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青年人正常行走左右足底压力分布关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
汤澄清 《刑事技术》2008,(6):19-20,27
目的研究左右足底压力分布及变化规律,为利用现场左右足迹分析年龄等人身特点提供科学依据,也为足迹定量化分析与检验奠定基础。方法采用Footscan足底压力步态分析系统,选择30名青年男性,对其正常行走时足底压力分布数据进行采集、处理,运用SPSS12.0统计软件对左右足底6个区域的平均压强进行Pearson相关分析。结果左右足相应区域足底压力分布具有不同程度的相关性。结论正常行走左右足跟区压强相关性最好,在利用现场左右足迹分析年龄等人身特点时,应以跟区特征为主,其它区域特征辅助。  相似文献   

目的研究足底各区域压力分布的变化及其规律,为案件现场足迹分析提供理论基础与科学依据,促进足迹标准化与定量化检验。方法利用Footscan足底压力步态分析系统,采集15名青年人快速行走和常速行走时足底压力的数据,运用SPSS软件对两种步速下足底主要承重区域压力的分布特点作相关性分析和比较研究。结果足底各区域压力分布相关性不大,反映出压力有不同程度的改变。结论现场足迹分析时,应结合具体案情及犯罪嫌疑人的活动情况,准确把握足迹特征的变化以获得理想的分析结果。  相似文献   

从足底压力分布看步法特征的可靠性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用比利时FootScan压力传感器,对154名年龄在18至55岁之间的健康男性赤足正常行走时的足底压力数据进行提取,以运动生理学、运动生物力学及足迹步法特征理论为基础,用数理统计学方法对足迹压力数据进行了计算分析,对步法特征形成不同时期足与承受客体相互间的作用过程和作用方式进行深入、系统、定量的研究,进而对步法特征的传统理论进行验证,阐明了对步法特征理论中未经过科学验证部分的认识,并对步法特征理论中各类特征的可靠性及特征价值进行了初步的探讨,为今后的足迹步法特征检验鉴定工作和步法特征的发展完善都提供了有力的依据。  相似文献   

Footscan步态分析系统在足迹检验中的应用初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨对人体行走运动主要步态参数的定量化分析技术.方法 以步态分析技术与足迹检验理论和方法为基础,运用先进的Footscan足底压力步态分析系统,对154名年龄在18至55岁之间的健康男性正常行走的时间、空间和力学等主要步态参数进行检测和统计分析.结果 Footscan系统采集的数据信息客观、全面,步态参数的量化分析方便、准确.Footscan系统能为足迹检验向定量化和自动化发展提供更加可靠的手段.  相似文献   

1简要案情王某,男,37岁,因胸闷、气喘到一个体诊所就诊,个体医生为其针炙治疗。用3根针炙针分别刺在前胸部、背部及右足跖部,约5min,患者出现烦燥,面色苍白,呼吸困难,立即予以拔针,随即摔倒在地,不省人事。拨打120急救后,抢救无效死亡。2尸体检验发育正常,营养一般,胸部左侧第二肋间距前正中线4cm有一针刺孔,对应肋间肌有一2cm×1.8cm的出血区,背部正中第三胸椎处有一针刺孔。右足底跖部有一针刺孔。心包呈充盈状,紫蓝色,前壁折叠处有一4cm×3.5cm的出血区,其间有一针刺孔。心包内积血520ml,左心室前壁上缘有一直径0.6cm的类圆形破裂口,深达…  相似文献   

本文所述几点,是对足迹检验中影响特征形成的几种因素的简单归结,与大家共同探讨(以平面赤足迹反映的特征为准).1 坡度对足迹的影响1.1 上坡时坡度与重压部位面积、位置的关系上坡时足迹特征反映为整个脚部重压后移,在正常足迹中反映不出的三、四趾压加重,掌部重压主要反映在第一跖区.且坡度越大,第一跖重压反压越明显.跟压加重,落脚部位不明显.在一些坡面比较平滑的客体上,这时鞋印的前边缘常常后移,使  相似文献   

目的 在电话网络诈骗高发背景下开展对诈骗受害人心理等特征研究,深入了解此类犯罪,为此类犯罪的控制和预防策略制定提供依据。方法 采用案例回顾法对255例网络电信诈骗案件受害人特征进行研究和分析。结果 网络电信诈骗案件受害人中女性占51.6%,男性占48.4%,平均年龄29.75岁,学历分布在各个层次中。根据受害人表现的突出心理特征,分为“突陷困境后主动避难”类,占总数29%;“帮助他人”类案件,占总数23.1%;“期望好运气”类案件,占总数20.4%;“过渡信任网络交易安全”,占总数27.5%等。有40.4%的案件冒用警察等权威职业身份进行犯罪活动。研究证实受害人学历高低与信任和服从权威职业无统计学关系(F=4.627,P=0.201)。“期望好运气”受害人群有年龄差异,青年人更容易受骗。(F=32.4,P〈0.001)。结论 诈骗案件受害人特征与传统认识不同。受骗后存在急性应激心理、利他心理、服从权威、期望好运气等复杂的心理特征表现。  相似文献   

