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郭祎 《行政与法》2013,(7):6-10
相较于中国,德国服务型政府建设在政府机构组织整合、政务信息公开立法、强化采购监督管理、电子政府网络建设及公共服务模式创新等方面积累了一定的经验.新时期,我国应当借鉴德国服务型政府建设的相关经验,在推进行政区划与行政体制改革、积极发挥市场和社会的作用、强化政府管理与公共服务法治化以及政府服务与民众的互动性等方面加强服务型政府建设,以期为我国经济社会发展提供保证.  相似文献   

This article considers a number of issues which might arise in formulating policy for new health occupations. Its particular focus is on nurse practitioners and physicians' assistants and their treatment under potential national health insurance arrangements. The development and expansion of these occupations are described, as is the evidence on their performance with respect to the quality of medical care provided, the impact on the cost of such care, and changes in access to care. We then discuss several issues which might arise in the context of national health insurance legislation, including reimbursement rates and methods, certification and licensure, training subsidies, deployment incentives, and compatibility with an increased supply of physicians.  相似文献   

Economic theories suggest that the introduction of regulation can be analyzed in terms of the magnitude and distribution of its economic impact. This article uses this approach to consider the introduction of licensure in the health sector for clinical laboratory personnel. At the micro level, there is no evidence of active consumer support for licensure and it seems to have been introduced mainly at the behest of members of the occupation and bureaucrats involved in the regulation of laboratories. Bureaucrats appear to have acted largely on their own initiative and are the single most important group involved in the introduction of licensure. The large role of the occupation supports a "producer protection" model of licensure over a "consumer protection" model. But the independent role of bureaucrats suggests that actors in the public sector are also a major interest group who need to be included in any model of regulation. Their motives are complex, but in the past one of the attractions of licensure seems to have been low direct administrative costs, despite large indirect costs to consumers. At the macro level, recent changes in social policy, which may reflect broad class interests, have shifted these indirect costs increasingly to the public sector through programs like Medicare. These changes in the distribution of costs may explain a growing concern by bureaucrats about the efficiency of licensure and a shift away from this type of regulation.  相似文献   

薛天德 《行政与法》2013,(12):14-17
本文认为,深化农村公共信息服务建设,各级地方政府责任重大,但当务之急是处理好地方财政投入力度不足、地方政府角色定位失当、地方政府职能转变迟滞问题.为此,应建立健全各级地方政府部门主导下的多元投资机制;建立健全各级地方政府部门涉农公共服务机制;建立健全农民公共信息需求表达及反馈机制;建立健全由广大农民积极参与的监督机制;建立健全各级地方政府部门的相关决策及规划机制;建立健全科学有效的农村公共信息服务评估机制.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the historical development of federal government policy for kidney, heart, and liver transplantation. It examines several political dimensions of whole organ transplantation: the role of the print and broadcast media; the management of organ procurement; the certification of transplant centers; the evaluation of new surgical procedures; and the issues of financing, distributive justice, and rationing of scarce medical resources. The author finds that the media, though powerful in affecting transplant policy, have not been subjected to critical analysis. Organ procurement modifications, driven by a need orientation toward closing the gap between actual and desired levels of performance, may have adversely affected performance. The case of liver transplantation suggests the need for improved institutions and mechanisms for evaluating new surgical procedures. Finally, states that confront the need to meet a binding budget-balancing requirement may allocate funds away from expensive medical procedures that benefit the few toward basic services that benefit the many; the Oregon and Virginia Medicaid programs exemplify this point.  相似文献   

Enhancing access to legal and advice services is a central pillar of the Access to Justice Act 1999. Within the new welfare framework, employment rights come increasingly into focus as the UK government seeks to forge a link between welfare and work. Access to the labour market, and being sustained within it, are seen as major mechanisms for combating social exclusion. Discrimination at work can only thwart these ambitions. The Access to Justice reforms imply an assessment of need and a review of the ways in which individuals are negotiating the available system of redress. This article reports on a study of advice provision in employment discrimination cases in Wales, funded by the Legal Services Commission and the Equality Commissions in Wales. Drawing on the accounts of key providers, individual experiences of advice seeking and available statistical evidence, it explores the opportunities and constraints of the Welsh context and profiles many of the policy challenges posed for the devolved administration. It demonstrates that, despite advances in equalities legislation and policy directives aimed at strengthening people's employment rights, a number of critical obstacles remain for the most disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

