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Our Daily Bread: The Peasant Question and Family Farming in the Colombian Andes, by Nola Reinhardt. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1988. Pp.xv + 308. US$35.

This review article considers a number of problems which arise from an incorrect theorisation of the agrarian question. Instead of a transformation in which some peasants become small capitalists and others de facto workers, rural change is said to involve an absolute opposition: in economic terms the whole peasantry either dissolves or persists. Since the former is clearly not the case, the continued existence of peasants in Colombia is attributed by the book under review to their economic efficiency. Its essentialist framework therefore conceptualises all peasants as a uniform body of commodity producers, rather than as internally differentiated strata incorporating disparate class elements. In contrast to this neo‐populist approach, it is suggested here that capitalist peasants and de facto proletarians are indeed present — but not recognised as such ‐ in the context studied.  相似文献   

Walter Benjamin's signature hypothesis of 'dialectics at a standstill' rehearsed in his 'Theoretics of Knowledge, Theories of Progress' permits visual images to be elasticized from a then condition in history and culture to a now site of contemporary reality in order to be critiqued in their entirety. Putting this hypothesis to the test, Rajan juxtaposes two late eighteenth-century works of art by East India Company Painters with two late twentieth-century films by Mira Nair and Deepa Mehta to trace trajectories of orientalized desire and unspeakable pleasure as relayed along a woman's body. In all four instances, the central image of woman continues to be an insistent signifier that embodies social values, cultural prejudices and artistic ideals, which, in turn, provide critical, valuable insights into constructions of gendered, aestheticized and sexualized femininity. The image of woman , thus dialectically read, reveals that it is not simply the male colonizer who is always already the oppressor, as is the common assumption, but rather that woman as an abject signifier can be merchandised even by enlightened, postcolonial women. Such a ravaged image of woman remains, therefore, a fixed trope in the hands of male and female artists, traversing coloniality and postcoloniality, and crossing over from art to cinema, with little chance of emancipation. One strategy to grant woman full agency requires the contemporary, feminist viewer to take responsibility and couple aesthetics with an ethical tenor. According to Benjamin, ethics thus defined is a matter of personalized aesthetics. This means that each one of us is entrusted with the responsibility of demanding accountability in the creation of visual culture such that images that demean femininity, disembody female subjectivity, objectify female pleasure and delegitimize desire be judged inappropriate, as incorrect or unappealing visual images and as unavailable for appropriation.  相似文献   

元宇宙实现了物理空间、数字空间、心理空间的全面连接与三元融合,人类的生产生活场域将 从物理空间延伸到数字空间,人类认知世界与改造世界的方式将更多依赖虚实交互与数据驱动。相比当今社会, 元宇宙劳动将实现劳动对象从有形物到无形物、劳动主体从机器辅助向人机协同、劳动方式从固定属性向跨越 虚实、劳动关系从单一线性到多元弹性的转变。元宇宙劳动将实现生产力的重要突破与生产关系的重大革新, 但其带来的问题与风险也将跨越物理与现实,引发虚实混淆的异化风险、新型劳动下的权益保障问题、智能化 浪潮下的权责之问等挑战。元宇宙劳动作为人类社会未来劳动形态的重要发展趋势,有必要加快政策设计,构 建可信可控的技术发展机制,建立更具韧性的劳动力市场,完善贯通虚实的新业态权责体系,在充分激活其发 展潜力的同时前瞻性地防范化解风险。  相似文献   

首都职工素质教育工程是发展先进生产力、先进文化的基础工程,是维护广大职工群众的学习权、发展权和其他精神文化权益的民心工程。从新世纪新阶段我国经济社会发展的战略全局出发,围绕制度完善、管理强化、内容充实,积极推进首都职工素质教育工程长效机制建设是十分重要的。积极探讨通用能力阶段的教学内容与方式,突出时代感和使命感,加强针对性和层次性,带动拓展力和延伸力,使首都职工素质教育工程更加充分体现时代进步的要求、基层发展的需求和广大职工的渴求。  相似文献   

Unlike other religious movements, Sufi orders rarely preach ideologies of either nationalism or religious nationalism. Sufi annual pilgrimages and festivals are open and inclusive: they cut across provincial and even national borders. They gather followers traversing vast distances across the entire country to the order's centre. This feature of movement in and across space, and of gendered, ethnic, regional and caste mixing, the paper argues, creates networks of devotees criss-crossing Pakistan, connecting villages, workplaces and large organisations. Pilgrims come together in amity, and in doing so create the grounds for nation building. Women take an active part in these pilgrimages and celebrations, and visit the lodge as supplicants seeking help for a variety of afflictions. In connecting people and spaces across the whole of Pakistan, rich and poor, men and women, Punjabis, Sindhis, Pathans, Baluchis and Muhajirs, Sufi orders thus reach out beyond the local to create the performative and embodied experience of moral relations between strangers, arguably the essential pre-condition and grounds of nationhood, without explicitly articulating ideologies of nationalism or of a global ummah.  相似文献   

