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卢进伟 《人民论坛》2012,(26):106-107
学生伤害事故是学生在学校教育活动中所发生的人身伤害事故,学生伤害事故可分为学校责任事故,第三责任事故和学校意外事故三类。学校伤害事故的责任认定包括适用过错责任原则的情形,适用公平责任原则的情形和学校不承担责任的情形三种情况,理清并明确事故中的法律责任,对于维护各方成员的正当利益具有现实意义。  相似文献   

近年,学校体育意外伤害事故急剧增多,事故的类型呈现多样性。许多事故发生以后,因为没有针对性的法律法规进行约束或制裁,大都会将学校作为赔偿的主要责任人,致使学校在开展体育工作时畏首畏尾,也影响了正常的教学秩序。本文试对学校体育意外伤害事故进行法律研究,以期有效保证学校、学生和体育教师的合法权益,便于学校正常开展体育教学活动。概念及分类学校体育意外伤害事故是指学生在进行学校组织的体育活动(包括体育课、课外体育活动、课余训练和体育竞赛)或者在学校组织的校外体育活动中,以及学生在学校负有责任的体育场所、设施内自发进行的体育活动中发生意外并造成身体伤害的事故。校方责任事故。在学校的体育教学活动中,由于学校或者体育教师的过失而引起事故的,学  相似文献   

学校体育活动的性质决定了体育活动具有伤害事故发生的可能性和风险性。然而,我国目前并没有专门针对学校体育伤害事故方面的法律。因此,应从法律层面上明确责任,正确预防和处理伤害事故。这对于学校正常开展体育活动、实施课程改革、维护学校体育教师和学生的合法权益,以及保障国家教育方针的顺利执行都有重要意义。学校体育伤害事故的构成要件第一,受害人必须是学生。包括各类学校的学生,既包括全日制的学生,也包括非全日制的学生,而且受到损害的主体只能是在学校体育活动中  相似文献   

正学生意外伤害事故是对学校发展危害较大、影响深远的普遍性问题,主要表现在事故的多发性、损害结果的严重性、学校赔偿的无力性等方面,严重阻碍了学校正常教育教学活动的开展。在国家推进依法治国的进程中,有必要进一步明确学校意外伤害事故中学校的责任,从而保护个人和学校双方合法  相似文献   

上海校园内在校学生伤害事故发生率一度连续攀升,由此引发的纠纷及索赔也与日俱增。为了妥善处理校园内中小学生意外伤害事故,保障学生和学校的合法权益,市十一届人代会期间有众多人大代表提出,希望能尽快制定学生伤害事故处理的地方性法规。由于没有上位法可依,这就给立法增加了难度。  相似文献   

近年,中小学生人身伤害事故呈上升趋势,学校做被告的案件也逐年增多。关于学校承担何种责任,概括起来有两种说法:一种认为应当承担无过错责任,即监护人责任;一种认为应当承担过错责任。2001年7月,上海市人大常委会制定了地方性法规《上海市中小学校学生伤害事故处理条例》(以下简称《处理条例》)。2002年6月,国家教育部制定了行政规章《学生伤害事故处理办法》(以下简称《处理办法》),但由于其法律地位的特殊性,且没有统一各家观点,司法实务中仍是各行其是。因此,如何处理  相似文献   

中小学生在校发生人身伤害事故,不仅带来的是肉体上的痛苦和经济上的损失,更是会给学生本人和整个家庭留下精神创痛,独生子女家庭中这种伤害尤甚。2001年7月13日,市十一届人大常委会第二十九次会议通过了国内首部关于学校学生伤害事故处理的地方性法规——《上海市中小学校学生伤害事故处理条例》,对全国的相关立法具有重要的借鉴意义。然而,随着国家有关人身损害赔偿的法律法规和相关司法解释的颁布和实施,  相似文献   

