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性暴力是对人权和人格尊严的侵犯,给被害者带来身心伤害与痛苦。预防和消除性暴力是国际社会的共同目标。打击和惩治性暴力刑事犯罪,禁止性骚扰,是中国人权保障重点关注的内容。中国在防治性暴力方面取得积极进展。近些年,校园性暴力、女童和留守女性被性侵、职场性骚扰等,一直是媒体和全社会持续关注的热点议题。  相似文献   

袁琳 《求索》2012,(11):142-144
马克思恩格斯在批判与构建中,提出了自成体系的社会建设理论,该理论的形成路径如下:(1)对青年黑格尔派和费尔巴哈进行批判,构建科学的实践观和历史观,确立社会建设理论的唯物史观基础;(2)对资产阶级古典政治经济学进行批判,构建科学的剩余价值理论,确立社会建设理论的经济学基础;(3)对资本主义社会现实进行批判,构建未来社会的基本原则,确立社会建设理论的主要内容;(4)对各种社会思潮进行批判,在革命实践中检验和发展理论,确立社会建设理论的基本特征。该理论对中国特色社会主义社会建设的启示如下:(1)不断推动生产力的发展,构建中国特色社会主义社会建设的物质基础;(2)不断实现人民的利益,是中国特色社会主义社会建设的价值追求;(3)建立多样性社会建设模式,不断推进中国特色社会主义社会建设。  相似文献   

本文通过对南京大屠杀幸存者、目击者个人叙事等资料,将南京大屠杀期间日军对南京女性的性暴力的记忆碎片做一全景式的拼接,让人们了解那些性暴力受害者的身体和心灵曾经遭受过怎样的伤害;另一方面也试图从社会性别的视角,从更深层面分析大屠杀期间的日军性暴力实质,赋女性苦难以女性本体意义。  相似文献   

美国学者对志愿服务进行了广泛研究;在"志愿服务"的概念研究方面,存在着"非正式的"与"正式的"两者之争;在志愿者服务产生的内因研究方面,存在着利己与利他的争论;在志愿服务产生的外因方面,存在着社会结构因素与文化因素的不同分析;在志愿服务的过程研究方面,存在着强化与退出两种过程的不同观点;在志愿服务的结果研究方面,存在着提升个人能力与促进公民社会两种结论。这些研究对于推进我国志愿服务研究发展具有一定启发意义。  相似文献   

基于对提供性服务歌厅的相处式社区考察,文章从主体和情境视角分析了歌厅老板对"小姐"的建构与言说及其不一致的现象,通过解读老板在言及他人时进行信息控制的感性意识和理性选择,阐述了主体建构的理论要点和一般机制:(1)主体建构是内化了社会建构的再建构;(2)当社会建构呈贬抑时,主体建构对内呈顺向弱化或逆向否定建构,对外呈顺向强化建构;(3)当社会建构呈褒扬时,主体建构对内呈顺向强化建构,对外呈顺向弱化或逆向否定建构;(4)主体建构与言说的不一致,是主体在情境中的自我呈现策略。  相似文献   

明清之际,战争频仍,社会秩序严重混乱。女性作为弱势群体在残酷的战争中遭受了肉体与心灵的双重蹂躏。战争期间,女性遭受的性暴力是最令人毛骨悚然的浩劫,性暴力具有施暴者残忍、受害女性人数众多、地域分布广泛等特点。性暴力事件揭示了战争对人性的极端扭曲。  相似文献   

加入世界贸易组织后,我国享有的基本权利:(1)能使我国的产品和服务及知识产权在135个成员中享受无条件、多边、永久和稳定的最惠国待遇以及国民待遇;(2)使我国对大多数发达国家出口的工业品及半制成品享受普惠制待遇;(3)享受发展中国家成员的大多数优惠或过渡期安排;(4)享受其他世贸组织成员开放或扩大货物、服务市场准入的利益;(5)利用世贸组织的争端解决机制,公平、客观、合理地解决与其他国家的经贸摩擦,营造良好的经贸发展环境;(6)参加多边贸易体制的活动获得国际经贸规则的决策权;  相似文献   

