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检察机关绩效考核制度之完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
检察机关在绩效考核中存在着重年终考核轻日常管理、主观随意多客观公正少、考核结果与奖惩机制相脱节的问题.绩效考核制度存在考核主体不知情、考核程序不合理、考核指标不科学三大不足.必须从以下几个方面完善绩效考核制度:一是科学选择考核主体,加强考核主体培训;二是完善考核程序,增强考核的针对性、公开性和互动性;三是以工作分析为基础,合理设计考核指标和标准;四是完善奖惩机制,强化考核结果的运用.  相似文献   

政府环境责任考核指标体系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马波 《河北法学》2014,(12):104-114
政府环境责任考核指标体系的科学、合理设计,无疑对促进政府积极履行环境保护责任,保障环境法律的有效性与实效性具有重要价值。政府环境责任考核指标体系的类型设定,主要涵盖政绩考核环境指标的数字化管理与环境绩效考核要素量化指标两种类型。数字化管理有利于政府环境责任考核逐步走向制度化,而绩效考核要素量化则有助于政府环境保护工作效能的提高,增强环境保护工作的透明度与公信力,进而保障工作运转的目的性与方向性。但需要注意的是,政府环境责任考核指标体系至多只是一种“社会技术”,仅仅是考量政府履行环境职责,评估政府环境管理效能的一种“工具”,而政府环境责任法制化才是最终实现“法治中国”与“美丽中国”之宏伟目标的根本保证。  相似文献   

近年来,检察机关围绕绩效考核开展了大量的理论研究和实践探索,试图通过建立绩效考核机制,持续激发检察人员的工作热情和创造潜力,但在具体实践中还面临不少困难和问题,绩效考核的作用有待进一步发挥。一、检察机关实行绩效考核所面临的主要问题(一)绩效考核方法和标准的合理性、科学性分析考核方法的选择和考核标准的设置是绩效考核过程中最为棘手的难题。这方面存在的主要问题是:1.考核项目的选择随意性较大,考核标准内部缺乏系统性和关联性,有时甚至出现分项考核指标相互矛盾、冲突的情况。2.考核标准与职位职责要求脱节,考核指标不能充…  相似文献   

一是在考核指标的设立上重经济指标轻精神文明指标。 一些地方在干部激励约束机制的指标设立和考核中,往往只注重经济指标,如生产总值、上激利税、人均收入等,而把文化教育、计划生育、社会治安、基层党建等精神文明内容则视为“虚”指标,在考核中或忽略不计,或一带而过。由于“一手软,一手硬”使一些地方出现了只埋头经济工作,不抓精神文明建设的偏向。  相似文献   

相对不起诉制度是宽严相济刑事司法政策在刑事诉讼中的具体体现。但检察机关适用相对不起诉时程序繁琐,加上起诉工作考核机制以不起诉率作为公诉工作好坏的考核指标,导致相对不起诉在司法实践中适用率过低,背离司法规律和设立该制度的初衷。在提倡宽严相济刑事司法政策的今天,有必要使相对不起诉制度实现价值回归。  相似文献   

郑颖  田平基 《中国公证》2007,(12):15-16
一、公证机构量化管理和考核工作的误区 在司法行政机关对公证机构及其负责人、公证机构对其内部人员的量化管理和考核过程中,会出现一些“不和谐”,考核指标一步步细化、硬化、深化,少数量化管理原定目标却未能达到。那么,导致这些“不和谐音符”的原因是什么,具体操作中又存在哪些误区呢?  相似文献   

本文的研究对象是我国的公诉绩效考核制度。公诉绩效考核指标设计数字化,注重考察无罪判决、撤诉、抗诉三大指标。绩效考核管理过程采用信息化以及年终考核方式。绩效考核反馈对于奖励具有重要作用。公诉绩效考核问题,在于价值理念上重视惩罚犯罪;指标设计导致公检法三部门成"流水线作业",审查起诉的制约功能不足;考核反馈的激励作用发挥不足。未来的改革应当强调:价值理念上向人权保障转变;注重指标设计科学性,强化部门之间的制约;强化考核过程管理,遏制考核过程功利化,确保考核管理实质化。  相似文献   

