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构建和谐世界离不开全球民族问题的解决。全球化背景下,世界民族主义出现了新动态,不同类型的民族主义呈现分化走势,即极端民族主义受到一定程度的遏制,而求生存图发展的经济民族主义和文化民族主义出现了强化态势;各民族国家以和平方式解决民族问题成为大势所趋;霸权主义和强权政治虽然有发展苗头,但国际社会的反霸斗争也在加强;极端民族主义诉诸恐怖主义手段的抗争方式短期内不会杜绝。因此,构建和谐世界任重而道远,需要国际社会的共同努力。  相似文献   

丛日云  马涛 《探索与争鸣》2023,(10):55-80+178
当代西方发达国家正在迈向后民族主义社会。民族、民族国家和民族主义,是现代个人在萌发和成长的早期超越天然的血缘、地缘等小共同体的束缚而将情感归属与政治忠诚投向更大的共同体的结果。具有权利、尊严与平等意识的现代个人的出现,带来了现代个人主义的价值革命,也推动了以族裔、文化和政治认同为基础的三位一体的现代民族国家认同的形成。而日益以自我为中心,追求更多自由选择、自我表现和自我解放的后现代个人的产生,掀起了后现代主义价值革命。后现代主义者颠覆了现代个人与共同体的关系,将民族或民族国家视为束缚和压迫的力量。后现代主义政治和知识精英们以多元文化主义解构现代民族主体文化,以身份政治和超国家政治解构民族国家族裔属性,同时后民族主义者积极构想后民族国家建制,试图建构抽空了族裔和文化内涵的政治共同体作为后现代人的家园,推动了西方的后民族主义转向。这导致后现代主义的西方个人归属感丧失,国家凝聚力下降,国家族裔和文化根基被蛀空,自由民主活力枯竭,国家面临衰败和解体的风险。在民族国家组成的国际秩序中,其竞争力也受到削弱。重新审视民族国家和民族主义的内涵和价值,认识西方后民族主义的困境,有助于辨清西方文明演变的趋...  相似文献   

"第一国际"为什么会解散?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪六七十年代全球化与欧洲、北美国家工业化的新发展推动产生第一国际,同时在此背景下现代民族、民族主义的勃兴又成为第一国际出现分裂、最终走向解体的重要原因。"现代国家"普遍建立和巩固进一步削弱了第一国际内部联合的力量,使民族立场、国家立场成为各国工人组织的基本主张。从此以后,国际共产主义运动不断受到"狭隘的民族观点"的不良影响。  相似文献   

所谓现代南北经济关系,是指现代帝国主义国家与发展中民族主义国家之间的关系。它是资本主义世界两种主要的国际经济关系之一。正确认识现代南北经济关系的性质,对于发展中国家大力发展对外经济关系与壮大本国民族经济,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

如何认识当前中国的民族主义思潮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦宣 《人民论坛》2012,(3):34-35
民族主义热度:观点与主张:民族主义是民族共同体成员对本民族的热爱和对民族生存与发展的追求与理想。中国当代民族主义抵制崇洋媚外心理;维护国家利益,维护国家统一;实现反对霸权主义,维护世界和平,建设和谐世界。  相似文献   

民族主义对当代国际关系的影响 徐万胜在《解放军外语学院学报》1995年第3期撰文,分析了民族主义的历史演变过程,冷战后民族主义问题的突出及其原因之后,指出两极格局结束以后,意识形态对立与社会制度对立的因素急剧下降,民族主义成为影响当前国际关系的主要因素之一。在国际政治进程中,民族主义既可以是国家统一的力量,也可能是国家解体的力量。民族国家数量大增,使国际政治在更大的程度上成为调整民族利益的过程;民族主义使国  相似文献   

民族主义是伴随资本主义的发展而出现的,20世纪资本全球化的加速发展,对民族主义产生了重大影响,既推动着民族主义的发展,同时又与民族主义形成尖锐矛盾.如何应对资本全球化与民族主义的矛盾是构建和谐国际社会的关键.  相似文献   