▲对学生伤害事故的处理有法可依《中国教育报》2003年3月10日报道,拟于2003年9月1日正式实施的《学生伤害事故处理办法》,有关方面提出了一些看法和希望。他们认为,有些条文的规定应进一步细化,以便于理解和操作。如学校设施的标准问题。目前学校的招生人数与教学资源的矛盾非常突出,也是事故隐患。在对学生人身安全的保护中,要解决安全问题与教育理念、教育活动的矛盾,不能因噎废食。学生伤害事故问题是涉及法律、伦理和社会的深层次问题,有些认识和观念的转变还需要进一步地探讨。《办法》有需要进一步关注和探讨的问题:一是效力。做出的…  相似文献   

赵桐 《人民论坛》2012,(36):72-73
高校校园伤害事故常发,已引起社会的关注和重视。处理好学校责任认定问题,对于保护学生及学校的利益非常必要。结合《高等教育法》及《侵权责任法》,探讨高校在什么情况下应承担法律责任,应当依据何种归责原则来确定高校的责任,并对高校伤害事故发生的预防提出建议,具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   

由于中小学生对自己行为的认知能力不及成年人,因此,学生伤害事故多发生在中、小学校。学生伤害事故,是指学生在校期间发生的人身伤害事故。其中包括因学校设备、设施小符合安全使用规定造成的伤害;因教职员工故意或过失的违法行为造成的伤害;因学校对学生疏于管理,学生之间在游戏中或互殴造成的人身伤害等。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to draw on the findings of two related studies about school discipline. The first study, a national survey of school law issues, indicated that over 37% of administrators report handling discipline either frequently or daily. The results of the second study, a content analysis of 64 written codes of conduct commonly used to make discipline decisions, were that these documents were primarily punitive in nature with an emphasis on suspension and expulsion. Implications of the study are that administrators spend excessive time handling discipline issues using punitive policies. Suggestions are made for future research about discipline policies and the ways in which they are used in schools. Implications for the creation of more proactive policies will be made.  相似文献   


Normative school transitions are often accompanied by deterioration in students' socio-emotional, behavioral and academic adjustment, and poorer outcomes in later adolescence and young adulthood. The current paper describes a preventive intervention for students experiencing normative transitions into middle grade schools and junior and senior high schools-the School Transitional Environment Project (STEP). The program is based on a transactional-ecological model of preventive intervention that employs a school restructuring and transformation approach in order to prevent the deleterious effects of school transitions and create school environments that are developmentally enhancing. Core features of STEP seek to change the ecological characteristics of the school setting in ways that: (a) reduce the adaptational demands of coping with flux and complexity in new school settings; (b) increase access to and the provision of important emotional and academic/instrumental support and guidance from school staff and other students; and (c) increase the students' sense of connectedness and belonging within the school. The present paper reviews findings from prior trials of the School Environment Transition Project, and presents the results of two additional STEP studies. The first reports on a long-term follow-up of STEP students who received the project in a large, urban high school that served students whose families were largely on public assistance. Results of this study revealed approximately 50% reductions in drop-out rates and significant positive effects on school performance and attendance patterns. The second study reports on an extension of STEP to junior high schools and middle grade students. Consistent with earlier studies, during the transition year, students in STEP schools reported more positive experiences in school environment dimensions that STEP sought to impact, and better adjustment outcomes than non-STEP students across academic, socio-emotional, and behavioral domains.  相似文献   


This paper provides an analysis of data on school security measures which were obtained from a survey administered to a sample of 230 high school students. The majority of students indicated that the school police officers and security officers help keep the schools safe and that the drug-sniffing dogs help reduce drugs in the schools, but there was no clear consensus among the students on the issues of whether the video surveillance cameras increase safety, whether the police and security officers should search students with metal detectors, or whether there should be more police and security officers in the schools. The only security measure which the majority of students disliked was the policy that all backpacks be translucent. An examination of gender differences in student perceptions of school security measures shows that males were significantly more likely than females to negatively evaluate the school police officers and to oppose the use of metal detectors in the schools. Finally, the data indicate that the aforementioned security strategies have little impact on the presence of drugs and weapons in the schools. The policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Alternative schools offer pregnant and parenting high school students smaller classes, a less stigmatizing environment, and specialized health and social services. Most alternative schools require that students return to their regular public high schools soon after they have delivered. Although students making this postpartum transition face extraordinary challenges, few supportive services are available. As a result, the academic performance of many postpartum students suffers and may eventually lead to high school drop out. Mentoring programs, which are initiated while students are still pregnant, may provide an important bridge between the alternative and regular school settings. Mentoring relationships can ease the stress associated with postpartum school transition and, ultimately, forestall or prevent the academic and social problems typically associated with adolescent pregnancy and parenthood.  相似文献   