犤本刊讯犦由中国青少年研究中心、中国青少年研究会主办的中国青少年研究的国家级学术网站———“中国青少年研究网”(www.cycs.org),于2004年2月15日正式开通试运行。“中国青少年研究网”(www.cycs.org)以“研究青少年,发现青少年,服务青少年”为宗旨,力图在以下方面有所作为:(1)研讨当代中国社会发展中青少年发展的相关问题;(2)展现中国青少年研究的成果和水平;(3)积累中国青少年研究的文献和数据;(4)反映中外青少年研究的动态和信息;(5)介绍中外青少年研究的组织、机构、专家、图书、期刊;(6)凝聚中国青少年研究的队伍和力量;(7)为青…  相似文献   

许多父母称他们的价值观受到自己孩子的影响。然而,仅有很少的研究为此提供直接证据。通过回顾此类研究,我们提出了五种主要的子女影响父母价值观的作用过程:(1)消极的子女影响,指仅因孩子的存在和成长导致父母价值观发生变化;(2)积极的子女影响,指子女意图直接影响其父母的价值观;(3)差异化,指父母自身个人价值观与其社会价值观之间产生的差别;(4)交互影响,指父母与子女的影响交互进行;(5)对立性影响,指父母的价值观变化方向与其子女的价值观方向背道而驰。一项有关子女影响的研究阐释了以上影响过程的一些方面。在此研究中,还对诸如移民(migration)、成长(aging)、父母及子女自身的特征等在子女对父母造成的影响方面也进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文章认为,随着教学向专业学科领域的深度和广度发展,高校读者群体对文献信息的需求不断呈现出新的特点:(一)需求效益化;(二)需求具体化;(三)需求多样化。针对上述特点,这就要求改变信息情报的服务模式。(一)扩展职能,开展信息化服务;(二)重点开发期刊信息化服务;(三)积极开展定题信息化服务。  相似文献   


The sexual victimization of sexual minorities enrolled in college is not a topic that has been well researched. The present study examines the awareness that college minority students have of services they can access in the event they experience sexual violence. The results indicate that many students are unaware of specific services that they can access if they are sexually victimized. Disclosing an incident of sexual violence, or being the recipient of a disclosure of sexual violence, is related to knowledge of aftercare services. Non-White students demonstrate less awareness of services than White students, indicating that these students may not receive aftercare in the event of sexual victimization because they do not have the knowledge of which services are available. Several policy recommendations and directions for future research stem from these findings.  相似文献   


Bystander intervention has been an effective strategy for crime prevention and has been successful in the context of campus sexual assault. Less is known about the extent to which individual-level factors correlate with intervention behavior in situations of intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual harassment. The present study used a sample of 377 undergraduate student surveys on a campus without a bystander intervention program to examine the impact of individual-level participant factors on direct intervention across sexual assault, IPV, and sexual harassment scenarios. Findings demonstrated statistically significant differences where positive bystander attitudes and violence prevention efficacy correlated with direct intervention for sexual assault; positive bystander attitudes, personality extroversion, and exposure to a victim increased intervention behavior in an IPV scenario, and positive bystander attitudes and violence prevention efficacy increased direct intervention and lifetime experience of IPV decreased direct intervention in a sexual harassment scenario. Research and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Given high rates of relationship violence among adolescents, there is a need to understand variables that influence adolescents’ helping behaviors to reduce risk for dating and sexual violence (reactive) and promote prevention before violence happens or risk factors are evident (proactive). The current paper examined individual and school variables related to greater actionism in a large sample of high school students. Baseline, cross-sectional data used in the current analyses were gathered before intervention as part of a prevention program evaluation across 25 high schools in New England from students in grades 9–12 (N= 3,404). Students who self-reported a greater number of proactive actions taken were students who identified as sexual minorities, had a history of victimization, and were in schools with supportive peer norms. The current findings suggest a model for prevention that might include training individuals and attending to school level variables.  相似文献   