随着数字经济的飞速发展,网约用工模式越来越普遍,我国涉网约工劳动争议日益凸显,已成为影响劳动关系和谐的突出新问题之一。网约用工因其保留了一定的劳动关系特征,又与劳务关系、承揽关系等民事法律关系具有一定的相似性,加上相关法律法规滞后和电子证据适用较难,以及网约工群体的规模性和劳动方式的相似性等原因,使涉网约工劳动争议与传统劳动争议相比,具有争议焦点新、涉案主体多、争议解决难、社会影响大等典型特征。为促进劳动关系和谐稳定和数字经济的持续健康发展,本研究建议:各级党政、互联网平台及关联用工企业、相关行业协会、网约工及工会组织共同参与,科学合理化解矛盾,形成共建共享共治、高效化解相关劳动争议的新格局。  相似文献   

This essay considers how the current compulsion to digital reproduction – the urge to digitize, network, and online previously not-online materials – offers researchers of and within queer circuits the opportunity to defamiliarize and denaturalize our participation in academic systems of exploitation and to reorient our work towards decolonizing research economies, habits, protocols, and relationships. It takes the Cabaret Commons, the authors’ speculative digital archive of and for trans- feminist and queer (TFQ) grassroots performance scenes in Canada, Mexico, and the United States, as its point of departure. The authors frame TFQ performance and party scenes as negotiated intimacies, cultivating ethics of vulnerability and risk, which operate within and as networked intimate publics. Reading across decolonial, queer, feminist, and trans- ethics and methods, this essay revisits the value of ephemerality, of strategic evaporation, non-storage, and forgetting in online research contexts.  相似文献   

科学发展观视野下高校女教师发展的基本内涵,应包括个体素质的全面发展、协调发展、可持续性发展及发展的统筹兼顾。高校女教师发展存在着诸多优势和困境,导致困境的因素包括知识女性的角色定位、其性别义务与自我发展的矛盾、社会的双重评判标准、生存环境的导向性规则等。高校女教师发展的实现,有待于社会观念的更新、政策的倾斜、环境的支持,更有待于女教师自我意识和独立能力的提高。  相似文献   

This paper critically assesses the metabolic rift as a social, ecological, and historical concept describing the disruption of natural cycles and processes and ruptures in material human-nature relations under capitalism. As a social concept, the metabolic rift presumes that metabolism is understood in relation to the labour process. This conception, however, privileges the organisation of labour to the exclusion of the practice of labour, which we argue challenges its utility for analysing contemporary socio-environmental crises. As an ecological concept, the metabolic rift is based on outmoded understandings of (agro) ecosystems and inadequately describes relations and interactions between labour and ecological processes. Historically, the metabolic rift is integral to debates about the definitions and relations of capitalism, industrialism, and modernity as historical concepts. At the same time, it gives rise to an epistemic rift, insofar as the separation of the natural and social worlds comes to be expressed in social thought and critical theory, which have one-sidedly focused on the social. We argue that a reunification of the social and the ecological, in historical practice and in historical thought, is the key to repairing the metabolic rift, both conceptually and practically. The food sovereignty movement in this respect is exemplary.  相似文献   

在梳理国内外学者关于农业转移人口市民化的理论研究、综合研究、社区和区域研究、次级群体研究及关系研究的基础上,就相关理论的完善、研究内容和研究方法的更新、内涵的界定、途径的拓展、类型研究的丰富等方面,提出未来研究的建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the shifting role of South African farmers, agribusiness and capital elsewhere in the Southern African region and the rest of the continent. It explores recent trends in this expansion, and investigates the interests and agendas shaping such deals, and the ideologies and discourses of legitimation employed in favour of them. While for the past two decades small numbers of South African farmers have moved to Mozambique, Zambia and several other countries, this trend seems to be undergoing both a quantitative and a qualitative shift. Whereas in the past their migration was largely individual or in small groups, now it is being more centrally organised and coordinated, is more frequently taking the form of large concessions for newly formed consortia and agribusinesses, and is increasingly reliant on external financing through transnational partnerships. By early 2010, the commercial farmers' association Agri South Africa (AgriSA) was engaged in negotiations for land acquisitions with the governments of 22 African countries. This essay is the product of a scoping study to document and analyse major land acquisitions by South African farmers and agribusinesses, and the processes through which these have occurred and are occurring. It considers the changing character, scale and location of South African investments elsewhere in the region and the continent, and focuses specifically on the AgriSA-Congo deal (the largest deal concluded thus far), and acquisitions by the two South African sugar giants, Illovo and Tongaat-Hulett, for outgrower and estate expansion elsewhere in the region. The study addresses the degree to which South Africa is no longer merely exporting its farmers, but also its value chains, to the rest of the continent – and what this means for trajectories of agrarian change. It questions how we might understand the growing trend of ‘intra-regional land grabbing’ and, in the cases discussed, suggests that South African-based companies are acting as arteries of global capital.  相似文献   

