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原定于2007年8月中旬开班的法医毒物分析培训班因档期问题,现改在2007年11月中旬开班,开设课程有法医毒物学和实验室规范、法医毒物分析现状与进展、毒物分析方法的控制及评价等。如需参加培训班的  相似文献   

<正>孙亚娟吴军主编。本书分别对法医病理学、法医临床学、法医精神病学、法医物证学、法医毒物分析分学科中鉴定文书常用词句的规范化使用进行了说明,内容涉及相关词条、英语对应词句、释义、例句和索引。  相似文献   

法医毒物动力学   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
本文作者针对法医毒理学的任务、发展趋势和面临的挑战,提出将法医毒物动力学列为法医毒理学新的分支学科,并阐述了法医毒物动力学的概念、研究目的和任务、研究对象、研究内容、研究方法、研究方向及亟待解决的问题。内容涉及毒物动力学、死后分布、动态分布、死后再分布、死后弥散、毒物分解动力学、毒物死后产生情况等。法医毒物动力学研究将解决中毒法医学鉴定中的许多问题,如尸体或活体中毒当时机体内毒物浓度的推断、死后腐败产生毒物与生前服毒的区别、生前服毒与死后染毒的鉴别、毒物进入机体时间、途径和方式的确定。  相似文献   

目的利用发光细菌-青海弧菌Q67对于法医毒物的敏感性,建立一种案发现场快速检测法医毒物的发光细菌检测方法。方法制备冷冻干燥青海弧菌Q67测试液,将法医毒物检材的不同浓度稀释液加入制备好的青海弧菌Q67测试液中,通过检测青海弧菌Q67反应前后的相对发光强度的变化,计算出样本对青海弧菌Q67相对发光强度的变化率或抑制率,对法医毒物检材的毒性进行生物影响的定性评价。结果通过对包含多种农药混合物的法医检材稀释液的测试,发现发光细菌检测结果呈阳性的4个检材对青海弧菌Q67的发光强度抑制率分别为:100.00%,90.41%,84.26%,88.81%。结论通过对包含多种农药混合物的法医检材的测试表明,青海弧菌Q67发光检测方法对法医毒物的毒性的检测是一种快速、灵敏的现场检测方法。  相似文献   

在中毒或疑似中毒案件中,毒物鉴定对于提供侦查线索与犯罪证据、澄清案件性质、还原犯罪过程具有重要意义。基于液液萃取和分散固相萃取原理而建立起来的QuEChERS方法,由于其快速、简单、廉价、高效、可靠、安全等优势,正逐渐应用于法医毒物分析的样品前处理过程中。本文综述了QuEChERS方法的基本原理及其在提取和净化等过程中的优化改进,重点详述近年来QuEChERS方法在法医毒物分析领域的应用现状,并对未来发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

随着溴敌隆等抗凝血类杀鼠剂的广泛应用,其检测技术成为近年来法医毒物分析领域研究的热点之一。本文对国内外抗凝血类杀鼠剂检测技术的研究进展及趋势,包括样品前处理及提取方法、仪器分析方法等进行综述,希望能为法医毒物分析及相关领域中的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

法医毒物检验中毒物的快速筛查与检测研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
法医毒物学检验工作的需求,已从单一种类毒物检验逐渐转向多目标毒物筛查和常见未知毒物筛查。免疫法、液相色谱质谱联用法、气相色谱质谱法及未知物筛查技术是目前常用的毒物筛查技术和方法,这些方法和技术都有其特点。本文综述了目前已开发的毒物快速筛查技术和方法,并对各种方法的优缺点和应用价值进行了评价,希望能为法医毒物学检验工作中毒物的快速筛查提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

林几教授创办的法医研究所在50年代))JIal迁上海。曾第一7.军医大学任教的如在座的陈康颐教授、丁涛教授与张扶扬教授及己去川:的陈谦禄教授、曾任一f.军大药学院院长的黄呜驹教授都曾经是林几教授的学生L这些前辈们工作兢兢业业,为:-.军大的法医学与毒物分析奠定了基础,虽然历年来教学经费有限,经过几代人的努力,前赴后继,至今还保存了法医与毒物分析专业的教学与研究,现在医疗系的张扶杨教授与药学院的柳正良教授正继续努力开拓法医与毒物分析的教学与科研,传授新知识,研究新课题。与上海法医与毒物分析界同仁,为弘扬…  相似文献   