基本医疗服务法制化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获取基本医疗服务是公民保障生命健康的基本权利,应当通过法律加以明确,使之成为"拟制公共产品"。公共卫生服务与基本医疗服务是两种性质不同的服务,不宜用一部法律来统一规定,因此全国人大《基本医疗卫生保障法》的立法模式是不适宜的,应当单独出台《基本医疗服务法》。政府提供基本医疗服务的范围主要包括基本医疗保险、基本医疗救助、基本药物和基本诊疗项目、基本医疗服务体系和基本医疗设施、基本医疗服务人力。公民的医疗服务请求权可以通过诉讼救济,医疗服务请求诉讼的类型属于行政给付之诉。  相似文献   

张丽娜 《行政与法》2010,(12):10-12
政府服务能力的强弱是衡量服务型政府执政能力和施政水平的重要标准之一。要提升地方政府的服务能力,地方政府自身必须加强服务效能建设,提高公务员素质,为广大人民群众提供更多、更好的公共服务。  相似文献   

莫于川 《现代法学》2008,30(2):23-28
必须摒弃神秘主义行政文化传统观念,树立阳光行政和行政程序法治观念,推动提升行政透明度的民主化转型;《行政许可法》、《政府信息公开条例》等法律文件对行政程序透明和阳光政府建设提出了要求、创造了条件;在实践中,许多地方和部门积极开展行政程序公开、政府信息公开、公众参与管理、完善监督救济和创设服务中心等方面的探索创新,天津、成都、邯郸等地的改革经验值得研究借鉴;建设阳光政府的进一步努力,需要充分发挥地方的主动性、积极性和创造性。  相似文献   

论行政许可法对政府的诠释   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴传毅 《河北法学》2005,23(2):60-64
2003年8月27日,十届全国人大常委会四次会议通过了《中华人民共和国行政许可法》。这部法律的颁布施行,是中国政府顺应市场经济体制发展,适应WTO规则,与世界接轨的客观要求。这部法律对我国政府职能的转变将产生巨大影响,它为我国政府作出了有限政府、服务政府、高效政府、透明政府、诚信政府、责任政府等的崭新诠释。  相似文献   

中国的行政程序立法:语境、问题与方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从现代行政国家中行政权不断增长与行政程序发展之间的内在联系入手 ,指出了现代法治国家中行政程序对行政权行使理性化的重要功能。通过对西方主要国家行政程序发展的简要考察 ,文章强调 :我国正在进行的行政程序立法 ,是一个“政府再造”的契机。围绕着我国行政程序立法 ,文章对我国行政程序立法的制度基础、理论基础、以及相关的现实问题进行了扼要归纳 ,这些归纳构成中国行政程序立法的语境。在此基础上 ,文章结合《行政程序法》(专家试拟稿 )的基本框架 ,对我国行政程序立法的立法模式、目标、结构、以及行政程序法与其他相关法律关系等问题进行了讨论。本文的主要目的是指出我国行政程序立法的语境 ,提出立法中的基本问题 ,并探讨可能的方案 ,从而引发对这些问题更多、更深入的关注  相似文献   

随着我国法治进程的不断加快和医疗卫生环境的不断变化,行政指导作为"市场经济国家关于市场功能、政府角色和行政模式的政策选择不断演进的结果,"具有柔和、民主的色彩,既体现了行政行为的目的性,又兼顾了市场经济的自由性,已成为政府主导医疗改革不可或缺的重要手段。但是,由于我国行政指导法律机制不健全以及现实中政府责任意识淡薄,使得行政指导影响了医疗改革的效果及目标的实现。对此,本文认为,行政指导法治化是促进医疗改革的重要途径。  相似文献   

Where general purpose governments provide a bundle of services within their boundaries, special district governments provide specific services inside the boundaries of general purpose governments. The alternative to forming a special purpose government is providing the service within a general purpose government. Formation of a special district represents the establishment of a new political enterprise, in contrast to the addition of a new product line to an existing government. We explore the formation of special districts as a particular form of the universal entrepreneurial search for gain or profit from exchange. Political entrepreneurship, like market entrepreneurship, operates inside some framework of rules, and the formation of special districts reflects the search for political gain within that framework of rules. We use an entrepreneurial framework to formulate several hypotheses concerning the formation and organization of special districts.  相似文献   