构建服务职工工会工作体系是新时代赋予工会的神圣责任,是工会履行竭诚服务职工基本职责 的时代体现,也是推动职工实现体面劳动、舒心工作、全面发展的有效路径。构建新时代服务职工工会工作体 系必须以习近平总书记关于工人阶级和工会工作的重要论述为指导思想,以全心全意依靠工人阶级为指导方针, 以坚持党的领导、以职工为中心、一切从实际出发等为原则,具有系统性、层次性、调整性等特征。鉴于此, 本研究认为,构建新时代服务职工工会工作体系要充分彰显该体系的价值性、保障性和激励性,不断提高工会 组织的吸引力、凝聚力和战斗力,工会组织要正确处理服务资源增量和存量之间的辩证关系,坚持客观评价原则, 推动常态构建,加强工会干部队伍专业化建设。  相似文献   

In response to five essays (including the historiographical introduction) written in her honour, Luisa Passerini offers precise commentary and wide-ranging reflections on the different authors’ applications of such key concepts as subjectivity, intersubjectivity, memory, narration, love, utopia, and ego-histoire. Mixing the intellectual, emotional, professional, and personal, she considers the varied implications of the transnational and multigenerational panel of scholars whose respective contributions address Mennonite refugee women's food memories; testimonies by far-left Chilean women tortured by the military dictatorship after the 1973 coup; memories of the war between East and West Pakistan, and India and Pakistan; and a self-reflexive re-visitation of her career-encompassing work.  相似文献   

韩炳哲将过度化生产、超负荷劳作和数字信息大爆炸所造成的个体疲乏与困倦的当代社会称为“倦怠社会”。倦怠社会是一个功绩社会、积极社会而非懒惰社会、消极社会,工作积极主义成为个人的精神政治学,自我加速和自我施暴成为倦怠社会成功的关键。在倦怠社会,自我精神暴力疾病日益突出,积极消费、娱乐主义成为化解倦怠的至上之选。然而,倦怠社会的劳动美学却表现出三种困境:作为整体存在论的劳动美学与作为个体生存论的劳动倦怠之困,作为技术决定论的劳动美学与作为自我生成论的劳动观念之困,神圣时间下的倦怠社会的时间辩证法之困。只有通过树立马克思主义的生活观和劳动观,弱化自我加速和功绩主体的定位,防止数字劳动的畸形,主动建构抵消数字资本、技术平台牵制的生活模式,回归美好生活的实质,才能构建劳动美和生活美。  相似文献   

In this article the author explores the ways Grace McDougall, Commandant of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY), and Flora Sandes, Captain and combatant in the Serbian Army, negotiated gender, class and national identity and enhanced women’s claim to personal and collective power during their work at the Front during the First World War. The author analyses Sandes and McDougall’s writings and their accounts of personal heroism and focuses on two aspects: first, their participation in the physical dangers of war and the creation of audacious stories of physical bravery that aligned them with male combatants; and second, their performance of ingenuity, intellect and action that gave them power, status and credibility, and consolidated their leadership and authority. In their different ways, both women modelled resistance to female subordination and made the case for women’s participation in war.  相似文献   

北京市部分国有企业收入分配问题的调查与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,国有企业经营者与职工收入差距呈逐渐拉大趋势。国企职工工资水平低、增幅小,与社会平均工资渐行渐远。造成这一现状的主要原因是:企业自主分配权限失范,职工民主参与渠道不畅,市场机制调节偏离轨道,政府监控指导收效甚微。为此,应通过加大政府宏观调控力度、规范企业经营者收入分配与监控机制、建立企业职工工资正常增长机制等措施,来改善国有企业收入分配差距过大的问题。  相似文献   

劳动与共同体是马克思主义哲学关注与思考的核心问题,人的幸福是二者统一性的现实体现, 人类社会共同体的构建必然经由劳动而得以完成。马克思从劳动本体论出发,通过对劳动的定义和异化劳动的 批判,阐明了劳动哲学之质,并借由劳动与人自由的权利、自我的确证与发展的需要,表达了劳动幸福的价值 旨归。在此理论前提下,以劳动作为人的自由全面发展之逻辑起点与人类社会共同体历史构建的基本依据,通 过主体客体化和客体主体化的双向运动,将人与人之自我同构、人与自然生命共同体、人与人类命运共同体的 统一性关系历史地构建起来,从而实现全部人对幸福的原初追求,使人类社会成为幸福的共同体。  相似文献   

随着"一带一路"战略不断推进,越来越多的中国企业走出国门,为我国经济发展做出贡献,也推动了东道国的经济发展。同时,"走出去"的境外中资企业由于受东道国法律限制,无法按照中国模式组建工会,多数当地员工参加了当地工会组织,产生许多问题。为实现工会工作对境外企业的有效覆盖,调动中外双方员工的积极性,中国有色矿业集团有限公司工会在民主管理、劳动竞赛、安全生产、维护员工权益以及建立沟通对话机制等方面进行了积极的探索,提供了可资借鉴的成功经验。  相似文献   

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