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刘国福 《政法学刊》2010,27(3):42-47
贩运人口是一种现代形式的奴役,严重侵害被贩运者的人权,危害社会和谐稳定。虽然有证据证明,中国的贩运人口情况很严重和需要加大对反贩运人口的法学研究,但是如何发展反贩运人口法律,仍然缺少系统的分析和严谨的论述。面对严峻的贩运人口犯罪形势,有必要完善反贩运人口法律制度,为打击贩运人口提供更为良好的法治环境。  相似文献   

《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其议定书解析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》是当前国际社会打击跨国有组织犯罪的重要法律依据,公约附属的三项议定书则针对贩运人口、偷运移民和贩运枪支等跨国犯罪的制裁进行了全面的规范。公约和议定书在协调各国法律的基础上,强调国际刑事司法的一般准则,并提出了一系列崭新的构想和制度设计。本文在回顾公约及其议定书制定过程的基础上,对公约与议定书的相互关系,公约所确定的国际刑事司法准则,以及特定的跨国有组织犯罪问题进行了详细的解释与分析。  相似文献   

近年来,贩卖人口犯罪在全球引起了广泛关注.在美国政府的敦促下,澳门开始重视其境内的贩卖人口犯罪问题,并于2008年通过了《打击贩卖人口犯罪》法律.将澳门《打击贩卖人口犯罪》法律与《联合国打击人口贩运议定书》进行比对,可以看出澳门打击贩卖人口犯罪的本地立法完全体现了国际法“追诉贩运者、保护被害人、预防犯罪”的宗旨要义,是列于世界先进水平的.但起诉率低、入罪率低的司法现实却警示着澳门地区在打击贩卖的进程中仍然任重而道远.通过进一步完善《打击贩卖人口犯罪》法律,加大执法力度,促进官方与民间实体合作,推动警民合作等努力,澳门的反贩卖行动应该会取得更加瞩目的成绩.  相似文献   

卷烟走私扰乱国内正常烟草市场,冲击国家税收,侵害民众权益,危害性极大。贩运环节是卷烟走私的关键一环,有效治理打击该环节,能够大幅压缩卷烟走私犯罪的活动空间。本文分析了入粤卷烟走私来源及卷烟走私犯罪新动态,并以卷烟走私贩运环节为切入点,梳理出打击卷烟走私贩运环节存在关键数据缺失、大数据应用不够、预警决策机制缺乏等问题,进而提出建设预警决策平台、深化大数据应用、政府高校企业协同攻关、聚焦类案研究等治理策略,综合化解卷烟走私贩运环节治理难的问题。  相似文献   

<正>洗钱和恐怖主义融资对欧盟经济和金融体系的完整性及其公民的安全构成严重威胁。据欧洲警察署估计,欧盟年度国内生产总值中有0.7%~1.28%涉及可疑金融活动。洗钱活动主要涉及腐败、武器和人口贩运、贩毒、逃税、欺诈、恐怖主义融资和其他影响欧盟公民日常生活的非法活动。欧盟对其内部的非法资金采取零容忍态度,制定了坚实的反洗钱和打击恐怖主义融资政策框架,坚定地致力于在欧盟内部和全球范围内打击洗钱和恐怖主义融资。通过刑事措施严厉打击洗钱和恐怖主义融资犯罪及相关上游犯罪是欧盟反洗钱和打击恐怖主义融资政策框架的重要环节。  相似文献   

21世纪的今天,环境问题日益成为一个全球性威胁,作为生物多样性大国的法国也难以独善其身。一方面,环境犯罪类型广泛且不分国界,其范围包括从珍稀物种贩运、过度捕捞到非法伐木和倾倒危险废弃物;同时,贩运珍稀物种的走私路线,也经常被用来贩运武器、毒品和人口,以及造假、腐败、洗钱甚至是谋杀等犯罪活动。换句话说,环境犯罪不仅仅是环境犯罪,它经常与其他犯罪活动同时发生。据估计,环境犯罪每年产生1100至2810亿美元的非法利润。  相似文献   

董纯朴 《犯罪研究》2014,(5):100-112
跨国拐卖人口犯罪是当今世界共同面临的重大犯罪问题,已成为全球第三大非法获利来源,被国际刑警组织称为“世界上增长最快的犯罪”。欧洲,长期以来已经成为世界人口贩卖的最大目的地。跨国拐卖人口这种21世纪的奴役形式严重损害了受害人的身心健康和人格尊严,严重地干扰了国际社会的正常社会秩序。上世纪八十年代末,跨国拐卖人口对国际组织和各国政府尚属边缘问题时,欧盟就开始对其进行研究,并积极考虑遏制对策、开展具体实践。几十年来,打击跨国拐卖人口犯罪已成为欧盟人权战略的一个重要特征。欧盟致力于在国内和世界各地使用“3P”做法来打击跨国拐卖人口犯罪:起诉贩运者,保护受害者以及预防未来犯罪。在打击、预防跨国拐卖人口犯罪过程中务实高效,立法和机制建设也比较成熟。近些年来,我国急剧上升的拐卖人口犯罪出现了一些新的特点。欧盟的做法为我国有效预防、依法打击拐卖人口犯罪,积极救助、妥善安置被拐卖受害人提供了样板和借鉴。  相似文献   

