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激情漂流遭遇不测 提起漂流,位于河南省平顶山市鲁山县境内的山水漂流是旅游的热点.这里河水湍急,落差大,惊险刺激,漂流河道时宽时窄,变幻莫测,最宽处达30m,最窄处只有5m,既有急流险滩,又有平湖深潭,堪称夏季漂流的理想河段.许多游客不远千里而来,为的就是体验漂流的刺激和快感.一到夏天,这里就成了人山人海的世界.然而,在这热闹的背后,却有着一些让人意想不到的隐患.  相似文献   

为了追回借给好友的项链,安徽籍男青年张通(化名)向北京市公安局朝阳分局小关派出所报案,称好友王虎(化名)在北京市朝阳区某宿舍内窃取自己一条价值3万多元的项链,导致王虎于2015年11月2日被警方刑事拘留.在立案调查过程中,失主张通在接受询问时主动交代了诬告陷害他人的事实.张通非但没有追回项链,反而把自己变身为被告,陷入囹圄中.  相似文献   

已过天命之年的赵武胜与相差20多岁的女子婚外生下一女儿.他承诺以自家财产作担保,签下了一次性给付非婚生女儿50万元的《抚养协议书》.经过两级法院审理认定,该协议因侵犯赵武胜配偶的合法权益而不具有法律效力. 婚外生女惹纷争 赵武胜家住江苏省海门市,时年53岁,与发妻共同养育的女儿已经成年.凭借熟练的水电工技术,赵武胜走南闯北四处揽活,家境渐渐殷实.不过,家庭财政大权全由赵武胜的妻子把持,赵武胜手头并没有可以支配的资产.  相似文献   

礼尚往来,是中国人悠久的传统习俗,也是中国传统文化的积淀,应该加以宣传和发扬.然而,记者近期走访发现,在农村的个别地区,借各种理由大摆酒席收礼的风气浓厚. 沉重的礼金过度强调了“礼”的价值,却歪曲了“礼”的内涵,本来增进感情、互帮互助的美德,却变了色彩和味道. 无论是辽宁的李明强、江苏的王保山还是山东的孙占发,面对沉重的人情债时都显得有几分不解和无奈.孙占发说:“那又有什么办法呢!在我们农村,名声和面子有时候比性命还重要.”  相似文献   

有望终结“毒跑道”的最后一击终于出现了.2016年6月21日,中央电视台财经频道的《经济半小时》栏目播出了“谁制造了‘毒跑道'”专题,记者通过暗访调查曝光了距离北京不到200公里的“毒跑道”黑作坊.这些作坊把废轮胎、废电缆以及说不清来源的工业橡胶废料打碎后生产制造“毒跑道”的原料.  相似文献   

"十六大"以来的五年.勉县县委、县政府以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,走上了又好又快发展之路,步入崭新的发展阶段.一个昔日名不见经传的农业大县,在"十五"末踏上了又好又快的发展之路,近两年来,全县生产总值年均增长15%以上,增速稳居汉中市各县区之首;近年来,先后2646户无电户告别了煤油灯,265户茅草房住户搬进了新居,34万农民看病不再难……连续4年被评为"全市综合工作先进县".  相似文献   

石峰 《检察风云》2007,(9):10-11
《物权法》的颁布,为维护国家基本经济制度、维护社会主义市场经济秩序、保护权利人的物权提供了民事法律依据,同时也为不久的将来我国民法典的问世打下了坚实基础,其意义重大、深远.但本文的视角是在微观层面,选取几类百姓日常生活中已经出现或者可能出现的民事纠纷,结合《物权法》的相关规定加以分析运用,以飨读者.这些问题,在《民法通则》中未有规定或规定甚少,之所以称"普通民事纠纷"是为了与司法实践中主要发生于单位之间的"经济纠纷"以示区别.……  相似文献   

人微 《检察风云》2007,(6):48-49
2007年元旦这天,宣汉县鸡唱乡大坪村一社瘫痪10年的龚维周,委托家人赶了300里路程,将自己亲手绣着"秉公执法,还我公正"的鞋垫,赠送给了宣汉县检察院渎职侵权检察科的干警们,以此感谢检察官严查10年前原鸡唱乡党委书记高泽孝、公安员肖光奎非法控制其人身自由,导致其跳楼致残瘫痪至今的非法拘禁案,使他终于获得了迟到的公正和高额的赔偿金.  相似文献   

