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劳动幸福是一种客观状态,对劳动幸福观测维度的测量有助于有针对性地提高劳动幸福程度。劳动幸福可以从四个观测维度进行测量,分别是劳动发展维度、劳动解放维度、劳动尊严维度以及劳动基础条件维度。这四个维度相互联系、互为因果,共同促进劳动幸福程度的提高。根据这样的理论建构,研究设计了"劳动幸福问卷”,对来自全国的样本进行了网络在线调查。分析结果显示,劳动幸福四维度之间具有正相关关系,符合本研究的理论建构。这说明“劳动幸福问卷”在总体上是可用的,是一个可靠和可信的研究工具。  相似文献   

幸福企业就是能够满足职工幸福需要的企业,其核心文化和典型特征是"以人为本"。幸福企业创建是模范劳动关系和谐企业活动内涵的拓展和品质的提升。创建幸福企业在本质上是职工以追求幸福为目的的价值创造活动。职工获得感的产生,是在企业发展过程中生发的,是在职工同企业相互作用互动之中形成的。企业工会在打造创建幸福企业中肩负神圣责任,有独特优势,新常态下可通过提升职工政治上的主人感、工作上的成就感、生活上的满意感、精神上的丰足感、人际上的和谐感,创建幸福企业。  相似文献   

莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖后,央视记者董倩对他进行了专访。董倩问:"您幸福吗?"莫言回答:"我不知道。"董倩引导:"绝大多数人觉得您这个时候应该高兴,应该幸福。"莫言回答:"幸福就是什么都不想,一切都放下,身体健康,精神没有任何压力才幸福。我现在压力很大,忧虑忡忡,能幸福吗?但是我要说我不幸福,你就会说太装了吧,刚得了诺贝尔奖还不幸福。"  相似文献   

余淑君 《工友》2013,(6):58-58
人们对幸福的感受,其实与外界关系不大。只要心态调节好了,无论身处什么境遇,都能感到安乐幸福。"境缘无好丑,好丑在于心。"人们对幸福的感受,其实与外界关系不大。只要心态调节好了,无论身处什么境遇,都能感到安乐幸福。让我们一起来分享轻松面对生活的九种心态吧。  相似文献   

与友人清谈,忽而就扯到了"幸福"二字上。什么是幸福?记得陪儿子一起看动画片《宝莲灯》时,幼年的沉香与妈妈一起泛舟湖上,妈妈回答他说:"妈妈与沉香在一起就是幸福。"当时就被这句话给征服了。极简单的话语里道尽了幸福的本质与内涵。幸福应该就是一种感觉,一种自我满足的状态。  相似文献   

杨盛龙 《工友》2014,(3):5-5
正劳动是伟大的。劳动创造了人类,人类通过劳动创造出物质文明和精神文明。劳动是光荣的,值得大笔书写和歌颂。工作着是美好的,人在劳动中创造并幸福着。我们歌唱劳动,赞美劳动。劳动和创造使人快乐,使人幸福。有专门的劳动节日,有受特别表彰奖励的荣誉极高的劳动模范。然而,我们通常将劳动形而上、片面化,在相当长时期里将体力劳动视为劳动,脑力劳动不算劳动。"劳动人民"这名词的对立面是"剥削  相似文献   

黄磊-初当警察被“追捕”很难想像黄磊饰演的警察会是怎样一种形象,他在以住的作品中,给观众留下的最多的是文雅、多情的印象。电视连续剧《橘子红了》,正是这种印象,对观众,尤其是女观众产生了持久的吸引力。黄磊完成  相似文献   

肖珂 《时代风采》2012,(12):2-13
11月26日上午,昆明碧空万里,阳光明媚;雄伟的海埂会堂前,鲜花盛开、鼓乐齐鸣;庄严肃穆的报告厅里,悬挂着红色的"云南省工会第十一次代表大会"的会标,后幕正中是中国工会的会徽,二楼的眺台上,巨幅"深入学习贯彻党的十八大精神团结动员广大职工为建设开放富裕文明幸福新云南而努力奋斗"的横标引人注目。9时30分,在庄严的国歌声中,云南省工会第十一次代表大会隆重开幕。中共云南省委书记、省人大常委会主任  相似文献   

何正龙 《工友》2014,(1):36-37
正走近员工公认的湖北电信"最美工会干部"赵慧荣,你会发现,在荆州电信"十大优秀管理者"、"湖北省工会创先争优标兵"、"湖北省五一劳动奖章"、湖北省工会第十二次代表大会代表等耀眼荣誉背后,是她数年如一日刻苦学习的执着,是她工作中睿智出众的才能,是她热忱服务心系员工的情怀。她的幸福很简单:"每次对员工的关爱、付出,他们很快乐的时候,我就  相似文献   