作者采用结构式调查问卷方法,于2001年11月至2002年1月在天津、辽宁、河南及陕西地区对1215名自愿要求人工流产的城市妇女进行调查,分析了中国北方部分城市人工流产妇女中家庭暴力发生的相关因素。结果发现,274名调查对象在本次妊娠前或后曾遭受过亲密伴侣的家庭暴力(包括性暴力、躯体暴力和心理暴力),家庭暴力发生率为22.6%。家庭暴力的发生与年龄、教育程度、职业、经济收入均无关联。家庭暴力并非只发生于特定的人群,而是一个普遍存在的社会问题,人流妇女有与暴力有关的生活经历以及与男方关系不良,易增加暴力发生的风险。  相似文献   

This study examined factors related to sexual assault among early adolescents in Japan. During a 6-month period, an anonymous questionnaire survey was distributed to 1,246 students ages 13– 15 years at eight junior high schools. Consent to participation in this study was obtained from a total of 1,125 (90.3%) students. It was found that the prevalence of sexual assault was higher among both female and male students who had sent a message/photo to or met a person they initially contacted via the Internet, while the prevalence was lower among students with a conservative attitude toward sexual activity. In addition, female students who recognized the signs of dating violence had less experience of sexual assault. These findings indicate the need for increased education about the Internet and dating violence for effective prevention of sexual assault.  相似文献   

Within intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault is often subsumed under the heading of physical abuse, but evidence suggests qualitative differences in outcomes when both types of abuse occur. This study explores the cumulative effect of sexual assault and physical abuse by a current or former intimate partner on helpseeking. Using a dataset of 1,072 IPV victims from 8 states, we found that women who had experienced sexual assault in addition to physical abuse (44%) used more help, but were also more likely to say that they did not seek help when they needed it. Among those who were aware of services, fear was the greatest obstacle to reaching out for help. Implications include the need for information on best practices in addressing the sequelae of both physical and sexual assault in victim service agencies.  相似文献   

Previous research has noted higher incidences of sexual violence on campus among members of campus Greeks and athletes and the need to do prevention programs with them. This article presents the results of an exploratory pilot study of a sexual violence prevention program with members of one fraternity, sorority, men's and women's intercollegiate athletic team. The program, experimentally evaluated and found to be effective with a general sample of undergraduates, was used to determine its efficacy specifically with Greeks and athletes. The model on which the program is based calls for prevention efforts that take a wider community approach rather than simply targeting individuals as potential perpetrators or victims. Results from repeated-measures analysis of variance indicate that the program worked overall. Future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

In Italy, numerous studies have been carried out regarding the phenomenon of bullying; however, studies on single incidences of sexual, physical, and psychological victimization at school remain scant. Therefore the aim of this study is to examine the phenomenon of scholastic violence with a broader perspective, as well as all the possible perpetrators including adults. The sample consisted of 277 adolescents (64% female), ranging from grade 6th to 13th (mean age = 13.29, SD = 2.19). Sixty-four percent of the participants were middle school students, the remaining were high school students. Results show that the most commonly reported type of victimization is psychological violence (incidence= 77%), followed by physical (incidence= 52%), and sexual victimization (incidence= 24%). These forms of violence are mainly inflicted by peers. The research confirmed the validity of the tool and its applicability in the Italian context for screening violent behavior at school.  相似文献   


Since the 2014 Not Alone report on campus sexual assault, the use of climate surveys to measure sexual violence on campuses across the United States has increased considerably. The current study utilizes a quasi meta-analysis approach to examine the utility of general campus climate surveys, which include a measure of sexual violence, in comparison to sexual assault specific climate surveys, in measuring student sexual assault experiences. Past research has highlighted the need to not only understand campus sexual assault prevalence rates for the general student population, but also the specific risk posed to more vulnerable populations such as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning/queer community (LGBQ) and Native American students. Results indicate that general campus climate surveys may be underestimating both the sexual victimization of the general student body as well as that of LGBQ and Native American students. Research and policy recommendations that focus on improved measurement of campus sexual assault experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

在人权的视角下,性骚扰与强奸被认定为性暴力。性骚扰作为最新出现的性暴力,由女权主义的“对妇女的性骚扰”发展而来;而当今时代的强奸,则由古代的“强奸妇女”发展而来。无论强奸还是性骚扰,其发展方向都是走向“性别中立”。这有利于妇女的发展。  相似文献   

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