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实践层面的政策范式常常被理解为一种稳定的和能够识别的政策模式或政策风格,包括政策问题、政策主体、政策价值和政策工具等构成要件。党的十八届三中全会提出的国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,不仅涉及到具体政策和基本政策的改变,亦是对我国元政策的一次重塑,具有丰富的政策内涵。国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的推进,将带来我国公共政策范式的转型。  相似文献   

第一代自上而下范式的政策实施研究与第二代自下而上范式的政策实施研究能否进行综合以及如何综合仍然是极具理论价值与实践意义的学术命题。在对已有的政策实施研究综合模型进行批评性讨论的基础上,重新构造了一个多重系统动态政策实施模型。政策实施的多重系统动态模型事实上包含了已有各个主要政策综合模型的基本特征,即不仅涵盖了各个已有综合模型所隐含的系统性,而且也突出了政策实施过程中随时间变化的动态性。论文提出的综合的分析性政策实施模型的优点是将各种影响政策实施的因素变量及其相互之间的关系具体化、类型化与结构化,在该结构化关系图景中,可以更清晰地辨别出各种类型的影响因素相互作用的逻辑次序以及对最终政策实施效果的作用路径。  相似文献   

第一代自上而下范式的政策实施研究与第二代自下而上范式的政策实施研究能否进行综合以及如何综合仍然是极具理论价值与实践意义的学术命题。在对已有的政策实施研究综合模型进行批评性讨论的基础上,重新构造了一个多重系统动态政策实施模型。政策实施的多重系统动态模型事实上包含了已有各个主要政策综合模型的基本特征,即不仅涵盖了各个已有综合模型所隐含的系统性,而且也突出了政策实施过程中随时间变化的动态性。论文提出的综合的分析性政策实施模型的优点是将各种影响政策实施的因素变量及其相互之间的关系具体化、类型化与结构化,在该结构化关系图景中,可以更清晰地辨别出各种类型的影响因素相互作用的逻辑次序以及对最终政策实施效果的作用路径。  相似文献   

施静艳 《法制与社会》2013,(25):282-283
本文参考目前的商标犯罪形势,借鉴法社会学研究范式,分别从宽严相济刑事政策之概含,目前商标犯罪的形势以及刑法中的商标犯罪规定为线索,旨在宽严相济的基本刑事政策指导下,提出商标犯罪刑事政策及我国商标犯罪的立法完善。  相似文献   

刑事政策是刑法改革的助推器,是刑法理论发展的基石,为使刑事政策发挥其功能,一是要增强问题意识,坚持刑事政策的批判和分析精神,回应转型期中国刑事政策调整的现实,把握中国刑事政策的完整体系,探索中国刑事政策研究的理论范式,为刑法现代化的实现提供技术性支持。二是要确立正确的研究视角和方法,应从广义刑事政策视角对中国刑事政策进行深入研究;应兼采注释与批判的方法,更应该注重开拓性研究;应立足于本土化又要借鉴和移植,才能使中国刑事政策尽快地溶入先进法治国家之列。  相似文献   

就现代社会中的司法及其力量而言,司法政策的功能不能停留在应然的要求和抽象的理论推演,还应当在特定的时空尺度和其它系统环境下,认真考量司法政策的功能定位问题。解决这一问题,有必要借助系统论的研究范式,通过系统的整体性视角,将司法政策的功能定位诉诸社会背景、权力结构、管理体制等司法环境因素,以便更加科学、准确地调校特定经济社会发展阶段的司法政策功能。  相似文献   

大学生村官政策是近年来国家的一个导向性政策,受到了各级政府的高度重视、大力支持以及社会的普遍关注。目前,大学生村官政策的实施已取得了一定的显著性成效,但在实施过程中也凸显出了其存在的一些不可忽视的问题。虽然学界对这一问题的研究探索处于初级阶段,但也有了一定的研究成果,本文通过对学界专家的研究成果进行系统总结,从大学生村官政策的内涵及政策背景、存在问题及对大学生村官政策的思考三个方面进行简要分析,希望能为大学生村官政策的进一步研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

基于社会资本解释范式的刑事政策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本理论为刑事政策研究提供了新的解释范式,有着重要的方法论意义。社会资本是资本的一种表现形式,是一种嵌入在社会网络中的资源。社会资本与刑事政策之间存在着密切关系:宏观而言,社会资本存量与控制犯罪效果成正比;微观而论,不同形式的社会资本对犯罪生成会产生不同的影响,进而影响到相应的刑事政策。因此,从社会资本角度来反思和发展我国现行刑事政策有着重要的理论和实践价值。  相似文献   