钟鸣 《当代法学》2016,(3):149-160
随着全球文化财产犯罪形势的日趋严峻,中国在保护文化财产、打击文化财产跨境非法贩运方面的制度缺陷问题日益突显.相比之下,美国近年来在执行联合国教科文组织“1970年公约”打击文化财产非法贩运的过程中进行了一系列法治探索和努力,在非法贩运文化财产的进口规则、民事没收与返还以及对文化财产原属国所有权法律的认定和执行等问题上积累了丰富而有益的经验.本文对应中国所需,以美国有益经验为参考、以其不足为借鉴,为中国执行“1970年公约”的国内立法和司法提供参考与借鉴,并对《文物保护法》相关条款的修订有所裨益.  相似文献   

近几年来,拐卖人口犯罪案件逐年上升,这有多种原因,但庞大的“买方市场”的存在,是一个不可忽视的重要因素。在当前扫除“六害”的斗争中,打击拐卖人口犯罪应与正确处理购买人口者同时并举。正确处理购买人口者是打击拐卖人口犯罪的必要措施。 购买人口的行为具有社会危害性,具体表现是:其一,损害被害  相似文献   

近年来境外人员走私贩运假币入境犯罪日益增多,使境外伪造的假人民币、假外币大量流入我国,并通过各种渠道从沿海向内地、从城市向农村四处蔓延扩散,严重危害国家和人民的利益,破坏我国经济改革和对外开放的顺利进行。为此必须加强同伪币犯罪的斗争,从各个方面做好打击和防范工作,以抑制伪币犯罪的滋长。 一,健全和完善刑事立法,为惩处假币犯罪提供强有力的法律武器。  相似文献   

陈晨  刘砺兵 《行政与法》2013,(1):124-129
跨国人口贩卖犯罪业已成为威胁国际社会正常秩序最为严重的罪行之一。我国应将保护视角从妇女、儿童的人身权利拓展到一般公民的人身权利,将打击重点从性剥削转移到强迫劳动;在学术上的研究,应将跨国人口贩卖作为危害人类罪管辖、起诉和定罪的可能。  相似文献   

Trafficking in persons is the fastest growing form of organized crime, because it is less risky than drug or arms trafficking 1 and guarantees astonishing profits ranging between 8.5 and 12 billion Euros per year. 2 The new slave trade is related to extreme poverty, lack of access to resources, unemployment, and poor education, and because of the marginalization of women in society and the feminization of poverty, it obviously affects especially women and children. This article aims at investigating the phenomenon of child trafficking and the most common forms of exploitation and at reviewing the most significant international conventions and special mechanisms that guarantee the protection of child victims’ basic human rights.  相似文献   

Organized crime scholars have paid scant attention to gender and stereotyped roles of women in the commission of organized crime activities. Traditionally, organized crime is seen as a form of criminality perpetrated by men only. Women are usually portrayed as victims of organized crime or as “mean girls”, girlfriends, wives, lovers of brides of notorious gangsters and mobsters. In the southern African context, little historical or comparative data is available on the role of women in organized crime. Existing data is basic and proceeds on the assumption of gender-neutrality or the implied male composition of organized crime groups. The link of women to organized crime is one of suffering and exploitation. However, in reality women fulfill varied roles and functions within transnational organized crime networks in the region. In some instances, they are the foot soldiers of drug and human trafficking syndicates. Sometimes they are the intermediaries or powerful matriarchs at the apex of transnational organized crime networks. Reliant on empirical findings undertaken for a regional 3-year project on organized crime trends in southern Africa, this paper will examine the dynamism of the role of women in organized crime in the region and argues that women play a multifaceted role with implications for themselves, their families, society and organized crime. Gender mainstreaming within scholarly literature and policy research is in nascent stages, this paper pleads for a more gender-sensitive approach to organized crime analysis.  相似文献   

