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我国的精神损害赔偿历经从无到有,由简单到逐步走向成熟的发展过程,这些年已成为学术界和实务界研究和探讨的热点问题。本文从精神损害赔偿的概念之手,对精神损害赔偿制度中存在的几个问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

陈宜  王敏重 《中国司法》2007,(3):106-108
律师服务收费制度是律师学理论构架下的一个制度群。该制度一直以来未能得到理论界的充分重视,在立法建设方面也存在一定滞后;随着我国律师业的蓬勃发展,律师实务界的执业实践对立法建设和理论研究提出了挑战与要求。因此,作为立法建设的推进,国家发改委和司法部联合发布的《律师服务收费管理办法》应运而生。而理论研究方面,现有的研究尚未能构建出完善的、系统化的律师服务收费制度。本文在梳理前人成果的基础上,本着理论结合实践的精神,拟架构一个系统化的律师服务收费制度群,以抛砖引玉,促使更高阶段、更深层次的理论研究的诞生,使得对我国律师服务收费制度的研究达到一个新高度。  相似文献   

宣海林 《中国审判》2013,(6):22-24,2
4月底,消费者权益保护法修正案草案提交全国人大常委会初次审议,在许多方面实现了较大的突破。针对引起较多关注的消费者概念的界定、消费者公益诉讼的提起等具体条文,来自学术界的专家和实务界的律师给出了完善的建议和论证。  相似文献   

寿光证据开示试点模式的理论阐释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言:关于建立证据开示机制的思索理论界与实务界对1996年刑事诉讼法修改的评价在律师信息知悉权(包括证据知悉权)问题上是惊人的相似,一个共同的看法是法律的修改由于缺乏对辩方证据知悉权的妥善、周全的考虑导致律师知悉证据的范围在1997年新法实施之后,大大受到了限制。这一共识促使着我们学术界与实务界近年来不断探  相似文献   

知识产权权利冲突研究近年来不断升温,实务界和学术界都很关注。知识产权权利冲突作为一个法学概念,系对特定法律现象从法学角度做出的归纳总结,其本身具有一定的模糊性,需要在学术讨论中达成共识。知识产权权利冲突与法律冲突、知识产权侵权是相区别的概念,不应一概而论地否定对权利冲突的研究价值。知识产权权利冲突有积极的意义,但也有消极的影响,研究权利冲突最终的价值在于减少消极影响,促进权利体系完善和发展。  相似文献   

民法上区分物权与债权的方法及其价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
直至《物权法》颁布,有关物权与债权的基本理论仍没有形成共识,无论是学术界还是实务界对于物权与债权都没有十分清楚的认识,其根源在于民法理论发展史上《法国民法典》“同一主义原则”立法模式和《德国民法典》“区分原则”立法模式对此持有不同的观点。本文通过对债权与物权在概念、性质、法律根据等方面的区别进行分析,突出强调了对债权与物权进行区分的法理及实践价值。  相似文献   

律师文化建设是2000年我国律师行业提出的一个新发展目标。由于多方面原因,我国律师行业相对欧美国家发展缓慢,同时学术界对我国律师文化的理解存在着一些误区。这不仅对我国律师文化的建设产生影响,还会给律师行业的发展产生危害。根据当前情况,亟需提高律师自身素质,从而正确引导律师文化和律师文化建设,保持律师行业的良性发展。  相似文献   

律师文化建设是2000年我国律师行业提出的一个新发展目标。由于多方面原因,我国律师行业相对欧美国家发展缓慢,同时学术界时我国律师文化的理解存在着一些误区。这不仅对我国律师文化的建设产生影响,还会给律师行业的发展产生危害。根据当前情况,亟需提高律师自身素质,从而正确引导律师文化和律师文化建设,保持律师行业的良性发展。  相似文献   

2013年1月16日下午.由北京德恒律师事务所主办的“法律服务和社会责任研讨会”在北京举行.来自全国的法律理论与实务界代表500多人出席。研讨会围绕中国特色社会主义法治建设与法律服务的关系.律师的社会责任和律师文化建设,社会主义核心价值体系和律师职业核心价值观以及中国特色的律师之路等作了深入讨论。司法部副部长张苏军出席会议并讲话。  相似文献   