张源钊 《法制与社会》2014,(18):281-282
随着中国经济的发展,中国严峻的环境问题得到广泛的关注。国家有关部门采用环境政策立法等方式进行宏观调控,但是这期间也出现了一系列问题。本文结合中国经济发展现状,就环境政策立法的必要性进行了深入剖析,指出了环境政策立法的目的,现状,及其中蕴含的立法基本原则。正是因为有此深入研究,笔者发现了我国环境政策立法存在的部分问题,并且结合所学知识和实际情况,提出了相应对策,指明了发展方向。全文理论结合实际,并且配以恰当例证,是对我国环境政策立法的一次深入探讨研究。  相似文献   

刑事政策是刑事立法与刑事司法的灵魂,刑法理论的发展在很大程度上也有赖于科学的刑事政策观的确立。提起刑事政策,不可避免的都会想到我国的严打政策。然而最近很多的学者都对近些年来的严打的刑事政策产生了质疑,认为"严打"的成效不大,且带来了很多负面影响,然而笔者以否定的态度对严打问题进行了思考,却发现问题的本质是刑事政策的失衡。本文以严打为出发点,具体描述了我国刑事政策失衡的表现,并分析了形势政策失衡的原因,提出了解决刑事政策失衡的相关办法,希望通过根治刑事政策失衡的问题,更好的实施严打这一本质正确的刑事政策,使得我国法治得以进一步健全。  相似文献   

This article has been written from the position that we fail to understand the character of the changes in prison policy in the last decades if we concentrate too much on the new emphasis on control and security. By making use of Thomas Kuhn's paradigm model, the article argues that it is fertile to see the changes in Swedish prison policy during the last decades as a paradigm shift. Although the new emphasis on control and security is important, it is only one feature in a larger transformation which concerns changing perceptions of the criminal subject, new theoretical understandings, new treatment methods, as well as a new role for the prison in penal policy in general. The article conceptualizes the policy that has developed inside the Swedish Prison and Probation Service during the last decades as the developing of a new paradigm in contrast to the old prison policy paradigm of the welfare state. The article especially discusses the significance of the development of so-called evidence-based knowledge as well as the creation of a Scientific Council inside the Swedish Prison and Probation Service which have led to a re-pathologization of the criminal subject. Other features that make up the new paradigm are the numerous programmes built on cognitive therapy and the emphasis on individual risk assessments. On a general level, the new paradigm has developed during, and is congruent with, the dominance of a neo-liberal regime.  相似文献   

Law is an important tool for national governments to promote the transition to a low carbon energy sector. However, law is the servant of national politics and policies and is embedded in a wider institutional environment, both nationally and internationally. This comparative analysis of the United Kingdom (UK) and China shows that, although national law plays a role in supporting the transition to a low-carbon energy system, the nature of the law and the role it plays depends greatly on the wider institutional environment. The UK is a parliamentary democracy and a liberal market economy. Therefore, the laws passed by the legislature form a critical part of the framework for the low-carbon transition. In contrast, the authority of the executive in China allows the executive to govern the energy sector through decrees and regulations, and diminishes the role of law passed by the legislature. Energy law and policy in both the UK and China are formulated in the light of the prevailing energy policy paradigm: the market-oriented regulatory state paradigm in the UK and a state-centered paradigm in China. Together, these differences explain the contrasting experiences in promoting the low-carbon transition, in general, and the deployment of renewable energy in particular.  相似文献   

现代化范式与中国法理学的"理想图景"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘旺洪 《北方法学》2009,3(1):114-123
将改革开放30年来中国法理学的研究概括为“现代化范式”具有一定的合理性,对现代化范式不能简单地否定,它是中国现代化这一特殊时期的产物,对当代中国法治建设做出了重要贡献。但是30年法理学的发展存在着三对基本矛盾,即政治与学术的矛盾、普适性与本土性的矛盾、研究法律与尊重法律的矛盾。进入21世纪,中国法理学研究应当实现从过去简单地将西方作为中国法制和法治建设的榜样、楷模或标准的思维和研究方法向关注中国问题、用中国的方法来解决问题的研究方式的转变,确立中国法理学研究的中国意识。  相似文献   

