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2008年5月,普京卸任俄罗斯联邦总统后,以新一届政府总理的身份,正式出任俄罗斯最大政党统一俄罗斯党的主席,不仅执掌国家杜马三分之二的绝对多数席位和多数地方议会,而且使“政权党”统一俄罗斯党成为了事实上的执政党,从而有力地推动了俄罗斯政党政治的发展。回顾普京执政八年来,为了维护国家的稳定和打造高效顺畅的权力体系,大力推进政党体制改革,促进政党发育,理顺政党格局,规范政党秩序,俄罗斯政党政治终于结束了叶利钦时期混乱无序的局面,逐步走向规范、稳定、有序。从这个意义上说,普京时期政党政治的发展奠定了俄罗斯真正意义上的多党制基础。  相似文献   

普京2012年再任俄罗斯总统后加快了政党改革的步伐,因而俄罗斯政党政治版图出现了明显的新变化,大批新政党获准登记注册,成为合法政党;普京总统拟推出的政党改革新举措——恢复国家杜马混合选举制度,必将引起俄罗斯政党政治格局的巨大变化;拟于2013年9月举行的新一轮地区选举,对于正在变动中的政党体制来说,是引人注目的重要考验.  相似文献   

自实行多党制以来,坦桑尼亚革命党的角色发生了重要转变,主要表现为从宪政型政党向议会型政党转变、从动员型政党向参与型政党转变、从克里斯玛型政党向法理型政党转变。坦桑尼亚革命党大体适应了这一转变,在先后五次选举中赢得胜利。与此同时,在经济增长、全球化、城镇化、人口变迁和教育发展等结构性力量的推动下,坦桑尼亚的政党竞争变得更加激烈,革命党将面临更为严峻的竞争和挑战。坦桑尼亚革命党不仅需要经历角色转变的重大考验,而且面临着发展经济、改善民生、执政能力建设以及解决桑给巴尔问题等严峻挑战。  相似文献   

俄罗斯联邦第四届国家杜马选举即将举行,这是今年俄政治生活中的大事。为便于读者了解俄各派政治力量竞选的情况,本刊特编发如下一组文章。这些文章从不同角度介绍了俄共和右翼政党的竞选主张,并提供了有关俄目前政党状况的新资料。关于俄中派政党——“统一俄罗斯”党的情况,可参考本刊今年第5期李兴耕的文章。  相似文献   

新一届杜马选举后的俄罗斯政局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年12月6日,俄罗斯第五届国家杜马选举结束。俄罗斯中央选举委员会主席丘罗夫宣布,“统一俄罗斯”党获得64.3%的选票。在450席的新一届国家杜马中,“统一俄罗斯”党将占据315席,超过2/3的绝对多数席位,从而形成一党主导的政党政治格局。这次选举的结果是:普京总统的社会政治基础得到最大程度的巩固和加强,普京的总统接班人进入克里姆林宫已成定局。  相似文献   

从2009超级大选年看德国左翼党   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年因为在德国要举行一系列重要选举而被称为"超级大选年".在这个超级大选年里,在原东德执政党--统一社会党基础上建立起来的德国左翼党的崛起,对于德国各个政党以及政党体制产生了巨大影响.本文分析了德国左翼党的历史渊源、发展过程以及目前面临的问题与挑战,从一个重要侧面反映了德国政治的现状,尤其是以社会主义为目标的政党在德国的发展.  相似文献   

9月16日,希腊新民主党在议会选举中获胜,蝉联执政,希政治格局保持稳定。9月17日,俄罗斯自由民主党召开第19次代表大会,确定了年底国家杜马选举中继续保持主要政党地位的目标。9月17日,塞拉利昂全国人民大会党赢得总统选举和议会选举双重胜利。塞政坛呈现两大政党交替执政的  相似文献   

2005年11月26日,“统一俄罗斯”党在俄国西伯利亚地区的克拉斯诺亚尔斯克市召开了第六次代表大会。该党目前是俄国最大的政党,得到普京总统的全力支持,因此社会舆论十分关注这次大会的召开。参加“统一俄罗斯”党第六次代表大会的有561名代表和400位嘉宾。乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦、意大利、爱沙尼亚、立陶宛、亚美尼亚等国的一些政党以及中国共产党的代表出席会议。普京总统专门向大会发来贺词,希望这次大会“使党得到进一步加强,扩大党的社会影响,吸引新的拥护者”①。“统一俄罗斯”党主席、国家杜马主席格雷兹洛夫在会上作了题为《从稳定走向发展:“统一俄罗斯”党的政治方针》的主题报告。现把大会涉及的主要问题简单介绍如下。  相似文献   

许开轶 《当代世界》2008,(12):46-49
威权政治即“已经取得政治独立的国家或地区,在其现代化的起步阶段,也是市场经济发展的初期出现的,形式上保留了选举、代议制、政党等民主政治形式,但实际上限制公民政治自由、高度集权的一种过渡性政治形态。”在世界现代化进程中,威权政治形态曾出现于德国、俄罗斯、日本、西班牙、葡萄牙,以及东亚等国家和地区,而拉丁美洲现代化进程中的威权政治则是最具典型意义。拉丁美洲在发展中国家和地区中现代化起步最早,从19世纪上半叶开始至今已经将近二个世纪的时间。  相似文献   