潍河 《检察风云》2007,(5):46-47
2005年9月的一天,24岁的"环球小姐"中国江西赛区亚军、南昌电视台<今夜侃侃侃>节目主持人高璐,在北京应一家时尚杂志社之约到一家摄影工作室拍广告照片,给她拍照的摄影师叫陈华新.拍照后陈华新对高璐说他跟多家时尚杂志合作,希望高璐经常来拍照,他可以把她的照片上封面,并且很绅士地向高璐索要联系电话.上封面是很多女青年梦寐以求的愿望,高璐就高兴地把自己的手机号码给了他.……  相似文献   

2月17日下午,澳大利亚昆士兰州警察学院马克&#183;帕拉斯督察、丹尼尔博士,昆士兰州政府驻香港代表李世荣一行3人到我院参观访问。院党委书记陈玉川主持交流会,向来宾介绍了学院情况。副院长杨卫平,以及办公室,教务处、培训部、图书馆、治安系、公共课部、侦察系等部门负责人与会座谈。客人们参观了校园。此次来访,增进了学院与澳洲昆士兰州警方的交流及联系,  相似文献   

Evaluation appointment orders provide enforceable scaffolding for conduct of family court parenting plan evaluations, and use of the evaluator's reports, feedback, file, and testimony. Unlike a contract, a stipulated or adjudicated appointment order is directly enforceable by the family court. It unambiguously positions the evaluator as the family court's appointee – answerable directly to the court and, in some jurisdictions, protected by quasi-judicial immunity from damages claims. A well-crafted appointment order governs the roles and expectations of the court, the evaluator, the parties, the lawyers, and the collateral witnesses. An appointment order mandates the legal duties, rights, powers, and responsibilities of the professionals, the parties, and the collateral witnesses. At minimum, an appointment order articulates the legal basis for the appointment, the purpose and scope of the evaluation, compensation of evaluator, and the duty of the parties to participate in the process. A written evaluation protocol or procedures statement discloses in advance the methods of investigation and assessment that the evaluator intends to use. Together, the appointment order and written protocol help the evaluator, lawyers, parents, and judge manage the complexity of the evaluation process.  相似文献   

The modern idea of criminal justice is organised around a series of antinomies which include the formal and the substantive, the universal and the particular, the individual and the social. This paper examines the place of these antinomies in four different but connected settings: the plight of the humane judge, the classical enlightenment theory of retributive punishment, the judgment of provoked killing, and the critique of orthodox subjectivism in the Anglo–American law. The play of the universal and the particular and the formal and substantive within law reflects and embodies the underlying antinomy of the individual and the social – even where it does not mention it.
The qualitative moment is preserved in all quantification, as the substrate of that which is to be quantified.  相似文献   

Raffield  Paul 《Law and Critique》2002,13(2):127-150
This article considers the development of the individual subject of law and his constitutional status in the early modern English State, within the context of sumptuary legislation enacted by the Crown and the Inns of Court. During the sixteenth century, the legal community took upon itself the role of exemplifying the correct use of symbols and of elucidating the purpose of sumptuary law. The image of the lawyer was manipulated to represent the inherent divinity of common law. The reformation of the image was inevitably influenced by the doctrinal concepts of the European Reformation and is a graphic indication of the centrality of Anglicanism to the development of early modern common law. I discuss these developments with reference to theories of the image proposed by Goodrich, Legendre and Marin. I refer also to Carlyle's satirical treatise on the symbolism of clothes,Sartor Resartus. The constitution of clothes represents the idea of citizenship and the centrality of reason to the body-politic. The rediscovery of classical texts during the Renaissance was instrumental in shaping a constitution in which an embryonic social contract was apparent, as represented in the sumptuary legislation of the Inns of Court. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

未成年子女财产是指未成年人因继承、赠与或劳动等方式取得的归未成年人自己所有的财产。因未成年人尚无管理财产的能力, 通常由其父母行使对该项财产的管理权并排除他人侵害; 享有财产上的用益权、负担子女的必要费用但收益剩余应归子女所有; 且非为子女利益不得处分。  相似文献   