目的探讨人体行走运动主要步态特征参数新的提取识别方法和定量化分析技术。方法以步态分析技术与传统的足迹检验理论和方法为基础,运用先进的Simi Motion视频动作捕捉系统,对50名健康男性正常行走的步态特征参数进行识别和分析。结果提出了一种基于关节点的步态特征提取方法,得到了行走步态特征的基本参数,为步态特征定量化检验提供技术支持。结论研究表明,simi视频动作捕捉系统可以获得较精确的步态特征数据,能够满足人体步态分析的需求,进而达到人身个体识别的目的。  相似文献   

蹬痕和压痕一样是步态特征之一,但由于人们对其的认识程度的限制,它的应用受到影响。本文拟从蹬痕的形成机制谈起,给出蹬痕的识别方法和蹬痕应用方面的注意事项,供同行参考。1蹬痕的形成机制蹬痕是人行走中起足阶段蹬地动作所形成的。深入研究蹬地的动作,发现可以用杠杆原理来描述起足运动。蹬地动作可分解为跖趾关节杠杆和趾关节杠杆运动。小腿三头肌提拉足跟,使足绕跖趾关节发生杠杆运动,即足相对踝关节发生逆时针旋转,或为足屈运动,同时伴随足趾作伸的运动,必将使跖趾关节向后下方挤压地面形成蹬力。跖趾蹬力可分解为垂直方向…  相似文献   

钱国宏 《政府法制》2011,(32):33-33
萧伯纳 英国现代杰出的现实主义戏剧作家萧伯纳,被誉为“世界著名的擅长幽默与讽刺的语言大师”。他常常是出语如珠玑,令人开颜捧腹。一天,他在大街上行走时被一个骑车的青年人给撞倒了。青年人连忙下车扶起萧伯纳,再三道歉。萧伯纳却没事似的掸掸身上的土,  相似文献   

Gunshot residue below the surface of the skin is typical of a contact gunshot wound. However, in a case of our own, when a taxi-robber was shot by the cab driver through his right hand at a distance of several yards, this finding provoked quite a confusion. Only when experimental shots at thick glabrous skin were performed, it could be established that long range shots led to intraepidermal gunshot deposit too. The explanation of this phenomenon lies in the tenacity of thick skin. Unlike the thin hairy skin, which is punched out by the penetrating projectile, the thicker and more tenacious plantar/palmar epidermis gets displaced radially, the stratum germinativum tears and the projectile casts its gunshot residue in the pouch formed in such a manner. Therefore, intraepidermal gunshot residue is proof of an entrance gunshot wound but not always a sign of contact shot if the wound is located in the palmar or plantar region. It is typically produced by shots at thick skin.  相似文献   

目的探索油墨捺印指纹显现三级特征稳定性的影响因素,排除主观条件的影响。方法在最适宜的条件下,通过油墨捺印采集不同压力下的指纹样本,清晰地显出指纹三级特征,用高分辨率扫描仪扫描试验样本,保存指纹样本,最后分析了指纹汗孔、细点线、纹线形态、皱纹等三级特征的反映性及稳定性,确定其鉴定价值。结果油墨捺印法对三级特征的反映性不够理想,汗孔、纹线形态特征、细点线特征及皱纹在不同压力下的稳定性较差。其中,各个三级特征在轻压下的反映性及稳定性较为接近实际,捺印的压力越大则三级特征变形越大,甚至完全变形成为另外一种特征。结论所以如果将此法应用于指纹比对时,仍需进一步的研究与改进。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been a growing openness about the importance of human factors in forensic work. However, most of it focused on cognitive bias, and neglected issues of workplace wellness and stress. Forensic scientists work in a dynamic environment that includes common workplace pressures such as workload volume, tight deadlines, lack of advancement, number of working hours, low salary, technology distractions, and fluctuating priorities. However, in addition, forensic scientists also encounter a number of industry‐specific pressures, such as technique criticism, repeated exposure to crime scenes or horrific case details, access to funding, working in an adversarial legal system, and zero tolerance for “errors”. Thus, stress is an important human factor to mitigate for overall error management, productivity and decision quality (not to mention the well‐being of the examiners themselves). Techniques such as mindfulness can become powerful tools to enhance work and decision quality.  相似文献   

Lateral and anteroposterior radiographs of the ankles of 800 Central Europeans aged 20 to 79 were analyzed with regard to sexual dimorphism. All the distances, but not the angles, of the calcaneus were much larger in males than in females. Approximately 80% of the study sample could be sexed correctly by classifying all specimens greater than 86.0 mm in length as male and those less than 86.0 mm as female. The prevalence of os tibiale externum was 8.0 and 2.6% and the prevalence of plantar heel spur was 16.3 and 6.5% (increasing with age) for males and females, respectively, being significantly more frequent in females. On the other hand, the bone island frequencies were 9.1% in males and 4.8% in females. Our study suggests that radiographs of the ankle are a convenient, rapid, cheap and non-invasive means for estimating sex.  相似文献   