从2012年起,统一俄罗斯党内形成了"社会平台"、"爱国主义平台"和"自由主义平台"三个政治平台,代表了左、中、右三种不同倾向。它们在遵守党的纲领和章程、拥护普京路线的前提下,在思想观点和政策主张上存在一些分歧,在党内扮演了展开讨论的平台、联系不同社会群体的桥梁、立法倡议的推动者、选举活动的参加者角色,在党的决策过程和政治活动中发挥了举足轻重的作用。统一俄罗斯党试图通过这一措施加强党内各派力量的团结,形成有效的互动机制,扩大党的社会基础和影响力。  相似文献   

The future of the European Union has never been more in doubt than at the very moment it has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its historical accomplishments. When the heads of Europe's weakest institutions—the Commission, the Council and the Parliament—collected the prize in Oslo on December 10, 2012 they spotlighted the nub of the problem. Unless these institutions can garner the legitimacy of European citizens and transform into a real federal union with common fiscal and economic policies to complement the single currency, Europe will remain at the mercy of global financial markets and the fiscally authoritarian dictates of its strongest state, Germany. Moving beyond this state of affairs was the focus of a recent “town hall” gathering in Berlin sponsored by the Berggruen Institute on Governance. The meeting brought together current power brokers—such as the contending voices of German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble and French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici, who rarely appear in public together—as well as Europe's top former leaders, key thinkers and young people who will govern in the future. The peace‐building project of the European Union was born out of the ashes of World War II and the anguish of the Cold War. Yet, as George Soros points out, its current inability to resolve the eurocrisis by forging greater union is dividing Europe once again, this time between creditors and debtors. Former Greek premier George Papandreou has warned that this division is fomenting a new politics of fear that is giving rise to the same kind of xenophobic movements that fueled the extreme politics of the Nazi era. To avoid a repeat of the last calamitous century, Europe first of all needs a growth strategy both to escape the “debt trap” it is in—and which austerity alone will only deepen—and to create breathing space for the tough structural reforms that can make Europe as a whole competitive again in a globalized world. To sustain reform, it needs a clear path to legitimacy for the institutions that must govern a federal Europe. The proof that Europe can escape its crisis through a combination of growth, fiscal discipline and structural reform comes from the one country so many want to keep out of the union: Turkey. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan rightfully boasts of Turkey's accomplishments that resulted from the difficult changes carried out after its crisis in 2001—ranging from quickly cleaning up the banks to liberalizing markets to trimming social benefits to make them more affordable in the long run. As a result, Turkey today is the fastest growing economy in the world alongside China with diminished deficit and debt levels that meet the eurozone criteria that many members states themselves cannot today meet. Turkey has even offered a 5 billion euro credit through the IMF for financial aid to Europe. Germany itself also provides some lessons for the rest of Europe. The obvious reason Germany rules today is because it is the most globally competitive country in the European Union. That is the result of a series of reforms that were implemented starting in 2003 under the leadership of then‐chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Aimed a bolstering Germany's industrial base and its collateral small and medium enterprises which are the foundation of its middle class society, those reforms introduced more labor flexibility and trimmed benefits to make them sustainably affordable while investing in training, maintaining skills and research and development. Even if Europe's individual nation states can shrink imbalances by following Turkey and Germany in getting their act together, the only ultimate way to save the euro, and thus Europe itself, is to build the complementary governing institutions at the European level. For those institutions to become effective, they must be empowered and legitimated by European citizens themselves. To this end, Tony Blair has suggested a bold move: the direct election of a European president. Symbolically, the Oslo ceremonies were a historical turning point for Europe. By recognizing the European Union's peace‐making past, the Nobel Prize challenged Europe to escape once and for all the destructive pull of narrow national interests and passions.  相似文献   

庞大鹏 《当代世界》2010,(10):46-49
当代俄罗斯的政体是新权威主义下的宪政民主体制。它的特点是在俄罗斯的政治实践中逐步形成了一种保持宪政民主政体形式并实行总统统一领导的权力体制和管理方式。但"梅普组合"的出现不得不让人们重新深入审视和分析俄罗斯的这种政治体制。这是一种以个人威望为基础的总统集中管理模式,又恰恰是政局稳定和国家安定的关键。当今的俄罗斯政治仍然是精英政治。  相似文献   

亚里士多德虽然把政治学列为"科学"之一,但其"实践科学"的特性,使之对个别性、偶然性保留了更为开放的态度,并且把超越理性的慎思明断作为政治教育的终极目标。在亚里士多德的意义上说,近代以来政治学的"科学化"实际上是一种使其"形而上学"化的历程,它在追求普遍性和确定性的同时,极大地限制了政治学的视野;在使政治学技术化的同时,忽略了政治智慧的意义。要克服当下政治学研究中的缺欠,就有必要在某种意义上回归到亚里士多德。  相似文献   

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