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The positive and negative effects of one's school environment (and interracial contact within this environment) have been widely debated. A question of great concern is whether the racial composition (e.g., school environment) of a school affects one's self-esteem. The present study explored whether self-esteem, race-esteem, school commitment, and delinquency differ by the racial composition of a school. Self-report questionnaires were administered to a random sample of 1,100 high school students in a large midwestern city of the United States. The findings (a) suggest that all four measures differ by school environment, and (b) provide partial support for earlier studies claiming that, within racially homogeneous school environments, African American students, in particular, enjoy higher self-esteem. Moreover, this finding might suggest that racial diversity within certain school environments (e.g., mostly Caucasian or equally mixed) carries with it lower levels of self-esteem. Higher rates of self-reported delinquency, however, were found in the equally mixed school environment than in racially homogeneous school environments.  相似文献   

In a national study of juvenile correctional facilities, the perceived environment of 22 juvenile boot camps was compared to the perceived environment of 22 traditional facilities. Self-report surveys completed by 4,121 juveniles recorded information on demographics, risk factors, and perceptions of the facility's environment. Compared to juveniles in traditional correctional facilities, boot camp residents consistently perceived the environment as significantly more controlled, active, and structured, and as having less danger from other residents. Boot camp juveniles also perceived the environment as providing more therapeutic and transitional programming. Overall, from the perspective of the juveniles, boot camps appear to provide a more positive environment conducive to effective rehabilitation considering almost allof the conditions measured. A major concern is that in both types of facilities, juveniles perceived themselves to occasionally be in danger from staff (rated as rarely to sometimes).  相似文献   

A. R. GILLIS  JOHN HAGAN 《犯罪学》1982,19(4):514-529
This study reviews the literature concerning the general impact of the physical environment on social disorganization, crime, and juvenile delinquency, with a specific focus on the relationship between household density, building density-design, and juvenile delinquency. Two perspectives on control are shown to have developed in an environmental context. One emphasizes the capacity of the built environment to impair informal social control, and the other focuses on the attraction of the same environments for agents of formal social control (the police). A path model is presented. showing that building density-design is an independent predictor of marijuana use and supporting the view that the physical environment can affect informal control. The model also shows that building density-design is a significant predictor of police presence. thus giving empirical support to the notion that the physical environment can affect formal control.  相似文献   

安定有序与和谐社会的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安定有序是构建社会主义和谐社会的任务之一,如何认识社会和谐与安定有序的关系,和谐社会背景下应当追求什么样的社会稳定状态、构建什么样的社会稳定机制、采用什么样的社会稳定治理方式等,是当前亟待探讨的重大理论课题和实践问题。为此,我们必须牢固树立一种动态平衡、相对有序的社会稳定观,努力营造稳定的社会治安环境、安定的社会政治环境、有序的经济社会发展环境、安全的生产生活环境、加强社会建设和管理、营造安定有序的社会环境,积极构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

论生态文明建设与环境司法改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以改革推进生态文明建设是党的十八大报告和十八届三中全会《决定》的根本要求。从生态文明建设与环境保护的关系看,生态文明建设的关键在于环境保护,环境保护是生态文明建设的主战场或主阵地,抓手为环境法治,切入点为环境司法。深入推进环境司法改革,是生态文明建设的助动力和基本保障。环境司法改革应当重点解决三个方面的问题:树立现代环境司法理念,充分发挥司法保护环境的作用;实行环境司法专门化,为环境纠纷解决提供积极的司法服务;实践环境公益诉讼,用司法保护社会环境公共利益。  相似文献   

本文运用公平理念探讨了环境侵权的构成问题,认为对环境侵权的违法性应作实质性理解,并提出了环境侵权推定因果关系的新构想即"正反因果关系说",提出了对环境侵权的正当防卫和紧急避险主张和共同环境侵权与混合过错环境侵权的责任制度。  相似文献   