多种药毒物同时检出方法的建立,一直是法医毒物分析领域的研究重点。它能为死因分析提供线索,也能为临床用药提供指导。本文综述了血、尿中常见药毒物同时检出的分析方法。主要从回收率和灵敏度两方面对检材的预处理和仪器分析方法进行了总结与比较。  相似文献   

《中国法医学杂志》是综合性学术期刊,栏目分四大类:第一类,有"论著"和"论著摘要"栏目,刊载在法医学科各领域的科研成果(包括阶段性成果),探讨新理论,介绍新技术、新方法、新进展,所涉及内容覆盖了法医病理学、法医损伤学、法医人类学、法医临床学、法医物证学、法医毒物学、毒物毒品分析、司法精神病学等。  相似文献   

Validation of new methods   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Reliable analytical data are a prerequisite for correct interpretation of toxicological findings in the evaluation of scientific studies, as well as in daily routine work. Unreliable analytical data might not only be contested in court, but could also lead to unjustified legal consequences for the defendant or to wrong treatment of the patient. Therefore, new analytical methods to be used in forensic and/or clinical toxicology require careful method development and thorough validation of the final method. This is especially true in the context of quality management and accreditation, which have become matters of increasing relevance in analytical toxicology in recent years. In this paper, important considerations in analytical method validation will be discussed which may be used as guidance by scientists wishing to develop and validate analytical methods.  相似文献   

食品质量安全已成为中国政府和大众关注的焦点,对食品质量安全的管理成效不理想也成为政府治理的一大顽症。其原因在于政府缺乏一个全面、综合、动态的食品质量安全管理分析框架。所以建立在食品质量安全突发事件与食品质量安全风险、食品质量安全危机之间广泛联系、相互链接、动态发展基础之上的中国食品质量安全管理分析框架,对于中国食品质量安全管理就具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。运用此分析框架,构建食品质量安全风险管理、食品质量安全应急管理、食品质量安全危机管理三位一体的治理体系是中国政府对食品质量安全管理的根本之策。  相似文献   

Health care rights by their very nature have to be considered not only in a traditional legal context structured around the ideas of human autonomy but in a new analytical framework based on the notion of human interdependence. "A healthy life depends upon [social] interdependence: the quality of air, water, and sanitation which the [state] maintains for the public good; the quality of one's caring relationships, which are highly correlated to health; [as well as] the quality of health care and support furnished officially by medical institutions and provided informally by family, friends, [and the community]."  相似文献   

Health care rights by their very nature have to be considered not only in a traditional legal context structured around the ideas of human autonomy but in a new analytical framework based on the notion of human interdependence. "A healthy life depends upon [social] interdependence: the quality of air, water, and sanitation which the [state] maintains for the public good; the quality of one's caring relationships, which are highly correlated to health; [as well as] the quality of health care and support furnished officially by medical institutions and provided informally by family, friends, [and the community]."  相似文献   

Combining key attributes of GeneMapper® ID and FSS-i3 software packages with our internally created LIMS and some additional analytical programming has permitted us to increase quality checks on DNA profile data review while eliminating analysis time.  相似文献   

A mean of 44 members of the United Kingdom national external quality assessment scheme (UKNEQAS) for toxicology reported analytical findings on 10 toxicological cases circulated between December 1995 and February 2000. Material distributed usually consisted of a 5ml blood and a 20ml urine sample simulated by quantitative addition of drugs and their metabolites to material donated by volunteers and patients. The samples were accompanied by a brief outline of the circumstances surrounding the case. Laboratories were requested to report their analytical findings, list methods of analysis, and provide interpretation of their findings. The mean overall success rate for identification of drugs or their pharmacological group was 76%, failure being largely by laboratories providing an immunoassay-based screening service for a fixed range of drug groups. The latter laboratories indicated that cases would be referred to regional toxicology centres for further investigation or confirmation. The coefficient of variation of measurements was <7% for routine analytes, such as ethanol and paracetamol, but 26-44% for tricyclics and opiates. There were 3% false positive reports. The quantity and content of interpretative comment provided by the laboratories was very variable. A number provide nothing in addition to the analytical result.  相似文献   