顾永忠 《中国司法》2011,(11):28-30
《刑事诉讼法修正案(草案)》(以下简称“《修正案(草案)》”)已提交国家立法机关进行审议,同时公布于众,广泛征求社会各界的意见。在《修正案(草案)》中,对刑事辩护制度进行了多方面修改完善,特别是困扰刑事辩护的几个突出问题得到了明确的解决。但仍有一些问题需要进一步完善。更重要的是在对辩护律师的执业保障方面迈得步子还不够大。本文仅就此谈些看法。  相似文献   

考核制度是检察机关科学管理体系中的重要环节,包括检察官绩效考核、部门条线考核和检察院整体考核。现行检察官绩效考评体系存在考核指标较笼统、差异小等缺陷,本文试结合检察工作实际,建立一个突出检察业务工作特色,定量考核与定性考核相结合的检察官考评机制,以期充分发挥考评激励机制的积极导向作用,推动检察官素质全面提升。  相似文献   

刘凯 《法学》2022,(5):55-68
法治绩效考核是法治政府建设的重要环节。当前的考核在法治理念和制度定位上存在重形式而轻实质的倾向,呈现出指标失灵和数据失真的双重困境。在依宪治国的背景下,应秉持实质法治论,在体现形式合法性的基础上,将法治的内在价值运用到指标设计和考核机制中,改造“锦标赛”体制的弊病,实现考核结果的客观性和科学性。应强化法律监督主体的考核主体地位,探索内部考核与外部评价良性互动的考评体系,抓住领导干部这个“关键少数”,重视考核与监督整改的有机衔接,将考核的客观结果转化为可以推动法治建设的组织力量,推动全面依法治国的战略部署。  相似文献   

刑事鉴定对于公安机关侦查破案发挥着日趋重要的作用,公安机关在侦查线索的寻找、侦查方向的确定乃至侦查终结的定案证据等方面都极为依赖刑事鉴定.然而,因公安刑事鉴定制度本身存在某些缺陷而容易产生诸多鉴定问题,进而导致侦查错误的发生,以致酿成了一系列刑事冤案.完善现行的公安刑事鉴定制度首先亟需解决公安机关内设鉴定机构的组织管理制度问题,即应确保内设鉴定机构的相对独立,同时应明确对刑事鉴定技术的采用标准.诚然,完善公安刑事鉴定制度并不能完全杜绝侦查错误的发生,但是可以减少侦查错误发生的概率.  相似文献   

This article presents the aims, approach and design of a 11 countries study on diversion and prosecution in European Criminal Justice Systems. The basic assumption is that the flood of proceedings is mastered by procedural short cuts and simplifications with the public prosecutor as the key player. The article describes the methods developed in order to compare the different national concepts and and competencies of criminal justice agencies and procedures. Furthermore, it demonstrates the interdependencies of the various articles in this double issue focusing on different parts of the criminal justice system from police to the court.  相似文献   

This article addresses the critical problem of sexual harassment in criminal justice agencies. The authors assess empirically the incidents of sexual harassment in criminal justice organizations, and discuss why sexual harassment is more prevalent in criminal justice agencies than in other public agencies.  相似文献   

庭前审查是刑事案件正式庭审的必经程序,但我国公诉、自诉案件庭前审查程序的运作方式却存在明显的矛盾,与正当程序应具有的涵义相去甚远,这不仅可能使公众对法律的理性产生怀疑,并会将法律的运行置入尴尬。  相似文献   

犯罪现场勘查与刑事技术鉴定工作是案件侦查的起点和基础,在刑事侦查工作中扮演着重要的角色,然而从我国实际情况来看,"自勘自鉴"、"自侦自鉴"、"勘鉴不分"的现象非常普遍,这一点与我国《刑事诉讼法》的立法精神相违背,有碍司法公正和侦查工作的顺利进行。为此,必须厘清犯罪现场勘查与刑事技术鉴定的区别,健全犯罪现场勘查与刑事技术鉴定的工作体制,实行"侦勘合一"的工作机制,使公安机关的鉴定机构与侦查部门分离成为公安机关鉴定制度改革的方向。  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(2-4):24-56
The practical task of forensic psychiatry, which is one of the subdivisions of psychiatry, is to give an expert evaluation, on assignment from investigatory agencies and courts, and to devise and recommend measures for the prevention of socially dangerous acts by the mentally ill. Forensic psychiatric expert examination, like forensic medical, criminal, or any other type of expert examination, aids agencies of justice in establishing the facts in a case. Forensic psychiatric expert examination is called upon to assist the investigator and the court in determining whether an individual is a criminal or a legally irresponsible, mentally ill person; whether a person sentenced to a prison term should, because of mental illness, be released before his time is served; whether the investigator and the court may pursue the interrogation of a witness or victim with mental disorders, and whether the testimony of such persons may be used as court evidence. Such an expert examination is necessary in a civil suit in deciding the question of an individual's competence.  相似文献   