Tests shots with hand weapons of .22, .25, .32, .357, and .45 calibre were made to find out whether bullet entrance wounds in palms and plantae are very different from such wounds in other parts of the body. As far as shots without contact between muzzle and skin were concerned, the following characteristics were noticed: (1) Entrance holes from pistols and revolvers of the same calibre were smaller in palms and plantae than in other parts of the body. (2) There is no abrasion collar as typically found in other regions. (3) The corneum of epidermis around the entrance hole is lifted off and torn radially. These unusual findings are most probably the result of the particular texture of the palmar and plantar epithelium.  相似文献   

To investigate the morphology and hemodynamics of the early myocardial contusion, an animal model of cardiac contusion was established by impact to the precordial region at sternum at velocity of 10.0m/s with a mechanical elastic-cord propelled impactor in 19 dogs. The electrocardiogram and both the left and right intra-ventricular pressures were recorded continuously throughout the experiment. Histological and immunohistochemical examinations of myoglobin, creatine kinase-MB and fibrinogen were conducted. At the moment of impact, abrupt over-pressures within the left and right ventricles occurred with concomitant serious arrhythmias followed by variety of cardiac conduction disorders and depressed left and right ventricular systolic pressures during the observation times. Histologically, lesions of myocardial contusions were identified at subepicardial, myocardial or subendocardial layer as interstitial hemorrhage, disruption or coagulative necrosis as well as contraction band necrosis of the muscle fibers, which might be categorized into the hemorrhagic, necrotized and mixed forms. The three forms of lesions were found to exist independently, or co-existed in a heart. However, severity of the lesions varied greatly with different parts even within a heart. Intravascular thromboses were occasionally discovered post-impact. Immunohistochemically, loss of myoglobin and creatine kinase-MB from cardiac cells, and accumulation of fibrinogen at the cell membranes were detected 5min post-impact. The intracellular accumulation of fibrinogen increased with extension of post-impact intervals. Our results indicate that diverse morphological lesions concomitant with hemodynamic compromise and serious, even fatal arrhythmias occur in the early myocardial contusion, and intravascular thromboses are occasionally produced, suggesting that traumatic myocardial ischemic lesion may be induced due to blunt impact to the precordial region.  相似文献   


The study investigated the relationship between static and dynamic risk and reconviction in a sample of child sexual abusers who had completed a long-term residential treatment programme for their sexual behaviour problems. Results found that only High/Very High risk men as measured by a static risk assessment schedule (Risk Matrix 2000) were reconvicted for sexual offences (17% over a 2-year period, 42% over a 5-year period). Results also showed that it was generally men who were rated as a high level of dynamic risk that were reconvicted for a sexual offence (13% versus 5% over a 2-year period; 44% versus 10% over a 5-year period). The study also indicated the benefits of residential treatment for such High risk/High Deviance men in that no men who left the programme having responded to treatment had been reconvicted for sexual offences at either follow-up period.  相似文献   

While regional innovation systems are, to some extent, an artefact of regional administration and mimesis, there are also clear proximity and agglomeration dynamics. A third type of dynamic at play derives from uptake of knowledge production, regional role of universities etc. The advent of strategic science, with its double emphasis on relevance (including local relevance) and global competition, creates pressures on universities which want to play a regional role as well. The University of Twente, in The Netherlands, is an example. Its evolution shows that the regional function leans heavily on institutional differentiations like outreach units, while strategic science is taken up in new outward looking, problem-solving centres, not necessarily directed towards the region. The immediate moral is that universities can play a role in managing the tension between local (regional) and global, but the tensions will return internally. The general moral is that the changes in knowledge production (whether labeled as strategic science or Mode 2 or whatever) have to be taken into account in regional innovation systems. This might also help to avoid a short-sighted focus on wealth creation.  相似文献   

This ex post facto study of officially reported child abuse and neglect incidents examined the demographic and dynamic variables associated with reportedly maltreating adolescent mothers of differing ages. A sample of one half of all the incidents reported within Maricopa County, Arizona, was drawn for the period January 1, 1976, through December 31, 1978 (N =5,098). Adolescent mothers were compared on the basis of their age at the time of the incident, and were categorized as younger adolescents (less than 16 years of age) and older adolescents (16 to 19 years of age). It was found that this total sample of adolescents was faced with pressures such as those found within the general, non-age-specific maltreating population. However, the younger adolescent was faced with the greatest financial stress, yet was less likely to be receiving any income supplement. Additionally, the younger adolescent was more likely to be a minority group member, was less likely to be married, and the maltreating situation involved neglect of children. In sum, the reported situation was likely to have been a direct result of the financial, educational, employment, and life experience limitations found in the adolescent's environment. Discussion of the findings reported that the younger adolescent parent's problems were rooted in basic survival and environmental stabilization needs. Implications and suggestions for further research are also presented.  相似文献   

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