研究在落实科学发展观时如何提高高校保卫工作模式的有效性、长效性、时效性等问题进行有益的探讨,试图研究和谐校园建构与保卫工作的关系,建立新形式下的高校保卫工作新模式,以此对高校保卫工作进行梳理和重塑。  相似文献   

武警部队在执行国内安全保卫任务中为保证任务的完成经常会用到检查、驱散、控制等一系列强制性措施,这些措施可否统称为武警强制措施?可以的话如何对概念进行一个界定?具体还包括哪些措施?搞清楚这些基本问题,对于武警部队依法正确采取相关措施具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

高校是国家人才培养的重要场所,高校保卫工作意义深远,保卫人员的责任重大。因此,如何提升保卫人员的工作积极性、责任心,达到物质需求和精神需求的有机结合是管理人员必须直面的问题,故对激励机制的研究必不可少。当前,我国高校安全工作的激励机制还未达到完善之境,激励方式、手段、业绩评价方式、赏罚力度等问题尚有优化空间。本文在对高校保卫工作管理激励机制问题及存因分析的基础上,对相关机制的改进措施展开探讨,以期为高校保卫工作管理激励机制的完善提供依据。  相似文献   

督促检查是领导决策的后续工作,是工作过程的关键环节,是推动工作落实的重要举措。在2004年国庆交通安全保卫工作中,吕梁交警支队创造性地提出真督真查、善督善查的督查工作新机制,有效地保证了各项工作措施的落实。坚持真督真查,善督善查,必须把握"责任、机制、评价"三个环节。一、坚持真督真查,善督善查,必须要有强烈的责任意识。工作是否落实到位是一个人责任心强弱的外在表现,强烈的责任意识是抓好各项工作的基本要求。工作措施能否落实到位,落实的程度如何,直接影响着工作效果,而抓好落实,督查是关键。要使督查真正能查出问  相似文献   

李沙 《法制与社会》2011,(22):229-229
本文首先提出了高校安全保卫工作的重要意义,并对当前高校安全保卫工作存在的主要问题进行了分析,最后总结了高校安全保卫工作构建策略。  相似文献   

从"两会"保卫工作开始以来,北京天安门公安分局全体民警共加班加点7500余小时,完成警卫勤务120起,为民服务9000余次,78人克服家庭困难坚持工作,45人带病坚持工作。2008年3月14日和3月18日,全国政协十一届一次会议和十一届全国人大一次会议终于先后圆满闭幕,作为承担"两会"期间安全保卫工作的一名天安门公安分局民警,我的心里着实长长舒了一口气。天安门地区既是全国"两会"的主会场区,也是与会代表委员多项活动的重要场所和行车路线的汇集之处。  相似文献   

今年以来,丹凤县公安机关在县委、县政府和市公安局的领导下,以"三个代表"重要思想为指导,认真学习贯彻省、市公安政法工作会议精神,努力用科学发展观指导全县公安工作.始终坚持一手抓公安保卫工作,一手抓队伍建设,以巩固和发展治安先进县成果为着力点,围绕创建"安全丹凤"这一目标,深入开展以"命案必破"为主要内容的严打整治斗争,进一步加强和改进公安行政管理工作,强化公安队伍建设,从六个方面落实各项公安工作措施,促进全县公安工作的全面进步和发展.  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国的高等教育发展取得了空前的成就,但是各种全新出现的因素与情况为大学生犯罪带来了巨大的压力,造成了各种不容忽视的严重违法犯罪性为出现。高校安全是高校日常活动开展的永恒性主题,同样也是当今以及未来人类社会和谐发展、稳定发展最基础的要求,高校是一个培养国家高素质人才的集中地,安全性不容忽视。高校保卫工作不但和学生健康成长有密切关系,同时和全体师生热切身利益也不可分割。做好高校的安全保卫工作,培养一支优秀的高校保卫队伍,于当下的高校发展而言已经是不容忽视的一项关键性问题。文中对高校保卫工作和大学生犯罪的现状进行了分析,并且就高校保卫工作的建立与预防大学生犯罪之间的关系进行了重点讨论。  相似文献   

在欧美国家的高校安保制度当中,以美国、英国、加拿大、瑞典最具代表性。英国的高校安保制度主要由驻校警察模式、法令特别授权警察模式和安保外包模式这几种类型构成;美国则是典型的校园警察模式为主导;加拿大的高校安保系统采用校园社区警务模式;而瑞典的高校安保模式则呈现出"行政化"和"社会化"的特征。在亚洲邻国的高校安保制度当中,以日本、新加坡最具代表性。这当中,日本以"青少年警察"的安保模式为主,而新加坡的高校的安保主要由安全、健康和环境办公室和校园保卫办公室以及外包保安公司三者构成。借鉴国外高等教育发达国家的高校安保制度对我国新时期的高校安保制度意义重大。  相似文献   

The premise of discourse theory in environmental policy is that realities are shaped by language. One discourse that is gaining popularity is the concept of environmental security, a discourse that presupposes environmental threats as urgent. The attempt to cast environmental issues as security issues has resulted in the common use of security jargon, idioms, and metaphors in policymakers’ and politicians’ statements. Various analyses attempt to identify why natural resources are discussed in terms and language of security. However, far fewer studies have attempted to identify differences in the manner in which different types of resources are incorporated into such a discourse by different actors and what variables contribute to this process. This study examines the construction of the security references, security arguments, and language in the statements of the Commission on Sustainable Development dealing with energy and water. We found that international organizations and Non-governmental Organizations were somewhat more likely than state actors to use security references to discuss sustainability issues. The issues securitized are not the traditional high political ones such as regime stability and conflicts, but rather issues more associated with human security, such as access to renewable energy, affordable food, and clean water. The fact that in many statements examined the use of security references was not associated with any existential threat and hence did not comply with the conditions of the Copenhagen School raises some doubts as to whether security language in these statements implies a true securitization move. We also examined whether the use of the term “security” by states was correlated with greater resource scarcity or vulnerability. In the case of water-related sessions, the evidence was mixed, depending on the choice of dependent variable. The results from energy security regressions, however, were inconsistent with the hypothesis that greater scarcity or vulnerability induces more use of security language.  相似文献   