This article focuses on sexual harassment in criminal justice agencies from a legal perspective. The article briefly describes sexual harassment cases that address agency liability decided by the United States Supreme Court, discussing the standards of liability articulated in Burlington Industries Inc. v. Ellerth (1998), Faragher v. City of Boca Raton (1998), and Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson (1986). A more precise understanding of when agencies are liable for the actions of their subordinates is developed through an examination of lower federal court decisions. Trends in the law are identified, as case law is categorized according to harassment by supervisors and co-workers. The article concludes by exploring the policy implications flowing from court decisions and by calling for further research on this troubling aspect of the criminal justice workplace.  相似文献   

The victim-offender reconciliation (VOR), practiced by the basic public security, procuratorates and courts since the advent of 21st century, is a new mode different from the mediation or conciliation in the procedure of civil litigation or of that accessory to the public prosecution in criminal proceeding. This mode connects the criminal justice with the mediation or private reconciliation by themselves. Thus, non-official settlement can influence the criminal justice and the decisions of authoritative agencies. It is beneficial to restore the victim’s interests, urge the offender to repent for his wrongdoings, compensate for the victim’s loss and restore the damaged social relationship. The VOR in China is the same in essence as the Western restorative justice, so it could be regarded as a Chinese mode of global restorative justice movement. Though the VOR mechanism works well, it still brings some matter in further consideration: (a) the legitimacy of VOR; (b) the conflict against the basic concept of crime; (c) the effect to the social reality.  相似文献   

Research Summary In 1999, three communities were selected to participate in a research demonstration designed to test the feasibility and impact of a coordinated response to intimate partner violence that involved the courts and justice agencies in a central role. The primary goals of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration (JOD) were to increase victim safety, hold offenders accountable, and reduce repeat offending using coordinated community services and integrated justice system policies in intimate partner violence court cases. The partnerships differed from earlier coordinated community responses to domestic violence by placing special focus on the role of the court, specifically the judge, to facilitate offender accountability in collaboration with both nonprofit service providers and other criminal justice agencies. This article presents the results of an impact evaluation of this demonstration in all sites. The demonstration received mostly positive responses from justice system agencies, service providers, offenders, and victims. Improvements were made in offender monitoring, consistent sanctioning, and increased supervision. However, these changes did not translate into gains in victim perceptions of their safety or into reductions in repeat violence in all sites. Policy Implications The demonstration had minimal impact on changing offender attitudes and behavior. The mixed results of the evaluation indicate that the most effective justice system responses to intimate partner violence must include a focus on protecting victims, close monitoring of offenders, and rapid responses with penalties when violations of court‐ordered conditions are detected. Indications were found that JOD strategies were effective for some subgroups, including younger offenders with fewer ties to the victim and offenders with extensive arrest histories. The observed reductions in intimate partner violence in selected subgroups in the JOD sites may suggest a fruitful way to begin designing new intervention strategies, including prevention programs for men and women.  相似文献   

Police and court liaison and diversion services provide important specialist mental health input along critical stages of the criminal justice pathway. Effective sharing of information between the services and relevant justice agencies is essential. However, various problems exist with the flow of information between agencies and services across the criminal justice pathway. This service evaluation explored how clinically relevant information is transferred, by drawing on the perspectives of prison health care staff in a large urban UK male prison. A qualitative service evaluation was conducted using semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of 11 prison staff. The main themes included: gaps in the transfer of essential information, (particularly concerning risk and offending information); information gathering to fill these gaps; the importance of professional relationships, information sharing between agencies; and information solutions. Improving information transfer across the criminal justice pathway could prevent treatment delays and ensure more timely mental health care in prison.  相似文献   

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