Gene-environment interactions are important for the development of much human behavior. We examined the possibility that a genetic propensity to criminal behavior interacts with the type of environment in which an individual is raised. Using a cohort of adoptees, we found evidence for independent contributions of biological parent criminality (genetic influence) and urban environment rearing to prediction of adoptee criminality, but no evidence for a gene-environment interaction involving these factors.  相似文献   

The relationship between changes in the stability of the political environment and policy changes are examined through the case of the National Endowment for the Arts in the 1990s. The terminologies of Hall's first-, second-, and third-order policy change and Baumgartner and Jones’ punctuation equilibrium theory of policy change are employed to analyze the relationship evident in the policy history of the Arts Endowment. The case of the Arts Endowment in the 1990s suggests that first-order changes generally occur in a stable political environment (i.e., policy equilibrium) while great instability in a political environment (i.e., policy punctuation) allows the larger second- and the largest third-orders of policy change.  相似文献   

黎慈 《行政与法》2007,(3):31-34
人类为了追求经济利益,对自然进行了无限度的开发,给生态环境带来了严重的破坏并威胁和影响着社会的稳定与发展。在诸多的环境保护方式中,环境行政管理具有基础性地位。目前,我国在环境和生态方面依然面临着非常严峻的形势,因此,有必要探究改善环境行政管理的有效途径,以便更好地贯彻可持续发展的基本国策。  相似文献   

公民环境权是一项新型基本人权,应该成为法律上的权利和公民实有权利。从其内容体系和性质分析,公民环境权是一种复合型权利,兼具公益性和私益性双重属性。全面构建公民环境权的法律保障体系,需从以下几方面着手:确立公民环境权的完法地位;在环境立法中系统规定公民环境权的具体内容;公益性环境权应构筑以环境法和行政法为主的保障和救济途径;私益性环境权应构筑以民法为主的保障和救济途径。  相似文献   

环境法学研究30年:回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去的30年中,年轻的环境法学在环境法学学科基础、环境法基础理论、环境法制度等方面都做过认真的研究,开展了一些理论争鸣,对环境法的历史使命等重大理论问题上取得了新的成果,研究方法渐趋多元化,学科独立性逐步增强,形成了新的理论体系。进一步完善环境法学理论体系,解决环境法制建设中的理论与实践问题、新的环境法学理论与传统法制实践的冲突处理问题等,将成为未来一个时期环境法学研究的重要任务。  相似文献   

There is growing awareness and concern regarding the presence of chemical constituents of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (“PPCPs”) in the environment. A recent USGS study indicated that PPCPs are present at low levels in surface water throughout the U.S. Concern is based in part on the fact that certain PPCPs: (1) are designed to have biological effects (particularly pharmaceuticals), (2) are persistent in or continually added to the environment, (3) have negative environmental effects (specifically on aquatic life) even at low levels, and (4) potentially have cumulative and synergistic effects when combined with other PPCPs. The primary route of PPCPs into the environment is sewage discharges, septic systems, and large stock yards and feedlots where the unmetabolized PPCPs are excreted by humans and animals and end up in surface water and ground-water. Given these circumstances, manufacturers of PPCPs may face a risk of increased regulation and possibly litigation similar to that faced by oxygenate manufacturers and petroleum refiners over the use of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (“MTBE”). Companies can take steps now and in the future that may minimize the impact of these risks.  相似文献   

伍麟 《金陵法律评论》2005,16(5):96-100
可持续发展是当今时代主题,也是当代环境心理学开展研究的主旨.应对多元化、复杂化的环境问题的挑战,实现人与环境的和谐,当代环境心理学需要在价值取向上,扬弃人类中心主义与技术乐观主义,转向人与自然和谐统一与多学科共同努力;在理论构建上坚持宽阔的理论视野、跨领域的理论互补以及在实证研究中发展和深化理论;在方法论上,从个体主义取向转向组织与文化取向,从封闭性、单一化研究转向开放性、国际化研究.  相似文献   