社会保障法律关系关涉民生的社会保障法的调整对象,它由主体、客体和内容三要素组成,国家、用人单位和社会成员是社会保障法律关系的主体,社会保障利益是社会保障法律关系的客体。深入研究社会保障法律关系中主体的权利和义务,有助于推进我国正在进行的覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系建设。  相似文献   

This paper examines security networks in a context where security is increasingly regarded as a problem of intelligence. Data are derived from interviews with officers in criminal intelligence units in Ontario, Canada. A conceptual framework is developed to understand the limits of security intelligence within an emerging security network paradigm, focussing on the normative dimensions governing security networking, and the mechanisms and technologies limiting information deployment among public security agencies. Despite efforts to address security through the sharing of actionable information, security intelligence maintains an exclusive value. Technologies of control promoting this exclusivity also function to prevent intelligence from becoming common knowledge. Because of its limited value, intelligence is ill-suited for export into security governance writ large.  相似文献   

Today, passengers at every major Western airport are subjected to heightened levels of security screening that not only are inconvenient, but also raise important questions about the treatment of members of specific groups that are seen as presenting special security risks. Our study examines the importance of ethnic identity in explaining perceptions of legitimacy in airport screening among a random sample of Jewish and Arab passengers in Israel. The main hypothesis of our study is that ethnicity will play a major role in predicting passengers’ attitudes toward the airport security process. In fact, our survey shows that Israeli Arab passengers are, on average, significantly more negative regarding the legitimacy of security checks than Israeli Jewish passengers are. However, using a multivariate model, we find that ethnicity (Arab versus Jew) disappears as a significant predictor of legitimacy when we included factors of procedural justice and controlled for specific characteristics of the security process. The results of our research indicate that differences in legitimacy perceptions are by and large the result of the processes used in airport screening and not a direct result of ethnic identity. In concluding, we argue that profiling strategies aimed at preventing terrorism, which often include embarrassing public procedures, may actually jeopardize passengers’ trust in airport security. Such security is dependent on the cooperation of citizens, and heightened security procedures focused on particular groups may compromise legitimacy evaluations and thus the cooperation of the public.  相似文献   

张姝 《行政与法》2007,(6):54-55
社会保障基金是社会保障体系正常运行的前提条件和物质保障,其运转成败关系到广大群众的切身利益,也关系到社会保障事业的前途。为实现社会保障制度的可持续发展,要依法充实社会保障基金,强化基金征缴,加强基金管理,防止基金流失,规范基金运营,确保社会保障基金安全和保值增值。  相似文献   

郜杨 《政法学刊》2010,27(5):117-121
近年来铁路不断加强站车安检工作并取得明显成效。为了使铁路安检工作进一步规范,有必要对铁路安全检查的涵义、组织管理以及安全检查工作中涉及到的一些问题进行分析探讨。铁路安检是合法的行政执法行为,但是在执法程序、行政处罚及人身检查方面相关法律规定不够完善。  相似文献   

张永林 《行政与法》2020,(5):121-128,F0003
随着全面依法治国和全面深化改革的深入推进,为实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的目标,应完善包括地方公安立法在内的公安工作制度体系。目前,各地公安立法还存在体系不健全、可操作性不强、欠缺特色性规定、不能适应社会治安防范现实需要等问题。提高地方公安立法质量,有利于完善公安机关参与社会治理的制度体系,有利于建设法治公安,有利于促进公安机关执法规范化建设,有利于规范警务运行机制。为有效提高地方公安立法质量,必须树立社会治安治理立法理念,准确评估地方公安立法需求与效果,完善和规范地方公安立法程序,推进地方公安立法精细化。  相似文献   

This paper presents work conducted as part the ‘Shades of Grey’ (EP/H02302X/1) research project that aims to develop scientific interventions for the detection of suspicious behaviors in public spaces. To provide an understanding of security and counter-terrorism work in different contexts the project adopted a human factors approach as part of a program of user requirements gathering exercises. These activities focussed on the needs of different end-users and stakeholders, ranging from frontline security personnel, managers and strategic security policy makers. By taking a user-centred approach, the discipline of human factors can be integrated into the security/counter-terrorism domain to support the design of practical security solutions. This paper presents a case study investigation using data collected from three security agencies. Common themes are explored, ranging from ‘the importance of temporal measures’ to ‘enhancing positive user experiences’. These factors are discussed in relation to the practical application of human factors methods within security research.  相似文献   

In response to continued concerns over crime and violence, schools are increasingly employing visible security measures such as cameras, metal detectors, and security personnel. These security measures are not mutually exclusive, but few studies have considered the relationship between the use of multiple forms of security and youth’s exposure to drugs, fighting, property crime, and firearms at school. To address this issue, we analyzed nationally representative school administrator-reported data from the School Survey on Crime & Safety, using a quasi-experimental design with propensity scores to adjust for potential confounding factors. The results indicated that utilization of multiple security measures reduced the likelihood of exposure to property crime in high schools, but most other security utilization patterns were associated with poorer school safety outcomes. Our findings provide guidance to policymakers in considering whether to use – or expand – visible school security measures in schools.  相似文献   

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