Some Nigerian women entrepreneurs of the Italian sex market were trafficked women in the past who made a career in the trafficking hierarchy and its organized crime groups. The female mobility towards the organizational side of the trafficking offense represents the most striking characteristic of the Nigerian trade industry: in fact, the trafficking victims are driven by their persecutors to take an active part in the trafficking offenses over time. This criminal modus operandi explains why several difficulties arise in defining sharp dividing lines between trafficking victims and trafficking perpetrators. Facing such a distinctive issue, this paper wants to highlight the multiple roles that women hold in the trafficking industry by focusing on: a) the gray areas in the Nigerian trade industry; b) the intermediate roles that individuals hold within the victim/offender model; c) the female vertical mobility in the trafficking hierarchy. Thanks to such an analysis, the author wants to overcome dominant binary approaches (mostly based on the victim/perpetrator dichotomy) in the analysis of Nigerian trade industry.  相似文献   

Since the enactment of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, there has been an increase in both media and scholarly discussions of human trafficking. Although most of these discussions have framed human trafficking as a crime committed primarily by organized crime groups, there has been very little empirical research examining the link between human trafficking and organized crime. In an effort to start to address this gap in the research, we conduct an exploratory study to determine if there is a link between human trafficking and organized crime in one of the Southeast’s human trafficking hubs – Atlanta, Georgia. We collected data on 24 federal human trafficking cases that were indicted in metropolitan Atlanta between 2000 and 2013. Then, we conducted a content analysis of the court documents for each federal human trafficking case and classified the relationship between organized crime and human trafficking using one of three categories: nonexistent, organized criminal network, organized criminal syndicate. For the majority of the human trafficking cases (n = 16), we found that there was no relationship between organized crime and human trafficking. For the cases that did show a relationship between organized crime and human trafficking, we found evidence of organized criminal networks in eight of the cases and evidence of an organized criminal syndicate in only one case.  相似文献   

The amount of empirical research on men who commit sexual murders is scarce, and no distinction has been made between those who have victimized adults and those who have victimized children. Therefore, to better understand specifically sexual murderers of children (n = 11), comparisons were performed with a group of sexual murderers of adult women (n = 66) on developmental, precrime, crime, and postcrime factors. It appears that sexual murderers of children are more often victims of sexual abuse during childhood and present more often deviant sexual fantasies as compared to sexual murderers of women. The results show also that sexual murderers of children more often use pornography prior to crime, have contact with the victim prior to crime, and commit a crime more often characterized by premeditation, strangulation, the hiding of the body, and its dismemberment than the sexual murderers of women.  相似文献   

Sex trafficking has been described as an enormous, serious and growing problem that must be combatted, but also as a moral panic based on a very small number of cases. This article explores the measures that have been proposed to combat sex trafficking by politicians, the national police and the National Council for Crime Prevention in Sweden between 2007 and 2017. The analysis shows that sex trafficking is partly used by the actors to justify their own work. The measures that all three actors describe as central are crime victim support, co-operation, information, education and expanded legislation. The underlying problems associated with sex trafficking, according to the three actors, appear to be prostitution, drug use and foreign women crossing Swedish borders. Much of the responsibility for the provision of information and education is delegated from government agencies to a wide range of actors. This desire for comprehensive societal engagement stands in stark contrast to the small number of sex trafficking cases in Sweden. The measures to combat sex trafficking are thus largely characterized by the hunt for an elusive crime.  相似文献   

王良顺 《政法论丛》2014,(4):113-120
监护权是拐卖儿童罪的保护法益,出卖亲生子女的行为通常不会侵犯监护权.以营利目的或者非法获利目的取代出卖目的,既增加了定罪的复杂程度,又违背罪责刑相适应原则.将出于营利目的或者非法获利目的的出卖亲生子女的行为一律认定为拐卖儿童罪予以处罚,缺乏规范依据和法理依据.享有监护权的父母有抚养能力,共同出卖不满14周岁的亲生子女给他人收养的,应当以遗弃罪从重处罚.享有监护权的父母一方未经对方的同意,或者没有监护权的父母未经监护人的同意,以出卖为目的,出卖不满14周岁的亲生子女的,应当以拐卖儿童罪论处.  相似文献   

论香港打击黑社会有组织犯罪的立法与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港《有组织及严重罪行条例》为打击香港地区有组织犯罪提供了重要的法律依据。香港地区在实施加重刑罚、打击洗黑钱犯罪及要求披露犯罪财富等方面的司法实践亦已趋于灵活,并在防止、侦查和打击有组织犯罪的各环节上都已渐见成效。但香港打击黑社会有组织犯罪的立法仍有值得改进的空间,主要是应当提高立法的预防性、前瞻性、完备性和针对性。具体而言,可以从打击黑社会主要犯罪、增设黑社会犯罪新罪名、修改刑法中对黑社会的定义以及考虑充公黑社会财富的特别立法等方面予以完善。  相似文献   

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