发展中国家贸易与环境法律问题对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐淑萍 《中国法学》2002,(3):151-162
所谓贸易与环境的法律问题 ,实际上是指制订和实施何种国际贸易规则和环境政策 ,才能使国际贸易既不影响环境 ,又能促进各国经济的发展。就广大发展中国家而言 ,它们既要积极参与贸易全球化和自由化进程 ,冲破发达国家设置的种种市场准入障碍 ,又要注意保护环境。为此 ,包括中国在内的广大发展中国家应当在坚持国家环境权的前提下 ,灵活采取各种环境政策和措施 ,以达到发展经济、保护环境的目的。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between recidivism rates, therapeutic climate, and composition of offenders in group-based cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) for sexual offenders. The Group Environment Scale (GES) is employed to measure social climate. The GES is administered to 73 male sexual offenders in groups of those who only victimized adults or children (five groups) or men who both victimized adults and those who victimized children (five groups). Group environment is not found to differ significantly as a function of group composition. Group member's ratings on the GES are in the medium to high range, indicating a generally positive group environment. Although the group environment overall does not differ between groups, groups do differ significantly in terms of expressiveness. There are no differences in recidivism rates between groups as a function of group composition. The results are discussed in the light of mixing child molesters and rapists in group-based CBT.  相似文献   

环境侵权与环境侵害--兼论环境法的使命   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着人们对环境问题关注程度的提高,环境侵权也受到了学界和实务界的高度重视。环境法学界有不少学者都对环境侵权的概念作过认真的疏解,但学者们所定义的环境侵权行为的具体内容、受害主体、侵犯客体三个基本问题上存在明显的分歧并与侵权行为法理论、侵权行为法相矛盾。环境侵权是侵权行为法范畴内的概念,是因生产和生活行为侵害环境并因而对他人的人身权、财产权等权益造成损害的行为。环境侵权是环境侵害的一个组成部分,甚至只是一个小部分。  相似文献   

环境侵权民事责任的功能及实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李劲 《河北法学》2005,23(4):41-43
环境侵权民事责任作为当代环境侵权法律责任之一,具有救济功能、惩罚功能和预防功能;环境侵权民事责任功能的实现方式包括赔偿损失、排除危害及恢复原状等;环境侵权民事责任的功能可以通过行政处理和环境民事诉讼等途径得以实现。  相似文献   

The legal protection of nature has progressed from a separated to integrated protection of resources and environment. Looking at nature from a dialectical and unified perspective, sustainable development requires such integrated protection of the ecosystem for public sharing of natural wealth, convergence of governance of environment and resources, and promotion of ecosystem-based integrated management of environment and resources. China's Nature and Ecology Protection Law is gradually moving towards comprehensive governance for protection of the overall ecosystem. We must work harder to make such a comprehensive governance possible. Thus, China's environmental code (Code) must be moderately developed, including choosing the right title, the scope of work, the objectives and the compiling mode, and establishing a multi-level and diverse integrated system, and addressing five major relationships.  相似文献   

贸易与环境关系的理论及实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从理论上看,贸易自由化与环境保护的关系主要表现为两种价值观的对立;在法律上,尤其是在国际法领域,贸易与环境的关系表现为规则的冲突。在以推动自由贸易为宗旨的世界贸易组织内,这种冲突通常体现为成员国采取限制贸易的环境措施而直接导致争端。分析WTO解决这些争端的实践,可以发现,现行多边贸易体制对处理环境与贸易冲突的争端有了新的发展,主要体现在WTO争端解决机构对GATT1994第20条导言、第20条b款和g款的应用和解释。  相似文献   

Low secure services provide care for psychiatric patients whose risk cannot be safely managed in other settings. The physical environment in these units plays an important role in supporting recovery and risk management. We developed the Quality of Environment in Low secure Services (QELS) checklist to assess the quality of the physical environment of these services. Using recommendations from previously published standards we piloted a draft checklist with a weighted scoring system reflecting the views of patients and providers. The checklist showed good criterion validity and inter-rater reliability. Data collected from 33 low secure services showed considerable variation in the quality of the physical environment. The QELS checklist provides an accessible and reliable means for managers and clinicians to assess whether the quality of the physical environment of low secure units meets recommended standards and can be used to support efforts to improve the quality of care delivered by these services.  相似文献   

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