近代中国西南国界线变迁与跨界民族身份认同的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任何一个民族国家都会本能地从民族主义的角度来看待自身和外部世界,其最根本的指导思想就是民族主义.美国亦不例外,不仅如此,民族主义在美国是很有影响的.应当说,美国的独立战争实际上就是民族主义的产物,美利坚民族要摆脱大不列颠民族的统治与压迫.而从美国建立至今,美国民族主义则大致经历了三个阶段.文章将在简要探讨美国民族主义特征的基础上,具体论述美国民族主义的形成及其发展过程,并由此总结出一个扩张主题.  相似文献   

吕永红 《理论月刊》2012,(10):133-136
随着现代民族国家建构的完成,民族主义的声誉江河日下,反思民族主义成为理论界重要的研究课题。耶尔.塔米尔的《自由主义的民族主义》在追求民族视野的同时保持对一整套自由主义信仰的信念的推动下,试图依据自由主义的一套价值来反思、评价以及建构一种新的民族主义理论,其实质是一种反思的自由主义。  相似文献   

范若兰 《思想战线》2006,32(1):20-25
殖民地、第三世界国家民族主义和女权主义在社会性别观念变化、妇女解放运动和民族解放运动高涨、民族国家建立和发展等方面都发挥了重要作用。但是由于民族主义在争取民族独立中的主导地位和女权主义的从属地位,决定了第三世界国家的妇女解放主要是由民族主义、民族国家和男性主导的,难以达到真正的男女平等和妇女解放。  相似文献   

试论江泽民国际战略论述的理论体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江泽民同志在气势恢宏的战略谋划和卓有成效的外交实践中 ,提出了一系列国际战略新论述。首先 ,在国际战略全局形势和发展趋势的判断上 ,提出了对当今时代主题、国际关系根本特征、世界格局和经济全球化等问题的全新认识 ;其次 ,对我国的国际战略地位和作用作出新的判断 ;第三 ,在前两者的基础上对我国国际战略政策理论作出一系列创新和发展。包括国际战略指导思想、国际安全观、建立国际新秩序、履行大国责任和义务、调整改善大国关系、防止“西化”、“分化”、增强综合国力等等 ,从而形成了新时期有中国特色的国际战略理论体系。  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which China's ‘Fourth generation’ leadership might be inclined to place a greater emphasis on nationalist rhetoric both in China's international relations and in domestic policy. It explores two different views of nationalism, namely state-centred and popular. With the decline in the public impact of official ideology, the Party–state has given tacit recognition to nationalism as one potential source of regime legitimisation. However, this article argues that by placing the Party at the centre of the official discourse the state-centred view of nationalism restricts the extent to which the Party–state can mobilise nationalist symbolism in support of its leadership and makes the Party vulnerable to criticism from more popular conceptions of nationalism. The priority given to developing the economy means China's leaders must downplay popular criticism which can focus on the negative consequences of China's growing interaction with the wider world. Under China's ‘Fourth generation’ leadership this tension may deepen. China's new leadership are unlikely to resort to ‘wrapping themselves in the flag’ as some commentators have suggested.  相似文献   

Zhou Yongming 《当代中国》2005,14(44):543-562
This article focuses on the so-called ‘military websites’ in Chinese cyberspace to examine the complexity of contemporary Chinese nationalism. By pointing out the fact that the majority of members of military websites are well educated and well informed, yet nationalistic and anti-Western, the author argues that the key factor in shaping their nationalist thinking is the formation of a new interest-driven game-playing paradigm in the past two decades which the Chinese use to interpret national policies and international relations today. Ironically, much of the new interpretative framework has been borrowed from Western concepts and ideas, including Comprehensive National Power, National Interests, and Rules of the Game. Equipped with this new paradigm to interpret the received information and look at the world, the more informed Chinese are the more nationalist they may be, as demonstrated by the responses to the plane bugging incident by Chinese net surfers.  相似文献   