A variety of external quality assurance (EQA) schemes monitor quantitative performance for routine biochemical analysis of agents such as paracetamol, salicylate, ethanol and carboxyhaemoglobin. Their usefulness for toxicologists can be lessened where the concentrations monitored do not extend fully into the toxic range or where the matrix is synthetic, of animal origin or serum as opposed to whole human blood. A scheme for quantitative determinations of a wider range of toxicological analytes such as opioids, benzodiazepines and tricyclics in human blood has been piloted by the United Kingdom National External Quality Assessment Scheme (UKNEQAS). Specialist schemes are available for drugs of abuse testing in urine and for hair analysis. Whilst these programmes provide much useful information on the performance of analytical techniques, they fail to monitor the integrated processes that are needed in investigation of toxicological cases. In practice, both qualitative and quantitative tests are used in combination with case information to guide the evaluation of the samples and to develop an interpretation of the analytical findings that is used to provide clinical or forensic advice. EQA programs that combine the analytical and interpretative aspects of case studies are available from EQA providers such as UKNEQAS and the Dutch KKGT program (Stichting Kwaliteitsbewaking Klinische Geneesmiddelanalyse en Toxicologie).  相似文献   

There has been burgeoning interest in psilocybin-use for the treatment of various neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. Psilocybin is mistakenly perceived as the principal pharmacologically active compound due to its high concentrations found in magic mushrooms; however, it is the prodrug of psilocin. Despite the expanding body of clinical research seeking to understand the pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetic properties of psilocin, and its role in inducing dramatic changes to cognitive function, there has not been a corresponding increase in the development of sensitive analytical methods that can quantify psilocin in different biological fluids. Existing analytical methods have been developed using plasma, serum, and urine as the matrix of choice, but with the unknown blood-to-plasma ratio of psilocin, any pharmacokinetic conclusions drawn solely on plasma data may be misleading. Thus, the main objective of this study is to develop the first analytical method that utilizes SPE and LC–MS/MS to quantify psilocin in human whole blood. The SPE procedure yielded a high recovery efficiency (≥89%) with minimal matrix effects. The method was validated according to ANSI/ASB 036 guidelines. Linearity was between 0.7–200 ng/mL and encompassed previously reported ranges found in plasma/serum. Bias, within- and between-run precision for all quality controls met ANSI/ASB 036 acceptability criteria. Endogenous/exogenous interferences and carryover were negligible. Psilocin stability was assessed at 4°C over 48 h and was considered stable. Although a proof-of-concept study will need to be performed to characterize the method, this analytical workflow was able to detect and quantify psilocin in human whole blood at low limits of quantification.  相似文献   

The preanalytic phase has been recognized to have a substantial role for the quality and reliability of analytical results, which very much depend on the type and quality of specimens provided. There are several unique challenges to select and collect specimens for postmortem toxicology investigation. Postmortem specimens may be numerous, and sample quality may be quite variable. An overview is given on specimens routinely collected as well as on alternative specimens that may provide additional information on the route of administration, a long term or a recent use/exposure to a drug or poison. Autolytic and putrefactive changes limit the selection and utility of specimens. Some data from case reports as well as experimental investigations on drug degradation and/or formation during putrefaction are discussed. Diffusion processes as well as postmortem degradation or formation may influence ethanol concentration in autopsy specimens. Formalin fixation of specimens or embalmment of the corpse may cause considerable changes of initial drug levels. These changes are due to alterations of the biological matrix as well as to dilution of a sample, release or degradation of the drug or poison. Most important seems a conversion of desmethyl metabolites to the parent drug. Some general requirements for postmortem sampling are given based on references about specimen collection issues, for a harmonized protocol for sampling in suspected poisonings or drug-related deaths does not exist. The advantages and disadvantages of specimen preservation are shortly discussed. Storage stability is another important issue to be considered. Instability can either derive from physical, chemical or metabolic processes. The knowledge on degradation mechanisms may enable the forensic toxicologist to target the right substance, which may be a major break down product in the investigation of highly labile compounds. Although it is impossible to eliminate all interfering factors or influences occurring during the preanalytic phase, their consideration should facilitate the assessment of sample quality and the analytical result obtained from that sample.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis of forensic samples typically is performed when the quantity and quality of DNA are insufficient for nuclear DNA analysis or when maternal relatives may be the only reference source. Many of the steps required in the analytical process are both lengthy and labor intensive. Therefore, improvements in the process that reduce labor without compromising the quality of the data are desirable. The current procedure requires purification of the amplicons by centrifugal filtration after PCR and prior to cycle sequencing. Because this method requires several manipulations to perform, alternate cleanup procedures were investigated. These include the use of 1) Qiagen QlAquick PCR Purification columns, 2) Concert Rapid PCR Purification columns, and 3) ExoSAP-IT reagent. When the yield of purified amplicons, quality of the sequence profile, and ease of assay were evaluated, the use of ExoSAP-IT reagent for post-amplification purification was chosen to replace the filtration method.  相似文献   

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