律师执业技巧的概念和特征律师执业技巧是律师在法律规定的范围内,为当事人提供法律服务,开展各项具体业务的一般熟练技能。它属于律师法学的分支学科──律师实务学的范畴。律师实务学以律师各项业务活动的基本原理、工作实践、方法、规则、技巧等为研究对象。而律师执业技巧这一专门课题,则仅仅是以律师各项业务实践的熟练技能为研究对象,旨在发现和总结巧妙地解决律师实务疑难的技能,使其推而广之能为众多律师掌握和应用。律师执业技巧具有以下特征:1.实际运用的可操作性。律师执业技巧既然是律师实务学这门应用性学科中的一个课…  相似文献   

The topic of this paper is the population exchange that took place between the Turkish and Greek states in the 1920s. The socio political conditions that led to the exchange, the official agreements between the two states, the real experiences of the immigrants, the regulations of the Turkish state, the ignorance of the Turkish state and academia about the exchange, the socio-economic effects of the exchange on life in Anatolia are the topics mentioned and in this article. The basic aim of this paper is to reintroduce the topic, which seems to be put aside, in a systematic manner based on the referenced books. Another aim is to stress its importance for the nationalization process for both Turkish and Greek lands. The major concern here is life in Anatolia. Therefore, it is claimed that the population exchange was very effective in nationalization of the population, economy and culture in Anatolia. How the immigrants took part in nationalization and how nationalization provided them a way of constructing their identity are explained. It is argued that the nationalism of the young Turkish Republic provided the immigrants with a possibility to construct their identity in a way to differentiate themselves from the native Turks. The socio economic impact of the population exchange on life in Anatolia is so big that this forgotten topic deserves to be dwelled upon. Therefore, it is stated that in order to understand the nationalization and socio-economic development of Anatolia the population exchange of the 1920s should be studied and understood in more detail.  相似文献   

This article makes a critical assessment of legal education in Nigeria, focusing on the standard of hiring for the teaching of law as a career in the country. Legal academics are hired based upon an accreditation standard that requires a vocational qualification determined through a call to the Nigerian Bar. The article argues that making a vocational qualification a criterion for academic appointment – apart from other achievements demonstrated through higher law degrees – inhibits innovation in teaching and learning and needs to change. This change is premised on three reasons: the growth of interdisciplinary legal scholarship; the trend in the legal marketplace; and the correlation between a law faculty and a department of religion. And it concludes with some proposals to think about for a more scholarly approach towards the teaching of law within Nigerian academia. The aim of this article is to inform the essential dichotomy between legal scholarship and practice, and the transnational aspirations of legal academics, for those involved in the development of law teaching and study, as well as those concerned with educational policy and administration around the world.  相似文献   

The Bar of England & Wales, like the wider legal profession, does not reflect the society it serves. The current data published by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) suggests a profile in relation to gender and ethnicity that gives serious cause for concern. As regards additional diversity characteristics, the BSB (and others) have accepted that the existing datasets are not wholly reliable because of poor response rates to associated diversity questionnaires. In 2011, the Legal Services Board (LSB) introduced mandatory guidance that obliged its daughter regulators to put into place rules that relate to diversity monitoring and reporting across the legal profession. This paper is concerned with how the BSB has operationalised that statutory guidance in respect of the Bar. Drawing on data gathered from the websites of 160 chambers, I show significant non-compliance with the reporting rule, and question both how the BSB itself reports on diversity data and the drafting of the reporting rule. I ask whether non-compliance is partly a function of the complexity seen in how the BSB has made operational the LSB’s reporting requirements. My data also suggests that the BSB should target its enforcement and educational approaches to the reporting rule to small and medium sized chambers.  相似文献   

The main challenge encountered by the law profession in Palestine throughout its 100-year history is the division over political lines. The split started with the establishment of the Palestinian Jewish and Arab Bar Associations under British rule before 1948. The division took another form of separation between Palestinian lawyers in the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel between 1948 and 1967. Under Israeli occupation (1967–1994), lawyers were partitioned into three factions: striking lawyers who affiliated with the Jordanian Bar Association, practicing lawyers who formed the Arab Lawyers Union, and the Gaza lawyers who founded the Lawyers Society. Together these three bodies formed the transitional council of a Palestinian Bar in 1997. Since the 2003 Bar election, lawyers have been unified under the Palestinian Bar Association, which has become a well-established body, notwithstanding all the challenges facing not only the law profession but also the country as a whole.  相似文献   