王建文 《法律科学》2009,(5):94-103
因商人制度存在严重缺陷,传统商法体系也相应地存在严重缺陷。这就需要对商人制度及商法体系进行改造。为此,就必须通过对商人制度变革历史轨迹的考察,揭示商入制度变革的内在依据,探求其变革取向,并为我国形式商法关于商主体制度的立法选择提供理论基础。总的来说,商入制度是沿着以自然人为中心的商人向以企业为中心的商人发展的。在此过程中,商人的性质与结构都发生了实质性变化。基于公司商人化、企业人格化以及商人企业化这一历史变迁线索的探索,应将现代商法中的商主体直接定位于企业,并将企业本身界定为商主体。就我国形式商法而言,则应直接以企业作为商主体的替代性概念,并基于企业的特性构建商法的特殊规制模式。  相似文献   

现代心理学的研究目标概括为描述事实、揭示规律、预测趋势和控制行为四个层面,此四级目标可视为心理学对外的学科承诺。以后现代社会建构论的视域审视,心理学能否兑现这些承诺是值得质疑的。首先,心理学所谓的“描述事实”其实质乃是对心理学家所经验的事实的描述,而不是对心理和行为作为“客观存在的事实”的描述。其次,揭示心理规律不仅存在技术困难,所谓“心理规律”也只是现代文化场域内的一种“约定”,而非“客观规律”。第三,由于人作为心理学的研究对象具有作为自然科学研究对象的物所没有的意识能动性,利用心理规律预测心理事件的发生遭遇特殊困难。最后,谋求对人的行为的控制,不仅背离了心理学造福人类的初衷,而且有违自由平等的现代社会价值观。  相似文献   

This paper presents an English translation from the original Tamil of the canonical Saivite hagiographical work, the Tiruttoṇṭar Tiruvantāti of Nampi Āṇṭār Nampi. The date of this work is disputed, but it was probably composed at some point between 870 and 1118 CE. This classical Tamil poem gives in summary form the lives of the sixty three Saivite saints of the sixth to ninth centuries known as the Nāyaṉmār, or Tiruttoṇṭar (“holy servants”, sc. of the Lord Siva). The paper also includes an Introduction, setting out the context of the poem and its place in the Saivite literary tradition from which the Saiva Siddhanta philosophy subsequently developed, and Notes which explain the mythological and other references which the poem contains.  相似文献   

This article analyses the genesis and recent evolution of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), one of the key institutions of African integration. Based on theories relating to the European Parliament, it argues that the dynamics surrounding the establishment of the PAP result from a blend of internal and external factors. On the one hand, the decision to create a PAP can be traced back to the problems of the Organisation of African Unity and to the will of African leaders to revive Pan-Africanism. On the other hand, the establishment and design of the PAP are partially inspired by international precedents such as the European Parliament. Over and above this observation, which is informed by the theory of mimetic institutionalism, the existence of regular interactions between Europe and Africa and, more generally, the outward activities of the PAP, would seem propitious to the self-assertion of this institution. Ultimately, the objective of the article is to lay the ground for a more ambitious theory of regional parliamentary assemblies.  相似文献   

刘家沂 《法学论坛》2006,21(1):108-111
在商事仲裁中,出现有瑕疵的仲裁协议是不可避免的,特别是对仲裁机构约定不明确的情况时有发生,这是一个值得认真探讨的问题。从大多数国家的规定来看,只要使当事人通过仲裁解决他们之间的争议的最初目的得以实现,在仲裁协议或合同的仲裁条款中存在不完善或瑕疵是可以允许的。对这一问题的妥善处理应充分体现当事人意思自治原则。特别是在瑕疵仲裁协议的效力认定上,不能轻易否认其效力,尤其不能将未选定明确的仲裁机构作为认定瑕疵仲裁协议无效的条件,对此,我国《仲裁法》应作修改和完善。  相似文献   

Today there is no sophisticated theory, which continues to rely on subjectivist premises. It is important, however, that anti-humanism theory's disinterestedness in the (imaginary) subject of voluntarism does not lead to an indifference towards being's constitutive non-essence and passivity in the manner of the worst kind of humanism. Emmanuel Levinas' places ‘absurd’ suffering in the place of essence as the knot of subjectivity; his view of the quiddity of suffering as mode of being passively rather than as psychological content and of the modality of disinterested compassion are used in order to formulate the question `who comes after the subject' in ways which allow us to continue thinking of what it means to be affected in an individuated manner without returning us to the subject of self-presence and autonomy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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