雷燕 《工友》2013,(6):54-54
"书中自有颜如玉书中自有黄金屋",早在宋朝赵恒就为读书人指明了出处,宋真宗赵恒御笔亲做《励学篇》迷醉天下士子者,几近千年。"读书破万卷,下笔如有神。"书籍是了望世界的窗口,读书首先就是为了拥有丰富的知识,一本好书会告诉你生活、科学、做人等多方面的知识。一本坏书也能改变一个孩子的命运、破坏一个家庭的幸福。其实人生又何尝不是如此呢?一个人在对的时间选择了对的人生,你就会成就一世、精彩一生;而在对的时间选择了错的人生,你就会伤心  相似文献   

This study examines whether parents have the prerequisite knowledge about police interrogation that would allow them to compensate for youths’ knowledge deficits, protect their interests, and buffer against their vulnerability to coercion. A racially diverse urban/suburban convenience sample of 77 11- to 13-year-olds, 46 14- to 15-year-olds, and 47 16- to 17-year-olds and their parents completed a semi-structured interview on knowledge of legal rights and police practices. Results show that parents know more than younger adolescents about components of the Miranda warning and its behavioral implications but do not necessarily know more about police strategy or the parameters of parental protection. Age and socioeconomic status were associated with youths’ risk for poor knowledge. Among parents, IQ, race, and the child’s age predicted risk classification. Parent IQ, socioeconomic status, and youths’ justice experience, race, and age predicted whether families were classified as at risk for poor knowledge. The results question legal assumptions about parents’ capacity for protecting youths’ interests without intervention.
Jennifer L. WoolardEmail:

Jennifer L. Woolard   is an assistant professor of psychology at Georgetown University. She received her Ph.D. in developmental and community psychology from the University of Virginia. Her major research interests include police interrogation of juveniles, culpability, the attorney-client relationship, and the role of parents in adolescents’ legal decision making. Hayley M. D. Cleary   is a doctoral candidate in Developmental Science at Georgetown University. She received her M.PP. in public policy from Georgetown University. Her research examines youths’ attitudes about police and legal authorities, police interrogation of juvenile suspects, and adolescents’ legal decision making. Samantha A. S. Harvell   is also a doctoral candidate in Developmental Science at Georgetown University. She received her M.PP. in public policy from Georgetown University. Her research assesses procedural justice mechanisms in adolescence, the attorney-client relationship in juvenile cases, and parental involvement in legal decision making. Rusan Chen   is a Senior Statistician at Georgetown University. He received his Ph.D. in quantitative psychology from Tulane University. He is interested in behavioral research methodology and psychometrics.  相似文献   

Most research on trends in physical aggression has shown declining levels among adolescents during the past two decades. However, few studies have attempted to explain such time trends. Based on two representative cross-sectional surveys of students in the final year of high school in 2007 (N?=?6631; 58.8% girls) and 2015 (N?=?4145; 60.3% girls), this study reports a substantial decline in physical aggression among Norwegian adolescents. Moreover, mediation analyses show that declining levels in problematic alcohol use and family violence during the same period are plausible explanations for some of this reduction. The results are discussed in light of contemporary changes in socialization of adolescents, and implications for violence prevention are presented.  相似文献   

Prior research demonstrates negative consequences of racism, however, little is known about community, parenting, and intrapersonal mechanisms that protect youth. Using a mixed-methods approach, this study illuminated linkages between positive and negative contextual influences on rural African American adolescent outcomes. Quantitative results provide support for Structural Ecosystems Theory, in that the influence of discrimination and collective socialization on adolescent outcomes was mediated by racial socialization and positive parenting. Parenting and community influences contributed to adolescent racial identity and self image, which protected against common negative responses to racism; including academic underachievement, succumbing to peer pressure, and aggressive tendencies. Qualitative results indicate that current measures of discrimination may underestimate adolescents’ experiences. Adolescents reported racist experiences in the domains of school, peers, and with the police (males only). Moreover, qualitative findings echoed and expanded quantitative results with respect to the importance of the protective nature of parents and communities.
Cady BerkelEmail:

Jane Campion and Gerard Lee’s miniseries Top of the Lake (2013) marked New Zealand-born but Australian resident Campion’s return to New Zealand for the first time since The Piano (1993). The show’s central subject of child sexual abuse by state officials echoes the different yet resonating political situations in twenty-first century Australia and New Zealand, a state of emergency that allows for the emergence of what Rebecca Solnit (2009) calls a ‘disaster community’. Implicitly addressing critiques of her colonialist gaze in the earlier film, the miniseries both decolonises the idea of the utopian no-place and offers an alternate, emplaced vision of relational, anti-colonial provisional utopia through the main, mirroring female characters, Detective Robin Griffin and her half-sister Tui Mitcham. In contrast to contemporaneous police procedurals focussed on lone female officers, Top of the Lake rejects the authority of the police state and offers a resolution aslant that critiques generic expectations of individual heroism and resolution within a legal framework. Looking specifically at how the show knows its place—Lake Wakatipu on South Island, New Zealand—the article offers a close reading of Top of the Lake’s formal critique of the male colonial gaze and its adoption of a feminist soundscape in relation to Campion’s oeuvre; and considers its politics through indigenous media theory, to argue that it marks an initial step towards a decolonisation of viewing practices in relation to feminist conceptions of utopia.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the personological features of moral judgment and to determine the extent to which principled moral reasoning is politically biased. We also attempted to determine the relation between moral judgment and attitude to authority and the developmental patterning of attitude to authority from early to late adolescence. Attitude to authority was assessed in terms of specific sources of authority (mother, father, police, government) and by the Attitude to Authority Scale, which assesses attitudes along the liberal-conservative political continuum. The conservative personality syndrome was assessed by the Conservatism Scale, while moral judgment was assessed by the Defining Issues Test. The results indicated that moral reasoning is unrelated to attitudes to specific sources of authority and negatively related to political conservatism and to conservative personality features. Attitudes toward sources of personal authority (mother, father) were more similar than attitudes toward impersonal authority (police, government), though attitudes toward Father were related to attitudes toward Government and Police. Age trends showed that younger adolescents are more politically conservative and more conforming to authority than older adolescents. Results are discussed in terms of the political and personological features of Kohlbergian moral judgment and in light of recent research on the transformation of adolescent-parent relations in adolescence.  相似文献   