藏区习惯法“回潮”问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藏族习惯法作为"活法",依然作用于藏区社会,学术界对这种"回潮"现象的秩序功能和文化价值也是众说纷纭。本文从维护藏族地区社会稳定的角度出发,从藏族习惯法的历史渊源入手,分析了它在现实社会中"回潮"的历史、文化、信仰以及社会方面的原因,提出了扬弃与调适的对策建议。  相似文献   

律师社会心理是行业文化的内在潜质,有组织地、科学地对其加以修养调适,是在中国该项朝阳产业发展到一定规模后各方面亟待规范的治理之本;培育健康的律师文化以使之成为社会先进文化的特殊组成部分,是主管机关及行业协会的历史责任。  相似文献   

Since the late nineteenth century, universities have been regarded as useful sources of technological development to stimulate economic activity. Therefore, many governments have encouraged research collaborations between universities and industries. A consequence of such collaboration in Korea, however, is that university researchers have difficulty claiming ownership of their technological developments. Typical contracts used in academia in Korea have biased benefits for industries. Research and development contract agreements that decrease negotiation efforts between the sectors of academia and industry are essential to increase the efficiency of industry-academia collaborations. In order to determine an optimal contract design, we use conjoint analysis of four attributes, including policies of ownership and compensation, indemnity responsibility, patent application and maintenance fees, and publication restrictions. The resulting preferences take into account the perspectives of both industry and academia. We expect our approach to contribute to increasingly healthy collaborations between industry and academia, which in turn will benefit industrial competition as well as the Korean economy.  相似文献   

Based on empirical evidence from in-depth interviews with barristers and other chambers’ staff, this paper investigates the development of marketing at the Bar of England and Wales since the removal of the advertising ban by the Bar Council in 1990. Marketing has developed in the context of an increasingly competitive market, structural reforms and legal aid cuts. The engagement of marketing consultants, together with a growing array of marketing initiatives, is transforming the cultural landscape at the Bar and is now integral to structural and organisational changes within chambers. This paper analyses the marketing models and techniques that are being deployed and how these developments are reworking traditional notions of legal professionalism. Barristers have had to acquire new skills, marking a shift from the notion of an independent, self-employed practitioner to the new ‘entrepreneurial barrister’. It further examines conflicting evidence on professional attitudes to marketing and its efficacy, despite heavy investment of time and money.  相似文献   

满族是东北地区少数民族中的重要一支,曾经在中国历史上留下过浓墨重彩的一笔。长期以来,在国家法一元论的思想下,学术界忽视了对少数民族尤其是东北地区的少数民族的法文化和法律制度的研究,从法文化学的视角对满族进行研究在我国更属空白。以法文化学的研究方法为切入点,对萨满教影响下的满族传统社会中的神判制度进行分析,探讨其独特的法律价值追求。  相似文献   

The presentation of expert testimony via live audio-visual communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As part of a national effort to improve efficiency in court procedures, the American Bar Association has recommended, on the basis of a number of pilot studies, increased use of current audio-visual technology, such as telephone and live video communication, to eliminate delays caused by unavailability of participants in both civil and criminal procedures. Although these recommendations were made to facilitate court proceedings, and for the convenience of attorneys and judges, they also have the potential to save significant time for clinical expert witnesses as well. The author reviews the studies of telephone testimony that were done by the American Bar Association and other legal research groups, as well as the experience in one state forensic evaluation and treatment center. He also reviewed the case law on the issue of remote testimony. He then presents data from a national survey of state attorneys general concerning the admissibility of testimony via audio-visual means, including video depositions. Finally, he concludes that the option to testify by telephone provides a significant savings in precious clinical time for forensic clinicians in public facilities, and urges that such clinicians work actively to convince courts and/or legislatures in states that do not permit such testimony (currently the majority), to consider accepting it, to improve the effective use of scarce clinical resources in public facilities.  相似文献   

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