Teacher victimization is a relatively understudied phenomenon that may contribute to teacher turnover. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between teacher reports of victimization and teachers leaving their school and the profession. Using nationally representative data (n = 104,840) from the Schools and Staffing Survey, we examine the extent to which being threatened or attacked by students predicts higher rates of teacher turnover and whether this relationship differs due to factors that may promote teacher resilience. We utilize conditional multinomial logistic regression, implicitly controlling for school-by-year fixed effects. Findings suggest that perceived victimization predicts an increased probability of leaving the school and profession. School-level promoters of resilience are found to lessen this relationship. We discuss ways schools can mitigate the impact of victimization. This work contributes to a nascent body of literature on teacher victimization and informs a policy lever by which turnover may be reduced.  相似文献   

文章通过对公安院校学员个性素质状况的测试研究,认为当前公安院校男、女学员与全国普通院校大学生比较存在着非常显著性的差异。其中,公安院校男学员与全国普通院校男大学生的差异尤为显著,反映了公安院校学员个性素质结构的相对独特性。公安院校学员整体个性素质偏低,难以适应未来公安工作压力的现状,由此引发了对公安院校现行管理机制的思考,这将是今后公安院校教育管理深化改革所面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

公安院校实践教学改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公安技术是实践性、经验性和应用性很强的学科。公安教学的实践课是培养学生综合业务素质、实践能力、创新意识和科学研究能力的重要途径。文章以公安教育体制改革为背景,以培养"实用型"公安技术人才为目标,从提高教师的实践能力和业务素质、培养学生的创新思维和求知欲、设计科学合理的实践课程体系等三个方面对公安院校实践教学的改革进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Mexico, like other countries in Latin America, is currently facing significant problems with regard to juvenile antisocial behavior and crime. The current study explores some of the factors associated with school vandalism in public high schools. Multilevel modeling with survey data from 22,345 students from 249 schools, acquired over two years, was used to determine how much variation in the rates of school vandalism exists between and within schools, and to detect individual and contextual characteristics that explain significant proportions of the variance. Results demonstrated significant differences across schools in the rates of student vandalism, most of which were associated with gang involvement, drug use, bullying, no attachment to school rules, and unequal treatment of students by teachers. These results are discussed in relation to the literature on school vandalism, and implications for the prevention of school vandalism are discussed.  相似文献   

公安院校挫折教育刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
挫折教育即有计划、有针对性地对被教育者进行挫折心理分析和疏导 ,旨在锻炼和提高其耐挫能力。挫折教育是素质教育的重要组成部分。公安院校的挫折教育亟待加强 ,公安院校的学生易在适应性、人际关系、择友恋爱、事故灾难、择业就业等方面遭受挫折。挫折教育是社会发展与进步的需要 ,是公安职业生活的需要 ,是人才培养和人才成长的需要。要教育和引导学生确立正确的挫折观 ,通过多种途径和方法培养学生的耐挫能力 ,学习和掌握应对挫折的方法与技巧。  相似文献   

关于高校突发事件的防范与处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校园突发事件关系到社会、学校和学生家庭的稳定与幸福.必须引起各方面的高度重视。通过及时总结经验、不断完善和健全防控机制与组织机构、加强对学生的教育和预防工作,就可以减少甚至消除校园安全事故。  相似文献   

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