"房屋限购令"对市场的干预在权力来源、行使方式、政策考量因素等方面存在与宪政原理、行政法原则相悖之处,其权力运行形式亦游离于行政立法的控权范围,跨越了政府对市场的干预界限。作为一种重要的制度安排,政府对市场失灵的"矫治"限度在于市场基本经济规律的恪守与建立在基本权利划定基础上的权利尊重。市场财产权配置、权力与控权力的对比均衡度则应当成为政府是否越界干涉市场主体权利的两个判断基准。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1992,57(40):7188-7218
This rule implements provisions of section 353 of Public Health Service Act (as amended by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988). Those provisions require laboratories to pay fees for issuance of registration certificates, certificates of waiver, certificates of accreditation, or certificates and to fund activities to determine compliance with the requirements established by the Department of Health and Human Services for laboratory testing. It also establishes the policy that laboratories licensed by and located in States with licensure programs approved by HHS may be exempt from the requirements of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA). This rule also establishes the methodology used to determine the amount of the fees charged for certificates of waiver, registration certificates, certificates of accreditation, or certificates and activities to establish application procedures and determine compliance with applicable certification requirements.  相似文献   

建设和谐乡村离不开法律服务。律师作为法律中介,应以"提供服务、反映诉求、规范行为"为行为模式,正确界定自己在构建和谐乡村中的维新、维权和维稳功能。相关主体应培养与律师功能、和谐乡村相融的市场意识、自治观念、平衡精神,政府应制定扶持政策,规范服务市场,提供服务平台,确保律师充分发挥服务功能,推进和谐乡村的建设。  相似文献   

能源市场准入许可制度法律规制刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑佳宁 《河北法学》2012,(8):132-133,134,135,136,137
在能源市场里,能源企业同时处于纵向的管理关系与横向平等的法律关系中。而能源市场准入制度则处于这两种能源法律关系的联接点,是监管机构对能源企业的规制的依据。能源许可是能源市场准入制度的核心,许多国家在能源基本法中采取概括的立法模式规定许可制度。从概括立法的角度对能源市场准入许可制度进行梳理,并提出以供讨论的改进意见。  相似文献   

布莱尔执政时期比任何以前的工党政府更加坚持政府改革,注重提供公共服务的质量。“公共服务的提供”已经成为新工党的执政重点。与传统的自上而下公共服务提供方式和保守党政府时期强调“市场化”方式不同,新工党革新与改善政策执行的方法是基于“两面性”的基础之上——加强中央的集权与控制.同时强调给予政策直接执行者更多的自治权与自主性。本文旨在对布莱尔执政时期所进行的公共服务改革进行总结和分析,以期对研究布朗政府政策执行有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

入世与中国反垄断法的制定   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
王晓晔 《法学研究》2003,(2):122-134
入世后 ,中国政府越来越注重竞争政策和竞争法问题 ,以应对越来越激烈的国内市场竞争和国际市场竞争。中国现行反垄断法规范尚未形成一个系统和完整的反垄断体系 ,对滥用行政权力限制竞争的行为制裁不力 ,缺乏独立的和权威的反垄断执法机关。 2 0 0 2年 2月的反垄断法草案在滥用市场支配地位、企业合并、行政垄断和反垄断执法机关和程序的规定方面存在缺陷。虽然中国制定反垄断法存在压力 ,但是制定反垄断法有利于提高中国企业的竞争力 ,遏制跨国公司的垄断势力和改善国家的财政和宏观调控。  相似文献   

论社会行政法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
于安 《现代法学》2007,29(5):45-53
社会公平正义是我国社会和政府职能的首要价值,构建社会行政法也成为发展我国行政法及其司法审查制度发展的主题。社会行政法的主要内容,是保障公民的社会权和其他公法受益权,规范行政机关行政给付和其他社会服务义务。公民的集体受益权、行政机关对社会公共事务的决策程序、相关群体的利益表达和参与机制,是社会行政法的核心范畴。  相似文献   

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