全球化进程与我国社区犯罪防控体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国社区犯罪防控体系的运行一直采取以政府特别是警察治安行政为主体的社区治安管理模式。20世纪70年代末期和80年代初期,随着全球化的兴起,我国政府提出了社会治安综合治理的方针,并由此构成中国社区犯罪防控体系规划与执行的决策背景和基本的策略原则,但社区犯罪防控体系规划与执行的政治过程、行政过程、经济过程和文化过程产生的偏差以及由此引起的社区犯罪防控体系的设计、构建和运行问题并未达到预期的设计目标。解决这一问题的关键是重新审视和构建社区犯罪防控理论范式及与之相应的社区治安治理模式,建立起以社会治安综合治理方针为指导的一种新的社区犯罪防控理论范式、认知框架和与之相应的社区治安、治理制度创新体系及运行模式。  相似文献   

China is experiencing a phenomenal expansion of platform economy fuelled by the advancement of information and communication technologies. It has become a global frontrunner in many sectors, including commerce, finance, and entertainment. A comprehensive law and policy narrative, however, is largely absent from English academic literature. This paper seeks to fill this gap by analysing the dynamic relationship of industrial development, policy engagement and regulation construction in one of the prime sectors of platform economy: Electronic Commerce (E-commerce). China's E-commerce market rose to global dominance shortly after its origination in the mid-1990s. This paper holds that such an expeditious ascendency is nourished by carefully designed public policies. To implement these policies, also to redress information asymmetries and other pertinacious market failures, a tailored regulatory paradigm has been instigated. This regulatory paradigm manifests a new mode of polycentric, participatory, and collaborative governance that strives to balance interest disparities between various stakeholders. The dynamic relationship exemplified in China's E-commerce market would provide a valuable indication for administering other sectors of platform economy not only in China but also across other jurisdictions that openly embrace commercial innovations in the context of information technological transformation.  相似文献   

Often billed as an “alternative to incarceration”, electronic monitoring (EM) is widely trumpeted as a key method of reducing incarceration costs while maintaining public safety. However, little research has been done which closely examines EM in the historical context of mass incarceration and the paradigm of punishment. This article focuses on the use of EM in parole in that broader context. Through research into the legal and policy frameworks for EM as well as via personal interviews with people who have been on EM while on parole, the author concludes that the present EM practice reinforces the dominant punishment paradigm and places major obstacles in the way of the successful re-entry for people returning from prison. He concludes with some concrete recommendations about changes in law, policy and implementation guidelines that would allow EM to operate in an environment more conducive to rehabilitation.  相似文献   

制定《循环经济促进法》的立法构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展循环经济是建设和谐社会、实践可持续发展战略的基本经济发展模式。发展循环经济需要国家的法律支持,但现行的法律无法满足从全局的高度统领发展循环经济的要求。因此,我们应该借鉴发达国家关于循环经济的立法模式,根据我国的国情尽快制定《循环经济促进法》,并将其定位为循环经济法律体系中的基本法。《循环经济促进法》中应创设发展循环经济的规划制度、绿色GDP制度、循环经济的科技支撑和示范制度、抑制废物形成制度、产品回收利用制度等十大法律制度。制定《循环经济促进法》的过程中,还要理清和调整循环经济促进法与环境法、经济法等相关法律的关系。  相似文献   

现行著作权法条文的构造具有浓厚的自然权理论色彩,重视对著作人身权的保护,且在处理著作财产权时拘泥于物权构造。静态思维的权利范式缺乏体系化思维,将著作权误解为对作品这一无体"物"享有的权利。然而,著作权的本质是行为规制,其对私人行动自由的限制程度较高。因此,著作权法的思维方式也需要从静态思维的权利范式转向动态思维的行为规制范式。动态思维的行为规制范式,既可以纠正政策形成过程中的利益倾斜问题,也可以弥补著作权法条文与使用者普遍认知之间的偏差。  相似文献   

It can be argued that any objective reexamination of the marijuana laws and reformulation of public policy should necessarily be undertaken within some type of cost/ benefit perspective. As such, a paradigm might be structured which could examine the costs and benefits of the criminalization of marijuana vs. the benefits and costs of its decriminalization. On the one hand, there are the psychosocial costs of marijuana use which include any effects which might flow from the use of the drug. What the benefits of marijuana use might be, beyond the euphoric states and feelings of well being it offers, are yet to be fully determined. Yet by contrast. there are the human, social, and economic costs which flow from the criminalization of marijuana use. It is argued in this commentary that this paradigm can be used as a guide for decriminalization research. A variety of data sets and historical issues are briefly examined which fall within the parameters of this paradigm, and a series of research protocols which flow from the paradigm are addressed.  相似文献   

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