The idea that women lie about rape is a long standing rape myth with little or no supporting evidence. Previous research has demonstrated a belief in high levels of false allegations among police officers, despite no evidence to suggest rape is falsely reported more than other crimes. This has implications for complainants’ willingness to report sexual violations, for the treatment of complainants within the justice system, and wider societal understandings about what constitutes rape. The data that informs this paper comes from an Economic and Social Research Council-funded study that focussed on rape attrition and the institutional response to rape. Forty in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with serving police officers in a UK force who regularly deal with reported cases of rape, and explored perceptions, practices and processes around rape. The research found police officers’ estimate of false allegations varies widely from 5 to 90%. The paper will discuss how police officers make judgements about perceived veracity of complainants in rape cases. This will demonstrate that whilst significant progress has been made in how police officers and police forces respond to rape, gender stereotypes about women as deceitful, vengeful and ultimately regretful of sexual encounters, continue to pervade the thinking of some officers. It will show that police officers differentiate between ‘types’ of reports they consider to be false, and operate with a notional ‘hierarchy’ of presumed false allegations that ranges from vengeful/malicious to mistaken/confused, with a corresponding reducing level of culpability attributed to women for the supposedly false allegation. It concludes that this serves to reinforce a culture that both supports and reproduces gender inequality and its manifestation in the form of sexual violence, and that intervention, training and institutional and policy frameworks are not wholly successful in addressing sexual violence in this context.  相似文献   

Although school security measures have become a common fixture in public schools across the United States, research on the relationship between security and adolescent victimization is mixed, with very few studies examining trends in adolescent victimization across time. Using two waves of data from the Educational Longitudinal Study 2002 (N?=?7659; 50.6% female; 56.7% White, 13.3% Black, 13.5% Hispanic, 11.3% Asian American, 5.4% other race), results from a series of multi-level models demonstrate that adolescents in schools with more security measures report higher odds of being threatened with harm, and no difference in odds of being in a physical altercation or having something stolen over time. Although prior research has established racial disparities in using school security measures, results demonstrate inconsistent patterns in the extent to which adolescents’ race conditions the relationship between security and victimization. The findings are discussed in light of existing theoretical and empirical work, and implications for both research and practice are offered.  相似文献   

人口老龄化是贯穿我国 21 世纪的基本国情。从 2006 年养老服务业这一概念首次在政府层面提 出至今,我国养老服务业在探寻符合中国特色的发展模式中逐步成长,特别是“十三五”以来我国在养老服务 业改革上取得了若干突破性进展。但总体来看,我国养老服务业发展仍处于初级阶段,明确属性上“事业”与“产 业”的合理边界、政府职能上“有限权利”与“有效权利”的合理边界、体系构架上“家庭功能”与“社会功能” 的合理边界、宏观政策上“动态调整”与“连续性”的合理边界,是深化我国养老服务业改革必须面对的关键问题。 面对新趋势和新要求,我国必须立足现实基础、需求结构和发展趋势,以改革为主线,在建立健全养老服务业 体系上加快走出一条符合中国特色的发展道路。  相似文献   

This is a reflection on the visual installation piece, Hanging On, produced collaboratively for the Feminist Legal Studies ‘At the Kitchen Table’ zine in 2016. The author and co-artist considers the research that informed and helped conceptually drive the aesthetics of the piece, including academic research on abortion within literary aesthetics. How these concepts ‘translated’ into hands-on artistic practice and physical materials is discussed, including the difficulties and knowledge gained from the process. The author finally considers the benefits of such interdisciplinary, aesthetic encounters within contemporary feminist knowledge production.  相似文献   

A purposively recruited, ethnically diverse sample (N = 27) of young adolescents and their mothers in domestic violence shelters described adolescents' coping responses during adult intimate partner violence as part of a qualitative study using Life Story methods. Findings revealed competing demands and several responses, including: leaving home, collaborating with family members for safety, calling police, verbally or physically intervening, seeking help outside the family, and palliative responses. Participants provided context-rich accounts of coping and coping goals during violence, including information on help-seeking and police involvement. Implications are discussed for future research and developing interventions to improve safety and psychological outcomes.  相似文献   

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