This article assesses the rise of China by exploring a number of recent popular Chinese political texts to go beyond explanations that take the international system as the level of analysis. It proposes that a merging of nationalism and geopolitical thinking is taking place, resulting in the emergence of a new form of nationalism that can be categorised as ‘geopolitik nationalism’ because it deploys many of the themes evident in the political thought of Germany and Japan before the two world wars. By considering the impact of such ideas, it is possible to gain new insights into recent assertive actions in Chinese foreign policy.  相似文献   

Jia Qingguo 《当代中国》2005,14(42):11-21
With the rise of China, the importance of understanding Chinese nationalism increases. Assessing Chinese nationalism, many people claim that it has grown stronger and more intense in recent years. Some believe that this is the case because the Chinese Government deliberately promotes nationalism to serve its own purposes. This paper argues that the reality with Chinese nationalism is much more complicated than many assume. It has grown stronger in some respects but weaker in others. The role of the Chinese Government is at best mixed. In explaining the development of Chinese nationalism, one needs to look at external as well as internal and historical causes. Only by doing so can one gain a fuller and more balanced understanding of this intriguing phenomenon.  相似文献   

从一个国际视角来看,“中国梦”与世界的和平发展有着密切联系.“中国梦”的提出不仅对中华民族的复兴和中国的外交事业发展有着重大的指导意义,而且对推动世界和平发展产生重大影响,其实现也离不开一个有利的国际环境.当前,“中国梦”的实现正处于重要战略机遇期,国际环境中既有诸多挑战,也存在很多机遇.为此,中国未来的外交事业应当顺应世界潮流,结合自身现实,积极调整规划战略,为“中国梦”的实现打造一个有利的国际环境.  相似文献   

Brantly Womack 《当代中国》2004,13(39):351-366
Since 1986 the concept of multipolarity has played a key role in China's analysis of the world order, evolving from a critique of bipolarity in the late Cold War period into a critique of American unipolarity. Although multipolarity is empirically correct in its questioning of the superpower's capacity for domination and it is ethically attractive in its insistence on international cooperation, it does not address the real problems created by the disparity of power in international affairs. Asymmetry theory is a new paradigm that addresses the effects of national disparities on international relations. It argues that asymmetry inevitably creates differences in risk perception, attention and interactive behavior between states, and that it can lead to a vicious circle of systemic misperception. Despite such tensions, however, the international order is quite stable, and even asymmetric relations can rarely be forced by the stronger side. Asymmetry confirms multipolarity's critique of unipolarity's exaggerated claim to absolute power, and suggests a theory of international leadership based on negotiated relationships that avoid the systemic misperceptions that asymmetry encourages.  相似文献   

Allen Carlson 《当代中国》2011,20(68):89-102
This article examines recent trends in the evolution of elite Chinese foreign policy discussions about the normative organizing principles that should ground contemporary international politics. It finds that a pragmatic emphasis on sovereignty, albeit as a right which is flexible and far from sacrosanct, still maintains a core position within Chinese thinking in this regard. However, at the same time, a surprising reconstitution of an old world view has begun to take shape in China. More specifically, the tianxia (all-under-heaven) concept has emerged as a new reference point for some Chinese deliberations on the normative structure of international relations. While such a perspective is still of secondary importance within Chinese international relations circles, its emergence suggests that a potentially far-reaching, if still inchoate, reconsideration of international order is underway in China. Moreover, such a development may have broad ranging implications for the security dynamic that takes shape in Asia in the coming years.  相似文献   

中华文化发展至今,已经历经了千年时光的冲刷,汇聚了来自五湖四海的多民族文化,逐渐成为国际文化中一簇璀璨的星团,彰显着我国不可忽视的国际地位。少数民族文化是这一星团中一颗颗耀眼的星光,有很强的民族象征性。在开放的国际格局下,诸多艺术设计都包含着少数民族文化的缩影。本文结合对少数民族文化的概述,以及与艺术之间的关系分析,从衣着、美术、建筑设计和舞蹈创作中详细阐述民族文化在艺术中的发展历程。  相似文献   

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